《The Outer Gods》Chapter 13


I walked out of my bedroom after getting ready for the day. Thankfully I had my second pair of clothes as a backup because my first pair aren’t doing so great after all the adventuring I did. There are some rips and tears in them and my second pair was even worse than my first in terms of quality so I decided today I’m going to try to get some clothes, along with a few books to study magic with.

I walk down the long stairs to find the receptionist in the same spot she was yesterday, and asked if she could bring Charles down. My stomach growled and I remembered I forgot to eat yesterday night and figured we probably need to go get food after shopping.

Charles came down again in a flash of light, with a book in his hands. On the back it read “The Void, a Forbidden Wasteland or an Untapped Goldmine?” I couldn’t make out the name but he came up to me and asked “Planning on going out again?”

“Yes, I want to go get some new clothes and a few books.” I explain to him.

“I see, I can understand clothes but books might be bit… hard right now.”

“Why is that?” Curious as to why a wizard, who relied off knowledge would have a hard time obtaining it. I asked. “Because at the moment the wizards union for our region is extremely busy preparing for the war, access to the library is hard to get. Even if you wanted to just read a book in the library, it would be at least twenty moons until you get a single approval from a court mage, of which you need three. I already have access but I can’t bring more than myself and if I tried Master Avius’s reputation would plummet and my permit revoked.”


“I see, what about any books not related to magic?”

“Those would be much easier to access as quite a few nobles have libraries they or people they deem worthy can access, and Master Avius, being protector of the town has the right to access the library. Along with all his disciples of course. First though, lets get you some better clothes. I don’t think any noble would want you coming in with the clothes of a commoner.”

We went through the circle, of which I’m slowly getting used to, and went back into town. After a few short twists and turns we arrived in what appeared to be the nicer part of town. The buildings were made from a white marble and had a very dark wood accompanying it to make for very nice looking structures. We walked up to one with a silver sign with a needle and thread inscribed on it.

There were massive panels of glass on the front of the shop with display stands showing the most luxurious clothes they had, but besides that it looked quite bland compared to the buildings around it.

Charles opened the door and gestured me in “After you, my lady.” He joked. I rushed inside with embarrassment written all over my face, and he followed me in.

“Welcome!” I heard the clerk shout as we came in, and he walked up to us from the other side of the building “Esteemed Mage, are you here for yourself, your partner or both?”

“Just my partner.” Charles replied back “Of course, let me see what we have!” and he lead us into the store to look at clothes. Most of the fancier ones I decided against as I preferred more practical designs.

Eventually we selected four sets that looked more like fancier mercenaries clothes than nobles and Charles helped me pick a cloak that was black with golden lining to match the colors of my current clothes. As the clerk asked for payment, which he claimed to total two small gold coin, an amount I could never earn in my life normally, Charles ended up haggling with him a bit and they settled on one gold coin seven large silver coins. Charles walked out with a proud look on his face and I finally had more clothes to wear. It was a win win for both of us.


{Somewhere, on a planet in the void far far away…}

“The Pioneer is progressing quite slowly. By the time she is able to achieve that invention our believers might be gone. Does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?”

“Is there any way we could speed up her progress through a vision or divine intervention?” Asked one of the gods at the table. There were a total of nine of them gathered around a large table in a bright room with nothing but the void above them.

“Not without those gods catching on. I think our best chance is to wait.”

“But we would be risking our people dying by the time she succeeds in creating that invention!”

“We would need to risk it anyways to send some sort of help to that planet! By messing with her system we already caught some attention and were lucky to cover our tracks enough.”

“Then what do you propose?”

“I have something to propose.” One of the gods who hasn’t spoken in a while shouted over them, and the others quieted down. This particular god was of a large faith and had more authority than most of them.

“Why can’t we use our followers inventions to speed up her growth? To be specific we could use That tool.”

“That's genius! How would they be able to trace back a mortals invention to another god?”

“The only issue is the problem of sending it to them, but thankfully I have a little backdoor thanks to our last encounter.”

The top god replied “Good, its only a matter of time before all the pieces fall into place.”

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