《Nathan's Path》Ch 3


Nathan walked over to a kiosk to summon a trainer to help him figure out what to do with his free essence. A few moments later a sturdy looking man with sandy hair showed up.

“You Nathan? We got some work to do brother.” The trainer said looking Nathan up and down.

“Yes, and yes. I recently found something to help me with my asthma and I want to make up for lost time. I’m looking to use the free essence from losing weight to get a good foundation in a body building technique.”

“Well we here at Tower of Training have several exclusive training techniques, even for fifth tier customers. Let’s find one for you and get started big man” He casually said.

It irked Nathan a bit that he kept referencing his weight, but honestly? Nathan came here to lose that weight, and he could choose to use the negativity towards his belly as motivation. And after looking at utterly ridiculous number of techniques in the library section of the gym Nathan couldn't help getting a bit excited. The trainer, Dale, quickly went through numerous booklets before they found one that Nathan had to choose. It was literally perfect, you could pour any amount of essence into it so it would last him a lifetime, it improved his entire physique, and it had a simple practice method. But it was mostly because Nathan already had experience with it, to an extent. Dale was quick to try to convince him otherwise.

“The Steel Body technique is a very intensive regime. I wouldn’t choose something so rigorous for your first body strengthening technique. Your weak lungs are going to be exhausted every time you try to use it bro.” He reasoned.

“I’m already practicing the Steel Lung technique, which is literally the same thing as this right? So It’s perfect for getting my weak lungs in shape.” Nathan countered.


“Listen, I’ll teach you anything you want to learn. If your determined enough, then this really is the best choice. The problem lies in that you could easier benefits from something like the Rapid Empowerment technique. If you choose the Steel Body then you need to stick with it, or your just going to be wasting major benefits.”

"Then I'll ensure that I follow through on." Nathan said before gathering up a bubble of aura and compressing it till it was the size of a golf ball. Then he swore "I'm gonna use the Steel Body technique to train" and watched as the bubble burst.

“You have to have a clear end point for an aura oath to work” Dale reminded him.”And I doubt you really want to do that, but go ahead if you're sure.” Nathan fidgeted awkwardly at his own foolishness before trying again.

“I will use the Steel Body technique and get a six pack.” Nathan revised. A six pack was a good goal, it would be difficult but he should be able to do it in a few months of hard work. Probably. Either way he had just dedicated a fifth of his aura to a promise in hopes of motivating himself. He idly observed as the bubble took up its place just off to the side of his soul. Besides, as long as he fulfilled the promise he would be well rewarded for his efforts. Aura promises were a tradition because of the valuable bonus the aura bubble provided when it burst.

“Well let’s get started, since the Steel Body is a meditation technique do you want to save it for later? I think we should do some time working on bulking since you already have plenty of fat to convert to muscles. Im gonna get you strong.” He said before giving him a short tour of the gym area. The place was far better than Nathan had though, several new machines and everything was in mint condition. After the tour Dale very quickly set him a regimen to follow, mostly consisting of muscle building exercises and some cardio. Nathan guessed he had other people to work with. Nathan didn't waste any time, and soon enough Dale came to get him for some meditation before leaving.


“You understand the Steel Lung right? This is basically that, but you have to scatter the ather throughout you body using your soul, holding it in with a sheath of essence. The raw ather breaks down and empowers in equal amounts, while the essence builds up and heals. True masters of the technique, like my super macho boss Gav which is short for Gavin, do this every time they take a breath.” Dale said in such a laid back way that it threw Nathan off. But he helped Nathan with the Steel Body technique for half an hour before leaving to his own devices.

Getting back to his apartment after a long day, he walked into his TV blaring and a man eating popcorn on his couch. The man looked vaguely similar to Nathan, if only in general features. They shared their fathers thick curls and swirling honey eye color, they both had their mothers naturally tan skin. Beyond that though? His brother was his opposite.

“Sup Nate, I needed a place to stay while im in town and you wouldn't pick up so…” His taller, better looking brother trailed off.

“So you, a cop, broke into my apartment?”

“No, I just used the key mom gave me a year ago.”

“Mom gave you a key to my house? Why, when, how? You know what this is so like her.” Nathan grumbled. He was tired of his mother treating him like an irresponsible baby. It wasn't his fault stuff never went his way.

“You look good man, you been working out?” Reggi completely brushed past his questions

“Some. Finally got past my asthma, but don't tell mom that. I want to surprise her once I'm in shape. Anyway, why are you in town?”

“Got some work in the great city of Ria, and I’m glad your past your noodle lung. You gonna get a real job soon?” Reggi joked. After that it was just catching up before Nathan told him he had to get some sleep for work. Before going to bed he idly wondered what kind of work an Enforce would have that would require them to go to a completely different city?

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