《Legend of Xeor》14 The Lion King
28day of Full bloom year 190
The group reached without any farther delays at the Hawkmen village, who full of surprise and fear surrounded them.
They where about to attack when Glori the young Hakman stopped
(Glori)-Is that you Xeor?
(Xeor)-Oh Glori, how've you been
(Glori)-I have repeated it many times never call me that
(Xeor)-Chill out man, I didn't call you a Chip(chicken)
(Glori)-Whatever, what the hell are you doing in our territory?
(Xeor)-You see Glori..
(Glori)-Don't call me that
(Xeor)-Ok okey, you see I have a dream, of uniting the beastmen tribes, and here is the deal, your tribe is in the middle of our unification so you have a choice
(Glori)-Are you even serious? And I didn't want to believe the elders when they decided to send an army to estroy your village but as it seems their fears were true
(Xeor)-Whatever, now listen
(Glori)-Listen to what, your village probably lies in ruins and all lionmen except for you five are dead
(Xeor)-Yes , now listen I will either fight your chief for leadership over the hawkmen or I will be forced to kill you all
Glori seemed to laugh as he heard what he said and told something to the others in birdmen language and they laughed too but all the laughers stopped when Xeor Roared Paralizing all the Hawkmen in fear he then walked towards Glori in with a wicked expression on his face any Hawkmen that went in his way he killed in a stroke of his arm, Glori was terrified as the Hawkmen were now being slaughtered by him and the four lionmen behind him.
Normally they would have taken flight immidiately but now they had to buy time for the Women to gather their eggs and children that couldn't fly yet. A strange cry was suddenly heard and Glori now took flight as did the others leaving the wounded and dead behind.
Xeor didn't idle there for long he took hisgroup and went after their destination again and again. Of course they flew faster that they could run and were always first but they couldn't find rest for more that a night.
That kept on for a week or even more till the Hawkmen understood he could find them even in their best hiding spot, as if he knew where they were going and then Glori remembered about magic,
the miraculous light that made his wing to regenerated.
If by some means Xeor had aquired the power of magic, then it is possible for him to find them like he did.
8day of Final bloom year 190
Xeor appeared out of the horizon and Glori was waiting for him
(Glori)-Is it magic that enables you to find us?
(Glori)-So I was right after all, but we will never lose to anyone, we are the proud Hawkmen
(Xeor)-What are you waiting, running from place to place , thinking your army will come back and fight for you? they are all probably dead by now , haven't you found it strange that you haven't seen them by now
(Glori)-You are probably right but we will never follow you commands
(Xeor)-As if I asked you for that , What I want is a world where beastmen and hawkmen can fight back to back against common
threats but if you are treacherous backstabers then thenwhy evenbother
(Glori)-Take that back it was you who attacked first
(Xeor)-An army, ruin you village strikes even worse I came to challenge your Chief with just a small group of men and you
sent a whole army, was that to challenge me?
(Glori)-That's because you and your people are dangerous, you will
doom us all with your greed
(Xeor)-Come on how many men did you send to kill me ten twenty or maybe a hundred
(Glori)-You fool if only you lionmen had stayed in your forest non of this would have to happen
(Xeor)-Oi you hear that guys If we had stayed in the forest we would have been losers like this guy here
(Glori)-I don't care what you think about us but by now the others have already left, only I remain here
(Xeor)-You know something I don't care, I can just return to the village and get more men and station them in every one of you
nests, but you see I have a deal for you
(Glory)-You think I will ally miself with you
(Xeor)-If you want them Hawkmen to keep existing you will, you see
I am bored with hunting you and it's been almost a month now that
I left so here is the deal, You will become the leader of your people and teach them our language and we won't hunt you down we will all be like a big family, an alliance of beastmen that will trade and prosper but in order to attain peace and tranquility you will have to send two of your people one to the north and one to the south to see
how the other beastmen races live and afterwards to advance your people, you can call them whatever you like but they will repreesent
your race to the boarmen and catmen who don't really know you.
Glori flew away as Xeor ended and he let him go as he wanted to hear a possitive answer the next time they returned.
11day of Final bloom
Xeor and his group found the Hawmen at last after a lot of long travel
and as they aproached the big dark cave eleven elderly hawkmen flew down from above.
(Elder Aiiieie)-We are the elders of the Hawkmen and we now can't deny that only magic can have brought you this far, this Is a sacred cave to us as from here we appeared
(Xeor)-At last someone with othority and knows our language too
(Elder Aiiieie)-I am Aiiieie and I am one of the Communicators of our tribe, we are few in number but we have saved our race from many misunderstandings
(Xeor)-Cut me some slack I only care If you agree , a yes or no is enough
(Aiiieie)-First I would like to know if you truly are the leader of your tribe
(Xeor)-You can ask the silent Idiots behind me, Am I your chief
(Fern,Jix,Dwen and Felion)-Yes, although we hoped otherwise
(Aiiieie)-I see, so you are a person of authority yourself, normaly we would have challenged you to a duel but after you trashed three of your sister tribes none seems to believe he can defeat you
(Xeor)-Come on a yes or no please
(Aiiieoie)-Don't be impatient, We discussed the matter and found it agreeable but only under the condition that our territories will remain as they are
(Xeor)-I have no problem with that but you won't be attacking any beastman trying to pass through them either alright?
(Aiieie)-Alright we will now call our new leader and the two representatives out so that you will see him at least before leaving. Three others came out with elder Aiieie
(Aiiieie)-This is Eyiiiiie he is the chief of our tribe, as the two chiefs from the two other tribes never returned from the raid to your village and one you slayed without even knowing when you first stepped in
iiikiiiikikik's tribe
(Xeor)-Who's iiikiiik
(Glori)-It's me that's my name
(Xeor)-Oh hello glori didn't recognise you immidiately sorry
(Aiiieie)-You know iiikiiiikikik? chief of the lionmen
(Xeor)-Didn't he even say how I saved his life from the humans
(Aiiieie)-So you are the rumoured crazed lionman who could slay... oh sorry you see he did talk about his imprisonment and about you and you are truly as the rumors say
(Xeor)-Cut the flattery I have places to conquer yet
(Aiiieie)-Could you not call it conquer and call it more like "ally"
(Xeor)-Nah I only Invade and conquer and now you are part of my empire that in no time will stretch till the elven woods
(Aiiieie)-As you like but remember not all are as understanding as we were many more will fall victims to your misunderstandings
(Xeor)-Whatever who are the Representatives
(Aiiieie)-Ah yes here are iiikiiiikikik and ekeiiie
(Xeor)-So its Glori and Ekie
(Glori)-Don't call me that
(Xeor)-You know something I don't care cause you have been conquered Glori now lets go
As Xeor left
(Aiiieie)-You know something Eyiiiiie, If he wasn't crazy then we might have really been conquered
(Eyiiiiie)-I think we already have been, we just don't know it
(Aiiieie)-It seems we were closed to ourselves for far too long, while the world around us changed too much
(Eyiiiiie)-No it didn't it is probably us who have changed, we became to hooked up on traditions and our pride.
18day of Final bloom year 190
Xeor and the group reached his villaged , but what he found was not what he awaited as there were two lionmen guards blocking their entrance.
(Guard)-Please Xeor don't go inside yet or he will kill us
(Xeor)-If you won't let me pass, I might kill you how is that better
(Guard)-Please Stay for a bit the Chief is now coming in just a bit
(Xeor)-What Chief? I am the damned chief
Xeor Roared in anger and a bit farther Gulf could be seen coming to meet him with Sherror
(Gulf)-Xeor oh yes, good work guards he can pass
(Xeor)-Good work? they didn't even let their own chief pass
(Gulf)-Oh you didn't know, In the catmen tribe, you must have a reason to enter a different village than your own
(Xeor)-But this is my village
(Gulf)-Don't fret the details,they are still training but who are they
(Xeor)-Ah yes this is Glori and Ekie
(Glorie)-It's iiikiiiikikik and ekeiiie
(Gulf)-Glad to meet you, so you really did conquer them, you see
Sherror here had this bright Idea to Imprison the hawkmen that invaded us, at least as many as we could
(Xeor)- Ah so can they still fly home
(Gulf)-Nope anymore they can't
(Xeor)-Shut up Glori at least they aren't dead
(Gulf)-So where are you going next?
(Xeor)-Well I will go leave Ekie at the Boarmen's Tribe
(Gulf)-Which one, they have five you know
(Xeor)-How on earth should I know that
(Gulf)-Well Ukhik's is the closest so I think you should go to his
(Xeor)-Whatever just get the prisoners here and the catmen, I will
escort them home
(Gulf)-About the prisoners I think they will gladly leave but as for the
catmen I think they won't leave they say nothing awaits for them back home, you know they are not even generals there anymore
(Xeor)-Is it like me and you who suddenly saw it that I'm not the chief anymore
(Gulf)-Don't be stupid, you are no chief anymore you are a king, the first king of all beastmen
(Xeor)-Hmm you know I rather Like that, Xeor the Lion king yeah
(Gulf)-"Idiot" hehe
(Xeor)-Ah yes Sherror I will need you too, in order to conquer the Dogmen
(Sherror)-I'll gladly come
Xeor after taking the hostages and the representative explained to them their sircumstances they left to the Boarmen tribe of Hogfoot
as it was called, the other three were Snotdeath, Greenfur and Bloody Tusk, which had not yet submitted themselves to him.
Drawing closer Xeor could smell smoke that normaly means wildfire
but it was not yet the month of destrution so they rushed to the source of it and saw the boarmen puting meat into a fire and then
putting it out and taking the meat somewhere.
(Xeor)-What the hell are they doing?
(Sherror)-Don't make such a fuss it's a technic used to preserve the meat longer, that way it lasts at least for a year and the taste's not so bad although I like mine juicy
(Xeor)-Is that so
(Ukhik)-Oh as if it isn't Xeor, our greatest of rulers how's the conquest thingie goin'
(Xeor)-Pretty well I think the hawkmen are now part of my empire
and this is Ekie he will be translating for you their language, he will be staying with you for now
(Ukhik)-Great knews indead but I have bad news for you, the Greenfur tribe is okey to be under your rule with a bit of diplomacy by my side but the snotdeaths and Bloody tusks are against you it would be no surprise if they attack us right now
(Xeor)-Why don't you look after my guests while I go and have a
talk with them It won't take long, I think
(Ukhik)-Okey I guess but do you know how to find them?
(Xeor)-No need I see theim coming out of that way in a few minutes
And they truly did come they were many and ready for battle but as soon as their chief appeared Xeor rushed at him biting his neck off
The others were now in total panic but one Roar by Xeor stoped them all In their tracks.
(Xeor)-Do you still think I am not your King?
The boarmen didn't know what to do even the Blood tusk's leader
who had just arrived seeing how his fellow chief and leader of the
campaign fell like he was nothing he just gave up, thus all boarmen
were subdued in but a moment.
(Uknik)-Great show if I can say so but how did you know who their leader was?
(Xeor)-It was magic, something gods use
Ukhik fell on his knees and praised him as if he was a god
(Xeor)-You Idiot I am not a god, the gods are far more powerful than me and never do that again
(Kihina)-Oh Xeor didn't know you had returned, I heard the boarmen had some problems here was it you?
(Ukhik)-Insolent don't you dare badmouth our magical king
(Kihina)-Oh you learned some magic, which god's is it?
(Xeor)-Well basicaly its just a tracking spell but it is quite useful
(Kihina)-Well better than nothing I guess, what brings you here?
(Xeor)-Oh yes, I am about to go conquer the catmen so I wanted your help or any of the others if they want to return home
(Kihina)-Well I'd come but you see me and the others like it better here
(Xeor)-How come no catman has missed home yet
(Kihina)-Well you see here we are someones, representatives of our race, important people, If we returned now nothing great awaits us back home just a work and endless days of boredom and war with the dogmen ain't that so Sherror
(Sherror)-Do you know the reason he is going to your homeland
(Kihina)-Yeah the conquest thingie, where you go to them and say if they cincide to you as ruler they will have peace, Ypu don't even need me for that you already are the Hero of the Catmen so they will
probably just agree and the end of it and then you will go to the dogmen who upon seeing you or Sherror will probably do the same
(Xeor)-Bullshit I'm sure they'll have some fight in them right Sherror
(Sherror)-Don't really know about catmen but the canine empire won't concide so easily we have an emperor after all
(Xeor)-See that's what I'm saying adventures await us and even Glori is here
(Kihina)-What, where's the little rascal
(Glori)-I have told you a hundred times don't call me that
(Kihina)-I see the same as ever
(Glori)-Ehh What is she doing here was she a boarwoman or something?
(Xeor)-Good one Grlori
And a punch went at Glori's face as Xeor skillfuly evaded it
(Xeor)-Why so angry Kihina, did that hurt your feelings or something
(Kihina)-Well have you ever seen a boarwoman Xeor
(Xeor)-Now that you say It
(Kihina)-Well, believe me you wouldn't want to
(Ukhik)-Now you are even badmouthing our race, You are now exiled from our village and don't ever step back here
The exiled Kihina now had joined the group in their travel to the Catmen city of Fapur
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