《Horror King》Others


"He's crying.. "She said wistfully as a single tear ran down her cheek.

"Still, I can't stop.. He's powerful."

The ghost of a girl sat up on the roof of The school with an iron maiden behind her, she was ghostly in appearance yet beautiful and unparralel.


"The hell is Jimyun doing on the intercom?"


"He sounded awful."


"Did something happen?"

"This doesn't seem so easy.."

Although not everyone knew who was on the intercom there was never such a voice on intercom and as far as they all knew there was not many scenario a student could use the intercom.

"Hey! There's another text!"


"What the hell is going on!?"

Students were starting a ruckus from their classes. An unknown entity was assumed to be pulling pranks on them and of course they didnt take well to it and not having been in the history class they had no hint as to why this started.

/everyone is required to now join group, refusal to do so results in a cruel death.

Was the recent message however the first one right after the intercom reads.

/Make your way to the principals office immediately.

The students were both fearful and frightened because of the text however they were sent pictures of corpses from the history class incident. Some believed them to be real and others photo shop however still the hesitation was clear and the entity took another step.

"Who touched my neck- haha stop." Said a kid. "Hey! I said enough already-" the kid was cut off when the feeling of needles piercing his body encompassed his body and although there wasn't a needle he bled from all over his body. Breaking free from his seat he threw him self into the floor and shortly after convulsed and died.


"This- this has to be.. Just some bad joke right."





one girl who knew the boy well and was his girl friend yelled over his body and reached for it in disbelief only to have her wrist sliced clean off and late to respond was the blood and finally spraying moments later.

The girls head fell from its neck at her shoulders leaving blood gushing her neck.

/I've waited hundreds of years and you think you're special? Why can you weep and I can't? Little girl.

The message said next on the phone.

Classes nearby heard the screaming and with high tension few decided to peek what's going on only to go in the opposite direction of the principle office and ended up dying.


"so we are being forced now?!" Is that it?"

"We're not your prisoners damnit!!"

/students shouting unnessarily will die unfortunately please go in the right direction.

Everyone shouting from their classes died filling their class with blood and gore whilst leaving behind their corpse and will or rather once they died so did many hopes and wills of the students. No longer able to refuse they slowly gathered in the halls and for the most part silently went to the principles office.

"No one is going to say anything? Really?" A girl spoke up in a stubborn and firm tone full of will. Her hope and eyes still not dim yet.

Walking in silence there went by a bit of time before someone gathered the courage to speak.

"That was Jimyun.. On the intercom."

"I know."

"I wonder what happened.. His voice sounded terrifying." The girls spoke

These three girls just so happened to be people who he knew all from a different class. He was fairly close to all of of them as they were child hood friends.


"You guys know Frone?" Said a guy as he fell back to where the girls were.

"Yes-" one of them responded.

Interrupting her was another girl who had an seemingly ill temper "Who are you exactly?"

Seemingly surprised the boy responded "We go way back.. I actually met him in Japan, also I'm Takadea Junpei from class. A-6 Art history."

The girls had a shock look not thinking that Frone had the chance to meet anyone else then they remembered not meeting him for two years. Realizing he probably met other people they got jealous and angry all at the same time.

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