《Unwritten – The MMO Experience (Season 2)》=== Chapter 6.5 [Harp]
=== Chapter 6.5 [Harp]
After taking a small break from all of that, I returned to the party with my tea ready. Visibly, Yuki, Havah and Avaria were agreeing with the plan to destroy this world. I could only hope that this was a metaphor I wasn’t getting, that if we did the thing here it wouldn’t actually cause real world to end.
I also couldn't not understand their decision in any way—they all seemed to have their own convictions. Perhaps as a young person, I didn't have enough experience with the world or was too naive, but in the end I didn't want to convince them otherwise, not after my conversation with Yuki.
My stance was neutral, while the only one against this plan was Juger. I didn't know why, but at least he had some sense in his head. If only I actually knew what was going on…In any case, it seems everyone was ready and we stepped through the portal left by Schuld.
[Are you guys okay with giving a brief introduction to dungeons?]
[Wait, are you saying that you never did any dungeon before? Well it's easy,
you just have to not die. I guess you can look at others and just do what they say.]
[Oh...that helps a lot. Thanks Havan]
We found ourselves in a dark and spacey room—it was surrounded by massive metal walls and bolts. Even the air itself felt metallic somehow, like it was heavy and hard to breathe in because of the smell. Something was burned, something singed to the core, not only cables but coal and other chemicals.
Quite confused at first I looked around, and saw that there was a big space above us. On our side there were giant hinges that connected to the metal plane we were standing on. Furthermore it seemed that it connected the platform to a cog-like elevator mechanism.
Whatever that could mean I did not understand yet, but there was a line that divided the platform into two. It was as if the floor we were standing on consisted of two parts, and each side had a hole in the middle. I wasn't really feeling to jumping down, but there was one more thing. In front of us, was like a giant gap, and a bit red button near the ledge. I would guess that button operated the elevator thus if we were to press it...
[Alright, I think we got to press the switch... are you guys okay with that?]
But they simply did a nod back to me, as if they didn't care either way. Oh well, I can't say I was excited either, but soon that changed drastically for everyone. As soon as I pressed the button, a few things happened in a sequence of events.
First, the ground started shaking and the lights appeared around us. They were flashing on and off, but then they lighted up fully. It was like an elevator shaft with them lined up all the way to the top. Just now we saw that the wall around us were not just solid metal but had robots lined up on shelves.
The further you looked up, the more you could find, and they were various kinds from big to small, from humanoid to beast... But I didn't have too much time to watch because another light appeared. It was a red diode on the eyes of the robots, lighting up one after another in a sequence.
[Here come the metal beasts with no flesh heart. Fear not their nuts and oil,
for this dark knight shall take their metal against his own mettle.]
Several already activated machines were already jumping down on our platform. They had metal heads, rusty bolts and carried very simple weapons like pipes or wrenches. They didn't look threatening, so our party dealt with them at once. With a few strikes, Havah and Juger ceased their movement.
[We need to be focused, we are kinda surrounded here.]
But as the ninja said those words, another thing happened. In front of the elevator, a giant construct slowly rose up into the space. It was a robot of a massive size, a head big like a house and hands that were more massive than a loaded train cart.
With a screeching grate, the titan rose before our eyes. It was so tall that we could hardly see his face. Since it was motionless still, I thought maybe it wasn't an enemy, but I soon discovered I was wrong. Perhaps with a special command, it reached one of its hands and pulled a lever far up on the ceiling.
Another set of lights appeared, this time there flashing yellow and red like warning signs. In that moment the ground beneath us stopped shaking and something hot entered the air. I could even feel it with my feet, something very scorching was now under the platform. It was the very substance that starter to fill the hole with the robot, fiery red magma.
[I am glad that a heartless person like you has thought of giving us a warm welcome,
but do please save it for others. It is so warm and I wouldn’t want to inundate these clothes with sweat.]
[Not that I do disagree with you Avaria, but your clothes should be the last of your worry.
More enemies are coming, I'm gonna snipe them. Come on, I will turn you back into buckets!]
One thing to note was that even with their numbers are a little low—the robot's bodies did not disappear. After a monster dies usually, and after a certain time, they simply vanish in thin air. But not those machines, what remained after defeating them was a bunch of metal and bolts lying down on the ground. I wonder...
While the machines kept attacking, we did our best to destroy them as they appeared. However, it seemed like the room was getting hotter with each second we would waste. There was something, a trick to this, I thought. Thus, between flinging my magic at them, I picked the metal scrap and...
[Well, if this is not what we supposed to do... I don't know what else.]
I dropped the remains of a robot into the hole. A large grinding sound was heard, and after that, something started to move. It was the cog that was the part of the elevator mechanism. We were moving up, just by an inch but nevertheless, this was something good. With this we could outrun the rising lava!
[Okay guys... it seems we got to throw them into the pile down there.
If we do that we will avoid melting... so that is a good thing right?]
With our effort combined, we managed to quell the numbers of the robots, one by one, and deal with them just as they appeared. They were weak and lasted like a few basic hits. Is this was the only challenge I was not impressed in the slightest, but I was wrong...
As we were rising slowly, the robot legs started to transform, and revealed hidden ordinance. Between ankles and thighs a compartment opened and fired missiles at us. They were quite slow, but also quite dangerous looking. Additionally, it appeared that they also homed in on the person closest to the giant.
[Don't worry a thing, for this lady will do her job properly and take those rockets on herself.]
Just like WRose, she was playing a Priest, which was the archetype that could deal with projectiles. With the Barrier ability, she could destroy all incoming bullets, rockets and whatnot. Pretty fancy...On the other hand, Wizards had a boring ability that allowed them to keep their mana high most of the times.
In any case, it seems that my lady did not have any problems, and with a single flick of her sceptre, destroyed those missiles before they could explode. At the same time, our team was doing pretty well, and kept recycling the robots one by one, throwing them into the pile and making the elevator more up.
I was happy that they communicated without a word and executed their jobs correctly... but there was more. Around the knees of the robot, something like a laser cannon popped out of the joint and fired a beam. Its speed was great, and even if Avaria tried to stop it, it was too late. She got hit by it.
[My Lady! Are you alright? We have to watch out... when those lasers appear,
run away. Just keep an eye at them at all times and be ready to evade okay?]
She wasn't that badly burned, so a heal or two brought her back to full strength. Additionally, because there was a whiz sound just before it fired, I got a good idea when you are supposed to move.
[I'm fine my dear Pina, just watch yourself.]
And as she said so, the platform started moving upwards a little, so it was a little shaky. We were halfway towards reaching the giant robot's ankles when another laser was fired. This time everyone was aware and evaded it before anything bad happened. This was going well...
When suddenly, something jumped onto the area. It was a spider-like robot with eight legs. It had an ugly look and had a nasty looking green acid-like substance coming out of its mouth. Without warning, it fired something chain-like from its abdomen towards Havah. Fortunately, Juger noticed that and blocked the hit for the ninja, though that caused him to become the victim.
He was pulled towards the monster, and got attacked with its fags. For a Tank however, he was able to block the damage so he was fine. However we had to deal with it now.
[Come at me beast of the night, we shall see who is the one that truly induces fear!]
With a grapple he wanted to initiate a combo so that we would finish it as quickly as possible. I was ready with my magic spell, though I could only lower its magic defence perhaps. And so, the entire party joined up for the attack and used their skills to quell down the spider.
However, at the same time we were attacked by the missiles again, so Avaria had to deal with them. Havah was doing pretty good damage with his kamas, relentlessly striking at the metal shell from behind. Juger used his abilities to contain the monster within his grasp, using grapple skills and Armor Pierce. Yuki, who was positioned in the middle, charged her sniper and fired a piercing round that finished the monster.
With the enemy defeated, I carried the body of the spider and dropped it into one of the holes. It seems we were doing well, although more and more robots appear and more missiles fired. Eventually the platform raised up high enough that we didn't saw the legs of the colossus any more.
[Okay this would be the first phase I guess? Kinda simple so far.]
But what followed was that the arms of the boss that activated as soon as we reached a certain height. They were massive and quite sturdy looking. On top of that, the boss was wearing armour, metal plates that were riveted onto it. I figured now we have to attack the main body but...
The giant's arm moved and smashed into the ground. Luckily it didn't hit anyone of us, but soon they gained speed and started sweeping the entire area. Other robots and scrap was affected, and if we didn't do something as well soon we would be swept away along with them. That very moment Yuki spoke.
[I see how it is—you want to take us for a ride? I'm skipping this date,
so don't bother. I don’t mind if I break your rusty metal heart anyway!]
And with that said, she erected a Spring Trap just before the hand reached her. Using it, she jumped over, and landed on the other side, leaving us to deal with it ourselves. Perhaps a normal jump would be fine, I thought, but Juger wasn't thinking that. He instead stood in the way of the hand and blocked it with his axe.
[So you think you could out wrestle the hand of justice?]
Thanks to his efforts, we managed to stop the hand in the place and it was no longer moving. Instinctively perhaps, Havah dashed at it and started attacking right away. It looked like a good plan, so I joined as well. Before I noticed, we were not only dealing damage to the hand itself, but the metal armour on the boss seemed to get affected as well. So this is how you damage it...
[Okay I see, you can either jump over or block the hand to damage it.
That's cool! I do prefer the damaging option if you guys don't mind.]
It seems that Yuki, despite doing a solo stunt, was focusing on the boss itself now. Following her was Avaria, who used her Godly Punishment to heal all the allies who were attacking. I didn't say idle either, and used my Disintegrate Ray to lower the boss' defences. However Juger, who ground his steel against the metal hand, was getting damaged badly.
Before long, the colossus retracted its arm and it returned back it from where it came. But two things were of notice now—two of our party members were now low on their health. It was Yuki, because she was alone and against the robots that kept coming, and Juger, from the blocking.
With the hand out of our way, Yuki moved to the middle again to continue sniping the minions, while Juger stayed and dealt with the monsters on the other side. In the middle of this, Avaria, who was undecided to who to heal, asked them both to join their position together.
[I assume it would be more efficient to heal you both at the same time, if you don’t mind.]
[I don't need healing, this is a path of the dark knight.]
[I'm sorry but I'm still fine, even if it's a little hot in here...]
It was true, the lava was rising all this time and there was no stopping it. On top of the robots we had to deal with, we also had to keep an eye on occasionally appearing spiders and the hands that were coming down from time to time. They had several different attacks, like smashing or punching, all of which also destroyed the minions. I did get hit once by the smash, and although it did some damage, it wasn't that huge of a deal.
Quite frankly, as our fight progressed, I was more worried about our party's cooperation. Avaria was a lady for me, so I could count on her help at all times, but Yuki and Juger...For our sniper it didn't matter what was our plan, and for our knight, he wanted to get hit for his buff. We didn't have a united strategy and I felt that soon the fight will get even more dangerous.
With a rusty buzzing sound, several things flew down onto the arena. They were specialized robots, ones that looked like little mosquitoes. There were a lot smaller than normal monsters, so I figured it would be a pain to deal with them all individually. That's why I wanted to use magic, to take advantage of my AoE skills and destroy them all at once. That was my plan, however...
The swarm totally ignored me and attacked my lady instead. With her single strikes, she wasn't able to do much but to swat them around. Their numbers were not decreasing, and furthermore, they seemed to be attracted specifically to the Priest's spiritual energy.
With every little sting they made, they took out a little blue droplet from her body. I can only assume that was her mana, but I couldn't simply tell just by looking at it. I finished casting my spell, Flaming Tornado, which burned down the bugs quite quickly. Additionally, because this was a channelled skill, I was able to catch all of them in the arena.
[Are you alright my lady? I understand... you must hate bugs,
but leave the little things to me... I can deal with them.]
[I am most thankful for you timely assist, my dear Pina, your little bug spray is tremendously appreciated.
Alas, it seems that those little bugs are more than just a nuisance. They sip your mana out so be careful.]
At the same time, my lady was looking a little exhausted but that wasn't a problem for her. She used her Mana Spring which restored not only her spirit but also others who were in range. Glad that we dealt with that, I returned to fight the endless minions that were still coming.
We had to turn them into scrap in order to raise the elevator up. If we didn't do that, the lava that was underneath would reach us and we would be facing a very boiling fate. However, that was easier said than done, as for the combat escalated even further.
With the platform reaching about the chest of the boss, it started to move his hands in a weird way, and slammed them onto the ground, hitting the two holes on either side. Normally they retracted after a while, but this time they stayed in place and didn't move, as if it was purposely blocking our access.
[We got to deal with those first, I'm gonna start with the left one.]
Without the scrap falling into the hole, we couldn't move the elevator up, so we had to deal with the hands first. But as we thought it would be that easy…Suddenly, two spiders appeared on the arena, and did a pincer attack from both sides.
The middle person, Yuki was most likely the target. However, she had her Safety Rope ready, and as the spider pulled her towards itself, she basically used it to return to the middle. That was all fine, but if we would not destroy them first, we could face someone dying.
Juger, who was the first to initiate attack on them, had little support from his allies. Meanwhile, I and my lady were attacking the other spider on the right, I guess we did some damage. Furthermore, Havah was not interested in the minions and continued attacking the hand.
[Damn you monsters and your tricks! This should not be happening.]
Confused a little, I saw how Juger was flung towards the middle, badly hurt and unable to move. He was down for the count, meaning that he was still alive, but he needed someone to revive him. I rushed to his side with my lady, but at the same time, more little mosquitoes appeared.
[Don't worry... I'm going to deal with them my lady.
You handle the knight and I will... think of something.]
And so, with my fiery spell, I managed to protect Avaria while she made her way towards Juger. However, it seems that she was being also chased by a spider that she damaged a while before. It jumped towards her and blocked her way, thus she couldn't get behind it and start helping out our Tank.
At the same time, Havah, who was not aware of the situation, was being attacked by the other spider himself. He was swift though, and managed to keep him at range without getting staggered himself. As for Yuki, she could have helped Juger already, but she wasn't interested, and kept shooting at the boss' hands.
In this situation it was all up to me, so I had at least some kind of plan. I rushed towards my lady, used my Thunder Teleport and vanished for a brief second. Afterwards I reappeared behind the spider, damaging it ever so slightly. I would have staggered it as well but it seemed it had a stagger protection...
[Don't worry about me my child. You go save that man before it's too late.]
Certainly, the time was of the essence as well, as I could feel the lava was very close now. With my feet almost on fire, I struggled to keep cool and rushed to help the knight stand up. Gently touching him I initiated the restore animation and his body was slowly filled with green energy.
[Listen you lot, we are lost and without a leader we shall be moulded into their metal shells.
Stand united we must, to prevail and to squash this little bugs into submission. From now,
the black knight Juger, shall lead you. I have no other choice really, if we are to succeed.]
With a new spirit that entered him, the tall guy before me gave a quick speech, and his power increased. It seems he used his skill, Eve for an eye, for which he has been holding his hp low all the time. Due to his speech, we also felt more powerful, and ready break from this struggle. This was our stand now.
As Juger's hand lowered, it pointed towards the middle. We were to stay put, as the second spider came closer. We had to deal with them quick so there was no time for asking questions or speeches any more. Everyone, including me, already knew what to do. Thus, Havah dashed and attacked one of them, while we dealt with the other one.
As fast as possible I used my most powerful spell, Meteor Shower, which was the basis of our strategy. Of course I could only imagine that others will protect me while I was casting, because I was defenceless otherwise. On top of that, this was clearly the way to go as others did use their most powerful spells as well.
Juger, after using Armour Pierce, successfully grappled the opponent and brought down his massive axe down. Avaria, as a Priest could not do a lot of damage, but had a buff, Favoritism, which increased damage dealt and defence. Yuki, the recipient of the buff, concentrated her aim and fired a huge blast at the monster, dealing great damage.
[This ugly bastard wants more I guess. Just don't die, and keep at it.]
With meteors falling down, both the hands and the spiders got affected. It was not just them that heated up the situation, but also the lava from the other side of the arena. It was boiling and steaming, almost gushing out on the elevator floor. But we still had time—we just had to make the boss release the grasp from one of the holes. As I said that however...
The spider that lost interest of Havah, jumped right in front of me and started attacking. Quickly the ninja dashed at the robotic monster and tried using his Vault to get its attention. He was successful, but then he got hit by the revenge grab in return, and thrown away from our party. Luckily his body hit the land before reaching the lava pit, so he didn’t meet the worst of fates.
In the meantime, Avaria and Yuki started focusing onto the hand that was damaged by Havah previously. It had still some hp left, so they used all their ranged skills they had available. They did good damage, but the hand still blocked the hole. Furthermore, I was between two spiders now and things were not looking good.
[Oh my, do we have enough time for this, my dear little snowflake? Perhaps I dare say,
we should be helping miss Pina, as she is in a more desperate situation than us both.]
[Who cares about that cat, if we don't destroy this now we are going to get killed.
You must be her master, so you should know that this is the only way of saving her.]
[Oh right, and that way is rising the elevator even higher, am I right?
Very well, I shall do as you please, since only I can save my darling after all.]
[Hey you are doing this for yourself too, be focused okay?]
And another meteor landed, this time the damage was visible, as the metal armour plates fell to the ground. The hand itself was no more, it was cut in half and only scrap metal remained. Thanks to that extra bit, our elevator did raise a little, but not a lot. We still had to throw more junk into it and we had just the plan.
Juger, who now took aggro from both of the spiders, lead them to the hole and started attacking relentlessly. His armoured skills hit both the monsters at once, but he in return got hit back. His weakened body did not yield, and received help from the Priest. With a little more healing and Yuki's Rain of Pain, the damage was mitigated.
Following their bravery, Havah recovered from the ground and dashed towards the second hand. He was barely standing, as he only had a sliver of health remaining. Thus, he chose to distance himself the minions and safely slashed at the boss. With his effort and my meteor, we did manage to take more of its armour, but at the same time the lava was pouring out.
[The magma from the depths of hell is no hindrance for our perseverance—smite those demons with your fiery might!]
Briefly a swarm of sucking mana bugs appeared near Juger, but our combined AoE damage quickly destroyed them. They didn't leave scrap therefore they were not essential. However, one of the spiders had enough, and fell right into the hole it was standing on top of. With a little push, we stopped the lava from pouring, though some managed to find its way onto the arena. It was mostly the other hand that was affected by it.
But as I predicted, it appears that the lava did not harm the boss, as the metal armour did not react to it. Furthermore, Havah, instinctively jumped onto the hand itself, to avoid taking a dive into something very hot. Soon the orange fiery liquid covered his side of the elevator and he was unable to escape by himself.
[Well, don't worry about me, just destroy the hand. I have a plan.]
[I see what you mean, and I shall follow your suggestion.]
Suddenly, Juger stopped attacking the minion and soon I realised why. Our efforts were now all on the remaining hand, and it only took one meteor to finish it off. This would raise the elevator enough that the lava would sink back through the hole, and it was no longer our problem.
However, during all that Havah was still on top of the hand. He had a plan obviously. The moment it was reduced to bits, he dashed onto the spider, and using his Showdown Dash. With that ability, he dealt enough damage to destroy it completely, and no longer any enemy remained. Letting out a sigh, we not only succeeded at our team effort, but we all managed to stay alive.
[You don't use this skill like that, but I only did it because it was cool.]
[Okay Havah... I'm glad that we are all alive, though you are hurt.]
[Right, one thing at one time. Don't worry about the wounds my dear boy.]
With the flick of her sceptre, a glowing orb appeared and we all benefited from its healing aura. Everyone seemed healthy again and the elevator raised all the way now. We were above the giant's chest, and arriving at the top of the shaft. Behind us was a door that was sealed and before us the head of the colossal robot.
Before we could react, two giant body guards appeared jumping down from the head. There were large, mechanical mantises that were almost ten times bigger than the ones in nature. With their razor sharp blades, their tiny wings in the back, they rushed at our party, striking without a warning. It was thanks to Havah however, that one of their dash was clashed before it reached us. As for the other target... despite jumping I was still hit.
[Oh I see, you can't counter them with a simple deception?
Don't worry my darling wizard. I shall come to your aid.]
With binding light, she used her grapple to get attention from the bug, and although it broke its combo, Avaria became its next target, though not for long. Juger, who wanted to take the aggro, stood in its way, and started swinging at it with his mighty axe. He wanted to reduce its armour before the heavy hits.
[Let's do it all at once! With my axe I cut you down and squish you like the bug you are!]
Noticing that, everyone followed with their abilities to maximize the damage. As soon as Juger grappled, Yuki launched her perfectly timed shot she was preparing, as she had now more time to use other skills. Following her lead I also used my skills, though they only grazed the monster with little effect. Avaria was still focused on healing me, but I didn't really need attention so I told her that...
[My lady please attack... I will be fine for now.]
[But of course, if that is your wish, I was merely...]
[Just do it!]
I shouted a little, and she was startled in surprise. Converting her healing changes into pain ones, her dark red energy broke the machine and it fell down to the floor. However, some of diodes were still lit. It wasn't completely defeated, I thought. At the same time something else happened with the boss itself.
Without a warning, the head started to open itself and from the mouth a set of stairs were erected. The inside of the machine looked like a globe and was illuminated by several flashing lights on the walls. In the middle of it, a computer like brain that was flashing in several different colours, thinking something.
[This is our target, the very core of this calculated madness.
We shall put it to the end, here and now. Fear not their sharpness!]
And it seems Juger knew what he was talking about, because a certain light from the head itself appeared. Like a fog of electrons, it floated towards the defeated mantis and was absorbed by it. Suddenly, the robot started to function again and stood up, as if our damage did nothing in the end. But that was not all. Havah, who was fighting by himself all this time, got hit and fell to the ground. This was not looking good.
[Let's go guys! We have a better chance on the higher ground.]
Yuki, who was ignoring the ninja, rushed to the elevated position provided by the stairs. Nevertheless, when she did expect a good result, suddenly the situation changed. The inside of the brain became red, and multiple lasers appeared, spinning like a planetarium globe. She must have triggered an alarm.
[We must have angered it I'm afraid. And I thought here I was,
thinking he would be this kind and allow us to win without using force.]
My lady kindly informed us, looking at the inner part of the head, which was now a lot more dangerous place to be. On top of that, my low hp and Havah who was barely standing were the least of our worries. Hundreds, if not more, robots with flimsy looking equipment have appeared on the edges of the elevator. They were marching in unison and in a trance, as if to worship the giant globe that was glowing.
We didn't have much choice but to retreat to the stairs, though Havah only barely made it. Juger, who was on the bottom part of the stairs, was making sure that we don't get surrounded. Avaria, who used her healing skills and Mana Spring, desperately tried to keep everyone alive. Yuki, who was more interested in the shooting than defusing the situation, continued attacking the mantis.
[It's not use—we have to defeat the very core of it.
What a pathetic creature, thinking he is a god of the universe.]
He, more than anyone, deserves the true hand of justice!]
And as he was saying that, our attention was back at the boss' head. It was there were we could do something, it was our only hope. Thus, I climbed the stairs to see if I was able to do anything, but as I did get close...
[Cease your curiosity little cat, I shall perform the duty,
while you deal with your job of giving me and others time.]
[Why you? Are you crazy metal head? You're the tank. You should stay and defend us!]
[There is no time to talk—only the strongest will survive there.]
And so with our trust, but without the trust of Yuki, Juger entered the laser dome. And as he did, it closed and he was there all alone now. I thought maybe we could push the mantis into the hole, but the holes were completely sealed, and on top of that, swarms of little robots were standing on them. I could only...
[Here does nothing! I'm going to do...]
[Wait before you do, just buff yourself.]
[Wait what?]
[Ah yes, my skill does wonders if we add good team work. Do as mister Juger says Pina.]
[Okay... here goes.]
Buff skills you mean? I do have some like Magic Shell so I used it without a further question. I also received a buff from others, like Air Step from Yuki, or Blessing from Juger. Hesitating, not knowing if this would work or not, I started casting Meteor Shower on all remaining minions.
Before the first strike, the mantises already occupied the stairs and knocked down Havah, but my lady healed him. Another dashed at Yuki, but she somehow evaded the attack and dodged further upwards. Finally, from the back of the colossus' head missiles fired at our position, but Avaria managed to intercept them.
And thus it was my time to shine, as my meteor finally materialised and filled the arena with flames. It was devastating, knocking the mantises off the stairs, but did not affect any other minions. It was as if they were invincible, filled with power of the brain itself... this was pointless.
[Wow... after that and not a single one down. Those guys are a pushover.]
And that was not only my opinion, as others besides me were looking worried as well. We couldn't stop them, each of our attacks and spells did nothing and eventually they reached to us. First Havah fallen, following Yuki and Avaria. They were smacked until they were beaten senseless. Only I remained... I thought.
[I'm sorry... even with your help I was able to...]
[There we go! This should do it.]
My consciousness was fading as I was getting smacked by various tools and blades. But I wasn't all alone. Just like they gave me their trust, and granted me their buffs, there was another person fighting for us. It was he who instructed us to act against our usual doctrines. It was he who guided us through this mess. Juger, the black knight, victoriously opened the head again and inside of it there was light no more.
All of the robots before us collapsed to the ground, as if the lost all reason to continue fighting.
[Well this is our cue to leave.]
And so, after defeating the boss, all of us got back on their feet. This usually happens when the boss dies. But we didn't really have time to talk, we had to run. Luckily the door on the other side opened, so we dashed there as fast as we could. Lava was pouring outside and lifeless robots were falling down from their shelves, but we did manage to leave this place in the end. Our reward was a metal chest containing a special item.
After the battle we returned to the mountain. In our party there was my lady, Juger, Havah and Yuki. It was some time after we acquired the word [Harp] which was quite strange looking. It had three strings, horizontally spread, made a strange broken sound when struck, and after several tries, the sound began to normalize.
[So what do you think of this item guys? It doesn't look like it is usable at all,
it looks broken. On top of that I don't think I can play a harp anyway so too bad.]
[Don't worry Havah, I'm sure there is a use for it... somehow I think.
When I talked with Wolf for the first time he did find a way to use the feather.
He placed it on a lake and a portal opened. It was as simple as that.
At least...that’s what I heard from WRose.]
[So we just need to go to the same lake and do that again with the harp?
I don't think it will float but it would be cool to try right?]
[I don't think that will work Havah... it worked because it was a lake associated with Lunar.
But I have a strange feeling that the harp is not really something like her,
take it from the shrine maiden that worked at her shrine. I also drew her so...]
With a nod followed by him bowing like a shrine maiden, I was expecting him to perform Kagura, but he was already done. Aside from that, we were also coming close to our destination, the place called the Skull Mountain. The name obviously came from the giant skull rock, but furthermore I couldn't find anything about this online, nothing about a place with a black fog or ashes around.
[This is a strange place, don't you think? I usually live in the tundra where there is cold, brr!
But this is a different kind of cold. It feels a little ominous, but only because that creep lives here.
He even said that this place appeared because of something in the real world, but have not mentioned what.
Do you think if we politely asked him, would he answer us? I mean it's worth a try if anything.]
[Oh that's right Yuki. I doubt that he would answer us in anything but in riddles,
so it's pointless to ask him... I also think that we should better ask him about the Harp.]
[And that is what I have decided to do, my inquisitive ladies. This knight walks the path of justice,
and it shall be severed no matter what. Today is no expectation from that rule, thus onwards.]
Along the way, Juger looked like he was more convinced today. I wonder what has happened. It is true however, that after the acquired the [Harp] our party had no clue what to do next. Thus, we decided it would be for the best if we asked Schuld about it. I didn't like this plan, but at the same time the four of us also agreed to it so I saw some potential in his words.
From what I could understand, he wanted to cause destruction of this world, whatever that meant, so that it would be reborn and would affect the other world. This was the only way, as he said, because Wolf previously failed. As for me, I was just a girl who severed my lady, I did what she said.
Saving the world, or destroying the world... well I don't think it would be possible for us anyway. I found this an interesting concept, how everything connected, but I have only carried a slight belief. No way this would be true, it was all a coincidence, I thought, so I personally had no problem following.
[This is it, however as expected, there is no a smidgen of the worm's scent here.
On top of that there is a note. I do only wonder what atrocities he had left for us.]
There was a scrap of paper at the location I first met with Schuld. Juger, without others acknowledging it, started reading the note. It was quite lengthy...
“The daughter of a man that knew only about greed and the mother that tried to stop him,
she is the one that carries the sin of avarice, one that she inherited from her parent.
The daughter of a couple that only sees to protect their good name in face of others,
she is the one that carries the sin of unfaithfulness, it was forced upon her involuntary.
The son of a shrine priest with a gambling addiction and the sickened greatly mother,
he is the one that carries the sin of revenge, because it was his choice not to forgive.
The child of a couple that was unfortunate and lost a twin brother in an accident,
this child is the one that have no sinned yet, but carries a strong desire to murder.
All of the above here mentioned have been blemished by the soil they took root into.
Even if there is someone that will forgive their sins, who will break the cycle of rebirth?
With each life, the newly born are asked to continue the wicked ways and live in sin with their creators.
It is as if there was a thread of fate, which bounds the history so that it must repeat itself without end.”
After saying that Juger paused as he was taking a break to think. Others were speechless, and only gazed with eyes that were lifeless. It was visible that Yuki was especially affected, though I couldn’t do anything about it. This man... Schuld, he knew about their parents. This was the first time I was extremely worried just how people can affect you with words. Whatever he knew about her, it was terrifying that even today this information is far from secure.
[So you want a revolution... that is your plan worm? You want them to suffer,
to make things right, in the same way that I do? Even the dark gods have their honour,
but this knight is still not convinced. Is there really no better way? There is still more.]
“So I do speak to those that I chosen, you are all my subjects I trust the most,
especially Juger. You must be the one that would lead this revolution,
for we no need to listen to gods any more. No rain will fall, no Wolf will appear.”
[I see your logic of action. I indeed have forsaken the god of my shrine,
I am like the people I despise, the one that betrayed me in the past.
Therefore I have to listen to my own voice now, which tells me to...]
The knight was pausing in mid sentence. Even if we tried to approach him, he showed us his hand. It was his fight alone and only he could defeat the dragon... I stayed silent all the time as well.
“The only obstacle that await are your own sins that you each carry,
for they will not allow the world to be reborn without any fault.
I have carried preparations to rehabilitate and purify your souls.”
[This must be this rope...]
“If you question whenever life is worth living, if it’s truly up to your free will.
before you there is a threat that connects you to your ancestors.
Cut it and you shall be free from sins. Do it and you shall be free not only yourselves,
but bring a new beginning to others, though you will have to awake them from their trance first.
With the end of old, a new age will come like a swarm—it shall reform this world anew.”
[So you are asking us to cut from the society, from our parents, and from our sins?
Doing so we shall be free from the burden of making the wrong choice... that's it?]
Juger, which is usually talking like a knight, changed his tone now. It felt like a normal and honest voice. I reckon he was thinking about this choice up until now so...
[Maybe I shouldn't be the one to speak first... but Juger are you okay?
I don't know what will happen afterwards so... maybe it's better to...]
[This Harp symbolizes the connection to your ancestors. At first it's dull,
but as soon as you get mend into their tone and note, your individuality disappears.
This happens at work and at school...and even if I do agree with the notion there is more.
[This is all quite interesting, my dear Juger. I do think that being someone is important.]
Avaria spoke, as if she was on the same page as the knight. I kinda do share their opinion too...
[A weapon this powerful in the wrong hand has made us into mindless cogs in the machine...
That’s what happened. The nails that stick out must be hammered down by the hand of justice.
But they are wrong and use their own narrative to overwrite our own. We are the ones that are left unwritten.]
This was his speech, and I couldn't tell why it resonated so well with others, but it did fire up Yuki at least. Something different in the air appeared, and for the moment my breathing stopped. Those scorching eyes, those clenched fists, they were totally different people now.
Not looking at each other, rather in the distance, they all meet in a large circle. Standing still, they each raised their hand ahead of them. United only by a single thread, they were like in a different world completely. I too wanted to enter but there was no space left for me.
There was also something ominous about this. I was in the middle of a strange lifeless rock, with a black fog surrounding me. My body felt like shivering, but there was no wind or sound in the air. My mind told me that something is about to happen, as if I was just watching a dream-like sequence unfold before my eyes, unable to understand or to act.
[He was right, I would become the leader, but I had my doubt until now.
I am now sure, that this world deserves the fate that we are going to impose.]
Were they really this convinced that ending the world is the right choice? Were they really in this desperate for a change that they cared less about the consequences? Were they really this detached from everything that it didn’t mattered what would happen...
Well... I was like that a while ago too, before I met with my lady. I can understand that at least... the feeling when you are felt behind, alone. You start to enjoy things you wouldn’t have otherwise, like the rain...the rain that reminds you that you are alive.
In this place, absent of life, Juger, Havan, Yuki and my Lady all had particular eyes as if their bodies empty husks. Yet, it was so genuine, unlike any emotion I have seen before. Was I... really looking at a screen?
[As we know no better, the end of the world shall be a new beginning for all.
We are not the ones that will stand still and dance idly, like the straw men,
we shall fight against this oppression, even if that's the only thing we can do.]
And so, everyone agreed with him, in silence. The only thing left for them was to cut the rope left by that old man. Havah looked like he wanted to do the honour. However, as he sliced in half with him blade...
[This is... Schuld?]
Something fell down.
[Wow he was right! I actually got kill someone!]
It was a body of an old man nailed to a cross with his neck strangled... he did not show us any signs of life...
- In Serial22 Chapters
Insert Coin To Continue
Brought to the door between life or death, do you accept the game that death offers you? Of course, any dying man would. Most from his previous stories think chess, or checkers, but how would you feel inside a different body, in a different world?Join us on our adventure of Mr. Skeleton through an adventure of hearts, passion, ribcages, and the occasional necromantic summoning.
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The Godborn Chronicles (dropped)
More than a century has passed, since the Anabasis occurred, bringing with it the recurrence of magic, the return of the figures of myth, and the significant upheaval of the political, geographical, natural state of the world. Now, another change seeks to be known...Meanwhile, Juan Xavier Lee is just your not-so average, non-magical human hunter, who suddenly finds himself, caught up in a plot that is way beyond his league.
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The Dying Detective
A humdrum banker seeks out an unusual detective, known for taking cases too strange for police to solve, to find his vanished niece. The client soon finds himself in over his head as his eyes are opened to a secret world. One that has been hiding within the shadows of his alt near-future city of London. Magic and technology merge in a feat to rescue the kidnapped girl and bring her safely home to her family.
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Enchanted High Book 1
A collision of spells. A tale from history. A hell-bent reincarnated Prince searching for the girl who wears the face of his deceased lover. June Price is powerful; she can manipulate water and create an army of duplicates of herself. At thirteen years old, it is her time to attend a magical school where her abilities are appreciated - a school where witches deliver the timetable, shrunken heads take the place of doorknobs, billboards sprout eyes, and flowers eat flesh. But there's a sinister force lurking over June; a disruption in the atmosphere, a collision of spells, a tale from history, and, worst of all, an evil re-incarnated Prince who will stop at nothing to find her because she wears the face of his deceased lover. This story is based on the memories of the author, Polkadot. I, her faithful assistant, patiently types it out for the world to read as she dictates it. How dark can magic possibly get? I found that out the hard way. Proceed with caution.
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Demonology For Morons
Day in an day out i had dark impulses that i kept in firm control so that my next life, if there was a next life, would be better or perhaps just more interesting. After all this worl d is really boring. I mean if it wernt for books i would probably have snapped years ago. However if i had known then what i know now, i would have thought that i should have commited every sin possible and then died in a shootout that somehow ended with me getting hit by a truck. After all i got my wish and reincarnated as a demon! But no evil karma equals my new life that starts out as the weakest little lesser imp. Well fuck.
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Don't Mess With Space-Time Seals
Fugaku Uchiha didn't know that a simple experiment with seals would result in such drastic consequences.
8 174