《Horror King》First haunting..


"Right, so there's actually a reason Why I brought up the shogune of feudal japan." The teacher said.

Turning from the class he picked up a chalk and wrote on the board with it a link to a website.

"Check this website now and you have three minutes before I call on you too answer."

The entire class wasted no time taking out their phones too check things out except for a few students who immediately went to a gaming app.

"Sounds of shooting and zombie groans*

The teacher turned to a student in the back with a cocky smile and a shine to his glasses as the student looked up to catch his eyes..

"Teacher, I was just shutting it down.. You're wrong."

"Joo-won you can proceed to shut it off and put it on my desk." The teacher responded.

"Tch.." The boy clicked his tongue and quietly did as he was told.

"If you care for it see me after school." The teacher said as joo-won walked back to his desk.


Everyone practically skimmed the full of the informational page. It was about a horror story recently drifting around. Apparently schools appeared to lose all life out of nowhere and on campus was bodies of dead people who died in various ways which shouldmt be possible with means present to the school.

*Claps twice*

The students calm and quietly put their phones on their desk and turned them off as they refocused on the teacher.

"So has anybody interest been peeked yet? ..sorry if I seem insensitive-"

"Teacher its only happened to two schools and my brother attends one of them abroad and he just text me last week."

"That's wrong ji-sun." A student responded to the boys left. "This happened to both schools at almost the same time and it was three days ago?"


"..I'm texting him now." The boy began to catch a cold sweat as he snatched up his phone. "Huh?" Soon as he picked it up a call came in and he glanced at the teacher for his approval. The teacher nodded and the boy left the class and stood in the hall.

"Everyone if you know some one who attends abroad then I will allow you to contact them." Four students stood in response to this and took their phones outside or bags.

"The rest of you there's almost no time left in homeroom therefore you will answer my question. Do you.. Understand why the little girl died?" The teacher asked up front as he took a cloth too wipe his glass and put his glasses back on.

"Well the shogunate considered mutations too be true and the little girl boasted to be able to breath water normally and in that era it was becoming almost common for houses to be burnt down and as they grew closer the girl stayed with him closely and in case something happened he had her a iron maiden of sorts built and filled with cool water. Not the full story is here telling where it was put but.." The girl who stood and spoke stopped to think.

Time went by and deeming she could no longer speak someone else spoke drawing the teachers attention.

"The girl hid in the iron maiden and this happened when something went down in the shogune home and he never managed to come back and they both died that day."

"Thats right.. And these sightings report a ghost of a girl of unparralel beauty stepping out of her iron maiden or hanging out by it on the school roof before and after and even while the school is haunted. But its only what someone glimpsed." The teacher said.


The class went quiet as some were worried and others looked in disbelief or even ignored it completely.

"Class is almost over.. We pay respects." The teacher said and bowed and the rest of the class did so as well standing from their seats and bowing.

The teacher and everyone stood straight and without realizing it the atmosphere was no longer carefree as expected from a student life at school but it became a funeral of sorts.

"Ah.. Alright... Everyone class dismissed-"

Interrupting the teacher Th ed was the sound of something hard hitting the wall, everyone caused to look the wall on the side of class did so and found the head of the people from their class bent back at a full 90° angle like an L and there was a sickening crunch to their bodies before they went limp.


Suddenly a frightful scream shredded the thoughts and atmosphere in the class and the abrupt noise of desk moving could be heard as the students nearest to the wall all backed away.

"Ca-calm down every one its just a prank.." The teacher heard someone say.

"A prank? Ha, who would pull a prank this far?" The teacher said with a helpless expression as sweat dropped down his face.

Everyone came from a happy normal life to a desperate situation in seconds. Most of them knew then they wouldn't get far and some immediately started to think it was the spirit of the girl who came to do this. Others thought in their practical mind that it was a terrorist attack.

"What's.. What the hell is this!?" A student shouted as he held his phone looking at a text.

"Everyone in class Historian.. Will be urgently advised to join this time for vengeance a party of revival." The student began to fearful read the text. "Who ever doesn't join this party will be immediately disposed of for refusing to.. participate in a journey of rebirth."




"Fucking terrorist.."

The students made a ruckus and started to run or leave their desk but the first two out the class mysteriously had their necks slit allowing blood to spray not even making it a foot from the room they died instaneously before being able to think much less regret anything.

"Hey guys.. It says. No more running."

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