《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》8. In the white world 3


“ Hah~ those are some heavy responsibility you are forcing onto me.

Well, putting that matter aside for a bit, how do plan on saving Ahenna?... Wait!

How do you even know about her in the first place?! Did you spy on me?! How much do you know?!?!”

“ You noticed something like that NOW?!

Of course I know things about you and the ones around you. Quite a few if not all! You and I are two parts of the same being REMEMBER?!

Huhu, where do you want me to start?”

Vince had a mischievous look on his face.

Looking at the kind of expression he was making, Remus refused to believe that he was a being who had lived for millions of years.

“ No, seriously, how do you know about her? I want an honest answer Argent.”

Remus was always serious when handling matters involving Ahenna.

All jokes aside, he wanted the truth from Vince.

“ I am not Argent anymore. You can call me Vince. Right now, I am living as the third prince of a human Kingdom who ran away at an early age.

Well, you don’t need to worry about those details, I can just transfer the memories of this life to you through resonance.

As for the matter of me knowing about Ahenna, it’s simple, I looked at her through your memories.

Although in this weakened state I can’t do much to your soul or physical body, but if it’s just peeking at fragments of your memories, its possible.”

“ Do you know what privacy is? I think a being like you, who has lived for so long, should know that doing something like that is wrong at so many levels.”

“ I had no other choice! I had to know how you were doing and figure out the time you were ready for me to bring your soul to the white world.

And in doing all that, I got to know some other things about you.”


Vince laid down and covered his face with his hands.

Remus thought that if Ahenna were to do something like that, he would have found it a bit too cute but looking at a guy as handsome as Vince doing it, he suddenly found himself wanting to punch him in the face.

He held the urge and spoke,

“ Forget it. I will bring this matter back up some other time. More importantly, tell me, can you really help Ahenna? How?”

“ Uuu~ so you won’t let this go, huh?”

“ Vince, don’t dodge the question.”

“ Ok, well let me ask you a question first. I didn’t want to discuss this topic because it might hurt you but…. Have you ever wondered, why do you have such strong feelings for her?”

Vince waited for a response but one never came.

He stood up again and looked at Remus and was surprised.

Remus was making an expressionless face, devoid of any emotions.

Looking at him sent chills down Vince’s spine.

With such an expression, Remus said only two words,

“ Truth. Now.”

It felt as if their positions had been reversed. It was like Remus was a supreme existence, demanding an answer from a brat named Vince.

He wondered, how could a guy like Remus generate such an aura and thought inwardly,

‘ must be in his blood. Or should I say his soul?’

He was experiencing a range of emotions at the moment but most of all, he was happy.

He was happy to find out that his other half could, without any form of training or experience, generate such an aura.

He was not displeasure in the slightly, rather he was proud, he thought that it was appropriate for a being with such boundless potential, to have such an overbearing side. He answered,

“ You see, the thing is when my brother killed Anna, I collected the bits of soul she had left and fused them with my own soul, in hopes of reviving her later but after my fight, the state I was in did not allow me to do so.


When I divided my soul, most of what was left of her soul was sent to earth with you, where it then separated from you and formed a new one, just like what happened in our case.

It would have been fine if it just ended there but then a problem arose.

Her soul is not as powerful as mine or yours. She can’t survive without the missing pieces of her soul that reside within me. Even if she was a demi-god in her previous life, there is a massive amount of difference in the quality of the soul of a demi-god like her and beings like you, me or my brother.

I couldn’t have possibly known that this would happen but nonetheless I would like to apologize.

I am truly sorry. It is because of my actions that she is suffering like this.”

Seeing Vince apologize like this, Remus regained his former carefree expression. He could tell by the look on his face that Vince was truly sorry.

“ I am sorry for losing my cool as well. But tell me, how does this explain my unconditional affection for her?”

“ Hehe, to say the word unconditional. You truly do love her, don’t you?”

Remus’ face suddenly turned red! He shouted,

“ Just shut up and explain!”

“ How am I supposed to shut up and explain something at the same time. You are being unreasonable.”

Seeing Vince’s mischievous attitude, Remus shouted again,

“ Thi… This guy… Ahhhhh~!”

Looking at how he reacted, Vince started laughing.

“ Ok ok. Putting that aside, just imagine, you are a part of me, that really loved Anna, and she is in a way, Anna’s reincarnation, also, even if for a short while, her soul was merged with yours. That has got to affect how you feel about her right?”

Remus nodded.

“ Well, I guess that does have an effect. But even if it does, I don’t really care. The only thing that matters is that I love her.

But how do you plan on saving her? It really really reallllly hurts me to say this but I don’t think she has a lot of time left.”

“ A soul can’t survive for long without a body. As I am now, I am unable to bring your body here, the most I can do is bring your soul here.

As you won’t have a body to reside in, your soul would eventually perish.

To resolve this matter, I have been taking rebirths from time to time, for about a thousand years now, so that my body matches the conditions of your body on earth as close as possible.

It would be easier for you to adapt to a body that is close to your age and physique right?”

“ Right, but how does that solve Ahenna’s problem?”

“ It’s simple! While you take over my body on Lamkas, I will take over your body on earth!

That way, I can just transfer the parts of her soul that reside within me to her. Believe me, she will be fixed in no time!”

Seeing Vince act this way,

Remus thought that Vince looked like a mad doctor or an evil magician, trying to sell him some kind of miracle medicine that would save his lover’s life.

But he had no choice but to trust him as he was his only hope.

“ Can I really trust you on that? Is it really THAT simple?”

“ I swear upon my soul, I do not lie. I truly can save your Ahenna.”

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