《Almagear》Contact 9 The Starting line Part III




Sloth has fallen to the main hall. He checking his surround. He found a siluet.

“You Arc! You demon! Fuck you…!”

Sloth found Noch’ run to the alley first door. The door was connected by the alley.

When he found it he start to, deploying his roach things.

“Whoa! Ouch!”


Noch’ Crash the door.

“You damn door! Eat this!”

Noch’ kick the door hard.


The door broken, then Noch’ run inside the door and end up in alley. All the roach that sloth deploy before follow him inside.

“Now It just you and me Sloth”

Arc readying his sword and use his armor now Arc really look like a cyborg completely. And run to sloth.

Sloth trying to bite him right when Arc reach his range.

Arc skillfully dodge the attack by rolling to right side then slash sloth head as his aim.

Sloth dodge it too by pulling up his head.

Arc run to the sloth back, stop then give big swing with his sword.

To dodge that sloth jumping to the front while rotating, surprisingly his rotate speed was fast, sloth already rotating 180o.

He try to bite again. But this time Arc can’t dodge after a big swing like that.

Arc can only parry it with his sword and make him launched to the back until he hit the wall.

“Yup! He strong like Noch’ said before, how long did he need to back to here, is that alley was that long? Woops!”

Arc roll to the left side dodging sloth that trying to run over him.

“Is he really sloth? You are to persistence to be sloth you know!”


The second door of the alley was destroyed and there’s Noch’ can be seen.

“Eat this you bastard! My last pineapple!”


Noch’ throw a grenade.

*Boom! Grasak! Grasak! Grasak!

The grenade blow up the roach thing and make the alley collapse.

“Why you are so slow? Now run to the outside!”

Arc and Noch’ run to the door that should be went to the outside.


Arc slash at the door didn’t even checking the door can be opened or not.

“Kick hard that bag on your right ill the left!”

Arc and Noch’ kick the cement really hard.

“Wait! Duck Noch’!”


They duck at the same time the sloth was shooting a beam from its cannon.



“Now run! Luckily this platform was strong even can hold that much beam”

Arc make sparks with his sword by hitting it to the wall.

“You know about particle blast? When many ethereal particle mixed in the air at cramped space, when it was sparked like this it’ll goes, Boom…!”


“Ground your teeth! Noch’!”

“You… stupid! Bastard!”

-From the hole lead outside-

There’s two silhouete bounce to sky then fall.

“ahahaha… we did it partner!”

“Don’t do something like that again I think I’ll die”


Sloth come out from the underground where the hole they come out before. His body was half destroyed his inner frame was almost can be seen all of it.

“So its second round huh? You ready? Partner” Arc readying his sword again.

“You bet!” Noch’ readying his two dagger.

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