《Horror King》Ha-eun


"Don't worry for it, your job is complete." The ghost said, I felt a presence in the room and looked around the principals office to find it yet there was none.

"Its unfortunate.. Three more are required." As soon as the girl said that I turned to look at my friend Jimyun. He's a long time friend that I never thought could kill someone yet..

No, this is a trick.

"Gho-" I uttered as I was trying to unmask the ghost and bring to light what its done.

The sound of loud snaps could be heard next to me as one of my best friends died and two of Jimyun other friends whom they said met in Japan. I watched shocked or rather surprised maybe both as their heads exploded after their eyes slowly rolled inside of their noggin.

Normal people would be scared having this happen however even as the blood splattered upon my cheek I still remained unfazed although I was not the same as my best friend right next to me.

Ae-Cha was the last surviver besides my self and was closest to the now dead bodies. She was trembling in fear as a hot liquid pooled at her feet. Her legs show streams of the liquid coming from between her legs the source hidden by her clothes which should have been a skirt and panties.

" Ae-Cha , its alright." I said in the lightest tone I could manage. I pulled her into my embrace and she trembled no longer in pure fear but sadness. The two guys from Japan was something we didnt know about and met recently but people find death sad still and our childhood friend died next to us which is sadder still.

"You've gone too far. Huh?" The room we were in cracked and seemed to fall apart, the room shook and the walls ceiling included split in random places. The walls bled with black icor so dense the light could hardly show it at all. The floor began to flood gradually as the same black icor rose from no where. The voice was cold and distinguished and the rage clearly spoken through a shaky tone. "You won't just kill who ever you like."


The flames quivered and so did the voice and in a quivering tone I could hear the displacement of the schools structural integrity. I finally looked up and found that Jimyun had hopped off the desk and appeared directly in front of me he reached out his hand and placed it on my head.

"Huh." I uttered that reflexively and not without reason and as I looked into the eyes of Jimyun there was a firey look in his eyes and his face was now pale white and his teeth were now sharp and dripping with a glowing green wetness which I could only guess was blood. but his eyes shone a brilliant glowing red.

As if hearing my voice he flinched and his teeth quickly morphed into normal ones.

"Jimyun what is.." I started, Ae-Cha also looked up with teary blue eyes and with her black bangs sending her cuteness points through the roof thats been damaged beyond repair. I spoke only for Jimyun to put a finger to his lips and his expression softened slightly then he wrapped his arm around my head and pulled me closer with it gently, he also came closer and kissed my forhead causing me to blush.

"Eh-eh!! Jim-Jimyun ehh! Wha-" he said shhh again before stooping down to Ae-cha who suddenly had her expression contort in pain but soon she was kissed by Jimyun on her for head with a peck for Jimyun before he stood back.

Ae-Cha expression softened and she again made a cute curious yet hopeful expression as she released a confused word "huhm." Ever since we met I believe she always added a soft sounding character to some of her words. She always acted excitedly when asked what it meant however said it meant nothing.

"If you insist on continuing then I won't spare any mercy." Jimyun said. So this was all his doing? I will have to ask him later. And it seems we might get out alive. I think..


Releasing my head and standing close to me Jimyun began to whisper beneath his breath and cold air began to flood in as the walls and floor began to be enroached upon by ice.

"Stop stop! I shall leave." The ghost said.

"Oh is this harmful?" Jimyun said with feigning care. The cold seemed to increase intensely and the ice instantly froze the place.

"No, but for your own sake. A ghost.. Such as my self won't be harmed by normal means." The ghost said. "However, it seems this is as many of you as ill get. I no longer need you so. You are now free." The ghost said with pity.

"Whatever.." After a moment Jimyun seemingly without a care left and signalled for us to come along. Some how as he walked the school became refreshed and as if it nothing had ever happened the school cleaned it self as he took steps forth.

The blood everywhere seemed to sink and go up in mist.

"Why did you repair the damages?" The ghost asked sounding faint but gradually seemed to come closer.

Jimyun remained silent and we walked until we reached the door and he stopped. "I fixed them because if I left things as they were we would most likely need to explain why everyone but us died. Its easier explaining random disappearances." Jimyun said without his tone reflecting anything which happened so far.

"I see.."


We left the school and finally I released a brdeath of relief mostly exhaustion I stretched casually and smiled. I glanced at Jimyun and saw a rare pool of curiosity as he then slightly blushed.

I developed a smirk as I was about to tease him however he caught me off guard and Ae-Cha.

"Would you like to come with me?" He asked.

"In regards to everything that happened.. I wont mind if its for a bit." Ae-Cha said as she figeted with her coat button.

"I guess. Its alright." I said as I looked at her absently.


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