《Notebook of possibilities》How holy art thou author-sama!?


The point of this chapter is to focus on the authors of the story, not simply their world. Where does the author fit? What is the author to everything?

Let me bring to you a word that I believe perfectly encapsulates everything that is an authors job.

dem·i·urge ˈdemēˌərj/ noun a being responsible for the creation of the universe, in particular. (in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world.

The demiurge. This is in essence what an author is. Whether their story is about a single continent, a whole world, or even a multiverse, they are, in essence, The Creator of this realm in which they write.

As an author, through the keystrokes upon the computer, the taps and clicks and edits, they form, reform, and mould a world to their whims. They create gods and goddesses, demons, humans, any race they can think of, all with but a mere thought. What makes an author powerful within their books is that ultimately, what they say goes. Sometimes it's a tragedy, sometimes it's a joy, sometimes it's bob got drunk at the tavern again and his wife Suzy is already on her way with the sword from above the fireplace mantle and Joe the barkeep understands he and every other patron still awake need to make themselves scarce.

But this is the essence of being an author. I mean, if you wanna take this to a spiritual level, and maybe even make this meta, what if god were an author? My only question is who is the mc? And why the HELL did you make this place so boring?

Then again what's to say the books we write aren't an actual existence within the multiverse? And some elf is sitting down at his desk, a candle flickers next to the window as he boots ink and writes about how some human is going about his day job, doing audits, typing on this thing he calls a "computer" and hating his boss who under appreciated him.


This is all a fictional moment I'm not an office worker.

With the multiverse theory nothing says that these situations aren't true. People assume... Well.. I assume people assume, that the multiverse theory pertains to our world, and they are right, but only our world. They never consider that something happened differently and suddenly magic is faffing it's way through the air, cavemen didn't rub sticks together, there was simply a cold winter night, one guy farted, another wanted to be warm, and boom, suddenly there was fire. And also caveman Joseph had his loincloth burning. But they were warm that night. And every night after when he got a club set on fire and his loincloth got put out by his panicked flopping on the ground.

Point being, there is an infinite number of possibilities, and each of them says one thing... There is a 100% chance that thing happened. A 100% chance EVERYTHING happened.

Some guy named bill stepped in a puddle, and in another he got married that day instead, and in another he was a grand wizard who sneezed and blew up the really expensive and really nice portrait he had of his half orc wife and he is likely to be scolded by his dwarven secretary. And in yet another bill was a caterpillar in a cocoon that day. And in yet another earth was attacked by giant spiders and bill is now digesting in a cocoon of spider silk. Gg spider world bill, we knew ye not.

And even as I have said this... These are all potentially real somewhere. And we either got really lucky or the really shit end of the stick that everything is... Relatively boring on our earth. Who knows maybe our universe is getting magic in five years when something in space explodes just right. I hope so. I wanna break physics with a new particle.

But just remember, even your head canon technically happened somewhere. Authors may have power, but as readers we too are demiurges, we just peer into the universe of another. :3

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