《Horror King》Skipping through


""Every one please remain seated! I have called the cops on the culprit. Teachers please come report if you've had an incident so far and appoint a responsible student to watch over the class"" the principal announced over the intercom.

"Min joon you watch over the class while I'm gone.. Seo yeon behave." The teacher said before looking at the girl who had a skeptical look to behave.

"Yes." Min Joon responded.

"What are you talking about I'm just thinking."

"Yea but I know you."

"I'm just trying to see what's going on.." The girl said.

The sky could be seen darkening outside from the window until it appeared to be night time.

"Hey guys the sky.."

Everyone noticed the darkness and turned their gaze outside. The sky was pitch black with one large flame randomly placed in the sky above the school.

Suddenly everything blinked out before coming to light again with the use of torches. The flames were normal but the torches seemed of an old era gone. The teacher and everyone was surprised but tried to stay calm for the sake of sanity.

"Everyone stay calm.. I'm heading out." The teacher said before walking into the hallways with torches now placed throughout the hallways dimlu giving off light.


"Min Joon dont expect me to follow you." Seo yeon said as she sat at her desk looking at her phone.

"Well this is new.. Does this mean my phone won't die?" Seo Yeon looked at the percentage or rather a new and sign and a full battery.

"Seo Yeon.. This is an important situation! I need every body to cooperate we have no time for anyone to do as they please." Min Joon yelled at her.

"You're annoying shit head." Seo Yeon said after looking at him as if he was a fly who stopped moving.

"Grr." Min Joon was reluctant but he knew he had no time to focus on loose ends. As long as he focused on keeping everyone else together they should be fine.

Min Joon went up on the teachers platform and began to present his thoughts and plans to the class.

"Everyone, I know some of you think this is a terrorist attack but as you can see these torches are beyond any terrorist.. I want to speak to you all about what you think and formuatling a plan to stay alive."

Everyone who heard his voice looked at him and listened before they thought about how to respond go what's going on.


"Min Joon. Have you ever been through anything like this?"

"No I have not but.."

"Then how the hell do you plan to keep everyone alive!? We're dealing with ghost right?" The boy who spoke up turned to yell at his peers now. Obviously stressed. "No one has ever believed in a ghost! No body knows how to dispose of a ghost either so how the hell do we survive this? They died! Look! Do you think we can just have fun and make friends with the ghost? Maybe just give it money.. Haha right it'll take the money and buy death repellant and maybe some protection for the next life haha yea this works!!"

"Chin Hwa.. Keep quiet. If you want to yell until my ears melt then try that somewhere else." Seo Yeon said as she finally got tired of hearing him rant. While not many knew Seo Yeon they all knew Chin Hwa. He was an arrogant person who didn't care about anyone but he had an seemingly endless amount of wealth and any woman who came close to him received a lot of money.

No female at the end really needed to have sexual relationships with him but at the end he was handsome and had somebody already.

"Seo Yeon.. Don't you get it?" Chin Hwa quickly switched to an expression of concern.

"Get what?"

"This is not a joke!" Chin Hwa roared shaking the calmness of the class.

Everyone was stunned at the unfamiliar stress shown on his face but looking at themselves they knew he merely expressed how he felt inside why every one else looked on quietly.

"Chin Hwa.. I understand your concerns but yelling won't help. This ghost is obviously powerful as it absorbed the sun and gave us fire instead. These torches should be only a bit of its power."

"Min Joon!"

"Sorry.. The thing I'm getting at is we need to calmly think about this because anything else is pointless. Now if anybody has any ideas then please voice them." Min Joon reacted to a friend by the name of chul calling him. Noticing he was scaring everyone he changed up and gave his pal a thumbs up afterward.

"I have an idea.." Everyone looked to the back of the class at who spoke, finding the listles gaze of what they thought was a displayed they smiled. While they didn't expect much those people smiled because the mood brought on.


"Jimyun is it? What do you have?" Min Joon said expectantly.

"Well.." Feeling the gaze of everyone Frone scratched his cheek in embarrassment but deciding to carry on he spoke. "We should meet up with the other classes soon so as a collective we can some how deal with the ghost. My other idea is we talk to it.. Or her."

"We talk?"

"With the ghost girl?"

"Is he insane?"

"No dude ghost whisper works it's just I watch people running after the whisper.. Its a one sided talk."

"Haha he's lightening the mood."

"Yea that's it haha jimyun."

"We talk? LOOK THE GHOST SENT OUR FRIENDS THROUGH WALLS! YOU WANT A FRIENDLY CONVERSATION WITH SOMEONE LIKE THAT?" Chin Hwa looked devastated and stressed while making clear how incredulous he felt about this ridiculous idea.

"Wait.." Seo yeon said from the front of her class.. She walked to the back of the class and confronted Jimyun.

"Why ?"

"Well..if we throw in all we know about ghost they are intangible right? Then things like this won't work." Jimyun held up a sharp pencil. "We have no choice but to change its mind or give up that's what I have for now."

Seo yeon stared into his eyes and after a moment seemingly reached a conclusion. With a smile she said "I like someone who can think out side of the box. Lets get along okey?" She said and offered her hand.


Jimyun shook her hand and agreed.

"Anybody else?" Min Joon said as he waited for the next person.

"Okay then.. We will go with the first plan and head to the fields. First we need to swing by the principal and let him get everyone else to come to the fields as well."

"Wait why not the auditorium?"

"You idiot that place is too remote and the ghost would probably lock us in."

"Right. Like he said so lets head out." Min Joon said.

The students in the end agreed that the field would be best and soon everyone was up and leaving the class. Stepping around the dead bodies they left and soon arrived on the second floor.

"Hey everybody joined the group yet?"

"What is it?"

"Well I just got a message from the group it hold hands and skip to the office in rows of three to the offi-"

"Haha man you wont hold my hand that easy."

"Yea youre being creepy in a situation like this I hate and and admire you."

"Wait.. Everyone hold hands and skip with me in rows of three." Min Joon said.

Everyone hesitated.

"Why should I hold hands with some body?"

"This doesn't make any sense."


"What was that!?"

A bang sound came from the end of the hall the sound of a giant walking or something heavy being moved. Suddenly the kid at the furthest to the back started screaming before he began to bang his head on the wall as fast as a machine gun fires its rounds then became faster and harder until his head became mush.


"Hey! It says if we don't comply then each minute the furthest to the back will die!"

Everyone immediately began to come to terms while a couple of people sneaked further to the front.

"Again? It says.. I don't like the untruthful next time don't sneak."


Knowing who they were they tried to fall back to the end but suddenly they're arms fell off letting out an abundance of blood.

"AHHHH!" Those who were weak willed or couldn't resist fell into fear and released screams of fear and anxiety.

"Shh.." Jimyun whispered.

Unexpected by everyone they immediately felt calm and were able to think.

"Hey.. I think we don't have a choice.. Lets just."

"Shut up! We're ready." Seo Yeon said as she grabbed JimYun hand without him realizing it.

"How did you.."

"I asked." Seo Yeon said and showed him the text in a group with the ghost her getting permission to hold his hand.

-that's not it but I guess its to be expected.. Right now the abilities I have active only make my immortal.

-besides it's fine.. She's pretty also.. huh she must come from a prominent family.

Frone gazed at her cute face for a moment before a random girl who seemed to hesitantly link arms with him while pouting. Frone sighed inside and looked at her hair before looking straight ahead with a listless expression.

So with such thoughts in the end Frone walked or rather everyone skipped the halls to the principals office as Ha-Rin found her self feeling jealous and constantly glancing back.

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