《The Outer Gods》Chapter 11


After slightly stumbling into the next room, I looked around and saw a bed shoved against the corner wall of the room, along with a table next to it and a long table with drawers, for lack of a better term, with a large mirror on top of it. On the floor was a long hide rug covering a good chunk of the room and next to the long table in the corner was a door which after going to it lead to a bathroom upon further investigation.

The bed was made of a sort of wool that seemed extremely good quality, along with a dark wood siding to hold it in place. It also had a thick but fine cloth to act as a blanket. It seemed like the bed might be only for high nobles to use as it looked that good.

I decided, seeing the window on the wall opposite of the door showed it still being the afternoon, I would keep exploring for now. I went out of that room and went to the next door, being about half way done with my exploration. Inside I found a few long tables lined up against the wall and a few tables in the center, not nearly as neat and orderly as the book room I saw earlier, but still looking pretty with some instruments and paper lined up on a shelf at the back of the room. In the center between two tables was a large steel pot being held up by some steel rods and underneath it with a stone fireplace was a red crystal in the center set into a block of marble that was quite polished. Deciding not to mess with it for now, I moved on to the next room seeing how I explored this small area.


After going in the final room, I realized it wasn’t a room but rather a long hallway. I walked slowly, my path lit by white flamed candles mounted on the wall, and ended up in a large circular room with a gold circle with a pentagram inscribed inside of it on the floor. All around the circle were a bunch of words that were gibberish to me and it was all quite confusing so I decided to leave it alone.

I went back outside and saw that there was quite a bit of time left before dusk, so I went back out of my room and back to the stairway. I kept the key I had close by and before I went down I noticed a sign on the wall next to my room I never saw before. “F-3A” it said in common tong. Deciding it would probably be useful to know I tried to remember it and went down.

Going as far down as I could go, I eventually reached a large room with a large desk on the side wall with another set of stairs on the other side and a magic circle at the center of the room, looking very similar to the one I found in my room.

While I was looking at the circle I heard a voice “Are you lost?” I heard in a high pitched woman’s voice.

I turn to the source and see someone coming out from a door on the side of the room behind the desk.

“Oh! You must be Alexis! Master told me he was letting you stay in the tower, as a disciple of course.”

“Yes, I’m Alexis, but how do I get to the city? I wanted to go exploring.” Truth be told she wanted to find a blacksmith and make the parts she needed but she didn’t want to explain all that.


“Did master never tell you how to operate the teleportation circles? Well it must have slipped his mind, anyways I’ll get another disciple to help escort you to town as I don’t have access to the main teleportation circle.”

She said something into a large crystal she picked up off the desk, and within the next few seconds a bright flash filled the room and Charles appeared from almost thin air. “Alexis, did Igor never show you the teleportation circle?” He groaned “No matter, please step inside the circle and I will take you into town.”

I did as instructed and went up to him inside the large golden circle and suddenly the circle seemingly came to life with blue writing floating in the air and streaks of blue light appearing seemingly randomly, and we were off.

It was almost felt like the portal all over again, but I quickly shook it off and adjusted myself. I saw myself inside a large room with another portal and a single door on the opposite wall. We went to the door and after walking through a few hallways we appeared in what looked like a lobby with a knight standing behind a desk and a large door next to the desk. He gestured me to the door and the soldiers who were dressed in metal armor, and were also chatting behind the desk, quickly shut up and bowed towards Charles and me. We went outside the door and were in the streets of the city Leymere.

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