《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》2. Beginning of adventure 1


" Ok, i am going now. Take care of yourself."

Remus said before leaving. He heard a faint reply before closing the door.

" 'take care of yourself as well' huh, i don't think you are in a condition to worry about others sis. "

He mumbled.

" It's that day again. Ugh! "

He wasn't in a good mood today. The reason for that was that today was the monthy physical examination.

He never did like going to school but the thing he hated the most was this, the day on which they conducted the physical examination for all the students in his grade.

It wasn't like he didn't like people looking at his body, he didn't mind that at all. Correction, he did hate it a little bit. The reason being, for a sophomore in high school, Remus was a bit too fit.

He had a perfectly toned body, a tall height and a handsome looking face. So, whenever he took his clothes off, the looks the nearby crowd gave him varied greatly.

The looks the girls gave were mostly positive. He could see interest, curiosity, affection and even the desire to flirt in their eyes.

Even the female medical examiner had a strange look in her eyes. Looking into them made him feel as if she wanted to eat him whole!

But the problem started with the boys. He could feel jealously, envy and hate from their eyes and expressions. He could somehow understand and to a level, even manage to handle their feelings but the one person he could not manage was the P. E. teacher.

Apparently, he liked the aforementioned medical examiner and the expressions he made whenever he saw her giving Remus a flirtatious gaze, gave Remus the impression that he had made Remus his arch nemesis a long time ago.


But even that was not the main reason Remus hated this day.

The reason he hated this day was the other half of the physical examination. The part where they tested a person's physical abilities. And the reason for 'that' was a bit twisted and complicated.

He usually skipped school on these days. The city planetarium, museums and other interesting places were more important than showing off how strong or fast you were in his opinion.

" Guess i will take a nap. "

Today however, he decided to spend a bit of time in solitude.

He left his apartment and started walking down the street. With a school bag on his shoulder, he walked at a slow pace.

After a bit of time and a few turns, he reached an abandoned building.

Entering the building, he took a flight of stairs and started walking towards the roof.

The building was an unfinished hotel.

The owner was caught and put in jail for the smuggling of illegal drugs, the builder, after losing the source of capital decided to leave the building unfinished.

Remus found this building a few months after he shifted to this neighborhood and it had become his usual place for hanging out ever since.

Whenever he felt like being alone, he would visit this place.

" This place is as dirty as ever."

Reaching the roof, he looked around and grumbled.

The only reason he liked this place, was because nobody else came here.

Finishing his thoughts, he started cleaning a part of the ground.

After he was done cleaning, he laid on the ground and using his school bag as a pillow, started napping.


After taking a satisfying nap, he opened his eyes.

But the scene in front of his eyes was different, totally different from the one he saw before he closing them!


A white room. No, a white area?

As far as his eyes allowed him, he could see nothing but white. There was nothing else in this area but him, even his school bag was gone.

" Wha-?! "

He panicked. His mind stopped working for a moment.

" haa~ fuu~ haa~ fuu~"

He took a few deep breaths and tried calming his mind. After a few seconds, he cleared his mind and started thinking of reasons for being in this place and situation.

" Something happened while I was sleeping. Somebody did something to me while i was sleeping or maybe it's just a dream or maybe.... "

He got up and started jumping. After a few jumps, he started running and after that, he started hitting himself in different places.

After a few more actions, he had cleared most of the reasons and was only left with three.

" No, this is not a dream. I have a bit too much thought control for that. "

With a bit more reasoning, he cleared the thought of this being a dream.

" I don't think somebody drugged or hypnotised me either. I have total control of my thought and body processes and am one of those people who are nearly impossible to hypnotize. "

At some point in the past few years, Remus had turned into a loner. Although he did have a few people he could call good friends, he instinctively formed a barrier around him. So most of his time was spent on physical training, martial arts and reading books.

In all the books and research papers he read about how drugs worked and what they did to the brain, he had read many scientific papers and countless patient testimonies and all of them summarized that he couldn't possibly be in so much control of his senses if he was drugged.

And as far as hypnosis goes, he had once visited a seminar organized by professionals, on hypnotism and its medical benefits. When the head of the seminar had called for a volunteer, Remus had raised his hand.

It began with a low level technique, but seeing as it didn't work, the professional had tried almost everything he know, to hypnosis and put Remus to sleep. But in the end, he had failed and told Remus and the audience that he couldn't find the right conditions.

After the end of the show, that professional who was apparently named Matt had told Remus that he was one of those few people who were near impossible to hypnotize and looking into his curiosity filled eyes, had offered to teach Remus about real hypnotism.

Remus, who loved unraveling the mysteries of the human mind, had immediately taken up the offer and had learned everything Matt could teach him in the next few months, that too, in his spare time.

In their last meeting, Matt had told him that he was a genius in this field and looking at his execution and technique, he could even hypnotise Matt, who was a world renowned hypnotist himself.

From all those experiences, Remus could tell that he had not been hypnotised in his sleep.

" then am i..... "

He couldn't complete the sentence, or maybe he didn't want to.

Because the last reason he could come up with was, death!

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