《Horror King》Going to class


Frone made his exit from the restroom stall into the girls restroom, there was a look of complete disbelief on his face as he looked on his left to see three girls two were talking as the other switched into PE cloths.

As he left they senses someone staring at them with eyes that knew they shouldn't be there causing them to turn towards Frone and when they saw him they simutaneously reacted.

One of the girls blushed and the other two became irritated and their anger became apparent as they looked at Frone a few seconds longer.

"Why are you in the women's restroom!?" One shouted.

"Pervert! Get out!"

"Somebody help!"

After shouting frone reacted nervously and gulped. The reactions of the three girls caused him to flinch, he reflexively shut him self in the stall again!

"He shut him self in?!" The three girls shouted in shock?

The girls came up to the stall and started pounding on the door urgently to get him to come out however after at least 10 seconds something made them stop and step back, the stall opened at last revealing an empty space with only a toilet and tissue. As if making fun of them the toilet flushed on its own.

The looks of shock became agitation and anger once more and they swore when they saw him again he was in trouble. They would give him hell.



"If not for that I'd be in trouble." Frone said appearing in front of class. As it was still class in session the halls were empty.

When in the ladies room he used selective invisibility to hide and once that was done he used mind control making them step back so he could come out easily. That's how he escaped from his own problem.


"Now I wonder if she will let me in like this.. I still look like me but with a perfect face, different style and prefect hair dye, right and my eyes are glowing red which isn't possible with contacts.." Frone said in a low tone.

-the changes cant be too drastic but lets see if I can look more like before.. I hate this too but for now.. just now.. I need to.

Frone changed his form a bit and tried make the fur coat disappear, in a few seconds he looked more like the old him except the body modification didn't do much. He couldn't change his human form and the fur coat felt like a part of him, this instead caused him to change tactics. Frone instead tried willing his fur coat of like using his power and of course.. It came of but it still felt like a part of him.

Frone satisfied decided to put it back and and this time slid it on entirely with ease now he put on his school coat with it and closed it.. Almost. The ribbon stubbornly refused to disappear even with his power leaving him no choice but to leave it open revealing his black and silver stripped shirt.

"Sigh.." Frone relented and abandoned messing with his outfit. He should be appropriately dressed except for the shoes..


Frone darkly stared at his class sliding door with stacking irritation. Reluctantly he disappeared on the spot and teleported home.


"Apparently it seems I can only remove my coat.. And my shoes!" Frone said glaring at his feet.

What made him angry wasnt the fact that his outfit stubbornly stayed on. It was like armor and the best fashion choice. What angered him is he knew he would be in trouble only wearing a school coat with the emblem. Students were to wear either a black or white shirt under the coat. Check. Wear black school pants. Just barely cutting it with the high quality pair of pants he wore. Finally wear dress shoes. No.


He could not wear any as he now did not own a pair. Soon as he took off his boots with will like he did the fur coat it felt strange putting on different shoes and once he did put them on they changed into his signature combat boots.

This angered him cause now he didnt own dress shoes and they would certainly ask where is his uniform. He didnt want to brain wash them every day either.

"Forget it.." Frone said as his anger just began melting away. Calming down he took off the dress shoes which became his signature boots and decided on the original pair as they felt more natural.

Seeing as the boots were both unnatural and supernatural and indestructible he decided to deal with them on the spot. Using the bound breaking ability he changed the rules of the shoes a bit and destroyed them on the spot. He couldn't leave any One else to possibly steal these even if it was a mere copy it was really close to the real thing.

"Well I guess.." Frone scratched his head as he sat in the chair and abruptly stood up.

"I really don't want to deal with their carp but.. It seems like ill have to for a bit." Frone let his hair change back to its natural platinum and teleported back to school, appearing in front of his class door he pushed it wide open.

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