《Horror King》A day in class


"The shogune-"

"As I said why are we talking about the shogune? This is Korea!"

"Yea we don't live in thoss times any more!"

"Shut up you idiot this is Korea history class."

"Right, of course we learning about the past."

"But.. I was just saying.."

Frone could hear the students and teacher inside arguing about history.

Frone abruptly slide the door open and slowly stepped in.

Everyone hearing the door about over an hour into class broke from what they had their attention on and looked at the back of the class to see who the tardy was.

"Whoa whoa, that's some fancy get up jimyun."

"Did he get surgery?"

"He looks like a cosplayer."

"Teach is this dress code? He's wearing boots!"

Everyone started conversing amongst them selves about Frone and his outfit also why he showed up late or what model he looks like. Frone quietly walked to his seat appearing to ignore the subjective comments of the students.

"Jimyun! Why are you wearing boots? Give a satisfactory answer and ill let you wait to fix things until after class." The teacher shouted bringing jimyun to a pause.

"I.." Frone turned to gaze coolly at the teacher. "I can't find my shoes.. And this is only for today."

The teacher studied his expression before abruptly switch to look at the board. "Well if its only for today.. Ill write a note for your other classes."

-ill attend this way the whole year! Don't think badly of me. I'm just too much.

Frone nodded and went to his seat a section from the window in the back. Frone placed his hand on the table and pulled back the chair as he sat down with familiarity. He had obviously sat here an like the a thousand times.


"I see.." Frone heard a girl who seemed to be finishing her conversation and coming in his direction.

"Excuse me, Jimyun?" She said.

"Um.. That's my name." Frone scratched his head before asking. "Who are you.. If you don't mind me asking."

"I am Ha-Rin. Call me as you like. I don't really care for formality." She said with a lite do blush in her cheeks.

"Right.." Frone slightly embarrassed at calling this girl with out formality, besides this being the first girl he could call normally she was quite pretty and an idol in this class with a perfect body she had long hair and and cute face. Oddly though while her hair and eyes were black she had naturally green eye brows.

Frone found him self caught in the trance of gazing at her beauty as she innocently smiled at him.

"Wait if its like that.. She doesn't like formality then.."

"Wait can I call you by your first name then!?"

"Me too!!"

"Guys back off I'm her greatest fan, as I have the collection of every photo she has until now I call dibs."

"SHUT UP, I go first."

Frone found him self in an annoying situation suddenly and contemplated ignoring them or stopping them and he suddenly noticed that Ha-Run was steadily getting nervous. Suddenly he got agitated.

Frone couldn't stand making a girl uncomfortable in his prescence if it was someone he knew and even if he didnt have abilities he was still comfident in him self. The abilities he did get though.

"Hey!" Frone shouted over the noise and got everyone's attention as they shut up and turned to look at him while getting over their shock at the sudden loudness.

"Youre making her uncomfortable!"


As soon as they found out who spoke they immediately decided to deliver their own thoughts but who ever opened their mouths that moment became nauseous and felt like they were falling and virtually in their eyes a pitch black hole opened beneath their space including the desk as it all fell in.

Luckily only 10 people suffered this as the rest spoke later with more considerate looks with out realizing what happened to the 10 random students who were ready to assuminglu speak out of turn.

Frone sat down and sighed. It was difficult making an illusion for ten different people or rather a hallucination which was what his power was written as. The difficult part was the design.. He had to come up with a relatively detailed one or they would get the desired affect. In this case he wanted them to feel sick somewhat and thought about such a method.

The 10 students either put their head down or held their stomachs in silence.

Claps twice*

Hearing a clap from their sensei they turned to the front of the class.

"If you're all done class is up in 30 minutes. If no one knows anything about The shogune then you can expect to fail this test coming.. Tommorow."


"Guys shut up I don't need any more bad scores."

"Quitet everyone."

"All we did was argue these couple of hours what do we know?"

"Sigh." Frone sighed.

-Not like I can't come after now..

"Jimyun.. Do you mind if we talk later?"

Frone looked up at the idol still at his desk before his expression changed from a plane look to slightly unexpected looking at the situation before him. Although he had no problem with it of course.

"Of course." Frone said with a friendly smile.

"Please take care of me"" They both said and shook hands.

This is how home room started for Frone Jimyun who just got his powers . still it is unknown whether he died or not in the process he was still a complete success. However what changes did this bring to the rest of the world? Has anybody else done this? Will the world have any rebound affects? Are any other people ready for the effect of what he did?

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