《Horror King》The desire to be something more..


The story begins or well my story..

Frone-Cook jimyun is a man of complex and complicated dimensions. He is both mentally and spiritually out of reach. For now we shall shall call him Frone.

He was someone who doubted his lack of ability profusely denying his place as a human guaranteed to live a human experience. Times of doubt or error drove him into bouts of anger, yet he did not stop he chose not to give up his path of depravity. From a normal point of view he had everything to lose and not to gain.

At the end of it all who did not seek human evolution? Human enlightenment? Did everyone succeed? Frone had no reason to think he would succeed and yet he kept on. Every day he tested his mental power and spirit and wrote on paper what his goal was over and over every day. Be it in mind or his spirit he held his goal with him.

Soon enough he found he could not rely on writing everything down, with no other choice he realized he needed to enhance his mind and spirit. On his very soul he tried and harshly succeeded in this.


"Its done.. I want no more of it any ways." I said.


I lifted my hand from my mouth, gazed wearily at the blood that was there as I lay in a pool of my own blood.

The blood came from my eyes and mouth and lined down my neck and dripped beneath me to the floor no doubt dousing my hair dying it an orange color.

Red was not my favorite how ever I did like it.

"I tried.. Yet after all of my efforts I lie here.. Dying in a pool of my own blood. I am not sick. What trickery is this!?" I said sharply. The cough threathened to interrupt me causing me to speak clearer, also louder.



Tears were coming, I felt them.

Its been a long time since I had cried.

"I refuse to.. I said no dammit!"

Refusing to release any tears as I was not a cry baby, that was one reason but what hit home most of all was the being I created.. Whom I caught to be did not cry so easily. He would not die or cough of sickness.

"No.. Not like this.." I grunted as I pushed from the floor with both hands. I was now in a kneeling position and the sun hit me with its light as I one else in my room before my desk at the window.

"I won't... Cant go out like this.. I've achieved nothing. I must have more.. More." I gabbed my desk and pulled my self up. I struggled to stand and staggered from standing so quickly.

Immdediately I pulled my self up to the desk like using a rope for tug-o-war except in my case the edge of the desk acted as the rope and I simuteously pulled back my chair abruptly slamming my weight into it.

Finding the strength I wheeled it forward, I now sat in my chair at my desk breathing heavily. The task was arduous. I hated difficult things and that explains why I always tried to take an easy route.

I needed to take the power I've worked on for so long. I can't wait, I no longer have the leisure to doubt and to rethink my actions, either I succeed or I don't and I wished heavily the former.

I took the paper from within my drawers easily accessible in front of me, I opened it and slammed it shut soon as I retrieved the papers through the crack.


I skimmed the papers and shuffled through them looking for the best one and the last one I settled upon and were training for and it appeared in the second page.

"Frone.. Named after me, platinum silver hair, bright glowing red eyes, a perfectly sculpted yet featureless face.."

The face and body were perfect for me.

Not to mention what he wore and his long list of capabilities and description. That involves details of his race or species, this is the only one of its kind.

The Class was "Horror entity" yet unlike others it fed on fear yet it was unrequired to stay alive. It was an ageless and undying type immortal. Quite the beast if I do say so my self.

-immortality, Apathy, chameleonic nature, elasticity, body length manipulation, malleable anatomy, electronic disruption, fear inducement, supernatural condition, supernatural tracking, rule/law/bound -breaking/bending, selective invisibility, claw extension, additional claw, claw generation, telepathy, mental hallucination, mind control, teleportation, time perception manipulation, unnatural presence, unnatural size, vocal replication, weather manipulation, Perfect/absolute Defiance.

The traits are also great yet not many..

"The abilities are this entities entire existence and thus can't be stolen and tampered with.. The soul is unexplainable and not really a soul at all." I read aloud.

I ignored the blood trickling down my neck and fresh blood wetting my face as I analysed once more the design of who I aimed to be.

"Traits and titles: sculpted one, eyes of the pale one, medieval one, noble one, horror king, trickster, The boundless king.

His vanity is only.. Cough* a black dress shirt with pale strips of grey, a fur coat which was only equipped halfway, the fur coat was black with a white fur addressing the neck part the style also had a white ribbon with a great at its center for where a tie should go. Only two extremely black belts, black pants with space in them as I hated skinny or fit pants and finally extremely black combat boots with white fur at the ankles seperated by the tongue of the boots." I said.

I felt quite winded after saying so much. Because of this sudden ailing status I somehow was brought to the floor earlier. It was a painless suffering that was literally more tiring.

Suddenly though, with all that said I could not resist the urgent black subconscious which was reaching for me.. Within seconds I fell asleep beneath the sun and warmly lay my arms and head upon my desk.

"I wasn't wrong.. Was I?"

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