《Unwritten – The MMO Experience (Season 2)》=== Chapter 9 [Apple]
=== Chapter 9 [Apple]
The capital of TSA was an interesting city really, I mean this is my first time I didn't expect this at all, but the scale of the walls and the sheer space around is quite overwhelming for me... The wide streets, the busy pathways and the impressive number of houses are something what Maremoda might never achieve.
On top of that there is this castle in the background, pretty gigantic too. With all those towers, and guards around them... well I'm glad I am not an enemy to them to say the least. Is that all needed I wonder? They even have a river splitting the town and the castle. I can't imagine who would actually think that they would be able to win against defences like this?
In the meantime, I was asked by Juger to come here. Though I declined at first, it was my lady that...Well she was not upset but rather asked me politely to come, and I was unable to refuse her words. So there I was, in the middle of this teleport square, surrounded by my escorts, as Avaria called them.
[See my darling little scaredy cat, you fret too much and all for nothing. The only foreboding thing here is the colour scheme,
this town would sure use a palette other than grey, wouldn't you say? Alas, for now my little pet, should you follow my will,
no harm will be done to you. This is a promise from a gentle madam that only wishes for the best of you, thus remain at ease.]
[Certainly my lady... this place is quite scary, but I guess it can't be helped.
If we tell them that they need a makeover... they might get angry or something.]
[Nonsense my dear, the only happy proletariat is that with a purpose, thus giving them jobs is like a gift of kindness.
Certainly you could agree my precious assistant. ohoho~ Of course that's a jest, but look at you sweetheart, you are lovely,
but your expression has changed ever since you have arrived. Fortunately, this caring matron can commiserate with her child.]
[Of course that is true... you are good at reading people's emotions and their moods.
I'm sorry. Everything that happened a while ago is still on mind so I'm a bit bewildered.
You knew that WRose and I were good friends right? And yet... you both had to fight.]
With my head down I tried to apologize for asking so many questions to my lady. It was not the time or the place, but I felt if I were not to understand her feelings first and foremost, I would only make false assumptions later. Thus, a little timid, I looked to the ground, allowing the lion girl to approach me on her terms and desires.
But as she did, she stool still for a moment. I was a docile kitten, standing there to accept her punishment. I have done a bad thing, I thought, and thus just like a good girl I should face the responsibility of my actions. However, being that said, my lady and I had a special bond, one that was unlike with my mother or my sister Hina.
It was her whom from I once again received gentle and caring petting. Around the ears and down the back my neck, her hand traced my delicate skin and relaxed my muscles. Her other hand on my back, pushing herself towards me, giving my entire body the wrath of lion... or more than that even, it was a feeling that I got quickly addicted to, a motherly embrace that caused only the most fuzzy and warm memories to surface inside of my head... before I noticed my cheeks were red.
[Lady Avaria... this is needed? Is there no way to come to terms with others,
just like you did with Hina? I know that if we try we can perhaps somehow...]
[You say so my little delicate maiden, however fighting is not desired by either of the sides.
It is something that happens and I have no control over it, neither does Juger or WRose. I know,
this might be sad to know, but please be strong my child, I shall protect you from the greys of the world.]
And as she said those words, something resonated within me. Perhaps she was right, for both of us, there is no way to find a solution that was perfect, that was undoubtful and divided black and white. Just like this city, I am not sure whenever I can understand why, but even if something is missing, it might be for the best not to change it. As my lady use to say, some things are better left...
[We have no time, thus cease your pointless discussion and let us proceed with haste.]
[Certainly, my impatient yet charming Juger, this lady my pardon her forgetful behaviour.
I shall accompany the party at once, and do as you please, exactly like I said I will.]
[Most certainly your help is required, and your conditions are understood. You insisted on bringing this girl,
the one that was not the part of our dark crusade, and asked us to accept her in our ranks once again. I say,
once before she showed the others our location, thus is a turncoat from under the shade to be trusted once more?
Listen to me well, lady of the lion sign, your little cat shall behave or I myself shall make her go home.]
[I'm indebted by worrying and unnecessary words from a leader with a steel conviction. Alas, I must differ,
for this humane lady has only one goal. We know who we are, and what we are to them, but that's not all.
It is only a speck of the truth, and I dislike being treated as a villain. Here I was thinking deeply,
perhaps brining her would rectify our reputation? Convince me if I was just a naive lassie to think of that.]
So that was her plan after all right? I can agree that my sister might be also taking things too serious, like saying I was kidnapped or something. Did this happen because I said they wanted to end the world? How could this be my fault, I asked myself, realising something...It was a big misunderstanding, and even if I didn’t cause it, I was still the one that ought to make things right.
[I want to trust you guys...and I think you do deserve some explanation from me, since I might have caused it.
It was Hina who made me do this... I only listened to what she asked me to do because she was my sister.
But now I think she might have been wrong from the start... so I promise this won't happen again okay?]
[You promise to this fervent lady that you will behave and she will consider her pet her absolution. ohoho~]
[You really mean it? Giving me another chance? Of course I gladly accept...
though I’m not sure I am supposed to kneel down or something... ]
[Of course, that was just a jest. My dearest Pina, you are my property, thus you will do what I say.
Formalities are not necessary, as long you follow me. That alone is the proof that you trust me.]
Between me and Avaria there was a ray light from the sky that shined at both of us. We were facing each other, and smiling with a beaming joy. It was our mutual trust that I finally managed to restore after the battle.
Others that were around us however were a little taken aback by my words, as they didn't take them as trustworthy. By words alone I wasn't able to actually fix things, say sorry for what I have done and what my sister has done, but at least I wanted them to see that I was on their side... that I somehow was not against their crusade or whatever.
We finally moved, and without a word we rushed towards the gates of Everkeep. I had to be extra speedy too, not that it mattered in the game as we all had the same running speed. The people around us gave us a look, but they were just AIs mostly so they always reposted politely, even if they had their weapons at the ready. My party on the other hand was a lot scarier looking than them...a cold sniper, a silent assassin, and a dark knight started talking amongst themselves.
[We need to get there before they come right? We won't survive if we don't make it in time.]
[Yea kinda sad if we would fumble now. I put a lot into training lately too.]
[Cease your pointless jargon, we shall make it time if you two hurry. Rather than speak,
be prepared for the task ahead, as not only your lives at the state, but the well-being of others.
Think not of the loss or sin, but as the one who chose to shout, birds that bring a new season.]
And the massive gates of the city laid finally open for the five of us. I could see the land and the great wall, both far in the distance. The grass beneath was barren, as if still not knowing of the spring. There was wind gathering, and the sun was getting warmer, as we moved through the farmland. That had me thinking about something...
It was Maremoda, the city I basically lived in now. I could say that because I was modelling and making clothes, and doing other stuff with my sister in that world. If not for them, then the dirty mud, leaf-less tress, and slowly rinsing from the ground grass would be the colour of my life. Like a girl who grew up on an island, who knows nothing about the world outside the reach of her feet, I learned to appreciate my little caged habitation.
As strange as it sounds, this is my freedom. The padlock my lady gave me is only the symbol of it, the need of being confined in a beach where the sea and the sand meet. This is where the place I belong is, the ground next to my lady, though I am not sure if I would be able... for my leash only reaches as far...
[Okay Pina, you take one tower with Avaria, since you won't be leaving her right?]
[Right, I understand... I won't let you down Yuki, or others.]
Just before the really huge wall there were four massive siege weapons mounted on towers that defended the city. There were empty and without guards for some reason, so my guess was that Juger wanted us to use them. But I was too naive... and as so we climbed the entire walkway my lady started operating it and...
[Be my guest, little Pina, as this lady will show you by action what is our plan.]
[Don't be like that... I will help you too.]
We eventually turned the trebuchet by one hundred and eighty degrees. It was aiming at...
[What is this? There seem to be a giant crowd there, they are attacking the city?
I can't tell, there is so many... what is happening there, if I may ask so my lady?]
[I grant you the permission to know, though I rather remained silent about it. You see my young darling,
giving you the colour of doubt was not the way I wanted to raise you. Thus I speak, those are our helpers,
and with them we shall accomplish our goal. Think no more of what will happen now if you trust me Pina...]
And silence filled the air as my lady reached for the handle. I touched her shaky and unsure hands, not ever her face was making an expression I could read. Thus I couldn't let her carry this burden alone, and reached for the level together with her. Our hands joined and her cold entered me unexpectedly. She was hesitant, I thought, but I was her snuggle cat after all... I wanted to become a use for her too.
[Listen... even if you guys don’t want to say everything, I still want to believe.
What they’re doing now my lady... I trust that they are doing it in good will.
It’s because that I'm not one of you, I can see that you all are good people.
Take it as my selfishness... but if you desire it so then I will too become...]
[An evil person like myself? There is no cure for this my ingenuous little kitten. You were given freedom,
yet you choose to see the world behind the bars. Was this really... what I wanted you to become? My kindness,
is the only gift I shared... alas everything else is my fault as well. You realise that you were not chosen, right?]
“I dislike being treated as a villain”, “An evil person like myself?” those words Avaria used to describe herself. She...really wanted to change, deep inside. That is why she kept me as her pet on a leash...that is why she created this little cage for me and her, that is why she invited me back to the group.
[And the ones that did are the ones that sinned right?
I reject that, I oppose that thought! You can fight it,
and just like me or WRose, become a person who does good.
You are my lady after all, Avaria, and I wish you to be happy...]
I wanted her to lean onto my shoulder, for her to see she can count on me in times of doubt. I wanted to become an evil person for her sake. That way she wouldn’t be alone...that way I would be able to understand her better and help her change into a person she wanted to become.
[Right... we shall do as you ask my persistent little darling. You are as green as grass,
but that mixes well with our other colours. Feast your eyes now, and do please enjoy the show.]
With both of our hands working the mechanism, the siege weapon fired, and with it others did too. The rock itself travelled far and reached it target. But it wasn't the people attacking that got hit, but the ones on the walls, trying to defend... We have just made a huge opening in favour for the invaders...
[Hey did you hear the news yet? It's hella messed up so you better listen okay?
Some AIs who didn't really get much of action now are now in like a full blown revolution.
They be attacking random players and even other AIs, it's crazy I tell you guys!]
[Come down Tania, I know about the event and everyone else did hear of it as well.
I shall also relate the information to you if needed of course, so if you please.]
[Hey, the more the merrier right? I read that this was actually an event but I wouldn't believe it just from reading.
Just after I logged I confirmed, there are zombies now on the server. They aren't literally zombies however,
they are in a trance of something, something like mind control. I can only imagine how that could feel...]
[It's more likely to stay to say they are sleep walking, because their eyes are closed.
But to be honest, I don't want to actually know... I rather hope they will get better soon.]
All things consider, the event on the server was so sudden, people barely knew what was happening. Of course I did hear from my friends about a thing or two, but they didn't know about any specifics. Right now everyone is confused what to do, should they try run or fight? Currently there is no cure—they just keep coming back after they are killed, even though they are pretty weak.
What actually happened is that by some decision of our ancestors, humans were put asleep to towards a certain goal. We don't know what their goal is yet, who they are, and where did they came from. But we know one thing. Wolf and Lunar are also playing a role in this, though we are not sure what their influence is yet. All of this confusing world story should be clear however, as soon as we will be able to contact the Gods of this world.
In reality we probably need to wait for something to happen, even though it might be dangerous to do so. We don't know how far this will spread if we were not able to contain it. We can defeat the AIs affected, but they resurrect and come back, just like normal people. However, how are we going to stop them knowing that?
[Hey Darku, have you heard what happened in Everkeep? You should know in case Xyl didn't tell you,
but those are not nice news I'm afraid. Just saying, are you certain that you wanna hear this?]
[What would be the reason not to, of course Tania, you can tell me any time okay?
I'm stronger than you think when it comes to bad news. You should have known that already.]
[Oh yea, that's right! Anyway, your old guild is quite fairly in an uproar right now. Everkeep got attacked,
by those things nevertheless, and someone mounted the empty siege machines to attack the walls of the city.
Then the horde stormed in and pretty much did what they could and left. I also heard not a single human player was affected.]
[But the AI were...Yea of course I heard about that. The invaders were AIs that came from beyond the wall as well.
Because they were “not player characters” they simply swam around, ignoring the huge wall, and simply rushed to the castle.
I wouldn't have expected that, neither would Xyl, so he decided that it would be fine if they left the city in the hands of AIs alone.
But I guess that was a good decision in the end, though with this little people online they couldn’t do much anyway.]
Although no one was hurt, they will have to rebuild the wall at least. It seems that those AIs, or "haze AIs" as they call them, pose no dangers to the buildings, so as long they are behind a wall. As long as you are playing tower defence, you don’t need to fear them. By that I mean the players can easily deal with them. As for the AI...they rush at them and eventually they get killed...when they wake, they also become infected, like you would expect from a zombie invasion.
That really poses a question, what happens in a human player dies to them?
[So have you heard, they also...]
[Hey guys, nice to find you here. I am worried about Pina...]
[Ah! You want to talk Hina? That's fine, don't worry.]
Although I was interrupted in mid-sentence, WRose allowed Hina to join us to the table. What she wanted to say is that now that the event is in full motion, you could no longer teleport. It would be too easy if you could so I guess devs to turn that option off so that the players will have to fight.
[Pina has been partying with them lately, but that's not all that I found out. Listen to this!
She also received some money from Avaria, and that is what troubles me the most.
You know she could have been blackmailed to join them or something? I don't know...]
[I said don't worry, she is working for Avaria right? I tried to talk to her that one time,
she is not necessarily a bad person, but she doesn't want to step down from the quest. So,
the person you should trust the most if you sister Hina, trust that she will convince...]
[But she locked the door again! I mean I was being quite noisy too but still,
I know she wants only a little privacy but that money and that zombies on the run...
You don't think the other party had to do anything with that? Especially the Everkeep...]
[You think your sister was involved? That's quite harsh Hina I agree, but you have to believe her.
Even if we tried to talk with them, they still wanted to do their thing in the end. It only shows how much...
how much determination they actually have. Think about Wolf and how he needed the trust from us,
I would have not believed him if I were not there. You also fought alongside everyone that day, didn’t you Hina?]
But as she talked like that, WRose was getting visibly sadder. I knew the reason for that. Wolf is a player that has not logged in a while. Generally players that had their AI running, and did not log in for a while, were the ones that were mostly affected. If that was so, Rose must have thought that Wolf was turned into one of them... I had no idea what to say to that.
[Anyway, Avaria should protect Pina from danger, so don't worry. You know,
she also asked me to help her out, and she was sincere about that. I tell you Hina,
if you really are worried about her, you have to trust her decision above all else okay?]
[Speaking about that Rose, you haven't been to my shop for a while right? Maybe if you have time,
and after all this will end, you could model for me a little? I can't pay as much as Avaria,
but I rather have you to join me than her... Ahaha~ I just kinda need some help. *wiggle*]
[Help you around because Pina is busy? I know that would be what you want but still,
Hina I don't know... If that is okay with you then I will gladly help with your shop.
Just tell me what do to and, if I find the time, I'm going to check it out. Is that fine?]
[Oh so you agree? That's great! I really needed that happiness in my life now! Now what to make you do...]
It seems that the mischievous fox was again up to no good, and I mean that she was a little sad too. Rose only noticed that and played along with her plan, so it wasn't really her naivety, but her kindness.
[So how about we start with getting you into your shrine maiden outfit again?
Oh I did improve it since then so it shouldn't be a problem for you any more.
If anything I need to train you in dances and proper greetings and stuff...
though you already have the most important thing, that being your sweet cute voice.]
[Oh really, I'm extremely grateful and glad that you have thought of me as your candidate...
Of course I don't know much about that so I’m not sure how well I’m going to perform...]
[And you know what, I will give you in on a bonus. Mermaid city is opening soon,
and I don't want the guests be bored with the AIs. I just had the best idea yesterday,
remember that concert we did? I think it would be most amazing if you joined us again,
and perform on a underwater stage! Come on, you only need to learn the dance sequence...]
[Okay okay... listen Hina, I understand you are missing your sister the most,
but maybe let me search for her okay? We can talk about... other stuff later.]
Somehow I think that was her plan all along, she just didn't want to speak about it out loud. So considering my encounter with Juger, I think they might be up to no good soon as well, but where exactly I have no idea. I'm going to ask around though, and help WRose find her. Titania, though she was mostly afk all this time, also decided to help so we were once again on the hunt.
It was already night time and things were not looking good for us lately. We had to be constantly on the run, not just because my sister was looking for me, but because the masses of mindless AIs were released upon the world. The fight with them never ended. Each skirmish we were worrying that we might get surrounded and die. Additionally, no longer you could cheese them with a wall, they learned how to deconstruct them, albeit very slowly.
As for now, we need to hide for the night and the only place relatively secure was this shack in the woods. We were tired and beaten up from all this massacre...so there was no way we could advance without a proper nap.
[What a nice and cosy place this is, quite similar to my igloo, but less icy.]
[Do you live in an igloo Yuki? That's really cool! You should show me at some point.]
[Wow, I don't find showing you hot boy ihihi~ but let's be serious here, there is no room.
I only have one couch and it's pretty small. I would have to expand the house a little...]
[Oh if you say so then I can wait. Anyway I'm taking the east side.]
The very small wooden cabin we found had no furniture and just one chimney place. It wasn't anything special but I guess whoever left this took all their stuff with them. We just had to assume they would not come back for the night, and throw us away.
I started the light in the fireplace just to warm us up a little. We had wood we gathered on the way, and Yuki seemed to have food with her always. I guess it was her treat tonight and we needed that stamina. After all, I only had a sleeping bag with me and others barely even had the floor to place all their stuff.
[It's going to be a very cold night... Brr! I need a little walk I think.
You guys have fun here and I'm going to stand watch with Juger, okay?]
[I don't mind that Yuki... I'm going to watch your futon, so don't worry.]
[Marvellous my dear little kitten, how nice and sweet of you to think about others firstmost.
This kind lady shall also permit her unending grace and grant you a position on her comfortable bed.
Of course, only the best for my precious princess, this canopy bed should be big enough for both of us?]
Yes...it is very silly that you can bring your entire room in your inventory, but I won’t complain
[Thank you my lady, that is very kind of you... but I rather sleep alone,
just like I don't sleep with my sister on the same bed any more...]
Outside there was something going on too, I could hear someone’s voice as they talked. I was near the window so it was easier, but that must have been Yuki and Juger right?
[So what do you know about this Schuld guy? He said that he has some nasty stuff, but I was not sure.
Do you think he really was that kind of old perverted man that would look into that kind of stuff?
Geez, if he wasn't dead I would have killed him myself already... You must be glad that I didn't.]
[I shall state, I never had the intention of treating him as my friend, he was merely a person I knew from a long time ago.
For present, say no ill words about the dead, lone rabbit of the snow, for the souls of the past have now joined the living.
Should you desire not to become their prey, you shall forget about what he said and accompany my judgment.]
For the other two who was getting reading for bedtime... Avaria was doing her hair I guess? When did she pack a whole dresser with her? As for Havah he was just snoring in his bed. I was the only one knowing about their conversation, I thought, so I stayed silent for the time.
[He said that he forgave our sins, and yet we are to end the world right? That's pathetic,
if anything that's no reason to kill yourself. I just can't... get why he would do that.]
[In time young bird you shall also spread your wings and see the world from the sky.
Am I wrong to assume you came here to dispel your doubts? That we do is just, not evil?
Among all the minds in this world there is not a single one that would host the final truth.
You will find what you seek if you journey the depths alone, even if against the current.]
[The truth is that we pissed some of the people and I wonder if that was necessary.
I don't care about society anyway, thanks to my parents, but do you think this is right?]
[Every single brand that was marked upon me was inherited by my parents. They are now dead however, and the threat is cut.
Thinking so I should be a free man, but that is not the case. I am the same one as I was before, all thanks to them.
The group that is chasing us again, do they abide to the code of chivalry? Ask not who is wrong, but if anyone is right.]
Juger, who I don't know much about honestly, was always not willing to talk about his plan with me. I know now why however... Since he was someone considered grey—to others his words were tainted. If a person not knowing his reasons would ask him now, why would he want to end the world at all, they would be basically against everything he would say. This was the brand he was speaking of.
[So another thing Juger, I must say I'm quite worried about Havah. Ever since he... well kill someone?
It that okay to say? ...Well anyway what I mean is that he did change and he also said some things too.
Do you anything about DID? If you do then certainly don't you think he might not be quite the person...]
[Speak no more, for you only say things that darken even the eternal night itself. I dare to say and believe,
with every step we take away from our comrades we also take the step into the abyss. We must stand,
united and with steel resolve, despite having our own problems. There is no other path winter woman,
for you or for him. You must walk the snow filled desert if you want to reach any destination at all.]
[And as I do so, I leave steps for others to walk in... I see your allegory here Juger.
I was just a little worried he may suddenly turn on us and it wouldn't be his fault at all.]
Although I couldn't see their faces I noticed that they both went silent, as if enough was said. As I can recall, Schuld did mention that he has not sinner but carried a desire to murder...but I never actually would have thought that he would actually do it in front of me... Oh dear!
If he really had this DID, whatever that means, it might be quite dangerous to approach him. I don't know why but I started shaking even if I wasn't cold. Like an uncontrollable sensation, it filled me through my body, down my spine and reached my toes which reacted in real life.
Was this paralysing fear because I just realised where I was, or because I was one of them now? Should I escape now before it's too late or stay so I don't act suspicious? I was getting cold, and I was supposed to the one that gives warmth... so cold that I needed someone to warm me up.
[Hey are you cold? I could lend you something to warm up, but...
This is a game so that wouldn't work, that's what Albert would say.]
[Well thanks for the idea Havah, but I'm just fine... I mean I'm cold in my room,
but there should be a blanket somewhere... could you hold up for a minute, okay?]
I asked him to stay put until I return with my blanket but he was still talking to me in the game. I just hope my sister won't hear anything as I try to sneak to our room and snatch something...
[If you want to warm up I can show you my dance. Some people act strangely, like Yuki, when I dance,
so I thought it might work for you too. Though the problem is that there is not enough room here...
We would have to move outside where is even colder so that is not a good idea right? Oh well.]
My character was lying down still all this time so I dunno what he was thinking. He probably did not notice it even. Anyway, maybe I should see what about this DID is about? Well... it doesn't look good but it’s also quite complicated. It says that the patients are having multiple personalities so they can act in an unpredictable way sometimes too. What they also say that movement is a part of therapy so maybe dance is something that helps him? I can only guess...
[Okay I'm back... oh he already went away before I returned.
With this blanket I would be fine, so don't worry. Let's just talk,
before the stamina regenerated fully, then we can log out okay?]
But even if I said that, having my face partially covered with the sleeping bag, I did not notice the others. It seems now that Havah and Avaria were talking with each other, and probably thought I actually went to sleep. This was my opportunity to listen to their conversation as well, though it did feel wrong doing it twice tonight...
[I see...so this is how the queen herself is prettying herself at nights like this. I shall say,
your beauty is certainly a mysterious one to grasp. Such roar, such gentleness, like fire and wind,
two opposite forces joined together creating this imagine of everlasting glory. Simply marvellous.]
[I see you have a good idea for how to gather out natural charm out of people. It is a rare and precious gift,
so my cherished young man should be proud of himself. Even if as he promised, he was unable to show me his dance all this time,
it is this piteous woman that is most sad. I plead with my deepest apologizes, even if you don't accept I do insist.]
I could see a little clearer now, though the only light was from the fireplace. Avaria was bowing down. She was wearing her nightwear, which was anything but simple gown with a mobcap, while sitting on a stool. Havah on the other hand didn't change his clothes, neither did I, simply because I didn't have a wardrobe like my lady. Now that she revealed her secret though I was wondering if I should not ask her for some pyjamas...
[Yes quite so, I don't think that is necessary Avaria. Winds of change will come eventually,
and they will sweep away your doubt in due time. A flower needs time to bloom.]
Like she probably would have stuff me into something adorable, like a cat kigurumi now that I think about...
[Yes this is true. A gardener not only is well versed in botany but also in the virtue of patience.
Say my boy, you always carry a guise of a killer, but as the moonlight shines upon earth, you are innocent.
This change overnight is quite mysterious and this lady wants to further know the reason behind it.]
[Very well, as I already shared it with the one I danced for. It was a young duckling, afraid of water,
taking her steps with care and grace, but never firmly. Thanks to the beauty of the changing season,
she has grown into a fine swain and is now among those that dance in the sky, most heavenly of them all.]
Wait why I'm thinking... I didn't paid attention to what they were saying at all... something about a duckling? I guess that would be Yuki, since she has that hat and other stuff, and in the end all this makes sense right? Havah and Yuki do seem that they are close so they must have been on a date already... but something is still...
[Pardon my words dear boy, but I was talking about your change,
please do say that you do remember, the time you did it...]
[The time I did it she was already out of egg shell and completely surrendered to the way of rebirth. Alas,
I was not sure what I did wrong, I only showed her what was true beauty and kissed her many times. Still,
my desperation was averted in the end by strange circumstances, as my body was not able to take it no longer...
Not only mine but also hers was burning, and the heat was uncontrollable. Thus I have decided to end the act.]
Bodies and kissing... Havah are you okay talking about that to another girl? Even though my lady was gentle, she too hid her blushing face behind both of her hands. Apart from that, it seems that the two calmed down, and although it was Havah that was worried, Avaria was looking in the distance, trying to find the right words.
[For what purpose are your eyes are lost in space? Isn't it in front of you? The answer to the question,
which is the most beautiful in the world? Silent mirror speaks to no one, so I instead shall grant you the answer.]
[Havah please, your flattery is only going to make this lady blush again. oho..ho~ I must say,
perhaps it would be the best for us both to sleep now and talk later? You know what they say...]
[Most certainly, a lady deserves her beauty sleep. But alas, before you do, I shall say one more thing.
For I am worried about my lover, is it quite normal to react as she did? I feel that something strange,
a hot sensation unlike others, clouded her mind and took control over her will. Like a doll she moaned,
and pushed my hand towards herself. I trust you will answer seriously, as I am in no-joking mood at all.]
[Seriously, you say? All I can say that when a girl wants it then a gentleman should... fell the mood.
But beyond that lies a vague and hidden world that I shall not reveal. Listen to your heart my young man and answer,
was she really true about her feelings? If yes, ask no more, for the solution is only in your delicate grasp.]
I think Havah had some doubts about if Yuki’s love was sincere? How the hell would Avaria, or anyone else, besides his lover know that? I do understand he is young but maybe he is thinking too serious here... jeez even I don't know what to do. All in all, my lady seemed to defuse the situation somehow, thus I am glad I can sleep again finally...
[Being unfaithful to her feelings...? Thus showing her own beauty to herself that was a mistake?
That is most dangerous to think and I shall believe, even though her unnatural desire, that she is normal.]
With a whispering voice, Havah seemed to have said that to himself out loud. As for me, I really didn't want to know what was behind the two, and why did Havah was worried about Yuki acting not normal…the whole “I’m a killer” thing with him is not normal either. With every new information I gained...it all sounded more and more weirder and I wanted to simply leave as fast as I could.
But then I dozed off in my seat and when I woke up everyone was already sleeping, expect Havah who was doing his guard duty. I could have possibly escaped, because they looked like they logged off, but I have decided to say, just like I did when I first meet Yuki. I'm sorry Hina, I am the only one there for them too...
[Not sleeping? Well you can take my place if you want. I’m... kinda tired.]
[Oh no...don’t worry go to sleep okay?]
I seem to have not noticed this until now. They were not planning on logging out—they were actually taking a nap in real life, while being logged in. I hear about that, it’s called VR sleeping...but above that it seems that I’m taking the watch now. I just hope nothing scary will happen...and that I won’t doze off again.
Sigh...I don’t know why they just don’t log out during the night, but I don’t want to risk myself being alone when I log back in either so... please don’t mess up my sleeping schedule.
The next morning we were already on the move and out in the middle of nowhere. We travelled the land, and visited places I never saw before. Always on the move, and always looking for potential enemies, always...scared that we might get surrounded by the horde and die. It was only a matter of time before the entire server would get swarmed by strange AIs we were fighting.
Like under a trance, they did not listen and only attacked. They did not say a word but did action. They did not have their eyes open, but saw very well who they were striking at. This was a server event, and one that could fairly be considered the begging of the end of the world... Is what I thought at least.
[This is quite...an experience for me my lady. I have never been in a situation like this before.
Away from home, in the middle of nowhere, always on the run...and deprived of sleep *Yawn*]
[Be not afraid my dearest little Pina, for as long as you hold my dozy hand... *Yawn*
I meant to say... as long as you hold my cosy hand, we shall advance towards our goal.]
Even though we were all visibly tired, there was a place we needed to be and only Juger knew about it. Taking detours and staying away from cities, we continued following the knight until the end of world even... well all in all this was an experience for sure, not only for me but for my party members too. I didn't know how long we have till we reach our destination when...
[And there it is—the very passage that will lead us to our goal. Only a few steps remain,
my dear comrades, thus let us proceed with ease. This dark knight will take the initiative,
as he is not afraid of the path he walked, not afraid of the deeds we preformed, and has no regrets.]
But as soon he said those words and we stepped inside of the pond, we were taken aback by what happened.
[Ahh! What is this... is this part of your plan?]
Between trees there was just your ordinary waterfall with a small pond underneath it. There was nothing usual about the air or the water either, they were still and silent. You could even hear the birds singing in the background, quite a pleasant sound.
But that enjoyable noise was broken, as my vision began to twist and turn. With a single step into the water, I saw as the waterfall itself slip into two, Moreover, a strange rock that appeared in the middle. Slowly, we were getting submerged, even if the pond was really shallow. No one in the party knew what was happening.
Soon enough my sight began to turn back to normal and I felt like inside of a water container, upside down. Just like everyone else’s my feet were touching the surface from below, though we were not drowning. It felt like solid...as if you could talk on it. But somehow, the image of our bodies appeared to become twisted by the waves. Actually I just noticed that...
[Hey! What the hell is this!]
[Is this...my body?]
It was safer to say that our true bodies, which stood motionlessly with their ankles in the water, were no longer hosted by us. Our perspective changed and now we saw the world through our reflections. What a strange sensation...I tried to move, to swim upwards and escape but it was futile.
When I tried to bend my hand or twist my head, nothing happened. Only my vision changed, as if I was looking through a camera. Others were the same as I assume, as I couldn't see their heads moving as well. This was a part of something...I thought as I tried to calm down myself. Whatever it was we would probably know in due time I hoped. And soon...
[Wait guys, come down we can't move anyway. I guess this is some kind of event?
It looks really cool so don't fret. I'm not afraid, I'm actually excited for this.]
[Would you please Havah... I don't like this at all.]
[Then it is as their say, cats don't like water, even this adorable sea cat is no exception.]
[Would you shut up already guys? Jeez, you just gotta wait it out.]
[But for us to be graced by its presence, this is truly deserving of our struggle.]
A strange creature appeared before us, it had a giant mirror and had white and red stripe leg wear, white and back opera gloves with fingertips of inverted colour, short curtained pink and blue hair, and a mask with the same colours. It all looked to strange and a little funny to me but who was it?
[Please meet Karma, the Ghost AI who is all for balance, the one that reflects the soul,
the one that punishes those that do evil and reward those that do good. It has no gender,
and no personality of its own. It can only show what is the truth, so be on your guard.]
Immediately, the "ghost AI" replied using a similar voice that Juger had. It was spinning around, appearing and disappearing at random. You could only see the front of it wherever you looked.
[It is a pleasure Juger, for I am truly Karma, the one you described. To not waste your time,
this graceful mirror that give you what it wants and release you after, leaving the rest to you.
Listen well evildoer who despised the good name of justice! It is the gods that strike the hammer.
You are just a pitiful man who believes in your own greatness over divine one. Repent now and be spared.]
[What language you use and your methods matter not, for I am a black knight that bows to no one.
Even if my destiny shall lead me to hell, is it the fire that will bring a new beginning to the mankind.
Your divine intervention and power is not needed in this world, leave my sight if you are done.]
[Then I will do as you ask and see if it truly so. Speak child what is your name and intent?]
[My name is Yukihiru, and you probably already know that. Can I have my body back please?
Brr! It's kinda cold and I can't shot your face when I'm trapped under water like that.]
This time it was Yuki's turn I guess... this thing won't leave us alone until it's done. It also changes its voice every time it speaks to a different person... how annoying.
[You think I'm scared of your cold bullets? They already melted so I'm sorry to break the ice for you.
Tell you what will warm you up, how about I say how awful person I am to others, how they never listen,
or how they are right to leave you right away? Ihihi~ this is going to be so fun talking about your sins.]
[You wouldn't... damn its worse than Schuld! I have done nothing wrong okay?
I was born like that and the only way I can cope with it to push others away from me.
I don't care if that a sin... and if it’s going to break me... as long as they don't come back...]
Suddenly, I could see a vague shadow, something like an outline on surface of the mirror. There was a little ducking crying, all alone swimming on the lake.
[Don’t... come back, you say?]
If this continued then surely it would have wounded Yuki deeply. The problem was though...I couldn’t see anyone’s expression because we were not in control of our original bodies.
[But that sin was forgiven, and she is no longer the vile person you see her to be.
The reason for that is simple, as nothing lasts forever, so too the dreams must perish.
The flame raises and burns all, nothing remains, not the sin, fault or false images.
From the ashes there is new life, this power is called destruction, and yet it implies creation.]
As Juger said those words, the image of the little Yukihiru vanished in fire and was no longer. However Karma wasn't finished and arrived at the next victim, which was my lady Avaria.
[Say you, do you fancy doing some business with me, oh mysterious creature?
Your fashion sense seems most weird but I do like the colourfulness of the design.]
[It is precisely what you want to see, isn't it my young madan? Sorry for you,
but this honest mirror only reflects the truth, which is if you mix the colours,
only darkness remains. This is something you must understand yes? Beneath that shell...]
[...there is a person who have forsaken humanity and left into her own little world of fantasy.
On the other side of the mirror, following the white hare, sits a lady with all the riches,
only to realise that her golden prison is what she deserves in the end... I'm a monster,
who concluded that this black poisoned tea is the pleasure that releases her from responsibility.]
In monochrome world of the mirror there was a quite young little gorgeous madam, which was dressed like a princess. Sitting on the table there were two parents, who gifted the girl with presents. Those toys were little humans, and they appeared alive too. Why would they give her these toys and why did she accept them? This was horrible...
[You needed to look down on yourself Avaria, for I will release you from that prison.
Back at you field! I dare say, a healthy population is depicted by following obligation,
though it bleaches the soul from its colour. As much as she accepts the vile of her parents,
it is the kindness that she gives to others which remains hers, no matter what opinion you have.]
[The responsibility that deteriorates individuality... something that clouds the opinion,
and makes you think you are a wrong person because that is what the mirror would say...
It all makes sense, my dear Juger, thank you for those kind words which brought my hue back.]
There was still some power left in the mirror to perform more of its tricks. Targeting Havah now, it swirled in the air as if it was dancing.
[Now what to do with you? Are you a dancer or a killer? Are you a boy or a girl?
Are you there or perhaps somewhere else? The truth being the middle I'm afraid,
makes it all the more interesting to reflect. Now what do you say about the lies?]
[I hate lies! My parents always lie about that I was born differently. And my brother...
he would never lie! Because he is the perfect person and he always protected me and...]
A crack appeared on the mirror briefly, it looked like something was surfacing there.
[What is a lie created by you and for your own sake? It is the very beauty of humans,
that they bring out their brilliant imagination and give in to the dream-like power of delusion.]
[Stop it! I hate you! Speak of this no longer more or I will...]
[Yes, please be angry, for I'm just a killer and I don't want to kill someone meaningless.
I need to become strong, for the sake of my brother, just as strong as those who killed him.
Do it, face your demons and say that I'm a terrible person who only knows how to kill.]
[No... I will not listen... my brother... will know...]
And with a loud smashing noise, the mirror finally broke. It revealed what was the truth I think? I saw two siblings together, they looked alike, but there was a certain difference between them.
[This is you and your brother as they were in the past. Listen not to the lies you created,
for they were a slight diversion, but to your own soul. Can you hear his voice?
Can you tell if he speaks of the truth? Which memory is him and which is you? ]
[Brother... is that really you? But who is that person in the mirror?
I don't recognize her... is she really... my head... it hurts! AHH!]
[Yes this is all true, this is what you are and this is what your brother was.
All this time you were lying to yourself and unfortunately, it was not your fault.
Consider this not as punishment, but as a reward for kindness you have shown to others.]
And that’s how a reward looks like to this god? It’s making my stomach turn… how awful. Poor Havah is in pain now. Why does this must happen? Why does it torture everyone....
[If this is how you reward kindness then I shall divide this symmetry of yours with one slice!
Evil is sought and weeded out, but without it, truth would not exist. If this is too justice,
then I must acknowledge it, yet I shall speak that your actions are not welcomed here Karma.]
[Because humans are allowed to choose what is good and the evil? Humour me not,
for you are the one that forsaken his own god. You are the mortal that sides with hell,
thus you expect to know the true meaning of justice? Only the god knows the weight of the soul.]
[Perfection is not the aspect of the human nature. We make mistakes, generation after generation and for that judgment is required. But each scale is compared only to satisfy the desire of the masses, not to uncover the truth about what are we made of. To arbiter is to know both sides, and that is why we exist. We are made from evil things, which allows us to grasp the truth, things that are not completely black and white, but grey in their nature, and things that don’t last forever, that serve as the soil for future cultivation.]
It seems Juger was only partially finished trying to rebuke the god's word. He had more to say, but it seems his voice was silenced in the middle of the speech.
[Your logic speaks enough for itself, Juger, and you do carry a steel conviction. Thus my truth is no longer needed.]
My vision got twisted again, and I felt like I was pulled out of my body again... then strange sensation of me being inside of a washing machine appeared and I could move once more. Everyone was back into their body, standing near the waterfall in the pond.
[You have performed well rejecting the truth of the mirror, and accepted your selves. All of you,
even Pina who was just watching, deserve a reward. In your hands you will find this red apple,
it will show us in the end if humans truly understand the way of balance and no longer needs gods.]
The item everyone received was an apple shaped like a heart, but there was something strange about it. Its top was peeled in a shape of the letter V. If you shook it made rattle sounds with seeds inside of it. Furthermore, the white part near the top was quite sharp to touch and the apple’s tip was sliced off perfectly.
[I see, so this is the gift of our parents, the very same fruit they cultivated?
We have no need for such connections but we won't throw away our seeds.
It is we who will decide where to plant it, where to make a new world for everyone.]
[And that new world will grow from the poison that was left by your ancestors?
Ask yourself, will the seeds yield fruit in the burned ground, or will they spoil the soil?
Only after they are sowed we will know if your destruction will bring the balance you seek.
For now, I shall leave you with your own truth you so much want to cultivate, farewell.]
Saying those words, Karma disappeared and again the waterfall opened for us to proceed. I was worried, and so were others, about themselves and the future we desire. Was it good, or was it bad? Is there really an answer to that problem, or are those just questions?
- In Serial21 Chapters
Praying For My Downfall
Mike Nelson is old. His health problems are getting worse and worse all the time. Luckily, there is a new VRMMO technology with extreme time compression that will allow him to make the most of his remaining years. The new game K.O.R.A.L. promises to be the most immersive MMO of all time, with many of the traditional tools of players stripped away and a permadeath system for their characters. The only problem is the Alpha phase two years ago has made the NPC population of the game extremely paranoid about Travelers, and likely to kill them whenever they are discovered. *If you have specific concerns/notes/questions about the story feel free to PM me as well as leaving comments*
8 162 - In Serial26 Chapters
WriTE Halloween Contest
Hi Everyone! Writers to the End, the largest group on Royal Road Legends is happy to announce the start of the WriTE Halloween Contest! Write a short story, submit it, and try to win! Everyone can take part and anyone can win so go, check the rules and write… To The End. Submitted stories will be displayed on the 30th of October from noon GMT. Note: Please submit the stories to WriTE, not RRl, to ensure everyone begins voting at the same time. Readers can rate the stories from October 30 to November 6. Some stories may contain mature content so we advise the readers to read the author notes before every story.
8 51 - In Serial18 Chapters
My Road To Glory
Hello potential readers, I hope you will enjoy this story. This story focus on Alicia Berg, a young woman with big ambitions of taking virtual reality by storm. The world has developed much, so much in fact it offers people a life of complacent leisure should they want it. This option is less than ideal for our protagonist who aspire to become a virtual reality football coach. Follow her journey through a brave new world fraught with strangeness to find the purpose she craves. Note: This is a slice of life/drama/comedy kind of story. Slow pace with an emphasis on characters. Warning: Bad language (if you consider swearing bad because Alicia sure doesn’t).
8 809 - In Serial11 Chapters
In the sea country of Calder a child is born, prophesied to usurp the current throne. Fearful the royal family disposes of the child in the dead of night. Just days after his birth. Thrown into the raging sea and spotted by an unknown entity. Is this child lucky? Or perhaps something else entirely...Blessed by the goddess Undine, a child is delivered to the most unlikely of places for a child touched by the goddess of waters.
8 182 - In Serial22 Chapters
Realm Walker
Tom is finally able to play a VRMMORPG game, RealmWalker. After years of looking and listening to his sister about how amazing the game is, he dives straight into it, only to find that the destiny has some other plans with him. Accidentally becoming an irregular, he starts his new journey through the world of Orbis, which can be more cruel and gruesome than it looks. Infinite possibilities and hard choices are waiting for him. Only question remainig: What will he become? Ruler? Monster? Man? Beggar or just another corpse that tried? Let us see. ------------------------------------------- My greetings to everyone who decided to read this story. This is my first time trying to write something more seriously and not just fantasizing about it. I appologize beforehand, as english is not my native language, for any gramar mistakes I will make, I promise I will try to keep them low. For starters I will try to submit at least one chapter a week, maybe two if they are short. Thank you for reading and let us dive to story and away from reality... :D
8 122 - In Serial34 Chapters
The Dragon's Treasure (Fem!Harry x Draco)
Lady Narcissa Malfoy and Heir Draco Malfoy meet Lady Holly Potter in Madame Malkin's Robes For All Occasion's, and realize she is something far more precious than just the Girl-Who-Lived. Holly comes to live with them at Malfoy Manor. Come along with Holly, Draco, and their friends as they navigate Hogwarts, love, pureblood society, and a meddlesome Headmaster.Soulmark AU, Fem!Harry, Slytherin!Harry.
8 89