《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》11. Return


Remus slowly opened his eyes. After a few blinks, his mind became clear.

He looked around and found the same scenery he had left before going into the the white world.

Even though only a few hours had passed in reality, since he spent more than two years in that hard to comprehend place, this view felt a bit distant.

He tried getting up and found that his body felt unimaginably light, just like Vince said.

It was so light that he thought if he actually tried to get serious now, his body would not be able to keep up and break.

The reason for this was, after training with Vince, the quality of his soul had progressed by leaps and bounds but his body remained the same.

Thus, if he did not control and suppress his soul, his body would break.

To solve this problem, he had to spend a bit of time training and improving the quality and league of his body.

This was easier said than done but Remus had a method that Vince gave him. It would allow him to make rapid progress in tempering his body at the cost of pain.





Remus exited the building and started walking home.

Unlike the centre of the city, this area that he lived in was a quiet one. Remus liked the quiet.

The sun was about to set. He found the clear blue sky, tinged with a bit of red, particularly beautiful.

Although he could see a sky like this everyday, after living in the white world for so long, he found himself enjoying things like this, way more than he usually would...

Looking at the sky reminded him of Ahenna.

' Just you wait. I will fix that body of yours and share countless beautiful scenes like this with you'


His feet unconsciously started moving faster.

He made his way through the streets and reached his apartment building. He used the flight of stairs and made his way towards the third floor.

Standing in front of his apartment door, he pushed the bell button.


The bell rang and a couple of seconds later, the door was opened and a sweet female voice came from the inside,

" Welcome back, Remus."

Hearing the voice brought a smile on his face and he replied,

" I'm home, Miss Rita."

The one who opened the door was Rita Mikki, Ahenna's part-time care taker. She was 25 years old and took great care of Ahenna.

Although she loved teasing Remus and had received the title - 'love hunter mikki' from him, she was a gentle person who treated him and Ahenna like her own younger brother and sister.

Cooking, cleaning, laundry, she was good at all the house chores and even better at tending to all of Ahenna's needs.


Listening to her voice after such a long time made Remus' eyes a bit moist.

Pushing the door, he entered and removed his shoes.

" How was your day? Ara~ what's wrong?"

Looking at his face, Rita was surprised. Ever since she started working in this place, she had never seen this boy cry.

This boy that she loved to tease always had a strong expression on his face. She had never seen him acting weak.

This was a first.

" I said, I'm home, Miss Rita."

Hearing him say the same thing again, she was confused.

" I know. I heard you the first time but.."

Before she could finish her sentence, Remus moved and hugged her, tightly!

He could feel the warmth of her body.

" I'm home. Miss Rita."


This time, Rita Mikki was truly surprised! Her face was getting redder by the second. She could feel her ears burning.

She didn't know what to do. She wondered if Remus took her teasing a bit too serious and got more embarrassed.

" Wh-Wh-What's going on?!"

She said in a panicked tone.

But, she did not receive a reply.

A few seconds passed in silence. After which, Remus slowly released her from his embrace and moved backwards.

He said in a soft tone,

" I missed you."

Rita's mind was spinning. She could not wrap her head around the situation.

The tone in which he said those words made it even harder for her to understand what was going on.

She tried to calm down and said,

" What do you mean? We saw each other just yesterday."

Remus looked at her and found her current expression a bit cute. He wanted to get back at her for all those times she teased him but quickly threw such thoughts into the back of his head.

" I know. It's just... It feels as if i haven't seen you in years."

Rita was even more confused now. His words made it seem like he was messing with her but his expression made her think otherwise.

She looked at him once again.

He was calm and his eyes made it seem like his words were said with the utmost sincerity.

" What happened? Why are you acting this way?"

She said in a worried tone.

This made Remus both sad and happy.

Sad because he did not want her to worry about him so much and happy to know that she was worried about him.

He extended his hand and patted her head.

" Nothing really. Just wanted to mess with you. Haha!"

Rita instantly lost her worried look and shouted in embarrassment.

" What's wrong with you?!"

Remus could not help but laugh out loud!

After enjoying a good laugh, he retracted his hand.

" Seriously though, I am glad to have met you, Miss Rita."

But before she could say something, he asked,

" And? Where is Ahenna?"

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