《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》3. Past 1


The first time Remus noticed that he was different from the other kids around him was when he was 4 years old.

Being an orphan, he didn't have parents who could take care of him but fortunately, the orphanage he lived in was owned and run by a wealthy and old Chinese man named Chen.

Chen, with a few servants took great care of all the children in the orphanage, big and small.

He made a library, where the children could read all sorts of books. Maintained a garden where they could play all day. Every night, he would read bedtime stories to the children, so that they could have a good night sleep.

He made all the children go to school and ingrained moral values into them, so that they could become stable and working members of the society.He even went as far as to teaching them self defense.

Everybody who worked in or visited the orphanage could tell that Chen deeply cared about the children.

And Remus, like many other kids, made Chen his father figure. He would always follow him around, like a shadow that never left his side.

Chen doted on Remus as well, which made the situation even worse.

He taught Remus all sorts of things. Starting from letters and numbers, he taught him elementary level science and maths. He even taught him a variety of martial arts!

This caused Remus to develop a fondness for physical training and reading books.

This might seem nice and all but there was a huge problem!

All of this was happening when he was only 4 years old!

When the other children around him were learning to form sentences, he was sending letters to the public library, asking them to send him books on national history!

Although Remus didn't notice anything abnormal because all of his lessons were taught to him by Chen, Chen did.

He was filled with surprise and excitement, the first time he noticed Remus' monstrous learning abilities.

Seeing that he absorbed everything he taught him like a sponge, Chen decided to keep it a secret from the others and even Remus himself. He wanted to see how far Remus could go with only pure curiosity by his side!

His lessons had started when he was only 3 years old, and by the time he was 4, Remus had already learned what childeren learned in middle school!

Remus was a child who didn't have a problem living a scheduled life. He would start the day by going for a run in the nearby community park, later he would practice martial arts with Chen until breakfast.


After that he would play with his friends in the garden until he got tired.

After lunch, he would stay in the library reading all kinds of books. He liked reading literature and history.

But the subject that fascinated him the most was science.

Even though he could not understand what a lot of what was written in those books meant, he would still memorize them.

Then he would start from the lowest level and build his understanding .

And whenever he learned enough to be able to understand what was written in those books that he couldn't before, the feeling of being able to learn what all that which me memorize meant, to him was, ecstatic!

Unfortunately, this didn't last long.

One normal day, while Remus was playing, one of his friends started bragging about being able to solve a math problem, all the other children started applauding!

Looking at this, Remus became interested and looked at the problem.

But when he looked at it, he became confused.

The reason being, this was a problem that he had solved at the very beginning of his math lessons.

It had been about a year since his lessons with Chen started.

He was going to start trigonometry in a few days!

He found it to be very strange. Why were all the children applauding when one of them solved a problem this simple?

He wanted to know, what was there to applaud about? He thought that, it would rather be a big problem, if that kid was not able solve something that simple!

But he stopped.

Remus had always been good at reading people's expressions and when he looked at the children applauding, he saw wonder and amazement in their expressions.

All of them had faces filled with awe!

He reached to a quick conclusion, that there was nothing strange with the problem or the kid who solved it or the children who were busy applauding.

The one who was strange was Remus himself!

He was confused. Bewildered!

He quickly left and started running towards Chen's office.

He opened the door without knocking and found Chen sitting on his chair, playing solo chess.

He moved to his side and called out to him. He looked in his eyes and told him what happened. He asked what was going on.

For the next few minutes, Chen remained silent. He saw Remus' face and for the first time in his life, could see a fear filled expression on it.

He got up and hugged him tightly!


Remus started crying. They remained in this position until he stopped.

Then Chen lifted him up and put him on the table. He made a serious expression and broke the silence.

He explained everything to Remus.

From his abnormal learning abilities to his extraordinary body, that could keep up with the harshest of trainings!

Remus listened carefully and made a strange expression.

After he was done with his explanation, Chen stopped and waited for Remus to curse at him.

But that never happened.

Rather than being angry, Remus understood Chen's reason. He thanked him sincerely and told him to keep things going the way they were before!

Remus did not want to be singled out and thus, he decided to keep learning and training in secret and to act as if he was learning the same things as the other kids around his age.


Things continued as they were before.

Remus decided to go to school with all his friends.

He acted average. Did average in class and sports. But he never stop studying and training in secret.

By the time he was 6 years old, he had learned everything at highschool level. Chen decided to test him and gave him a college entrance exam level test! Remus passed it with flying colors!

Studying wasn't the only thing he was progressing at.

His physical abilities were advancing rapidly as well!

Chen even told him that he could defeat a peron 10 years older that him if he wanted to!

Life went on like this for a while.

Just after Remus celebrated his 8th birthday, she, came into his life.

A girl named Ahenna started living in the orphanage.

She was eleven years old and had lost her parents, in a car accident.

After a relocation, she had ended up here.

She was beautiful and had long brown hair. A smart girl, who was lively and smiled often.

She was kind and liked helping the orphanage staff in their work.

She was good at both studying and sports. She quickly mixed in with the people of the orphanage.

It felt as if she had been here for years.

But. All of this was not important to Remus.

The first time he looked at her, he was, thunderstruck!

A strange feeling started to bubbling up in his heart.

He tried understanding what this feeling was.

He quickly discovered that it was not that love at first sight, which he had read about in all those romance novels.

He felt that he had to protect her.

No! It was much more simple.

He didn't understand why but he felt as if his heart was screaming at him to keep her by his side and keep her safe!

This was new to him.

He had never felt like this before. Not even toward Chen, much less towards a stranger like Ahenna!

Surprisingly, rather than suppressing this feeling, he decided to embrace it!

He started telling her to follow him wherever he went and when that wasn't possible, he would follow her instead.

He even told her about his learning ability because he spent half his day training and studying, also, he couldn't let her out of his sight, so she would have found out about it sooner or later.

She didn't believe him at first, but when he displayed him knowledge and skills to her, she showed an incomprehensible expression and decided to believed him.

This schedule of following and being followed continued.


The first time Remus experienced becomes furious was when he was 10 years old.

Life was proceeding at the usual pace.

In the 2 years Remus and Ahenna had been together, they had come to form a brother - sister relationship.

They stopped calling each other using names and used 'sis' and 'little bro' instead.

He would help her in her studies and personally taught her self defense.

They spent most of their time together.

Ahenna's friends would tease her by calling Remus her boyfriend, to which she would simply respond with a smile.

Remus' buddies would make fun of him by calling Ahenna his wife, to which he responded with a kick to the butt.

When, one day,

Remus was returning after finishing dinner.

He was going towards the roof where he and Ahenna would usually spend hours, looking at the stars.

He was just about to take the stairs when, he heard a girl's cry.

It was coming from the storage room that was located next to stairs.

He immediately recognized that voice.

It was Ahenna!

He panicked and ran towards the storage room door and tried kicking it open. Fortunately, it wasn't locked.

But what he saw inside made his mind freeze!

He saw more than 10 boys who looked to be around 16 - 17 years old, Hurting Ahenna!

No! They were not hurting. They were trying to abuse her!

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