《The Outer Gods》Chapter 6


After making my tent, Jeff gestured to me to come sit down; and he took out a slab of stone with a large couple pieces of meat on it and handed it to me. “Eat, your clearly starving.” he said, and immediately I dig into the food while trying to refrain from being unsightly. The meat was extremely good, a combination of pig, which I have stolen before, and beef presumably as I hasn’t had anything beef flavored but it just seemed right somehow.

Meat was a delicacy for the poor members of the slums and most wouldn’t be able to come close to it, so to have so much at once was a blessing. After eating my fill, I was in a bit of a half awake half asleep state after eating so much and stumbled to my tent, hardly remembering what I did past that point.

I was walking, walking endlessly. In pure darkness I kept walking until there was light. I found myself standing on a hard black surface “street” the word came to mind, and standing on white bars, no, a “crosswalk”. I kept walking and walking until something very bright was getting closer to my side. A loud “Horn” started blaring and I turned my head to see a massive metal box speeding towards me. Before I could even react, it hit me and my vision went black.

I wake up in the early dawn in a cold sweat. ‘Just another dream’ I think to myself. Ever since I turned fourteen, I have been having dreams that I clearly remember. I once went to a bar and asked about it, but most people there thought it was hogwash, some thought it was Eva telling me something, and one said it was a past life, but I will probably never know the answer.


“Alexis! We got breakfast!” I heard Jeff shout “Coming” I half said half yawned.

I got out of bed, dusted off my clothes a bit, and went out of the tent. The sunlight was a bit blinding but after a second to get use to it, my eyes quickly adjusted and I walked to the small campfire with Jeff and the gang gathered around it.

“Sleep well, Lass?” Jeff say me and joked “As soon as you went inside you were snoring and snoring,” my face immediately turned red but Frank assured me “Don’t tease the kid. Alexis you didn’t make a peep the entire moon, don’t worry about it.”

After breathing a sigh of relief, I went to sit down and saw the priest and Abby haven’t even gotten out of their tent. “Lass, I don’t have a better way to put this.” Frank and Jeff both looked a bit solemn “we are currently on our way to hunt a draconian, and I don’t want to get you caught in it. You will stand no chance and may get hurt.”

“Wha-” “I’m not going to just leave you here lass, I brought a spare short sword for my travels and hope you can make use out of it. It has been with me for a while and is quite sturdy if I do say so myself.” Frank chimed in “I also made you a few rations from last nights Gob’lak, and one of my guides on plants and how to survive in the forest. It’s a top seller you know.” Frank looked at me with a smile on his face.

“Abby left you with a few coin, and Lela, our priest, offered two bottles of holy water to accelerate healing.”

“I, I don’t know what to say.”


“Don’t mention it kid, just remember to pass on the kindness.” Jeff was clearly trying to hold back his emotions, so I just left. I left the campsite and although we were only together for a moon, but Jeff treated me so well that it was astonishing. After living in the slums for so long, I thought the world was a terrible place, but thanks to them I started to realize there is a light in the darkness. Although I don’t know if we will ever meet, I hope I can repay what they’ve done for me.

“She was a good kid, that one, just raised under the wrong roof.”

“Do you think she will be able to survive the evil Lela foresaw?” Frank questioned

“I am, not sure. But if she does, she will be a guiding light for humanity.” Jeff reassured. “But without her,” He added “humanity may be lost to those creatures. All I can say is may Eva be with us in this dark time.”

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