《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》9. In the white world 4


Vince’s sincerity was conveyed through his words and expression.

Remus could instinctively tell that the words that came out of his mouth were not lies.

He could not help but smile,

“ I believe you.”

Vince smiled as well.

“ Thank you.”

He said.


“ I am going to a different world huh~…. Strangely, I can’t picture myself doing something like that… so, when will I be able to return anyway?”

Remus asked in a casual tone.

He was a bit surprised at his own actions right now. He had always been a person who acted rationally and did everything after looking at the consequences, before doing it.

But, here he was, deciding to go to a different world in order to save it or at least try, for Ahenna’s sake, without known how and what he was supposed to do.

“ Um~ about that….”

“ What is it?”

“ No, you see the thing is…”

“ Hum?”

Remus squinted his eyes. Vince had a troubled look on his face.

“ That might be a bit difficult… or imp.. impossible? Teehe*gohon*”

( author note: something like ; p)

Vince said with a cute expression, but before he could finish his words, he received a punch in the face.

He shouted,

“ What was that for?!”

“ For keeping something so important hidden until now. This changes a lot of things. I can’t go to Lamkas and leave a pervert in possession of my body!

I won’t allow a pervert to live with Ahenna.”

“ WHAT PERVERT! Don’t call me a pervert! I am a gentleman!”

“ All perverts call themselves that. All men are wolves and I can’t have them polluting Ahenna’s surrounding with their presence.”

“ What’s with the doting parent act! You are a guy too! Doesn’t that mean, you shouldn’t be living with her either?!”

“ I am different.”

Remus said, in a calm tone.

“ HOW?!”

“ I am not obligated to tell you how!”

Vince stopped retorting. He knew he couldn’t win this argument.

Even if his words made more sense that Remus’, he had come to realize that Remus was a guy who acted unreasonable whenever something involved Ahenna.

“ You don’t have to worry about such a thing. I know that what I am asking you to do is something unimaginably big and so, I will do my best to protect her.

You should know that even now, except my brother, nobody and I mean nobody can defeat me. Rest assured, she will be safe.

Anna is already…. She has already left this world and I don’t think I will ever come to hold feelings of affection towards Ahenna.”


Vince said with a gloomy expression and stood up.

Remus stood up as well and asked,

“ So, If I go to Lamkas, I will never see her again? ”

Vince sighed,

“ I never said that. Although it might be nearly impossible for you to get strong enough to be able to come back to earth,

it is not so difficult for you to get strong enough to be able to bring Ahenna to Lamkas. It all depends on how much time you take to get that strong, that’s all.”

“ Really?”

“ Really.”

Remus felt relieved.

“ Now then, it’s time for me to start your training but before that..”

Vince touched Remus’ temple,

“ Hey! I can feel your touch?!”

“ Of course you can. White world does not have anything except you and me, so you didn’t sense anything.”

“ So, what are you doing?”

“ This.”

Remus suddenly felt as If he was drowning. He felt suffocated and had difficulty breathing. This continued for a while.

After a bit of time,

Remus was taking haggard breaths and looked at his hands, they were trembling. Although he had gone through a weird experience just now, he had a smile on his face.

He felt refreshed. It was as if something inside him that always held him down had been removed.

He looked at Vince and asked,

“ What is this?”

Vince had a bewildered look on his face.

“ huh! What?! Already?!”

Remus asked again,

“ What’s going on?”

“ No, that… I was going to make your soul get accustomed to mana. That’s why I injected my mana into you.

I thought it would take a bit of time before this happened but you awakened to mana just now!

All beings who live in Lamkas awaken to mana at a certain age, some take decades while some accomplish it in a matter of years, but that just now was too fast.

Even if you are a being that was once Argent, there should have been some corruption to your soul as you lived on Earth.”

“ Is that something bad?”

Remus asked in a worried tone.

“ No. If anything, this saves us a lot of time. We can start training now.”

“ But you still haven’t told me what I am supposed to do in Lamkas. You said that I have to get strong but haven’t told me how I am supposed to do that.”

“ Oh right! I forgot!”

Vince started laughing while scratching his head.

“ I wonder, have you really lived as long as you say? How can a person who has lived for millions upon millions of years, act like this? Or are you just a happy go lucky idiot?”


“ Ahaha, you see, I have always been the lazy one. My brother used to drag me around. He always told me to act according to my age but I believe that living with a carefree attitude is the best!”

“ So you are a happy go lucky idiot.”

Vince smiled and said,

“ Anyways, now that you have awakened to mana, we can do that.”

Remus asked,

“ What is ‘that’?”

Vince answered,

“ Resonance. It is a technique that will allow us to exchange memories. It will take far too long for me to tell you everything, so I will just use this to let you gain the knowledge you need and want in order to get strong, defeat my brother and restore Lamkas’ balance.

The things that you don’t get to learn through this, you will learn along the way.”

“ Why didn’t you use it before?”

“ It will only allow me to transfer the memories and knowledge I have gained in this body, that is, in the past 17 years.

I told you everything that was of importance and couldn’t be transferred.

Also, I can use this to let you, transfer your memories to me. This will help me adapt to a new world and the people around you will not find out that it’s not you. Convenient right.”

“ That is true. But I can’t have you knowing ‘everything’.”

Vince laughed after listening those words.

He said,

“ I know. Everybody has things they don’t want others, even the people closest to them, to know.

Don’t worry. It allows the user to control the level of information the receiver gets. I won’t find out anything that you don’t want me to.”

Vince placed his hand on Remus’ head this time and closed his eyes.

Just then,

A window popped up inside Remus’ mind!

He shouted,

“ Fantasy Rocks!”

And said yes.

Remus’ mind was flooded with new information. He saw scenes that he had never seen before, heard sounds that he had never heard before and felt emotions he had never felt before, towards people he had never even met before.

But strangely, he didn’t find this feeling to be odd.

Now, Remus had a new look on his face. Most of his questions had been answered through Vince’s memories. He knew what he had to do and how he had to do it.

He muttered,

“ Resonance. I get it now. It’s as if all this information was mine to begin with. Why level 5 though? Isn’t that the highest level?”

Remus asked. He was confused. He wanted to find out why Vince did this.

Transfer of level 5 information meant that the one receiving the information would know everything that the user lived through, in his entire life.

In this case, all 17 years of Vince’s life. It might not sound like much but letting somebody know everything was undoubtedly extremely difficult.

Vince said,

“ It is my way of expressing sincerity.

I want you to know that if you do decide to accept my request, I will do everything it takes to help you and will do my job of looking after Ahenna."

Remus felt satisfied.

“ I get it. Here you go.”

He placed his hand on Vince’s head and closed his eyes.

Then, Vince spoke,

“ Level 4?! Why?!”

Remus opened his eyes and answered,

“ Although I can’t let you know everything, I want you to know that you can trust me as well.

I am a person who answers sincerity with sincerity. Now then, time for me to hear the end goal from your mouth. Speak up."

“ You need to Defeat my brother, make him resume his role as the creator and take up the role of the customizer and destroyer.

In return, I will fix Ahenna and look after her until you can take her to Lamkas. That is all.”

“ Those are some heavy responsibilities.”

“ I know.”

“ There is the risk of me failing or even dying before i even get to fight Aur.”

“ I know. I will still look after Ahenna.”

“ I might get scared and run away.”

“ That won’t happen. I know you well enough to be able to say that. I know quite a bit about you through resonance, remember.”

Remus stopped speaking and extended his hand and made a fist.

“ Let’s finish the training. I want to see Ahenna as soon as possible.”

Vince bumped his fist with his own.

“ I get that, you won’t be getting out of here until your soul gets strong enough to be able to reside in my body, so you won’t be able to see her but, please concentrate on the training ok?”

He smiled and swung his other fist.






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