《Dragons》Dragons Pt 4


I wake up to find the goddess Aethra looking down at me. I turn away from her and find Groden asleep in a chair and I smile as he mumbles my name in his sleep. He turns in his sleep and falls of the chair with a thud. He groans as he wakes up and his eyes widens as he sees me smiling at him trying so hard not to laugh.

“Your awake finally good” says Ace as he walks in and spots me awake. I sit up and glare at him as he comes closer.

“Wait what did I do” he panics as I glare at him.

“This is all your fault” I say before looking away as the taste of blood and a bite of pain fills my mouth and I close my lips tight. I look over at Aethra and she has a look of pure amusement on her face as she looks at me which quickly changes as she finds something on my face that she doesn’t like.

She quickly pounces me and I look up at her in shock as she pries my mouth open with her fingers. I try to wiggle out from under only to get trapped unable to move. She looks up at someone and says “I need a wet cloth please”. When a wet cloth is handed to her she quickly washes my mouth with it. When she finishes I get freed and I run out of the room. I soon find myself back in the heavenly garden. I look out at the lake and sigh as I see a scene form in the water.

“Here’s the battle plan my King” says my father’s warlord. I find myself looking at a map of the castle town of Dragonia.

“First we will have some ships attack here” I see a finger pointing at the harbor “only three ships though while a large land force attacks here” a finder points the the weak gate of the city's wall “but we will have a small force of elites enter here” another finger points to the server system that connects the whole city even the castle all together “they will make there way to the castle and kill the royal family thus getting revenge on the princess death” the warlord explains and I look away ticked off that everyone thinks me dead when their is no proof of it but my family's words. Oh wait no one can go against the royal family in my kingdom because of the new law my father enforces.


Was all this planned I so wish I know the truth on this matter. I look back and another scene plays. I see a man holding my grandfather's last letter and my eyes widen. In the room with them is some of the most powerful nobles and knights in my kingdom.

“So he did have no right to the throne” a noble of the Wolfstar family says.

“This may also mean that either the princess was assessed or she is still alive with the Dragonia royals though we do not know for how long as she is their enemy” the man holding the letter says.

“We knights will volunteer than for the force that will go into the castle then” a knight says. I see the knights he is referring to and notice these are some of the kingdoms elites of the elites and the scene ends there.


Authors section

If the next part progress as fast as this one did then the next part should be up either later today or tomorrow unless I start on Dragon Awakening. I have been wondering what everyone thought of this story as no one has commented on any of them. You don't have to worry about me getting angry I don't bite except in a story that is. And for those who are wondering about Dragon Awakening its a reincarnation story with RPG elements in it and it will be my first story with more than one pov.

Now its fortune cookie saying time: You can never been certain of success, but you can be certain of failure if you never try.

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