《Unwritten – The MMO Experience (Season 2)》=== Chapter 8 [Decline]
=== Chapter 8 [Decline]
So did my plan worked I wonder... I was asked by my sister to play the role of a double spy. I only agreed to see what exactly they were planning, though I don't think my lady did mind that. She wasn't willing to tell me her or the others’ reasons, but was fine with me leaking information. I almost felt bad now, because on one side was WRose and my sister, while the other side was Avaria and her group.
When I invited the party into a remote location, I think they already knew what was going on. They didn't try to disagree or leave, so I guess they wanted this fight. We all teleported and...After that everyone split, I was left alone in the middle of the grassland. Hey guys... wait!
...even saying that was pointless. They wanted this confrontation and I was not the part of their agenda. Sooner or later the other party arrived and they had to now find the escapees. Good luck to them. For me, I didn't plan to fight from the beginning, and so did my sister. With open arms I hugged her, and with a little blush on my face, received her long forgotten petting. It was nostalgic...
[Hey I told you not to wonder off like that Pina! I was really worried that you were taken hostage or something.]
[I'm literally next door to you... couldn't you ask? Anyway it’s nice that you haven’t forgotten about me.
And I missed you too, though we still meet on the daily basis...Sorry, this just feels awkward a little...]
It was a strange feeling, like if I was actually just released from a kidnapping situation, but it was more like playing make-believe at school or something. I didn't feel like a princess, rather like a lady from a rich family, so I didn't really know what to say to my sister at all.
[I see, so that's a possibility now? You always locked the door and said to leave you alone.
Did you change your mind now? I mean that this is quite awkward for me too... wait a second.]
[Hey, where are you going? She is standing still in the game... this could mean only one thing.]
Before I could take off my headphones, Hina stealthy entered my room and hugged me from behind. The door was indeed locked, at least the very first days we were separated, but then I forgot...Though that is the past and I think both of her and my lady grew to accept each other for who they are.
Saying so, I wished that at least Avaria would have stayed and talked, because this end of the world thing sounds bad. I guess she keeps her mouth closed to me because I couldn't enter the circle, because I wasn't officially one of them. She followed their path—she trusted them more than me. I also... witnessed what that old man did... though I don't want to talk about that with anyone else ever, if possible.
[You surprised me sister... could you knock before you enter the room?]
[It's not like it's your room anyway, you are just renting it from our mom right?]
[But she is hardly even home anyway... it would be a waste to not use it.
Besides I clean it regularly, at least as best I can... so this is fine for her.]
[I see, but you still sleep, eat and do other stuff outside right? I'm glad we are family,
I probably couldn't have asked for a better sister that is this snuggable little kitten, right? ahaha~]
I did make comment once that I’m just like a cat that everyone keeps because it’s cute and fluffy. It seems that even now my sister never released me from that image, but that's fine as long as she is happy. If that is the least I can do with my legs numb, I guess I should be glad that I'm not completely useless.
[Say Hina, we should talk about something... I think it is fine if you understand everything.
There were special circumstances to why this all happened, so I want you to listen okay?]
[I see, very well sis, I can listen all you want, but just tell me if anything happens in the game.]
After my sis came to the room, I took my VR headset off, so that it wouldn't get into her way. You could still see the screen lit up, although it looked a little awkward and deformed. We both saw our characters standing in the wild growing grass, but nothing was happening.
[So firstly, following my lady I met with the entire party, that is Yuki, Havan, and Juger.
They briefly introduced themselves and then Yuki ran way... for some reason I guess.
I decided that I will try to talk her... but she wasn't really eager to listen at first.
It seems that she was forced by Schuld to participate because he got dirt on her or something.]
[I see, so they are that kind of people huh? Thinking that they can harass others to do their bidding…
You should be careful Pina, I really think so. Who knows, they might even blackmail you or something.]
[No one is blackmailing me sis... you are overthinking stuff again. I gotta say,
after meeting with Yuki I felt that she just got herself into something she didn't want.
So what I want to say is that... I'm glad I was able to talk her back to the party in the end.]
Even if I didn't know for sure what her deal was, I trusted that she had a good reason. I never learned what it was though, but that's fine. Avaria says sometimes it's better to not speak, and I felt the same way about her. Sometimes you want to connect to others, but not everyone is like Rose...
[Furthermore, I should probably tell you about Juger... they all have decided to follow him at least.
What is so strange is that initially he was against Schuld's plan, saying that there might be another way.
In the end though he said that for him there is no other way... thus he did agree to his method in the end.]
[So he had a change of heart? Don't you find it strange as well sis, this “okay” to the end of the world?
Furthermore what could cause his to alter his decision and what about the others? What about you Pina?]
[Oh slow down sis... Well I'm neutral, and others seem to have their reasons I think, but they never told me.
If I were to tell you anything, only Juger stated his reason... and it was that he was betrayed by someone,
and wanted revenge to reform the society. I also don't know what this end of the world thing is really about.
Maybe it's not really that big of a deal... I mean the Skull Mountain is just a part of this world so...]
Yea, if what people say is true, then both of our worlds are connected, though I don't think that's true. Maybe just metaphorically, but if there was a relation, shouldn't everything matter? Despite that, only selected and important events are related, like the Net Neutrality affair, so I don't worry as much.
[Yea I also remembered something important. We did a dungeon and got a word from it... it's this [Harp].
Somehow Juger knew what it was, or at least had a good guess. If you play it for a while the sound turns to normal.
It basically supposed to symbolize harmonization with society... is what the black knight said to us.]
[That's so like a thing Wolf would say right? I don't know what his connection with Lunar was,
but as shrine maidens we should take note of that. And I don't really mean merchandise...
What I want to say is that we can assume that this Juger person is someone who wants to become an equal to Wolf.]
[Like a Hero sis? Perhaps you might be right, but that's not important. He also said that he knew Schuld,
even before all this started, but I don't think they planned this together. I just hope he knows...
that he realises what he’s doing before he would have to make the wrong choice... like destroying the world.]
[So you believe in him sister? That's unusual for you to agree with the villain. Look,
we have to stop them all and their leader. Whatever they are planning, they are up to no good.]
From the looks of it, I could agree, but Hina definitely don't understand everything. Just recently...I received a letter from my lady in real life. It was filled with real money, not much but still. I hid it from my sister of course, and I bet she would go crazy if I told her I got actually paid.
What worries me is that they are all nice people, but they follow the wrong path or something. They are like dark heroes who want to accomplish their goal without looking at the consequences. If I am not wrong...if my sister is not wrong then we will actually do good if we stop them. I really wish... there was another way.
A bed of flowers forms a garden on the ground. The wind is in the sky. With great struggle it blows, the mighty windmills on the hill. The power harnessed by the hand of men shall bring a change, not only a moving the season, but an improvement to quality itself, giving life to those who are esurient.
Near the wooden giant windmill, a little girl dressed in white has her pedal clothes swaying in the wind. In her vision, a gorgeous woman donned in fashionable riches, with a rising sun shining behind her. The fuzzy grass flatters and sways around her, as if she was the centre of the world. Suddenly, a shadow is cast on the little girl’s face, but she is still and standing firm.
[So you must be Avaria, the lady that Hina was talking about, is that correct?
It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is WRose and I didn't come here to fight.]
[Is that right my dear? You look like mighty determined to find me all the way down here.
I shall welcome you, as I am a fair lady of the royal birth, and I shall not run like a coward.]
In absence of sound, giving each other a piercing gaze, both of the girls reached for their dress and elegantly dropped a curtsy. It was a competition to who would perform it with more grace, and although both of the tried their best, the winner was not decided. With their legs returning to the standing position, the battle of maidens continued.
[Say you, your fashion design is quite like the pure flower of the spring that blooms through the snow.
You probably know the troubles and faced many different obstacles, but your smile shows it my dear.
This season change will never come, so don't trouble yourself with it. It's simply impossible in nature.]
[I pardon, but I think you are mistaken. Truly the depression might be among the wrong things,
but the sun will come and melt the snow so that the flower can raise again. Isn't that right,
Avaria? The very hope is something... that I had all alone and Wolf was the person to show me that.]
[What a silly little lily trying to rise above the magnificent dandelion, I do admire your courage though.
You are still young and desire the sun to grow, like others, so having a delicate and naive bud is only reasonable.
This tender and caring gardener could only imagine what troubles the wind has given to you, I’m I wrong?]
[I am through that phase and I know where I stand, thus I won't waver to your words and doubts here.
The strong wind shall test the tall grass—we shall see which flower will prevail in the end.]
Again, the atmosphere changed as the great gale blew from afar. With their skirts fluttered, both did not give a step back from the challenge. Both standing firm, they were unlikely to yield. The wind quieted down, unlike their fiery eyes, full of passion. Their battle continued.
[Say you, White Rose, I find that name most fitting for a lovely corsage such as yourself.
I'm sure that you have delicately picked that name on your own, I am not wrong my darling? If I may,
I think you will lovely if you were to adorn my magnificent boutique. The offer is yours to take.]
[I thank you for the offer Avaria, but I did already my fair amount of modelling and research.
It seems that you have invited Pina to become your assistant, but I only heard complaints from Hina.
Is that true that you asked her to wear a collar with a padlock? Is that why she calls you her lady?]
[Well my dear, I think we already have been through this, but if I must I shall say this again.
Pina is my dearest accessory but also my partner in sales. How we do business is only up to us,
thus would you kindly mind your own buzzing, and leave her to do what she wants herself? In fact,
this would be most marvellous if we all had a cup of tea and talk. Will you accept, my lovely tulip?]
[I beg your pardon? I do appropriate the thought, but most certainly that would not work.
You see, with you in the picture I am afraid that she will only speak as much as you let her.
But this enough is to show that you simply want to keep her, so forgive me, I must decline again.]
With the wind silent, there was not a single sound in the space around them. Not a bird or a bug, only the two girls who were eager to approach each other and have a slap fight. But as one of them, the smaller flower girl, took a step closer to the lion-looking one, she was met with a sudden roar.
[Hey! Are you certain you are not making a mistake? It's a pity that you refuse my solution, my darling.
I thought a person that cares so much about their look would understand the marvel of a true fashionista.]
[I do like cute stuff Avaria, but that's not all I am. You have a fashion shop, just like Hina right?
And you allow people to dress in their own clothes. I do respect that so I don't want to offend you,
but I think art supposed to be something you share with other people, a medium you use to connect with like-minded.
Now I know nothing about fashion in the end... but I trust that you might tell me your reason to do art?]
[I'm intrigued that you carry such an exclusive and precious reason. You surprise me more and more Rose,
and this lady is most intrigued I say. Very well, I shall give you your answer and tell why I'm in fashion.
Look at your clothes and then look at mine. Aren't they both pretty? But the difference is my dear,
they show how you see the world in white, while I have all the brilliant colours. That is my reason.]
[You make yourself into a rainbow that people look at, the centre of the universe, the sun?
As much as you shine with your light, it is just your own. Others are the source of light in my life,
and I do apprentice my friends the most. You are not a bad person yourself... so I hope you will understand.]
The sun was rising slowly—it has only started appearing on the horizon, still not fully bright. Two of the girls in conflict were now facing each other from a close distance, looking for something, for a way to solve their differences. Their faces full of hope and doubt, they eyes looking focused. Not moving their limbs they remained motionless and nothing, not even the shadows, underwent a change.
[Avaria, can you please listen to me? Why do you follow others that want to destroy the world?
I lived through dark times too, and I had days when I wanted to end it all, but here I am standing still.
Can I say I'm a happier person now? A brighter one than before? I don't really care about that any more.
You see, if I was able to change you will too, I promise. We can do this together, just take a step back.]
But as the flower girl did make a step forward, the other girl backed up with her hand close to her on her chin, brandishing her delightfully decorated fingernails.
[I'm sorry Rose, I know that you, Pina and everyone else are just saying those things to make me feel better,
but I don't really care. I lived my life to see that I was able to enjoy myself, even if I am a bad person.
With regret, I will decline and have my way, as this fair lady has rooted herself too far to be weeded out.
If you please, we shall battle to see whose resolve is the stronger one. Now if you please, let us have our dance.]
In another place but at the same time, two shady characters, one with his cape the other with his cloak, met their sights on the stairs of a ruined castle. It was still daytime. The sun shined the barren rocks and the green valley below the mountain. With the temperature a little chilly, the two ignited their pupils.
One of them, the dark knight clad in heavy steel armour, looked from the tower at his adversary. The one below, the drow that climbed the straits, was weary of his surrounding at every step. However the battle has not yet commenced as for the distance was still too far for both of them.
[I beseech you, creature of the underworld. This dark knight follows the code of chivalry without mistake.
Say that you knave try for any shady tricks, and I shall bring my hammer down and dispense justice at once.
You were warned—begone if you have no business with thy, or be prepared if you dare to enter my realm.]
[Hey Juger, you are from TSA right? We were in the same guild, but we never meet before, I think?
Anyway, I just wanted to talk because I don't think fighting should be way for our thoughts to exchange.
You probably don't trust me either, because we set this all up, but if you listen at least we could...]
[Silence you vile creature! You know no shame to plead from the one that is not longer your comrade?
It is true, you have left TSA as I recall, though only Xyl have mentioned that briefly. I know nothing,
about your exploits or your character, thus we are perfect strangers. I have no reason to trust you.]
[But after all, Xyl didn't speak ill of me. Therefore, could you give me a little of trust perhaps?
I'm just going to take one step at the time, so don't do anything rash, okay? Okay here I...]
But as the Marksman took for the upward part of this ruin, the knight standing above gave him warning. Brandishing his sharp axe, he pierced him with a look, which paralysed the drow at the spot. Nevertheless, the bow warrior persevered despite the taunt and continued marching ever so slightly up the stairs.
[I see that you seem to be a little afraid of someone that potentially might be your enemy,
but as you can see I bear no ill words and actions towards you. If anything you have the advantage,
and could have easily jumped down and attacked me. I trust that is your good will thus I don't see a reason...]
[You say, but I can only imagine what poison is inside of your arrows and your words to me.
I shall say no further, going upwards is an invitation for me and a foreboding fate for you.
I will see that you face punishment from trespassing, so think not of trickery and face me now.]
[As I said, I carry no ill actions so I won't shot you even if I could. That way you can trust me right?
It's just a way of saying that I don't want to attack you in the first place, so please understand.]
[Trust you, the very devil which lurks underneath the earth? How silly are the weavers of fate to brought you here,
for it is you who should have been the marked one. I know your reason or showing up here, and I won't kneel to it.
I regret to repeat myself, but due to your kindness I shall do it once again. Begone now or you will suffer whelp!]
But even with those words echoing in the air, Darku did not appear to be further threatened. He took one step, after another, and climbed the stairs to the ruins. It was not his destination, but part of it. Now he must search a way to accent the tower upwards, towards Juger and his goal.
[You say you don't trust me, yet all those years in TSA have taught you nothing? You know very well,
me, Xyl, and G1 if you know him, were friends for a long time. I can bet will all the money in the world,
that they are good people and would have never agreed to destroy the world. If you trust Xyl then...]
[Your crafty logic is again faulty, as the choice of who I grant trust only belongs with me.
But you are right in one thing, Xyl would have never agreed with me, for I am the dark knight.
I follow my own code of chivalry to protect my ideals. I do not expect others to understand,
for what I do is only clear to those of the same soil, for my decision no longer carries any doubt.]
[So then step down from throne and show me your determination, if you are stopping me.
But please be sure that my intentions are not to fight, that at least you understand right?]
Although the drow did not hear a reply, the knight disappeared from his sight into the sky. Darku, knowing that a confrontation might be an option now, looked for a place to hide. Left and right, the castle walls appeared crumbled and there was no space of safety to be found.
Slowly he walked, having the landscape to his right, a ceiling over his head and a wall to his left. This broken stone passage connected the towers of the castle had gaps in the middle, one wrong step and you would fall to the ground below. It is here where they both meet unexpectedly, and clashed their metals for the first time.
[What are you, a fool? You listen not to my words but to your own voice. Cease this madness,
for I only want to help you. If you don't comprehend that much, I shall make it sharp for you.]
With a swing of an axe, the knight dashed at the bow man without a warning. However, the marksman timely dodged, and although was in position to counter attack, chose to remain at ease. The two men looked at one another, each having their side of the old and crumbling-looking bridge.
[You say that you want to bring the end of the world, what else I would need to understand?
If anything, you should be the one to explain everything. What exactly you plan to do?
How did you manage to involve others? What is your connection with Schuld or the event?]
[All of this at once shall not make your mind clear, thus allow me to answer, one axe at a time!]
With his massive tool in the hand, he smashed the ground in front of him, cornering and hitting the drow.
[Though a sacrifice must be made, my plan shall bring a new beginning to society and the world.
For that I considered all the possibilities, but where you have failed, we must take the risks.
Our will is to end this world and affect the other, so that it will be reborn and reformed.]
Another strike of the knight's weapon has brought down his opponent to his knees.
[Others have their own reason to follow me, which I don't question. Each of them is different,
but we are the same in one single aspect. The society didn't give us a choice or a chance.]
With his metal gauntlet, Juger grabbed the marksman and threw him into the wall.
[Schuld and the event are just the means for us to finally speak, as our words matter.
If that is all you wished to know, then let us be. We shall not be stopped by Wolf and his followers.]
And so, albeit unsatisfied and still angry, the knight marched towards the tower, leaving his opponent. Darku, who suffered only slight damage, knew the battle wasn't over yet, and followed the Tank upwards. Climbing the stairs, the two have met on the top of the tower, where their scrimmage truly began.
Somewhere in the pure white mountain area, even though it is silent for most of the time, a voice is heard. It is steep and dangerous, as ice lies beneath the puffy snow, and one wrong step could lead to a fall. Below the passage to the right, a huge depression that will take someone’s breath away, if they dare to look down.
It is here, in this treacherous environment, where two sides are desperately fighting for survival. Though her colours are not pure white, the knight in shining armour is a part of the struggle. Her opponent, with a white-snow camo, seeks to defeat the adversary that challenged her for a duel.
But before any rules are set between them, the sniper girl fires a warning shot first, and though misses, it forces the other girl to engage in combat immediately. She raises her two handed sword and watches her footing. The rocks and snow plates are uneasy and they can make you fall down at any moment, only one wrong step is enough.
[Don't come close you shiny tin can! I have a gun and you have a sword, so I will win no matter what.
You can just jump off, it would be quicker that way, and I mean it! I don't show mercy, so just you know.]
[Hey you better watch your tongue, because it's chilly and you might catch a cold if you talk too much.]
[Do you have any idea about the cold here, you little radiator? Here I can show you,
just stand still and I will fill you with fresh ice bullets, especially made for pricks like you.]
The sniper girl was using a certain skill, Ice Ammunition, which supposed to slow down the Knight girl. She however was still at a distance and could easily evade the shots. With each jump, she landed further. Using this leaping frog tactic she was planning to close the distance until she would be able to charge in.
However, as much as this worked from a longer distance, it was less effective the more she gained ground. Titania could no longer afford to just avoid the shots and had to block, thus got hit by one of the bullets. That didn't slow her down enough to be out of range, and she responded with her own projective, using Ground Breaker.
A ripple was created in the snow, forcing Yukihiru to pay attention to her footing. She was ready, and jumped over the single ripple without much effort. But her opponent came closer and she had to act. With haste, he placed a trap on the lonely rock that was obvious, but also had a strategic position.
[Don't come close or I'm going to make you a Swiss cheese!
If you don’t believe me, then consider yourself already milked, you cow!]
[Oh my! I do prefer something with fewer holes, thank you. We are in the mountains so how about some goat cheese instead?
I can take you a place just right for that and it’s nearby my school, you know? Oh... wait a second,
never mind that, you probably live somewhere completely different I assume? Hey, where are you from girl?]
[Why did you turn so casual all of the sudden? We are in the middle of the fight here, dammit!
You should act more like a person I'm trying to kill, not some happy-go-lucky schoolgirl!
I hate your kind the most, the so called normal people. I hope you die from lactose poisoning.]
[Yo, that sounds harsh girl. I might not be nicest person sometimes, but that is just cold. Brr!
Maybe you need to chill for a little there, on that rock, I'm just gonna stand here if you don't mind.]
With those words, the sniper girl just realised what her opponent was planning. The knight girl was buying time, because the trap would disappear eventually if she just stood there. In that case, Yuki was compelled to attack, thus she jumped down, firing at Titania rapidly with her gun. This of course was anticipated, and the blond girl rushed towards her enemy knowing that those bullets would not stagger or stop her movement.
The Tank girl was also taking a gamble, because her slow was also wearing off. If her calculations were right, she would be able to reach the sniper girl at the same time as she should become speedy again. Still, Yuki knew that as well and had to act very fast. She used her Volley with haste to make the Tank block, and bought enough time for herself to jump back onto her rock, evading just barely the Bullrush from her opponent.
What followed was that the Marksman girl shot a harpoon at her, using her skill Chain Shot. This allowed her to pull her opponent onto the rock, which still had her Snare Trap. Just before it vanished, she activated it and now Titania was unable to move, trapped just right before her target. However, the sniper girl had to act fast.
[Say your prayers you little nun paladin whatever!]
[Wow, you too think Paladins are cool? Can I have your name? I’m Titania, maybe we could hang out?]
[God dammit! Stay quiet while I shot you okay?]
This was exactly the time she needed to change her sniper rifle and perform her One Last Shot. However, just as she was smiling with joy at the defenceless prey she was about to murder, something happened that changed the situation drastically, in the favour of the hunted.
A large semi circle fired from the massive sword of the knight sliced through ground and snow. Following the destruction, a wall was erected just before the sniper fired and just before the hunter’s face. Instantly, the girl was knocked back by the combined force of her rifle and sudden stone rise.
Although the knight girl was now free, she couldn't see what was happening on the other side of the wall. She only heard a scream, following by a disturbing sound. It was as if the snow started to slide down, and created a small avalanche along the way. Titania knew that she didn't have much time and rushed, only to briefly see her enemy's face as she was desperately trying to grab onto something to prevent her from falling all the way.
[Hold on I'm right there!]
But even with her quick reaction she would have to move twice as fast to grab her hand. It was too late, though only from the looks of it. The knight girl had hope and quickly looked straight down. Not knowing the danger, she jumped down in haste on top of the big pile of snow that formed below. Trying to land without major damage, she managed to fall down on her buttocks, and slid down towards her destination from there. There, she kept digging and eventually...
[Oh thank god you're fine. It was quite dangerous there, I was worried.]
[Leave me or I'm going to shot! You can't fight back unarmed.]
And after short time she successfully rescued the bruised sniper girl, who was inside of a small snow hole, curled up and with her rifle ready. She was a little shivering too, but eventually lowered her gun down.
[So are you going to shot or not girl? Maybe a decision! It's all fair and square if you do,
if that's your tactic or whatever, but damn you should be careful, you might hurt yourself.]
[Says you! You look barely alive after that fall. I could probably finish you in one combo.]
[Then why not take a shot? I'm standing right here...]
[I... can't move because I'm stuck in this buried-in-the-snow state...]
Though looking fearsome, the sniper girl was a victim of mischievous programming, and needed help from someone. Knowing that she was the only person around, with an act of kindness, Titania reached her hand and saved her. Now both of the girls, despite of being in need of healing badly, didn't appear like they were to continue their scuffle.
[Do you live here? I guess you don't get a lot of visitors so you might not be friendly with people,
but hey I'm here now so, we can talk I guess? I can also show you around to my other friends and stuff,
since you are nice and a good player after all, right? Come on, give me a smile or something here...]
[I can give you some snow in the face if that will make you shut up! Listen, I didn’t have a good experience...
with my friends so I don't want to talk about that. Furthermore I'm quite friendly with people I got to know recently.
Strangers like you wouldn't understand, so I gave up on explaining. Brr! Can you go away before I change my mind?]
[Don't worry, I have a boyfriend that is a total pushover anyway. He be like “I'm going to get money for us both”,
but he never really listens to what I have to say to him. You know, “let's go on a date” but we end up doing VR.
Still, I think he is lovely, even if he has this weakness. Hell, I would be probably worse without him, so I'm glad.]
[Wow he must be a lucky girl to have a cow like you mowing in his ears all day. ihihi~]
Both of the girls started to giggle a little, and despite sitting in the snow, felt a little warmer inside. A fire place was lit, and the sun was setting. Despite their clear differences in the beginning, in the dark of the night their colours were blended. However, they sat on the opposite sides.
[So you are saying that you meet this guy online and he is also the part of the group?
Who are you guys anyway? Do you have a name and what about this end of the world?]
[I wouldn't care about that, our leader is Juger so I guess we are just his followers.
Though I must say, I prefer Havah between the two. ihihi~ At least thanks to his dance,
I was able to look in the mirror again... it's kinda embarrassing to speak about that.]
[Oh don't worry, I never talk about my real life stuff because that bore people, but hey,
I don't think it would hurt to say that I'm basically a loser at life. Yea, hard to imagine,
but my only skill is in video games. Outside of it I'm the big titty girl who trips a lot.]
[A titty monster? Your breasts aren't that big in the game though Titania. ihihi~ Frankly,
it's hard to imagine something like without seeing, like the time when I get hot and... Brr!]
Quite visibly the other girl was getting cold, therefore Titania, the knight she was, offered her own warmth and stood up to sit besides the shivering one. But even though…
[Oh you know, let's just stop talking altogether, okay? If I told you I would probably have to kill you anyway.]
[You cannot be serious, right?]
[And it’s no hard feelings—I just can’t simply connect to someone who said they are loser at life…
We are different, you’re just a normal girl and I’m a terrible person. It would be better if you forget about me.]
Even if it looked a bit threatening, the sniper girl took out her gun and aimed the other one. She was ready to shoot, but in her mind she was conflicted. One of her part told her that it was wrong, that talking to strangers about her problems would deteriorate her relationship with them. On the other side, thanks to her friends she was able to cope with that stress. In the midst of the night... a shot single was heard.
Far above in the sky, mountains were standing tall, almost grasping the cloudy night sky. Between the two tallest peaks, there was a single rope bridge that was fearless to wind. Despite it being dark, if one could look closely, there was someone on that bridge.
Two people were engaged in mortal conflict, both of them eager to defeat one another. The first one was a little boy dressed in black, with a deadly blade and a gun in his hands. His challenger was a violet wearing ninja, with his sharp kamas he blended into the night.
Both of them were excellent killers, but only the strongest would prevail in the end. Without exception, nature only chooses those that survive, so this was a fight to the death. Who will be the last standing and who will be one that will fall down to their demise?
[Okay, its two and O for me now. You better get into shape or I'm going to be sad here.
Damn son, I thought I trained you already but you still doing the same mistakes there.]
[Oh sorry, I was just warming up all the time. I'm going to get you next round though,
you are ready right? Because I'm going for the kill! Don't think about mercy!]
And so, the two guys fighting, or rather sparing, have been going on and on with this battle. Whoever would be on the top after ten rounds would be the winner, those were the simple rules. However, it seems that Havah, who forgot the timing on his launcher, has lost yet another round again.
[Oh jeez, look I'm just need to focus, that's all. I killed before, that old man.
You know that guy right? I cut him good, so I'm a real murderer now! I'm super strong!]
[Whatever you say. Look, I don't care about Schuld, Juger or this whole world connection.
Wolf was already the madman and I don't want to listen to others. So just you know this,
you can't literally kill someone in game, they just did their suicide and your hands are free.]
[What the hell are you saying? I cut the rope, I killed the guy! Don't sympathize with me,
I don't need your pity or whatever. And furthermore, I'm better than you know, so die!]
But even this time Havah had problems with his concentration. He was winning at some point, yet he used the wrong skill due a miss click and lost a lot of damage on his combo. Eventually, Albert caught up with him and used the frame advantage of his skill to catch the landing ninja.
[That is four and O, you still have comeback potential son, so don't worry. See what I did,
and try to adapt. I'm sure by now you get the rhythm of combat. We begin when you heal up.]
[Damn, I can't have this fraud beat me this easily. I got to think... what my brother would do?
Did he even play video games? Well that I don't recall him playing then... He did ballet though,
and was protecting me against bullies... nope he didn't play video games for sure. What I should...]
[Hey you should be ready right? Let's do it quick before I get bored. Stop talking to yourself,
because that won't work. No matter what you do, to get me you got to be really good, I mean it.]
[What a cocky... damn there’s got to be something I can do! Why the hell my brother wanted to become strong?
In the end he protected me but if I can't face Albert now I would just be a disgrace to him. Okay come down,
I just need to do it my way, just like in ballet. Trance the steps and use my muscle memory... that's it!]
With a surprise dash, the battle commenced once again. It was a desperate struggle for both sides. Blades were clashing and armoured skills were traded, but in the end, the victor was undecided. With the close range Parry, the boy wanted force his opponent to attack, but Havah didn't pay attention. Instead he danced in his own rhythm, moved back and used his kamas’ special to hit him at a range.
[Okay my mistake, but there are still five more rounds. Can you still do it?
I doubt that, I know your play style now so you better just quit now, okay?]
[No way, I'm going to win fair and square, and then erase that smirk off your face!]
Another round commenced and it was decided quickly. Thanks to the ongoing onslaught of Havah, his opponent was baited to use his skills early, and unfortunately missed his Parry. Following that, with various options and mix ups, he wasn't able to break the concentration of the dancing ninja.
[That is four to two now, but I think I'm just getting better at this with the minute.
Thank you for the tips, but I play my style now. You better just die on the spot, okay?]
[Tsk, using the same taunt back is not a good sign. You are going to regret it.]
Although they seemed evenly matched, Albert knew exactly what moves will lead him to victory, and waited for the perfect opportunity. On the other side, his opponent ran our ranged skills, so he decided to move in, but only to step on a hidden Spring Trap that decided the round.
[One more win for me and you quit that end of the world thing okay? That’s what we have decided.
Obviously, it was Titania that asked me to do this, but I would be damned, let's go!]
And perhaps that was his mistake, because the boy couldn't distance himself properly this time. He was getting hit constantly by certain skills and was unable to land his Parry correctly.
[I don't even care about that, I only follow them because Schuld gave me what he promised.
Even if this is just a game, Juger can't be serious about his plan. I mean figuratively speaking,
if I actually killed someone in the game, ending the world is also possible right?]
[Damn you are nutcase. I already told you that you didn't kill anyone. Furthermore,
no one is ending the world, that's also impossible. Stop thinking about this game realistically,
and quit so sentimental about it as well. Don't tell me you are buying into this lie from them?]
Though the next round was similar, it also was quite close between the two. Havah, that was perhaps lucky that his cooldowns were working in his favour, was able to Backdash just in time to avoid the launcher from his opponent. Following his second activation, Albert thought he had the right skill ready but...
[So this is the final round huh? Well good luck, because I'm going to give my all.]
[Yea, I don't have a reason to be happy myself, but damn. I'm doing so badly today...
luckily Tania is not watching so I'm fine. What about you, do you want to win?]
[Hey, I do want to win but not because of that stupid end of the world thing.
I got to be strong for my brother, thus I train and do ballet. I like both of them,
so that's my reason why I really want to win! You are going to die here and now!]
[Wow you really have a killer face now. Just remind me not to avoid you in the brackets.]
Despite that joke, Albert was also serious about him giving his best. It was a strange battle—both of the fighters were only using skills at the distance and played very defensively. Alas, because of the moon disappearing in behind the mountain, the sun took its place in the sky.
This created an unfair advantage for one of the competitors, Albert, who has light to his back. However, Havah, blinded by the sun, closed his eyes continued the fight with a handicap. With his body reacting only to the sounds in the game, he pressed his buttons in a sequence.
This was his dance, his deadly blade twist that had to be feared by his opponent. With their weapons connecting, they traded skills and their attacks. Suddenly, at the same time they both got staggered and pushed away from each other. Standing up was sole victor of this battle, and he claimed it with a victory pose.
[Well this is five to five, so it's a tie. No need to show off, and thanks for the spar.
Damn look at the sun! I have to go to sleep now. Anyway see you tomorrow maybe?]
[Oh yea... I'm sorry I just got pulled into this all of a sudden.]
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Murderously Disturbed
This collection chronicles the horrific contents of my brain in poetic form. This is not for the faint of heart. It contains terrifying moments of murder, suicide, mayhem, rituals, hauntings, and nightmares in various poetic forms from ballads to sonnets and many more. Most of these pieces are oneshot tales, but the "Haunted Blades" ballad sequence is marked with an asterisk (*) throughout the collection to denote an interconnected series of poems.
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Tachibana Yuki (橘幸), sixteen, student, single, a young man who enjoyed playing basketball but reduced to Online FPS games, has his life upturned when a transfer student named Sasaki Naomi (佐々木直美), offers to take him to another dimension named Avalon, where he could learn magic in the Avalon Academy of Magic. How did he end up there? What paths lay ahead of him? And just what is Avalon? Find out answers to all of these with the Protagonist himself in Particles of Paradise. New chapters will come out on every Monday before 2:00 PM IST/10:30 CEST
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How far are you willing to go to make amends for your past sins? Years ago Erin committed a horrible betrayal against people that she once called her friends that destroyed their lives. Ever since then, she has been living in regret over her actions, wishing that she could do something to ease her pain. One night, she decides to play a game that she used to play with her old friends, only to be sucked into her computer by a strange being. When she wakes up, she finds herself inside the game's world, where her old friends are living in now. However, Erin soon finds out that her friends are no longer the people she used to know, but brutal dictators that have taken over the world. Now she must find a way to fix the mess her crime caused and hopefully save the people that were her victims. But will she be able to convince them or is she forced to walk a painful path covered in blood?
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