《Kueng Ning》Book 2 Journey to London. Chapter 2: May Phoenix is....


Chapter 2 of book 2!


I might be releasing a bundle of chapter all at once, so stay tuned for that one.

Kueng Ning and May Phoenix, we’re currently sitting side by side, with May feeding Ning, some food for their breakfast. After eating, May stood up and sat at the opposite end of the table to talk to Ning.

“Ning, do you want to tread in the Immortal Path?”

“Yes, mother”

“Do you realize the dangers of this decision? Once you start on this path, there will be no going back”

“Yes, mother”

“Very well. What do you know about the Immortal Path?”

“From what mother has told me, one would need to change their mortal dantian into an immortal dantian, after that one would need to make a contract with a spiritual beast”

“Why would one need to make a contract with a spiritual beast?” May asked with curiosity since, making a contract with spiritual beast, would be one of the most dangerous and damaging thing for a cultivator if not successful.

“It’s because, once you have successfully make a contract with a spiritual beast, both of your soul, dantian, mind, and body would be one, making them your sworn comrade never to betray you. Did I answer your questions correctly mother?”

“Yes, you have remembered my teaching well son” May said as she patted the head of Ning.

“Of course, mother’s teachings are always in my heart and mind!” Ning shouted happily.

“Good. Now, do you know how we rank people?”

“By their cultivation level and realm right?”

“Yes, but if we don’t experience firsthand we won’t know their exact strength, however we have an easier way to truly know a person strength”

“How mother?”

“Using this” May brought out two silver disk, from the black ring and puts them on the table.

Touching one of the silver disk, a hologram of a computer screen and keyboard appeared. Seeing this the child got out of his seat, and retreated a few steps back, looking at the weird machine with fear. May, laughed and said.

“Ning, come here”

“Mommy, I’m scared”

“Don’t you trust your mommy? I promise there is nothing to be scared off”

The child only nodded before going closer May, and hugging her arm. Looking at the scared child, May laughed once more, unable to imagine that this could turn into a monster, in any second.


“Mommy, what is that?” the child asked with fear and curiosity all over his face.

“This is the newest way to know a person strength. Put your hand over the silver disk, and we will find out your strength”

Obeying his mom’s order, Ning puts his hand over the silver disk that proceeded to shine in bright light. He wanted to pull his hand away, put then he felt a sudden warmth, and knew that his mom hugged him, telling him it would be alright.

After a few minutes, the light disappeared.

“See, there’s nothing to be scared about. Now, do you want to know your strength?”

“Yes, mother”

“Here” she turned the hologram screen to face her son, and Ning read each one carefully.

Name: Kueng Ning

Age: 10

School: N/A

Realm: N/A

Rank: 0

*Currently has no dantian, due to that appropriate rank cannot be given. Please try again in a year*

“Now, I will explain how these works, so listen carefully. In total, we have in total of four Realms, those are Shedding, Ascending, Elysium, and Celestial Realms. Each having been divided into Lowest, Middle, Mid-High, and Final. These are what the rank is for, 1-30 is Lowest, 31-50 is Middle, 51-70 is Mid-High, and 71-100 is Final. For the reason it said that you don’t have a dantian is because, you haven’t started on your Immortal Path, thus naturally, you have yet to enter any of the Realms. Understand?”

“Yes, mother”

“Good, I’ll be proceeding then. To enter the Shedding Realm, one would need to crack the layers on their mortal dantian, revealing their immortal dantian, then start absorbing the Qi’s off the world. Only then, would one be counted as a Shedding Cultivator. However, out of all the realms, the Shedding Realm would be considered as the most important, as well as the most dangerous”

“Why is the most important while, also being dangerous?”

“This is because, the Shedding Realm is also known as the Foundation Realm, what happens here will affect your whole Immortal Path. To shed one’s mortality is not possible for everyone, and if they fail to attempt to shed their mortality ninety percent of the time it would end in death, but if you’re lucky, you’ll only be a cripple in cultivation and in life. Imagine it this way, when you begin shedding your mortal dantian, the more you shed off, the purer you’re Qi, Body, Mind, and Dantian will be as you keep pursuing your Immortal Path. However, there are dangers to that, the more pure you’re Qi, Body, Mind, and Dantian is, the stronger the heavens will strike you down, but let’s not talk about that for now. Any questions?”


“Nope. I understand everything”

“Good, for now, go to your room and meditate. Once you understood your body, come to me and we’ll start with the process of you starting your Immortal Path”

“Yes, mother” Kueng Ning said before going back to his room to mediate to understand his body.

“It’s rare to see young ones explain things so well” the old man said as he appeared out of nowhere, taking a seat right across from her on the table.

“It’s my forte after all”

“True. Are you prepared to start your own training?”


“Take them and understand them whole-heartedly” the old man waved his arm and three books suddenly appeared in front of May.

All of the books we’re red in color, and was nicely persevered. The book on the left had the title of Phoenix Lost Arts: Phoenix Cry. The book on the right had the title of Phoenix Lost Arts: Soaring Blaze. Lastly, the one in the middle had the words in golden letters, Phoenix Sacred Lost Arts: Rebirth.

“HOW DID YOU GETS THIS BOOKS!?” May shouted in surprise.

“Now, now, do not shout or you will disturb young master’s concentration”

“I’m sorry, but these books have been reported lost within our family. I was always interest in the five books of Phoenix Lost Arts. Looking at it now, where are the other two Lost Arts?”

“The last two books, will be given to you once you have mastered these three”

“Understood, but where did you get this books”

“I stole them from your clan of course. Judge me if you want, but these books will be returning to their rightful owner soon enough, but these will benefit you as well”

“Thank you” May said, not wanting to inquire any further.

“No need for thanks. To use the Phoenix Lost Arts, one would need to have two major requirements. One, to have the blood of a Phoenix running through their veins, second is that blood must be the purest out of all the people who have obtained the blood of the Phoenix”

“Then, I won’t be able to practice it. There is someone else in my family who received a purer Phoenix Blood than me”

“You referring to Scarlett Phoenix am I right?”

“Yes, out of all the years our clan has stood, she had been blessed by having the purest of blood”

“AHAHAHAH, your clan has been going blind. She does not have purest blood, you do”

“What do you mean?”

“Tell me, since you we’re a child you have been having dreams of seeing a Phoenix right? A blazing Phoenix that would burn everything in its path, one that would heal almost instantaneously or even revive at a snap of a finger, growing ever so stronger with ever resurrection. The Immortal Bird, Phoenix!”

“Yes, I have. How did you know?”

“How? That was easy, since I’ve looked into your birth. When you we’re born, you already had an Immortal Dantian, accompanied with that was strong Phoenix Qi. Do you know what that truly means? What did your family say about that?”

“They said I could cultivate, but it was impossible for me to learn any of the clan’s martial arts, so that’s why I decided to use my time for knowledge and medical purposes”

“If these was the olden days, you can be considered the number one scholar. However, they we’re lying to you, I do not know the reason, but those dreams, already entering the Shedding Realm when you we’re born, having large amounts of Phoenix Qi. This could only mean one thing, you are the one truly blessed by the heavens, and the 2nd Generation Phoenix has chosen you, not your nephew, Scarlett Phoenix. Remember that well and train hard” the old man said before disappearing, leaving May, who had tears going down her face.

“Elder, is right. This time, I will show them I am no trash!” May said to herself as she wiped her tears, and started to read the books one by one.

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