《Chronicles of a former God - the lives of Vince and Remus》1. Prologue


Lamkas. A planet like no other.

From the countless planets forming in the universe every second, this planet was special and the reason for that was, it was the sole devourer.

Meaning that it was the only planet in the universe that rather than trying to maintain harmony with everthing around it and coexist, devoured everything that came near it!

Lamkas was one of the first planets that came into existence.

It was at the perfect distance from a bright star, had plenty of water, a perfectly functional atmosphere and an abundance of natural resources. Everything necessary to sustain life!

But strangely enough, rather than waiting to meet the right conditions for the beginning of life, this world developed it's own consciousness.

Then it began devouring everything in it's surrounding and converted it into a special form of energy that later came to be known as mana.

When it had collected enough mana, the consciousness used that mana and took form of two intellectual beings.

These beings had predetermined functions, one was the creator and the other was the customizor and destroyer.

In the course of the next millions of years, these beings used mana to create, modify and destroy numerous lifeforms.

In a sense, this was their trial and error period.

Finally, they were able to create an ecosystem that complemented every being it consisted of.

And in a those years, the two being that made all this possible developed personalities and so did all of their creations.

Countless plant and animal lifeforms lived on lamkas.

The ones who took dominance were the animals. They were curious and agressive while the plants were calm and usually laid dormant.

The animals with more intellect thrived even more.

They developed language, culture, started hunting other animals for food, made shelters to protect themselves from the harsh weather, started farming and rearing of animals for more food and other resources and invented new ways for a better living.


And in all those phases, the two beings that made all of them were there, making new lifeforms, modifying them in ways that benefitted the planet and eliminating anything that was deemed harmful.

Then came a time when the two beings decided to stop their work and let nature take its course.

They wondered,what would happen if they stopped creating and interfering with the flow of the world for some time?

The only problem was that for the beings who had been living for millions of years, 'some time' was a really really long time!

They decided to take the forms of the most intellectual animals and go on a 'vacation' that never came to an end!

For the next thousands of years, they interacted with and supported these animals due to which these animals, especially the bipedal kind, flourished.

Living with these animals affected the two beings as well.

Their personalities became more complex and they learned the meaning of the term relationship and naturally formed a relationship of brothers between themselves.

The creator who named himself Aur became the big brother and the customizor who named himself Argent became the little brother.

Fairies, elves, dwarves, dragons, spirits and many other races came to call these two brothers 'Gods'.

Eventually Aur fell in love with a member of the dragonewts and married her.

The race that was born from their copulation, received the name demons.

The little brother got married to a member of the elf community and the race they gave birth to, received the name humans.

Later Aur and Argent, as gods, taught these races a lot of things.

The most important of them being, magic.

They invented class, levels and skill systems to help these races evolve even further.

They ruled them for thousands of years.


But every story has a sad phase!

In the end, the two brothers fought.

Fought a battle with life and death at stake. At the end of their fight, they both received grievous injuries.

Aur slipped into a period of recovery sleep while Argent who was afraid of his brother's swift recovery, tore his soul in two and sent one part to another world for recovery and maintained the other in lamkas.

This is the story, of the lives and adventures of the two souls that once made Argent, of what caused the two brothers who were once inseparable to fight and of the lives of the people around them!

This is the story of 'the lives of Vince and Remus'!

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