《Unwritten – The MMO Experience (Season 2)》=== Chapter 11 [Tree]
=== Chapter 11 [Tree]
We entered into another world—this was no longer the beautiful garden we knew from before. It was a spacious location, and blue sky was around us. As we walked on top of pure white puffy clouds, and before us was a gigantic tree, almost as big as the world itself, with many leaves and branches.
When you looked upwards you could barely even see the sky through the foliage on the branches. However, as weird as it may sound, there was no visible light source and the tree didn't cast a shadow. More so, the sun was not present but the airspace was still blue and appeared to shine on its own.
This heavenly space I entered was without comprehension and logic that would originate from the real world. And yet, this was our destination, after all those days of travelling, after all those hours through sleep deprivation...I was still a little dizzy but as for Juger and the others, they looked like they were ready, though everyone was still clueless to what are we supposed to do.
[And so, we arrived at what it appears to be our goal, the centre of all the roots, mother earth itself.
This tree was here from the very beginning and as it grew, so too the branches did, along with the vile.
From it the seed of pandemonium was created, which fertilised the ground to grant wicked powers to the soil.
Those that planted their talents in it soon rooted into their selfish desires and were severed from the mortal realm.]
[So they left their humanity behind and turned into evil beasts that lurk around every corner.
no matter what tomorrow brings, the beauty of it is blemished by never ending cycle of sin.]
[Trust and honestly become the words that were replaced by greed and survival. Those normal,
yet twisted deep inside, humans are the ones that decide about the narrative and meanings.]
[Alas, my dear parents and I might not be one and the same, but I too inherited the sin of weakness.
To fight it and overcome it became my path, and thus even if this lady is heinous, she is also noble.]
[Yea guys, we can definitely do this now! I don't want to live in the world like this either,
so let's cut this tree and go home... whatever happens later is something we will have to deal with.]
So according to what I think is going to happen, without the tree the world might end, whatever that mean. However it looks healthy on the outside—the inside of it is a totally different topic. I'm sure by now, that even there is a lot of things good in the world, we can't just simply stop at them. We have to try, and weed out the garden before it grows into a jungle that, with the exception of monkeys, no one wants live in.
With firm steps we approached the tree, and knowing how this world works... we probably triggered the boss. The branches become more alive, as if the wind blew at them. But there was no current I could feel in the air. Instead, the giant tree become animated, as if it was pulled by strings, and the branches became its hands.
The huge number of its arsenal was impressive and daunting. Looking at it from afar, we wanted to spot a weak point, although it didn't appear like it had any. The barks were equal in density and they did look like they were hard. Hands of that monster were also spaced in a way that it was always able to reach us. But anyway, we had to do something...
[Here it comes! This wretched creature and its ways shall be cut and laid bare.
This black knight will brandish his axe, his hammer of justice that will show the truth.]
And with that our battle commenced. All of us started attacking the branches, as Juger rushed towards the trunk. With each hit the boss seemed unaffected, as we didn't see any visible damages or cuts. Without any effect, soon the hands easily smacked me and others. It did hurt a little, but it was no reason to cry just yet.
With his grapple, our Tank wanted to initiate the attack on the tree, but it wasn't that simple. It seems that you were not able to directly grab the tree—his hand just couldn't get any grip. With Yuki shooting and Havah trying to protect us from hands, I and my lady stayed close to each other, and started to cast our magic spells in hope we would hit multiple targets. But that also had little effect.
What we only managed to do was to make the branches shake a little, and made it drop some fruit. It looked a little like an apple, but we could not know for sure. Additionally it was already rotted and smelt bad. I wanted to move away from the stench but I was forced to a corner by one of the boss' hands.
[If this continues I only need to cut right? Easy, I can just use my dancing style.]
[Just keep them away from me Havah! I really dislike the creepy kind.]
Avaria, who was probably the most confused of the bunch, needed to focus on keeping everyone's alive. However we were all split and our Tank was far away, taking some damage from the tree. I knew that was fine, that he wanted to active his buff, but without a Priest he would die easily afterwards. Additionally...
The rotten fruits that fell down from the tree now emanated a gas of sorts. It was dark and violet, and obviously didn't smell very pleasant either. Fortunately I wasn't anywhere close to then, to the danger, but I couldn't say the same for others. Havah, who were affected started coughing and got a little paler.
That is what happens when you get poisoned I guess? But that was not the only visible effect, because as soon as he came close to Yuki, she started being a little sick herself as well...It was contagious it seems, but on top of that the gas clouds on the ground prevented us from freely moving around.
[You two lovebirds, this lady shall provide assistance so please kindly remain calm.]
[Jeez... I don't know why this is *cough* but I feel sick in real life too.]
[This is just Synapse, don't worry... *choke*help is coming.]
As I was being alone and far from the centre, I couldn't really hit many branches at the same time. If I was to use my Meteor Strike I had to move closer to the middle, but that was not at easy. It had those guarding hands and those rotten clouds... it was hard to see how I would be able...
But then something else happened. Branches that got rid of their fruit had their leaves discoloured, they started to turn less green. It was as if they were turning into autumn-like gold and started being affected by the strange invisible wind. Within seconds it gained speed, and unlike the natural way, the leaves started to fly downward with a swoosh.
Quickly the tides turned and I no longer wanted to move towards the tree. Several honey coloured knifes flew at me, and I had to dodge by moving along the circle. Others were also affected by that attack, especially Avaria. It would be most unfortunate to lose her this early in the fight, because I couldn’t cast healing magic like her.
[Beast of great size like this should behave properly and give this fair lady an easier time.
Autumn perfect for a walk in the park, but this rascal acts uncultured towards women.]
[Just stay there and heal somehow... you can deflect those projectiles right?]
[Yes but not when this lady's gentle face gets slapped by this brute.]
It seemed that we all were getting pretty damaged all over and we needed to do something quick, or this fight would end quickly. If only Juger were able to block the hits from branches for us, we would be in a much better position. But as things are now we can't afford playing solo like this.
With my powers not being useful for the part much, I only tried not to get hit and dodged the attacks. The branches and the leaves were already enough for me, though I didn't feel I would last for much longer. I noticed that the tree itself was getting more barren and soon it would get rid of all its ammunition.
But thinking so I also noticed what was happening with my comrades. Because Avaria finally reached Yuki, she tried to heal her but was unable due to her poison. Afterwards she also got infected and started coughing. Without the ability to restore HP it would just be a matter of time before they would fall to the ground...
Soon, Juger and the others, one by one depleted their health until they could no longer fight any more. The first one to fall was our Rogue, who was quite aggressive in his play style. Following his example, Avaria and Yuki both at similar times fallen to ground, they appeared like if they were having a pleasant dream. And finally our leader would fall, because he refused to heal, not that he was allowed anyway by the relentless hands…
[I'm alone now right? Guys don't worry... I will save you all somehow so stay still.
I know that you can't speak now and I'm technically talking to myself... but listen!
After all we have been through I have decided to walk this path with you, by myself.
That shows that our differences is something we can all overcome, so have hope okay?]
As I said those words, there were no more leaves or the fruits on the ground that produced the miasma. The only object, or rather monster was the boss itself, the giant barren tree that went silent. Without any woodcutters that threaten it, it spared no energy to move or finish its aggressors.
At the same time, the air around me felt chilly all of a sudden. I started to envelop my arms around me, and rubbed myself a little, but it was still cold. On the ground, instead of the puffy white clouds, something resembling snow appeared. When I moved I also left foot prints that disappeared after a while.
Furthermore the visibility got worse and a fog appeared. I could barely see where I was going, and couldn't hear anything but the wind blowing. My running nose sneezed from the freezing breeze, though I was fine in real life, because it was Synapse that made believe so. I was actually fine outside of the game. With my limbs all over my body, stroking and keeping my warmth, I was glad that I had a blanket in real life.
[Avaria... I'm going... *cough* don't worry I'm not going to freeze or anything,
it's just an illusion, a make-believe play... though I wish it wasn't this realistic.]
Perhaps not visibly, but I felt like my strength was depleting with each moment. Not just my legs, but breath leaving me frail and without stamina. That was just the game I told myself, so...eventually I reached my lady, and though I was barely standing myself, I tried to help her. I wanted to squat down but my legs gave up on trying and fallen flat on the ground. With my hand...
[Thank you my dear assistant, even though this might be the only gift I have,
take my healing spell which should restore you to back to full strength.]
[I appropriate the gift but I'm fine... It's something with stamina.]
With us both back on the feet, I wanted to at least help others before something would happened, but we had little time and we got hit with a surprise. The fog around us disappeared slowly, and another mirage appeared before our eyes. It was a brilliant and filled with light carousel.
Around the arena there were horses, fake like the ones you see in a merry-go-round. There were two sets, the one inner and the other—they both had different rotation direction. Furthermore, some tune was playing, but I didn't want to listen because it was getting me a little sleepy to be honest... Well anyway, whatever happened we should be wary of something attacking us again and revive others while we still can.
While Avaria was taking care of Havah, I helped Yuki up. With this only Juger would remain, I thought, but that had to wait because we were already under attack. Several unicorns dashed, and intercepted our way. They were white as snow as well, their hairs shining with a brilliant mystery.
[Are those unicorns now? We have pissed someone off with our aggression,
but I don't care. Let's just shoot this guys too and fishing up the tree after.]
[What marvellous creatures came to see our little play. Very well,
I shall deliver my part with a deadly and beautiful pirouette. Have at you!]
Luckily Avaria and the others were low HP so they didn't think about splitting again. Doing so, they were all the benefactors of her Healing Orb and Benediction. With those effects on, Havah managed not to get downed while receiving his hits, and at the same time he allowed Yuki to strike, which shot down the adversary with a single round. I also started casting my spell to damage them...
Nevertheless I was knocked back along with Yuki. We were split from the party now, and that was bad. More and more unicorns appeared from beyond the merry-go-round. It was crucial for us to deal with them at once, so I started gathering them in one space. This way I could strike them all down with my Meteor Shower...though that seemed naïve. Because of their speed and wildness, it would be hard to keep them all in one place, I noticed.
Luckily Yuki had the same idea and prepared traps for me to draw in the enemy cavalry. The Shock Trap, should be enough to land a hit or two, but we all had to attack to finish them all in one go.
[Hey don't worry about me... I can blink and run, I'm going to survive somehow.]
[Just do it now dammit! Don't run around trying to be a hero you silly little kitten!
You're too cute for that ihihi~ Just get them here, run and we will be rock solid.]
[I never knew words that warm could... well never mind I'm just going to do it!]
[Brr! So cold... Can you stop fooling around?]
I think that was meant to be sarcasm, right? Anyway we managed to create our trap, with the assistance of Havah. He placed his Spring Trap, I had my Rune Prison and Avaria got her Chill Sphere. All of this combined, was probably too much already, but I didn't want to take chances. All of us had their own unicorns chasing them, so we only had to move in the middle and then somehow escape before they all surrounds us and beat us up.
However, we all did have some skills to deal with running away, like Yuki had her Safety Rope or something. With good hope this plan would work, I ran as fast as I could towards the middle of all our traps. Soon met by Yuki, my lady and Havah, we activated the Shock Trap first, quite early as well.
I wanted to jump out with my thunder teleport, but there was still time, so I stayed behind. Others though... they left me. It seems I have become a lonely carrot-on-the-trick in the middle of the shocked horses. Soon enough, their stagger would be over and I could become their breakfast, but that was still too early for that...
[No fear my damsel. I have come to protect you from the harm of these beasts.
Do not fall for their looks for those pale beings without riders are waging war.]
[I see... it's nice to you made it before I was forced to become their princess… thanks.]
[It was your lady who granted me another try, thus you should be thankful to her.]
A Tank was much more suited for this job so I teleported out. At the same time Juger used his skill, Gravity Pull, to gather all the monsters for us to damage. It was very effective, he caught all of them. And so, we only had to throw our AoE skills at the fenced and defenceless monsters. It was not even a challenge—they just died one after another. As for us, we felt once more united and ready for the next phase.
With all of the white haired creatures before us, melting like the snow beneath them, something changed. The ground was no longer cold and I was warming up as well. The light returned, shining more brightly, the fog was no more, but ominous the merry-go-round was running, flashing and the music was playing.
From the ground that appeared we could barely notice little green spots that supposed to be grass. It was slowly rising, as if it was just awaken from a deep sleep. Furthermore the tree itself, or rather its branches, also got greener and little leaves started appearing again. With all this, the air was filled with a soft, alluring and pleasant fragrance of various early spring flowers.
With the colour turning from white to green, rainbow-like foliage also started to appear, growing into a small garden around the boss. It was a colourful array, like a prismatic corsage of gems it gently encircled the tree. Behind it I noticed that lights on merry-go-round actually resembled those flowers if you looked closely.
[This is quite pretty I must say. A simple visionary pleasure to life, the beauty of nature,
and the sweet scent of life. All this is what fills the soul with the energy to grow. Say no more,
I shall give you a graceful dance, one that would even charm the wild animals from a deep forest.]
[You ought to stay put Havah, we are far from done here okay?
Besides I can see your forest dance later right? Ihihi~ if we do it that is...]
But maybe that was too early to speak because the boss didn't want us to rest just yet. I heard a strange sound in the air, but I did see anything. Like a flutter or flapping of wings, there was certainly something in the sky and others looked around. I felt like someone was watching.
The tree itself got greener but the scent of it was still obscured by the flowers around it. There must have been some connection to the sound and the flowers that grew there but...Others appeared just like clueless as me. Still, that didn't stop Juger from doing his thing.
He rushed at the tree, trying to continue dealing damage like he did before. It seems that worked, but also the tree did not protect itself at all. What was it planning I wonder? I had no idea.
[Clearly my darling comrades, the tree itself has given up on its brutality,
and gave us a gorgeous garden for us to enjoy. Isn't it wonderful, yes?
Should we follow this gift of generosity and showed that we bear no ill will,
we can truly feel at ease, here among the flowers and their charm. ohoho~]
[You are joking right... I think it might be too early for me to rest,
but I do feel exhausted due the snow trip earlier... maybe it's fine,
I could use some stamina because I feel it's pretty low now... if not depleted.]
[Hey, you two! Just fire at the boss and we can all rest afterwards okay?
You don't want to give up on now because we clearly making progress here.]
Ignoring our suggestion the rest simply resumed their attack on the tree so we had to join them as well. We used our buffs, like Blessing or Magic shell, and placed them all on Yuki. Because of Avaria, and her Favoritism, it would boost of her sniper rifle’s damage by a huge amount, she was our dps after all.
Furthermore because we could not grapple the boss, Juger couldn't use his speciality effectively. But that didn't matter because we had all our other skills that we could use. With everyone blasting, I tried to use my Meteor Strike finally, but something was amiss, like literally a thing went over our heads.
With all the buffs on the Marksman, she became a target of an attack. Those sounds I have been hearing, I could only see a faint outline of their bodies. They appeared as some kind creatures with wings, that looked human, but there was something eerie about them. They used an iridescent magic powder and spread it all over Yuki.
[Acho! What is this sparkling thing? I kinda feel strange...
Hey don't just stand there, do something about it, okay?]
[Ah but of course I will come to your aid. But without the enemy in sight,
what I am do to? Blindly I shall strike with my dance, thus worry not.]
[Yea thanks for that, I just need to...]
Suddenly, the all mighty and powerful Yuki was charged with strange energy. It rushed through her body, and left the poor girl lying on the grass. She was electrified and left unconscious, but also the light in her...it escaped towards the sky, got absorbed by something and disappeared. I was sure now someone was there.
[Hey don't worry, I will get them with my...]
But then I too got covered with that strange powder. At first I could barely notice any difference and just wanted to sneeze, though later my senses got aroused to the sweet flower nectar, like if someone was pouring it inside of my lips forcibly. My body all got numb—the energy around me was changing and started to itch my skin. By that I mean the buffs I had...They somehow transformed and caused pain to my body. After the magic left my body, I felt like my stomach emptied completely.
After that I guess I don't know how but I was still alive, unlike Yuki who fell down on the spot. Perhaps...it depends on the number of buffs, how much damage do you suffer right? But anyway...It's a pity I didn't get to use that skill again, because now I need to wait for the long cooldown again.
[Here you Yuki, I got your back.]
[Thanks Havah, we should get those things... they are after our buffs.]
Even with knowing our enemy, we were not able to see them, thus it would be difficult to deal with them. So I was thinking...maybe if we gather them all in one spot we will make the outlines more visible? Or least, our ranged attacks would more likely hit...
[Hey we should deal with the adds I think... they will just cause trouble to us.
Let’s group up in one place and see if they follow… it would be easier that way.]
However at the same time something happened to Avaria. She was lifted in the air, by a grapple perhaps? It seems that she didn't want to tech it or didn't do it in time. Whichever was the case, magic enveloped her. It was sparkly and colourful lights than gently carried her arms and hands upwards. Her legs struggled, but that was not helping. She was already too far from the ground, so kicking wouldn't release her.
[I request from you to release at once, my delicate body is not a plaything!]
[Fear not their trickery, for I shall save you from their witchery.]
Easier said than done, it wasn't just the case of helping her, but that she was already out of the Tank's reach. Furthermore something appeared behind her, it was like a crystal, vibrant and shiny wings... butterfly wings. No longer was she carried but flew in the air like the queen of fairies. Her grace left little sparkles and glitter, her eyes and hair were filled with a strange light. This could only mean trouble, I thought, and I saw right...
[So that is the way they treat their guests, how splendid. If it’s so then I accept,
this graceful lady shall become their queen and protect them from the harm.]
[Wait what are you saying? Focus on the battle okay?]
[When I would rather... I must say I'm confused by all those stimulations I'm experiencing right now,
I'm truly sorry. However it appears those invisible creatures are now in my sight, since I was chosen.
Yet I can’t control these wings. I am unable to help, but I can point you where to strike, is that fine?]
[So you were possessed by fairies or something? That's fine... just point them out.]
With that said, we started to chase around the almost invisible shapes pointed out by my lady. Again, without much difficultly we managed to quell them because they couldn’t play any more tricks on us. Even if they wanted to use their powder again we were warned by their queen… I started to feel bad about killing them, since it seems they just wanted to play...
Eventually Avaria pointed out the last one and I used a spell to defeat it. There were no more fairies left. With that my lady descented gracefully onto the ground and her brilliant wings disappeared. She started to fall but I timely arrived to her aid, grabbed her and placed her on the ground.
[Like a queen that had to punish their subject, I feel at loss. To speak of what happened,
I was whispered to take a role of their leader with all the gifts they granted me, which made me fill bliss.
I knew this feeling was a fake one, though I didn't mind... I fell down into my dream and trance,
forgetting about the battle and world. As regretful and pitiful this lady is, please allow her to make up for her gaffe.]
With both on her hands on the ground and kneeling, she wanted to say sorry for her slip of mind. But we really couldn't tell what was happening during that time to her. One thing was for sure. Because this boss didn't fight normally, not only our bodies were tested, but our minds as well.
With the worried faces, everyone knew that just with tactics and brute straighten we will not succeed. Whatever the boss was going to do now, the party just simply didn't care, as it posed no threats so far. However, we also knew that we need not only to survive the mechanics of it, but also the effects of Synapse. Naturally you can just turn that thing off, but if we did I feared that we wouldn’t be able to deal with something like fairies again.
[So it uses Synapse for its mechanics huh...we should keep it on just in case.
Have you guys noticed the fairies? I think we only did because of it so...]
[Hence, it’s better to leave it on? This compassionate lady shall abide with the suggestion.]
All that considered Juger was not listening to me talking with my lady, and started cutting down the tree. Others also joined him after a brief moment. I could only notice by the corner of my eye, the merry-go-round got a little more liver that before it seems. The horses were faster and the lights were flashing strangely, putting me into a trance when I gazed. On top of the music that played I started to feel a little bit dizzy, like someone was talking to me.
While my head hurt, I also felt a slight temperature increase. The grass on the middle of the arena got greened, as well as the leaves on the tree. It was almost like everything blossomed but at the same this was their turn. Once again, the tree woke up and started to swing at us with its arms. We were pushed to the far end of the arena.
[With this continuing, we are back at square one, aren't me?
What a bother, after all this phases it's this one again.]
Everything seemed to be just like Yuki said, but I didn't feel the same. It was something that was echoing my head, telling me to go to sleep and cease fighting. It’s like when you play the games for too long, you get tired, and you head plays tricks on you. Go to bed, it's too late, tomorrow is another day, but you keep playing.
I wasn't quite fortunate because I'm not a coffee drinker, and I couldn't get tea... maybe I should ask my sister? I think she is sleeping already so I can't count on her help—I just have to tough it up. Well that aside, my focus was weakening with every second and I barely dodged the boss' hands that were going after me.
[If we continue like this... we should be able to end this right?
I feel a little tired but I will manage... just be careful okay?]
[And what I was doing all this time Pina? Jeez, you are annoying sometimes,
but you're a cute little scatterbrained ihihi~ Just kidding, keep it together okay?]
[Thanks Yuki I think... I should have a snack hidden somewhere.]
But I couldn't even remember where. On top of that, I couldn't actually stand up from my chair because of several reasons...Still, I hope that I will have the enough energy to finish it before its morning, it was already well past bedtime. Speaking about the sun, it was searing the ground beneath us. It was really hot—I had to drop the blanket.
Furthermore my hands were sweating as well as my forehead was drenched from the driblets. I used my hand, by it didn't become wet. I realised that what I have been experiencing was due to the Synapse, probably, but also it felt a lot more authentic this time. I got me looking at the screen, wondering which world was real. I could sense my hands and my legs moving, and with every step, the ground beneath me, and the air around me made me feel more like I was there.
There... in the middle of a battlefield. As I was dodging and using skills, I felt exactly like my character would, or at least as I imagined it. With fire spells my hands were warm. With the laser, my bones reacted to the impact. As I jumped up, my entire body was floating in the air, my fluttering skirt’s material was caressing gently my thighs, and soon enough I forgot about the Pina inside of my mother’s room.
[Watch out! There is something behind you!]
[Huh? I sense nothing.]
As I turned my head around so naturally, I didn't feel like I was sitting in my chair any more. Naturally you can't twist your neck like that while sitting, unless you have a spinning one, but mine was flat. This not only felt strange to my brain but to my entire body as well. I tried touching my VR set but...
[There was nothing... there?]
Luckily for me, as I was getting confused, I just barely managed to avoid the boss' attack. From behind, the merry-go-round horses got off their stations and rushed directly at the tree. There was no pattern, nor did they target us, they simply chose the shortest path to the boss monster. Why would they do such a thing I wonder?
I got my answer later—it was not entirely as I imagined it. Havah, who pushed away Yuki to save her, got hit by the horse and suffered the penalty. Before he could move or reach, the head of the pony attacked, threw him into the air and then positioned itself so that he would land in the seat. He didn't look damaged, and perhaps he could have just teched it, but rather there was something strange that happened to him later.
He showed us his smile, gripping firmly at the pole with one of his hand, both of his legs mounting. It was eerie and uncanny, just like Avaria when she got confused by the fairies. The mustang later whinnied, and returned back at its former position, unlike others that destroyed themselves into the tree.
[This is... quite fun! ahaha~ You guys should try it too,
it feels like I'm dancing with this horse, it's great!]
[What are you talking about? If you can tech it, do it! Come on Havah,
this is just another trick they are playing on you, could you stop?]
As much as reasonable that sounded, it wasn't reaching the Rogue quite yet. It was as he was brainwashed or something, similar to how mad AIs were, with his eyes and ears closed. Maybe the game simply took over his character? But that would be impossible because he clearly had his voice still. Whatever it was I didn't want to join him...
Yet something else happened at the same time. As a reaction to the horses attacking, the tree started to glow, and from beneath it, a small red wave appeared. I was slow at first, moving on the ground, as it erased all colour. All those vibrant flowers were now black and white, like drawn on a piece of paper. That wave was expanding, and soon reached all of us. Fortunately Juger that was the closest also noticed that and returned to our side.
[Listen to this caring lady, I shall protect you all my darlings.]
With the time on the clock I just barely entered the range of my lady's Sanctuary, which blocked all the damage. That wave didn't affect us, though our colours did change to monochrome, only briefly fortunately. As it reached the edge, the world returned to its natural hue, slowly gaining saturation. It was all well, except that Havah was still in trouble.
It seems he wasn't affected but still sat on top of the horse full of joy and bliss. He was laughing like a child, and soon other ponies appeared back on the merry-go-round. It seems that we won't have much time before the next wave.
[Look, I want to help Havah first, but don't worry about me and focus on the hands.
If we don't get the cooldown again we are toasted anyway, so I’m going to try something.]
[That would be most welcomed from you, white bird, but listen to this knight first.
It is most impervious that you steep with ease, as this enemy uses the darkest of magic.]
[Yes I will be all right, don't worry. I got my rope, right?]
Saying so, Yuki, before she had put a rope in the middle of the arena, waited until Havah would appear in her sight. This way she was ready to retreat if something happens, is what she thought would be the best strategy. As she came close, and tried to grab his hand, she got knocked back by the brisk tempo of the dancing horses.
[Damn... this is not working! It must be a grab or something.]
[Then I will come to his aid, as this knight is the only one able his soul.]
[You mean you got a skill? Do we even have time for you to switch?]
Switching skills in a battle takes time, but his damage buff would probably get cancelled. It appeared that we had no other choice, so he had to do it. Furthermore, when I looked at Havah, I heard less and less his voice and his laughter. This was extremely worrying I admit but then...
Just as Yuki returned it seems that all the horses, all but the one with Havah, commenced their attack again. At the same time, my lady got hit by one of the branches and she was on a collision course with one of them. Well what could I do, I teleported, appeared before her as soon as I could and then took the hit for her... She was worth more since had that skill after all that saved us before.
I just hoped my sacrifice wasn't in vain because I was clearly the one doing the least work out of everyone. With a horse head hitting my behind I was thrown into the air. I had very little control over my body, and I landed on top of the pony. It was strangely comfortable as I mounted it sidesaddle, like a proper lady. With both of my legs on one side and my hand gently grabbing the bar I started feeling a little bit dizzy.
It was unlike before, my entire body was stimulated and my mind was dazed. I felt like a gentle feather, or something soft, started to tickle me at foot, my hips and by armpits. With the puzzling sensation, I couldn't do nothing but laugh. Though that was just the first step, as succeeding that, something else happened.
It was as if I started floating in the air and my body was curdled up in a crib. But I wasn't a baby, I thought, but to speak the truth I didn't really mind. All those Mermaid City rides really couldn’t compare, the feeling felt very genuine and nice. Soon later I remember the days from before my legs got damaged.
[Well this is embarrassing... but it is fun just like Havah said...
ahaha also I'm not brainwashed, just a little... ehehe~ could you stop?
As I said you guys should try it... it might be the only... ahaha~]
And with that my vision of my friends was no longer in my sight. I was moved into a different world, the dream world, the land where I could no longer hear my comrades or any voice except my own. It was both cozily fluffy and brightly-coloured. Strange shapes in the warm night sky, sparkly and shiny circles-like stars, there was even a rainbow that looked magnificent. All that time I was riding my horse through it felt more like being carried by a cloud that covered me like a fleecy blanket.
I could no longer sense that my limbs were moving—rather my head was overwhelmed by the calming sensation that I found difficult to rationalize. I could perceive my body but it was wasn’t the same feeling as usual.
That would be impossible right? I have only heard about it recently, but what happens with the people infected? Someone said they die... they get strangled and that's it, just like Schuld... just making me remember that...put me in a state of stress. It's not possible! He didn't die because of the game's fault, that's ridiculous. But at the same time there was me riding a pony and not being able to move my body... as if I was truly there.
[Hey Havah, where are you going? Could you stop... and talk for a little?
I'm tired a little and I can't think straight, but did you really... kill him?
Is that even possible? Because if it is then... I feel I got an idea about why he did it.]
Someone who got their consciousness completely transferred into a virtual world... was that even possible nowadays? I know that Synapse gets always updated but it shouldn't be allowed by the government! I mean this sounds like...A plot of a wish-fulfilling of novel or something, and it wasn't funny. What if like you could overwhelm the brain, and make it feel like they were inside of a game? That was happening to me and I had no idea how to stop it.
I was trapped in a dream which was warping into a nightmare. The colours, the music, the pony, my avatar, everything was still the same, happy and laughing. But inside of my soul I felt wrong... that I enjoyed it. Ever since I met my lady I thought it was fine to play around, make money and... well... be her little pet.
That was fun, like being with my sister, even though we had our fights from time to time. This shrine maiden thing, Mermaid City and modelling, even if I did hate it because it remained me of my legs, it was also quite enjoyable. That’s why I can also fight this! I don't need only the happy stuff in my life—I need the rain to appreciate the rainbow.
[Okay focus... I need to press the button on my controller.
It should be my pinky so I need to think about it, right?
I can do it! I hope that this is going to release me...]
I was not sure what happened after that, but it seems that I was no longer riding the horse. Did I press it? When I opened my eyes I saw someone besides me. It was Juger who was on the ground. In fact, I didn't know why, but it seems everyone else, Yuki, Avaria, and Havah, who were a little closer to the arena’s border, were downed.
All I could do was to try to recover them one by one, but as my hand reached towards his armour... it was too late. Beneath his metal or on his face I could not feel a pulse. He was... dead? Though maybe I was over-thinking things again, he was only dead in the game, he wasn't strangled or anything... even if his and others’ hands was placed on their necks.
Was this the effect of the tree? All of this madness, starting with Schuld and ending on the zombies...Alone I did wonder what to do next—no longer could I ask others for help. Alas, there was something else. I noticed that I gained the ability to move my legs freely, like if I were using a full body tracking. What this still the game or a dream? I couldn't even read the menus—everything was blurred in my eyes…
[So technically... if I believe what I feel right now and say that I got transferred into the game or something…
Honestly, I dunno a lot about technology, so I don’t know if that possible... but considering others,
this is most certainly something real. If that is so then did all this truly happened just now? Did my lady...]
It just appeared it my head—was my lady strangled in the game? Did everyone here died in real world as well? Was this really something that could happen inside of a game? I couldn't be wiser so I rushed towards Avaria, trying my best to see if she was alive. But she was just like Juger... cold hand on her neck and her pulse not present.
What I should do? I started to recuperate her as I learned at school. I lowered down to her body, I gave her lips to lips, pushed her chest, but nothing worked. I know that I can revive people, just like my lady, so I switched my archetype and... nothing. At least let me do something here! Dammit! I was really mad that I couldn't do anything...Before long I started punching the ground with tears in my eyes. It wasn't just sobbing—the tears kept falling like rain.
The sea cat that likes rain... but now I hated it. Not only I couldn't do anything but no longer was I useful to her. Things that I cared about were no longer near me—the precious people I wanted to help ceased to exist. Like a circle, but more wild, the space around me began to burn. This garden of mine, the dream and desire, I no longer have a need for them. There was nothing left for me, only the ashes under my feet. This anger and sadness mixing within me was the reason...
[So you trick people into believing in their dreams... trap them in a world that is more colourful than the real one.
No one is able to escape you and everyone will become a victim to you eventually... breathless to the marvel of the dream.
You are no real, you are lie! You cloud people's judgment, make them forget and trap them in a circle of iteration. You are evil,
but by using you I show you the truth, the only thing I can do now. Burn into ashes completely and disappear forever! ]
And so, with the great desire to end this world, I have too became aware what it means to be one of them. People who escape from their life into fantasy... People who get hurt by the appalling elders and parents...People who decide try to reform the society for the better... People who were marked by a vile stigma...Did they all made a choice they are responsible for? If there is no sin, why is this suffering present?
The world where justice is something that is set by gods or those in power... what good it is for? It might as well end and forever be destroyed, along with those who are the true sinners. Not even a thousand years are enough for their sentence... this is something that Juger would say.
As for me, I am not sure why I'm doing this. I said that I have no choice, but is this really the truth...? If there was a way to take the poison out of the tree then surely... But I was not going to be fooled by lies any more. My dead friends and the ability to walk on my legs, those are my sacrifices that will fuel the flame. Using the tool of destruction, a new world will arise from the ashes, from the lies a new truth will appear. Thus my seed is planted into the soil.
[Meteor Shower!]
As everything started to burn... I realised it wouldn't be enough. I had to use one more thing.
[With this apple... I'm gonna cut this tree down!]
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