《The Outer Gods》Chapter 9


After checking the pan, I saw a finished piece of paper floating inside of it. I took it out quickly and set it by the fire to dry off, but not too close to prevent it from catching on fire.

I let it finished drying off, then I took a piece of flint and shaved off a layer on the front and back to make it look nice and write easier, and placed it back down near the fire.

I went to go get more water, and as I came to the creak I noticed some tracks in the wet mud next to the river. At first I didn’t think too much about it, thinking it was just a wild animals track, but upon further inspection I noticed a few lines in the footprint, which make it seem more like a shoe than any sort of hoof and that’s where I became concerned.

Trying to reduce the weight I'm carrying, I quickly dump the water out of the pan and run back to my shelter, short sword drawn from my scabbard which I made from the leather I gathered and pan in the other hand.

I got tired after nearing the entrance but that fatigue didn’t last long as I saw two people with long cloaks over their head standing in front of the entrance looking at me. I dropped the pan and it smashed onto the floor as I got into a stance to defend myself, internally panicking as to who would be after me.

‘Could it be the Night Watchers? No, they would never venture outside of the city. Could it be someone who took note of me in the tavern, but who would want to risk the Night Watc-’

“Hello there Miss.” An old hoarse voice politely spoke from under the hood. “We are but a few simple travelers going along this route, and would like to seek refuge in your humble abode for the time being.” He slowly bowed, and put his hand on the other mans back forcing him to bow as well.


“...Of Course, why would I let fellow travelers starve when they are in front of my door.” I tried to be polite, but my suspicion was still quite present. “I put my sword back in its sheath and walked past them into the cave, gesturing for them to follow.

We went into the now crowded and small cave and I quickly put more wood on the fire while shoving the paper in my backpack, but not before the two travelers noticing it.

“Is that parchment?” The older man asked “I haven’t seen that fine of a hide parchment in a long time. Where did you get it from?”

“I made it from a plant I found nearby. I completely forgot the name of the plant, it just slips my brain at the moment, but I have a hobby of making parchment and wanted to try it with what I had.”

“Well miss, would you say you have a good skill in making parchment?”

“I haven’t had many to compare myself with, so it is hard to judge, but I know my stills are quite high compared to what I’ve seen on shelves.” I partly lie. I haven’t seen much paper before in my life so I don’t know too much about it, but at least I can up sell my skills.

“Well, miss, what would you say to coming with me to the town of Leymere? I wouldn’t mind buying your paper and possibly even giving you a place to work, if your not already contracted at least.”

“Do you possibly mean the home of the tower of Mage Avius? Isn’t that at least a few ten thousand Li away? How would we get there?”

“I have my ways, miss.” The man snapped his fingers and a portal appeared at the entrance of the cave. “If you would like to join me miss, pack your things. Otherwise I do believe at least two Night Watchers are closing in on our location now.” “Yes, I will go. If what you say is true than I wouldn’t be able to survive till dawn anyways.”


“A wise choice indeed. Charles,” “Yes!” the young man who was sitting next to him spoke for the first time. “Please help the misses through the portal with her luggage.” “Of course.” He responded quickly and helped me by grabbing the leather I’ve accumulated the last few days along with the stalks I’ve collected. I grabbed my backpack and my tools and we walked towards the portal. I took one step in hesitantly and Charles gestured me to go on. I took a deep breath and went through.

“D*** it all, we just missed them!” One of the watchers shouts as they reach the campsite to find it bare. “The one time we got a searching mission outside the walls and we f***ed it up, this will not end well with the overseer.”

“Especially now that we know others are involved.” The other one adds. “You can tell from the muddy prints that it wasn’t just the girl but rather at least one other that joined her, maybe a second.”

“I didn’t even realize that, good catch!”

“How about you do less talking and more working, otherwise I will report you to the overseer.” He then mumbles under his breath “Amateur”

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