《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 071 : Nangong Yiren


Shanquan nodded. "I know. After finding the key, we most likely won't have time to go in and explore the passage behind that door. But at least we have to try. Maybe, later, for some reason, we can still stay here a little longer. ."

Does Dage have other plans that he hasn't told us about?

"Regarding this key matter." Yixiong opened his mouth. "If we find it, what are we going to do?"

"Of course, we have to return it to the owner of this house," said Shanquan.

"I don't feel comfortable with the owner of this house," Yixiong said.

"It's not a matter of whether we like or dislike that person." Shanquan's voice was firm. "Those things don't belong to us. We can't keep them."

"How about we just return it to where we found it?" Xinxiu proposed. "I think that's better."

That's a brilliant idea. We don't need to lie, let alone take things that don't belong to us.

Shanquan looked at his friends. "We'll talk about that later. We have much more pressing matters at the moment."

"Okay. Now let's discuss today's plans. What should we do today?" Xinxiu leaned forward.

"You and Zhengyi went to the station where you left the duffel bags you brought yesterday. Take those things, and then move them to the Xindongchang warehouse at Zhonghang station."

Shanquan turned toward Yingyue. "Now, I want you to give me the address of your relative in Yueming. Don't worry, you will still be here. I'm just going to see how things are at their place. I will not tell them anything yet."

Yingyue looked a little hesitant, but then she nodded.

"I'm going there with Yixiong. As we agreed yesterday, Yiren is keeping watch at home."


"Where are we going?" Yixiong looked confused.

Dage hasn't explained his plan to Xiongge yet?

"This morning, we will go to see Miss Lüqiu's relative's house," said Shanquan.

"Oh!" Yixiong just nodded. No further comment.

Shanquan turned towards Yiren. "You don't have a problem with this arrangement, do you?"

Yiren smiled. "Don't worry. Yesterday, we decided I would stay at home."

"Shall we leave this house through the front door or secret underground passage?" Xinxiu asked.

"Don't let the people who watch the house notice that there are very few people in the house. So I think Yixiong and I would go out by the underground passage, while Xinxiu and Zhengyi would go out the front door."

"Okay." Xinxiu nodded.

Shanquan hadn't finished speaking yet. "But first, I want Xinxiu and Zhengyi to take Yixiong and me through the underground passage."

Zhengyi straightened his back. "Dage wants us to accompany you to the room with the dressing table?"

"I'll explain first. We have to be very careful when exploring those underground passages. There are things that other people have to do, apart from the two of us. At the very least, there should be two people guarding down there. One person stands guard by the door of the hallway where there is a candleholder, and another person stands guard. Remember, there are other people who know about the passage, too. That person may not necessarily appear. But if he does, we must all be ready."

"We don't know their number. What if there are several?" Xinxiu's voice sounded a little worried.

"I can't explain it, but I have a hunch that there aren't many of them. It's probably two or three at most." The look on Shanquan's face was so sure.


Two or three people is definitely not a simple matter. Especially if they are all well-built and mastering martial arts.

"So far, we've had a passion for doing extraordinary things. Things we weren't sure we could do before. This time, it won't be much different. I'm sure we'll all be able to overcome this."

Silence for a moment. Yiren knew that everyone there wanted to believe that they could do anything. But sometimes, doubts still always arose in their hearts. Yiren looked at Zhengyi. Among them, Zhengyi's body was the largest. But that didn't mean that Zhengyi's stamina was the best. At that time, Zhengyi looked tired.

"What if I go down to accompany Xiudi?" Yiren proposed. "It's better if Yige stays here to accompany Miss Lüqiu."

Shanquan looked at Zhengyi.

"I don't mind." Zhengyi's face radiated a sense of relief. "We all have to take turns exploring the place. So this time, I think Yiren is better off accompanying you."

"Okay! Now let's get ready." Shanquan ended their discussion. By then, they had all finished their breakfast.

Earlier, a few minutes before Shanquan, Zhengyi, and Yixiong went up, Yiren had already taken a shower while Xinxiu was still in the bathroom. So after finishing breakfast, it was Shanquan, Zhengyi, and Yixiong's turn to clean up.

The three of them showered alternately in a flash. In just fifteen minutes, they were all tidy. Everything was ready for the adventure again. Even though they looked tired, their faces radiated a fiery spirit.

Shanquan stood opposite Yingyue. The girl handed him a piece of paper containing an address and a simple map to go to a relative's house in Yueming. Shanquan looked at the address and the floor plan. He smiled. He seemed to have figured out where it was. Yueming was indeed not a foreign land to them.

They all then walked to the backyard. In accordance with what they had discussed, Zhengyi stood guard above while Shanquan, Yixiong, Xinxiu, and Yiren descended to enter the secret passage underground. Because they had been up and down several times, they were used to it. So, the time they needed to get to the bottom of the hole was very short.

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