《Angel and Wolf: The Fury》Chapter 13: The Fury


Lani had just watched her brother, her caretaker and her best friend slip into death's grasp. She knew there was nothing that she could do beside trusting the medical experts who were now responsible for his recovery. Her only course of action was to complete the mission.

She turned and walked back to the partially destroyed building. Her AK-74 hung from it’s sling across her chest, her hands trembling with hate. She walked into the building and stepped slowly down the hallway. She listened carefully for any sounds that would indicate movement of any kind besides her own steps. As she paused, she could hear the sound of debris being disturbed under someone's foot. Feeling under her own footing, she knew that her own feet were not stepping on any of the rubble. She heard a faint voice.

‘Fuck this bag is heavy’

She knew exactly where they were. She walked her way up the stairs and drew her pistol. She had been given a PB with subsonic Makarov rounds. Host weapons, best we could get. As she made her way to the floor, she saw two men trying to carry the ruck that Michael had left. One of them turned and saw Lani standing there, pistol in hand glaring them down through her mask. The men stood frozen for a moment, wondering what to do.

One man realized that she was not their friend and reached for his rifle that hung next to him on his sling. Lani’s movement was too quick for visual perception as she leveled off her weapon and fired a shot into his eye. He fell over as Lani immediately shot the next man through the bridge of his nose. That’s not yours, her mind echoed quietly to herself as she walked over to the bag. She threw it over her other ruck and continued walking slowly from room to room to look for any more people.

After a few minutes of walking in and out of rooms, she was satisfied that the building was clear. She went to a room with a window on the fourth floor and set the bags down. As she went to start consolidating materials into one bag, she suddenly began to breathe heavily.

I have to kill the enemy. She opened Michaels ruck and grabbed a pistol case that sat next to a holster. She wrapped the leg strap of the holster to herself and attached the clasp to her belt. Once she adjusted the holster to herself, she opened the box. It was Michael’s 10mm 1911. He calls this a full powered fuck you she thought to herself as she loaded a magazine into it and racked the slide back.

Once she chambered the increased pressure round, she locked the pistol into its holster and started grabbing the magazines and shoving them into pouches on her vest. Once she moved the few more items she needed from Michaels pack, Lani put her own pack back on and began walking with a brisk pace to the stairs and went back down to the ground floor.


As she left the stairs and began to walk to the other building, the few remaining gunmen ducked back in their windows. One of them grabbed a walkie-talkie and keyed out. “This bitch is coming,” he said frantically in Russian, “blowing the building didn’t the female!”

“Then kill her traditionally,” the voice on the other end said, “you’re there to buy time.”

The man swallowed hard and took a breath before keying back in response. “For the chosen.” As he pocketed his radio and turned back to the window, he was shocked to find Lani standing only a few feet in front of him. In a panic, he grabbed his knife and tried to thrust it toward her neck. This proved to be a very bad idea as Lani simply grabbed his wrist and slammed her shoulder into his chest. This dislocated his arm, leaving him vulnerable to be grabbed by the head and slammed into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

The sound of the man being slammed into the wall alerted someone in the next room. Terror took him, preventing him from being able to move his feet. He pointed his rifle at the wall and fired three shots quickly. This was enough to alert everyone else in the building, but it wasn’t enough for his own survival. He turned toward the doorway and waited for someone to come in after him.

Lani heard the shots from the next room over and went to the window. She climbed out and climbed her way to the next room and aimed her borrowed 1911 at the man's head. One very loud rang out, the round blowing through the man's skull and throwing his face in pieces across the door frame and floor in front of him. As she fired, she could feel the raw power of this round try to resist her grip. I can see why he kept this, she thought to herself as she dropped down to the floor below and entered the room through a window.

Men came running to the floor, clambering their way up the stairs as they breached rooms and swept them in their search for Lani. Their mistake however was that they had run to the floor with the shooting. By the time they had reached the third room, Lani had moved down the hall behind them and followed them up the stairs. You fucks dont understand rear security she thought internally as she walked up to the tail member and shot the back of his head through. How unfortunate for you.

The other three men raised their weapons as Lani shifted slightly and fired another shot. This one flew through a shooter's jaw, knocking his head back and sending him down to the floor. As one of the other shooters tried throwing himself backward to get out of the line of fire, Lani aimed down and shot through his stomach. Raising her muzzle back up, she shot the center of the pelvic bone of the next guy. She quickly turned her muzzle to the head of the man with the hole in his stomach and fired one more shot through his eye. She then turned the gun to the man with the shattered pelvic bone and shot through his throat.


She grabbed a magazine from a pouch and with the same hand she gripped the fresh mag, she pinched a couple fingers to the baseplate of the next magazine. She had fired seven rounds, the eighth one having fed itself into the chamber. She inserted the fresh magazine immediately as smooth as she had ejected it. Seeing the empty mag actually being empty, she shook her head as she shoved it in her pocket. When I get back, she thought to herself, I’m getting something double stacked.

Moments later;

Lani stood in front of the man who had his legs tied upward, hanging upside down with his face to the wall. She held her knife and a bottle of kerosene that had been left next to a heater. She poked at his inner thigh gently as he waited for him to wake up.

The man stirred a little bit. Lani kneed him in the back with enough force to break a rib. This caused the man to cry out, writhing in agony as he tried to turn and face Lani.

“I think you can understand me,” Lani said in english to the screaming man, “I wanna ask you something.”

“Fuck you bitch!” he screamed out as he flailed his arms. Lani grabbed a knife that had been on one of the other shooters and gripped it tightly as she placed his wrist against the wall and drove the knife between the bones of his forearm, pinning his arm to the concrete.

“With the day I’ve had,” Lani said in a low growl as she gripped the mans face, “I’m not in the mood for you to say something stupid to me. What are you buying time for?”

“I hope dogs lay rabid babies in your ass you fucking bitch!”

Lani shook her head and stood up, tearing his pants open at the crotch and shoving a wrapped piece of hard plastic tubing into his rectal exit. She had made a funnel to pour the kerosene. “Rabid babies,” Lani repeated back, “I can’t impregnate you but I can leave something better than rabid inside you.” As she said this, she began slowly pouring the kerosene. “Have you ever heard of this alcoholic behavior known as butt-chug?”

The man cried incoherently as he felt the flammable liquid pour into him. He couldn’t thrash about with his arm nailed to the wall, so he began to sob as tears started flowing from his eyes.

“Michael told me about it,” Lani continued as she ignored his tears, “he’s a non drinker but he took someone to the hospital for trying to drink moonshine through their ass. Apparently the rectum absorbs things better than your stomach does.” She finished pouring the kerosene into him and dropped the can next to his head. She grabbed a small plastic packet and poured some water into it. Inside was another packet of dissolvable material with a chemical inside it. She pulled a black latex glove from one of her pockets and put it on her left hand. She immediately began stuffing the plastic into his opening as she removed the funnel. She used her thumb to jam it in as far as she dared to push anything.

The man cried out more as she worked her thumb to push the plastic packet into him. “Please stop!” he shouted, “There’s a ritual at the reactor and an experiment in a lab under the public works building.”

Lani knelt down and patted his head. “Nice of you to tell me that,” she said with half a smile, “but it’s too late. The water in that packet will melt one layer of plastic, which will get really hot and light the kerosene in your ass.” She stood up and walked over to the other side of the room and sat next to her ruck, throwing the glove aside and reaching in with her right hand to dig out a small bottle of soap and hand sanitizer. “I need to wash my hands because you’re a nasty ass. You and your people put my brother in a coma, broke his legs and smashed his arms up. You even fucked up his eye. Good job, nobody’s hurt him that bad ever. But you’re not gonna live to enjoy it.”

The man started laughing as he cried, “Good, fuck him,” he said through what sounded like a mix of cries and laughter, “someone will kill you bitch!”

Lani rolled her eyes as she dried her hands. “Maybe,” she said softly, “but before that happens I might masturbate to your screams in a few seconds.”

As she said this, the kerosene ignited and began burning his body from within. The man screamed loudly, almost enough to pierce the hearing of normal people. Though he burned and writhed about, Lani did not attempt to physically gratify herself to the screams, though she did sit and watch as his suffering eased some of the pain of having come so close once again to losing Michael.

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