《Legend of Xeor》13 Expedition to the north
15day of Full bloom
Xeor and his company, Sherror the wolfman,Kihina the pantherlady,
the catmen generals and his two childhood friends Fren and Gulf as well as Ukhik of the Boarmen were now in a meeting conserning the conquest of the Hawkmen Under his rule.
Normally they would just challenge their leader or champion and the matter would have been oven but the hawkmen didn't speak their language, If only he could find Glori the hawkman he thought and saw in the distance the blue orb guiding him to him, at least that's where he thought it would guide him to. But the night stars and the
ample time he had made him lazy, he just layed on the grass and
looked at the moon in the sky, It was the Golden moon that shines a
kind and gentle light upon the land.
Why do I have to do it anyway, I know that there are other races that
gather all together and fight as one like the Boarmen and Humans but I still can't forget the peaceful life in the Hundred trees city,
a life without worries and danger day and night, no enemies but stupid beasts, but mostly he wanted to see Fifi again although merely two and a half months passed but he felt years had passed.
Xeor Now had decided on their next Action.
(Xeor)-I gathered the Lionmen and Boarmen to announce my actions as of Now, Gulf will rule in my stead until I return and Fren will gather
a group of warriors and huntresses who will come with me
The elders were annoyed that he didn't even consult with them but
seeing as gulf was as good a chief as a puppet in their hand they kept Silent
(Xeor)-Ukhik will govern the Boarmen in my stead and if they need help he should talk with Gulf about it, but if by the time I return I find unrest or war among the two races both Gulf's and Ukhik's as well as any Instigator's heads will be rolling in the floor of my hole
The elder of the lionmen and Boarmen were mostly displeased but what could they do.
(Xeor)-Lastly I will leave the catmen here in order to educate you in the ways of currency in the world, as we have no such values yet and you Kihina and Sherror will look after them and If any of them misbehaves only you ywo have the othority to act noone else, everyone anderstands that
(Elder Max)-All that sounds good but why only taking men from our tribe, and not boarmen as well if you aregoing to war, the more the merrier
(Xeor)-What war are you talking about, I am just going to show them our might, and I only need the strongest warriors, so that all will fear
the possibility of an army of us
(Elder Max)-But what if it makes us targets instead
(Xeor)-elder max do you know what humans are
(Elder Max)-No first time I hear of them
(Elder Owang)-I know, they are weaklings that have nor tasks nor claws to fight and they hide like moles in strange structures
(Xeor)-You are half right, yes they have no tusks nor claws but they are nowhere near weak, they use stange sticks to wound and kill and can even throw them at us from afar and in my journey I even encountered sticks stronger than teeth or claws or even the boarmen tusks and although I killed the one who had it another will just take his place holding the same stick
The lionmen and Boarmen felt as if a future threat had appeared but
till now no human dared step into the wilderness of the Milewoods.
In this manner he united the two races and prepared to leave to the north. In these few days he helped the lionmen and boarmen unite as one through trading, and although their trading system had many flows, as meat dissapeared after a month or more.(In allastar the microorganisms wait for a time and when they detect death they like pirranhas devour the thing in seconds, but it takes long enough for them to find it and even if the dead meat is next to eachother it might still take them a long time to find it, there is no rotting in allastar, just fast and efficient dissapearance of the corpse,
of course bones still remain but they have other ways to dissapear)
21day of Full bloom year 190
Fren finished gathering warriors after a small tournament that lasted
three days and the three best warriors were chosen to come with them, First was Dwen a big tough lionman who could take a beating and not even feel a thing he came first and although normally he would be first, Second place came Felion a weird guy, who doesn't
speak he mostly uses body language, yes he is a mute lionman,
the winner was a young lionman around Xeor's age or even a bit older, his name was Jix and he was quite smallframed, but clever as
a fox.
Our small Invasion force was now near the exit of the forest when
Large shadows passed them by, Fren had a bad feeling about it but Xeor didn't seem to care but there was one more person who had a
really bad feeling as if his danger instinct urged him to do something,
He was Sherror who was shouting out orders to the lionmen as if thry were all grunts in his army, even the elders were in no position
to talk back as those days the young one were getting really lazy.
(not that they weren't prior to that but how would he have known that)
The lionmen village was now like a millitary camp, as Sherror educated them in strange tactics most of which they already knew instinctively, and in the middle of this a signal came of an incoming air raid by the Hawkmen.You know the idea, best defence is offence, right but when the Hawkmen found the village noone seemed to be there, they went to see into the holes they called homes and not one
Hakman returned the panicked Hawkmen tried to flee but from the trees hidden lionmen leaped at them taking them down, not a single one was left alive and Sherror had them hold a Victory Celebration, the first they ever had and they liked it.
While Sherror was getting popular at the lionmen village Xeor guided
the Invasion group towards the Hawkmen Village or town but in reality they had multiple nesting grounds which they used at random. Under the guidance of the blue it didn't take long to reach but before that,
(Fren)-I don't doubt your leadership and stength Xeor but do you know where we are going?
(Xeor)-Don't Fret we will find it
(Fren)-How come you are so sure, have you even seen their village before
(Xeor)-Who cares, as long as you have me you won't get lost
Fren didn't say a thing as he went a bit farther from him and Jix came to him
(Jix)-Sorry to eavesdrop on you and Xeor but is he crazy or something
(Fren)-If you think, his father is a wellknown crazy lionman but Xeor used to be alright at least before he left
(Jix)-If things come to the worst, I have been leaving signs to find our way back
(Fren)-Good job
(Jix)-I only hope he doesn't kill us in our sleep
(Fren)-Xeor would never do that, he would first wake you up and then hack your head off your shoulders hahaha
(Jix)-very funny we'll see who will be laughing if it's your head that'll
be on the ground in a puddle of your own blood with your eyes wide open and your tongue hanging out from your mouth
Fren did't speak to neither Xeor nor Jix after that and tried not to stay too close to Xeor at night.
It's not so strange to think he wwas crazy as his way of navigating through the plains was merely based on his instinct, he looked and went as if he was following an illusion and they had to follow him to unknown territories.
24day of Full bloom year 190
Xeor and his group reached a place that seemed to be a desserted
Hawkmen nesting ground, Xeor went fearlessly forward while the others with careful steps scouted the nearby nests.
(Fern)-Xeor are you mad, can't you see we are in their village, where are you going?
(Xeor)-Why do you always have to be such a scardycat, they aren't even here lets continue our way
(Fern)-But.. the nests.. are here
But Xeor had started moving away and was waiting for them to follow
(Jix)-Good thing we didn't take the females with us, ain't it scaredycat
(Fern)-Shut up midget
(Jix)-If you want a fight It's all yours
Dwen and Felion who saw them tried to stop them but then Xeor came back
(Xeor)-Why didn't you say you wanted to have a duel right here?
The mood became really awkward as they both looked at him
as If they wanted to kill him
(Xeor)-What did I do?
They both answered in one voice
(Both)-You lead us to madness
(Fren)-You walk carelessly in an enemy village
(Jix)-You lead us as if you are daydreaming not even looking at the surroundings
(Fren)-You don't even know where we are going and yet you are sure we are going right
(Both)-You are driving us nuts
(Xeor)-Oh why didn't you say it sooner, you see I have a blue light that onlyI can see and It guides me wherever I want to go.
Silence only silence cold be heard for a strange amound of time as the other lionmen tried to comprehend what he had just said and suddenly they all burst of laughers and Fern even fell
(Fern)-You don't really mean that do you Xeor?
(Xeor)-Do I seem to be lying to you?
(Fern)-Okey guys I am going back to the village, anyone who wants to follow me can come too, right Jix
(Jix)-I don't think so, I think the leader has the last saying in this
he said with an evil smirk on his face
(Xeor)-You know Fern the Dwarf is right you have to duel me to death if you want to be their leader
(Jix)-Dwarf, me I request a duel with you to the death
(Fern)-Me too
(Xeor)-Okey but not to the death as I will need both of you to accomplish my Plans
(Dwen)-Sorry chief but we think you are not in your right mind
(Felion)-I too think you are unworthy to lead us
(Xeor)-You know something, I might change my mind and kill you all
here and now and return to the village and report thet you died an honorable death trying to become chiefs of the village, would you have liked something like that?
(Fren)-You think you can threaten us, you are just one and we are four even If you beat one or two of us you will be killed by the others
(Xeor)-So you'd rather die than belive me, then why don't we make a bet, If you win you can go back but If you lose you'll have to follow any and all my comands even if it's a death sentence
(Fren)-Why should we...
(Jix)-What do you have in mind?
(Xeor)-Since it seems hard for you to belive the blue light thing why don't we just bet on that?
(Jix)-I have a perfect bet for that, now listen chief how it will go
The three of us will leave first and after a day has passed you will have to go to our destination before us and Fren here will stay and prevent you from cheating
(Xeor)-One day let me see...
(Jix)-Is it too much for you?
(Xeor)-No let's make it three, cause you're in an unfamiliar territory and I wouldn't want you to say It was too easy for meor that it was unfair
(Jix)-Right, as you like good luck Xeor and Fren try not to hold him back too much
As soon as the deal was made the three lionmen left following the tracks Jix had left and covering them so that none can find them afterwards.
A day had passed and Xeor wasn't worried one bit he just waited as the day passed did some workout hunted some animals that passed by but returned to the same place and waited there at
the abandoned nesting Ground.
On the other Side Jix had some problems as some of his marks had dissapeared and the plains had many small hills that all looked the same, now they were roaming blindly in the dark not knowing where
the sun comes and sets but they couldn't just wait for the day to come. The next morning found them lost in the midle of a valley and no tree or hills could be seen, they walked scared slowly and carefully as they didn't know when the Hawkmen will find them or
any unknown beasts of the plains when suddenly the earth begun to shake and they fell to the ground trying to remain unseen as a herd of dorths(rabbits) passed them by, they laughed at their own insecurity but when they looked again at them a group of wufangs(Wolfs) had already devoured most of them.
Normaly they could take them on as they weren't large yet but
it was the first time they saw so many of them inone place.
In their Panic they ran as fast as they could and kept running till
nightfall. I know you are thinking how comes night falls so fast it might be the lionmens' great endurance or the fact that in Anchora day lasts only for 5 to six hours although normally it lasts seven in this world , Seven hours day seven night but it's not so bad believe me they are not like us they only need four hours of sleep anyway.
But our friends now have lost a whole day getting lost and the night they couldn't sleep in fear of death. On the other side Xeor and Fern waited another day idling at the nesting grounds.
The last day of their advantage they walked aimlessly and hopelessly thinking they would never see their homes again when
Jix found a track he had left behind, If you could see their happy faces that were once more full of life, now they went following the
traces and at the sametime burrying them so that Xeor wouldn't find them, they worked diligently till nightfall and peacefully went to sleep.
The Next morning it was Xeor's turn to act but he just waited at the
village, Fern had begun to think Xeor was mad until with his own eyes he saw Jix, Dwen and Felion comimg down the hill and laughing as they saw Xeor waving his hand , telling them to come.
(Xeor)-You know something Jix, even if you had taken ten days,
you would still end up here
(Jix)-What shit, are you saying you knew we would end up here again
(Xeor)-You see when I saw the orb that would lead me to your destination it showed just where you are standing now, Three days
(Jix)-As if you knew It was shear luck that you was sitting here looking at I don't even know what.
(Xeor)-You know something your destination had changed three times since then but in the end it ended up right here, I don't know What you did but since last night It was exactly where you are standing now, but if you Jix can't even keep your word I permit you to leave, you can go back lying chapion of the village as I will conquer the Whole world under my feet.
(Jix)-Very funny, as If I even know the way back...
(Xeor)-Don't cry, after we conquer the Hawkmen I think we would love to escort you back to your cave
Normaly Jix would have tryied to bite his neck off but in his
condition he did nothing but remain silent, he must be the first case of lionman in depression in their short history.
Whatever since they had no other choice they all sat and feasted on the meat Xeor had stored for them and left following their Crazy leader.
- In Serial24 Chapters
When Aurum Industries announced the first Full Immersion Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (FIVRMMORPG if you're hip) Limitless Online, most people saw it as an opportunity to live out their sword and sorcery fantasies. John, however, saw it as the opening of a new and as of yet uncrowded job market. One he was willing, and eager, to exploit. Determined to make money through virtual hard work and effort, John sets his sights not on the heights of magic or the perfection of the sword, but instead upon the tilling of the soil and the sowing of seeds as he explores the wide and wonderful world of magical agriculture all from the comfort of his own bed. Disclaimer: This is, at best, a very rough draft. I have already had to do one major rewrite and several minor rewrites of entire sections of the story, and it is a virtual certainty I will have to do re-writes again. Such changes may be as small as editing a few numbers (such as going back and changing how much mana an object holds) or it may force me to re-write entire chapters (this has happened once already, and I'm really hoping it doesn't happen again, but... life). Minor re-writes will probably never be posted here. Major rewrites probably will.Anyway, what this boils down to is: If you're looking for a fully cohesive story with few to no errors and publisher level editing, this is not the story for you. If your looking for a cohesive plot that's more than "Man farms, man farms, man farms well, man maybe makes money" you're probably also in the wrong place, but I will attempt to entertain you anyway.
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Spell Crafter's Journey
A professor of physics disillusioned with bureaucracy associated with academia becomes transmigrated into the world of magic and rediscovers his love for research in the field of spell crafting.
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Tayler, a 17 year old going into senior year, finds himself at the center of the supernatural events plaguing his town. He must now balance new and differnet roles as he attempts to solve 22 problems, all of them seeming symbolically connected to tarot cards. Mystery crosses with the supernatural and romance in this deeply personal story of the human condition when your in highschool.
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Against the World. Chronicles of melancholy
An unknown accident leading to an amnesia and a twisted psyche. Forced away from his daily life, forced to play the Game, for reasons untold. To fight for his survival, to fight for answers. To become strong, to fight and survive for even the chance to find out why was this injustice done to him. The only way to beat the game is to play the game. And it must be played perfectly. Chronicles of melancholy, of an everlasting grayness, of sadness, despair and anger. A tale of a rise to power, or perhaps a fall from grace. Maybe even both, depending one's view point and final goal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello ladies and gents. I hope you enjoy reading my book as I enjoy writing it! It’s a side project of mine and I can currently only write in my free time, which is not a lot unfortunately. I do not know how many chapters a week I will be able to produce, however, the word count will be around 6000-7000 per week. If you like the story you can support me on patreon and read chapters ahead of current release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The story might not be for the faint hearted or for those seeking an over-powerd plot guarded golden cow of a mc. The story will start out slowly and will pick up a bit of pace later on on, however, the character/s will walk a long and full of despair road. No sugar-coating in this story. Another thing to have in mind is that I currently do not have a proofreader nor an editor, so some mistakes might slip through my fingers, if you notice any such, please do leave a comment so I can fix them for future readers. Do please enjoy the story and feel free to leave reviews and or comments, I am usually pretty open and would love to answer some of your questions!
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Clairaudience / / F. Volturi
I wouldn't say I hear voices in my head, but rather I experience a series of auditory intuitions that never seem to be wrong
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Welcome back to Yarichin bitch club!⭐
The part two of "Welcome to yarichin bitch club!"..Before you read this, read the first one-just go to my profile!♡⚠18+
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