《Angel and Wolf: The Fury》Chapter 1: The Cult


Outside the Barn

Lani was shaken slightly as the explosives detonated. Once the debris was finished falling, she got up and ran quickly into the structure, her M4 raised. She found a doorway that hadn’t collapsed and smashed her way through it. As she came through the door, she found some fallen men who had no idea that the explosion that nearly destroyed the house was going to be followed so soon by someone directly attacking the house. One man tried to reach his weapon while a bookshelf kept him trapped on the floor, but Lani was too quick to fire a five shot burst into him.

As Lani moved to cover, she saw someone try to stand. She let loose another five shot burst through their pelvic bone, and three more shots through their head. She heard steps clomping down the stairs. She aimed for the wall and fired through it for about ten shots. As she preemptively reloaded, a man tumbled the rest of the way down the stairs and fell on his face, his head having been shot through twice allowed his skull to break open as he hit the floor.

As she looked around, she could feel as if Michael were there yelling. Gotta keep moving! She moved toward the stairs, keeping her weapon aimed up. We almost got torn up in the basement at this angle she remembered of the house in Germany. As she rounded that corner, she saw a man on his back aiming a pistol at her. She fired half the magazine into her as he fired one shot. That shot missed her, but hers didn’t. The shots tore through his collarbone, his neck and lower half of his head. Fifteen rounds and his head rolled down the stairs.

She made her way up the stairs. She didn’t have that many people upstairs or downstairs to deal with. The house seemed lightly occupied. She found no signs yet of anyone performing some kind of summoning ritual.


Once she finished moving around the upstairs half of the house, she came back down the stairs and looked around some more, moving fast. She stumbled into another doorway, this door was painted black in the crudest and cheapest of ways. She threw the door open and backed away from it quickly as she kept her weapon raised toward it in case someone decided to attack from it. Sure enough, someone opened fire with an automatic shotgun.

A scream could be heard as the shotgunner reloaded his Saiga 12 with a drum, “keep the motherfuckers out!” the five cloaked members holding hands continued to frantically recite their chant while two men aimed weapons up the stairs. In addition to the Saiga 12, there was also a PKM being aimed. The machinegunner started letting off little bursts up the stairs, trying to keep the assault out long enough for the nearly completed ritual to be performed.

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