《Notebook of possibilities》All a do about dragons and physics.


In today's chapter, we will be going over mythological creatures and the theoretical possibility of their actual existence and what would be required or could be optimal for their existence in a biological manner.

For those who didn't understand that... Uhhhh... I'm sorry I somehow lost the ability to translate my own English into English.

Now, let's start with the thought that typically comes about to set off this chain reaction of "why the hell did you think of this?"

"What if this creature existed?"

Now that's a very simple question with a very expansive answer. And it is usually aimed towards dragons, because there are multiple dragons, but also because the more you ask about the same creature, the more you can expand upon previous ideas. Revisiting a concept can sometimes cause it to explode in interesting new directions with concepts.

For example, due to just how much I think of this question as it pertains to dragons I've concluded that in order for a dragon to fly it probably needs the lightweight bone structure of a bird, but possibly with a greater density for the mythological strength. But if they are so dense, how can they fly? Physics dictates that it would need a truly monsterous wingsize so massive it would not be feasible for only one heart to pump all the blood through it's entire body, not to mention in cold blooded creatures, under the assumption a dragon could be as a lizard, with wings that large and that full of blood vessels, they would be extremely vulnerable to temperature fluctuations. Imagine your ears and how quick they get cold, now make them like 100 feet long and super thing so you could shine a flashlight on it and see the veins in perfect relief. Yeah. Not great.


So to combat both of these, what if it had gas veins? Gas is lighter than air. So what if it had tubes in it's body leading to various organs that produced gas? Some of these might have helium, and then for fire breathing they have a gas sack full of methane.

Yes I just said dragons breathe farts. Deal with it. XD

But continuing on, assuming this helium vein set makes them light enough for their wings to allow lift off, they effectively become psuedo dirigibles. Now it's said dragons have tough skin, immune too fire, yada yada yada, but in so many fantasy stories, if you can interrupt their attack they can hurt themselves with their fire, despite it not affecting their skin so much, this is tpically attributed as a critical hit on internal organs, but what if it's also burning into those helium veins? That would cause some major issues making internal injuries truly a thing to be feared for dragons.

How do they breathe actual fire? That's relatively a simple statement. You see if you know enough about chickens or even just eat certain parts you've heard of a thing called a gizzard. What is this and why does it have anything to do with dragons? Well in a chicken a gizzard is a part of the throat system that is filled with rocks and pebbles and grinds up a chickens food. Now let's say it's Flint, what's gonna happen? It's gonna make Sparks. So there is the connection.

Dragons have a gas sack of methane, which exits into the throat and pools up, making a methane oxygen mixture which is ignited by breathing Sparks out of their Flint filled gizzard allowing them to breathe fire.

Boom. Dragons in a real world scenario.

The flight might need a bit more touch up, a different gas, other physical attributes. But this is all for the Western dragon.

I'd have to give more though to the eastern dragon since they are said to claw their way through the skies on clouds... But you know... That's for another time.

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