《Horror King》Death


"We're here.." Min Joon declared with a smile.

The kids rejoiced and and released hands before all to suddenly they were gripped by a heart wrenching yell. Through the hall blood curdling screams were released into the open and surely anyone out side cold heart them.

Heads seeming sunk in as if hit by a large hammer in a game of whack a mole, arms and legs were dismembered, sin ripped it self from its owner so fast the brain didn't register the pain fast enough, suddenly the students released their hope and let everything be heard in loud yelling and horrifying screams.

"Huh?" After that Frone realized he and the two girls her linked with were the last two left. Frone was beyond dumb founded this left mentally affects which were burned not just to his eyes but his very being. He didnt believe he would ever forget this.

-At the very least I need to get these two out of this alive. Need to.

Thought Frone.

"Girls lets hurry and enter the principals office!" Frne said in panic."

-No no no.. Wait..

The girls with him starting from the random ne who hesitantly lnkeded arms with him, the girl's body jolted, her arms twisted backs and she was brought in the air, hovering just for her legs to break forward and kick forward as far as they could forming an L but that was just the start.

"Hu-huh?" The girl released pained surprised and once more the pain intensified before her body lit on fire. "AHHHH! AHHHHHHH! NO!" She screamed in horrific pain.

The body burned until she died and hit the floor a burnt corpse.

"We have to move on.. Lets-" Seo Yeon trembled but tried to remain calm as they both looked into the eyes of their burnt class mate.


-I said wait..

Frone hung head as head piercing pain shot through his head. The feeling within them both was despair and fear but they both held the urge to struggle they were the last two after all.

Almost in unison they took a step forward but Frone broke his left ankle or rather some invisible force bent it sideways in a bad direction so now it hung limply to the side only straightened by Frone landing his foot however he couldn't resist being brought to a knee.

"Jimyun-" Seo Yeon seeing him brought to his knee felt something was wrong however something was off.

'My throat? What the fuck is this?'

"Wh- y" she inquired to the darkness.

"Seo Yeon.." Frone growled through the pain. He was healed already but still the phantom pain remained and his leg fractured causing him to make a sound similar to a grunt just barely holding pain.

Suddenly Seo Yeon body hit the wall hard breaking all the bones in her body and unexpectedly surprising Frone still her body was flung in to the ceiling then clearly forced upon the floor. She didnt even get the chance to scream. Dying all to quickly.

"Huh?" Frone reacted with a look of despair.

"I said hold hands.. Who said let go? Who said stop skipping." Frone happened to glance at a phone of a dead student who was in the group. "You're next." The message read.

Pain gradually made its way inside of Frone however the air around him and his looks began to change. He remembered he actually almost died but simultaneously activited all of his abilities. The pain disapated. The school coat he wore now was twisting into oblivion right in front of him until je was only clad in the clothes he designed.


Ignoring the phantom pain he struggled but managed by using his knee as leverage to stand with his hand. The phone he read cracked and flickered off. Pushing up from his knee with he hand he stood and his aura turned unnatural, heavy, unbearable.

Finally he slowly walked to the principals office a few feet from where he was. The door cracked and broke in several places as he pushed in on one of the double doors made of wood.

Entering the office the teachers were drinking or smoking while a couple took a step back.

Nine teachers no 20 teachers in total died not by a ghost but this time by Frone unnatural aura they died by losing their heads instaneously, heads burst, bodies or hearts exploding in blood, all of their bones shot in random directions around the room.

Frone slowly neared the intercom with heavy steps and both good and bad memories of his class mates surfaced.


"Everyone do your best to survive..principals orders." A voice announced on the intercom, the voice sounded on all radios over the school. The voice was that of a male student with a angered tone of of both sadness and loneliness.

The students hearing the voice felt uneasy and made their plans.

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