《Dragons》Dragons Pt 16


“What did you just say” Groden says.

“I have one question though” I say.

“What is it” Groden asks clearly wanting to know.

“Whats a moon dragon” I ask and as I look at Aethra’s face I can see shock clearly on her face.

“It was a type of dragon whose scales looked as though it was made of moonlight but they were hunted to extinction by the Doctor’s Hound” he explains.

“So what would happen if a moon dragon and a sun phoenix mix” I ask wanting to know what would happen to me.

“If that being survived the first day of life then they would one day have power that rivals any god” Aethra says looking at me with curiosity.

“Why are you asking these questions Ilene” Groden asks as I walk over to the lake.

“I have a reason don’t any of us have our own reasons for things” I say as I let the letter fall into the water. As the letter hits the water a flash of light fills the room and I loose balance as I feel a hand pull me in.

“So the little hatchling wishes to know something about your future” a loud thundering voice says. A man that looks as if he is one with the sky comes into view.

“Lets help this little one just a little bit” a women says who looks as if she belongs at the man's side.

“Fine my dear but just for you” the sky man says. A crystal chalice carved with many runic symbols appears in his hands. As I watch the chalice is filled with a glowing liquid and then two drops of some creatures blood is mixed in turning the water mutiple colors.

“Don’t worry this will not kill you” the woman says as she forces me to swallow all of the liquid in the chalice. When I open my eyes next I’m in water.


“Where is the Princess her father is ordering her to visit immediately” Sir Dark's voice says. Sir Dark’s back I thought he would not be here for another two weeks or so.

“She was taken by the other gods” Aethra says as I near the surface. I see Sir Dark and many others not facing me not far from the lake's edge. As I near them I trip on a rock and fall onto Aethra who loses her balance and falls with me.

“Ilene” “Princess” Groden and Sir Dark say together. I roll off of Aethra and sneeze as water drips off of me.

“What did they do to you” Aethra asks looking at me oddly.

“Nothing” I tell her before looking at Sir Dark and add “lets go see my father before he tries to have someone killed”.


A/N: There was a small time skip for thoses who do not notice and there will be another as it would be boring if I did the time at sea. I should have another out later today if I have for time.

Coded Message: .... .- ...- . .- --. .-. . .- - -.. .- -.-- -- -.-- .-. . .- -.. . .-. ... -.. --- -. --- - --- ...- . .-. .-- --- .-. -.- -.-- --- ..- .-. ... . .-.. ..-. ... .- -. -.. -... . .-.. .. . ...- . .. -. -.-- --- ..- .-. ... . .-.. ..-.

Yeah I can make a simple table now!!! I'm making progress. Oh and good luck with the coded message everyone.

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