《The Accidental Immortal Warrior》Chapter 13 all the basics and then some old man


The Icons for thoughts and conversations will be

MC thought icon ( )

Grandpa icon { }

MC talk icon *

Grandpa icon ^

Sorry folks for yesterday was busy with over time at work my boss thought that me being there to help with an additional 8 hrs. was good for my health lol not I got home and just passed out so there was no chapter yesterday for all my readers and my small team of followers. So I will try my best today to see how many chapters I can pump out of my tired brain and sore body.

{{Markus De Blade Aka Grandpa}}

My eyes open slowly like I have molasses stuck on my eyelids the morning is here why sleep more the joys of doing my exercise routing while the sun rises are one of the best enjoyment of my life after my retirement^, the simple joys in life is something only the old will understand being now almost 70 years old I am in my mid 60s now that doesn’t make me any younger times really does fly away before you know it^, ah the creak and cracking noise can be heard all over the training yard in front of the villa, {and you can see servants walking all over the villa tending to the early morning chores you can’t be a sloth when your boss is always up before the crack of dawn,} hmm, they seem to not be slacking at all huh? {Well that’s a good thing about loyal servants here they know their job like the back of their hand,}

{In the farther region of the training yard you will see hundreds of men in leather armor or others in leather scale armor, the weapons are all different from basic sword to the bow,} {the troops all up and running with training this was a regular routine for them because most of the day they are in the fields planting and tending to the 60 hectors of land that their lord count Markus De Blade owned,} {this is one of their jobs since you want to live you need food plus you get paid with two jobs then just one you are personal troops to the Count but also you work his field so you yourself can’t say the lord is eh man of excessive wealth like all the lords has just a man with a rank he never wanted but takes his obligation seriously important for a man to keep his oath and word,} {while all of these thoughts go through my mind there are sounds of grunts and swearing flowing all over the training yard the same old morning if you get hit you shouldn’t swear but were human so it happens even if you train hard the harder you train the higher the chance you will live through battles,}

The stretching and cracking of all my bones AH! The roar of the enjoyment of well loosened bones what else is there for an old man to get limber if not crack all your joints like eh twisting pretzel makes your blood rush and your young again you feel like your 30s again^, but then again when I made it the Qi cultivation rank of low Senor student rank my age sort of froze it is a rule that in this world for all cultivators that when you hit the ranks into senior students your body and age will stay that way till you die^, I left the army in my retirement at the QI rank of low rank fighter, that was six years ago right after my only grandson was born and also the time my son and his wife were called to the battlefield again they got no break and we have received no word of them since six years ago^, the sun is just peeking out the stretches and cracking of the joints are done I hear some foots steps coming from my left I turns around an standing there is my Grandson^, my eyes blink a few times before my brain finally kicked in, in response to the sight of my grandson, I opened my mouth and said grandson why are you up so early don’t you usually not wake up till a few hours after the sun has well crested for the morning?.


((Souske De Blade Aka grandson))

This morning seems to be so fresh I opened my eyes and the fresh air breathe into my nostrils and my head and lungs feel so refreshed this morning, pulling the blankets off of me, then I sat up at the edge of the bed making sure I was awake enough to get up without falling down, with that over with I head over to the water basin and grab my toothbrush with a little bit of toothpaste and did the morning routine of brush and gargle, you have to have decent breath to talk to anyone in the morning, if you are all wondering why I have the modern day toothbrush and toothpaste like anyone on earth?, it was created here in Methados over 600 years ago must of be someone from earth that made it here into the past and introduced the brush and paste, well now that morning refreshing up is over with lets head outside and see if the old man is up he should be by my guess like any old fart does if this offends any readers of the ages past middle age sorry but this is just part of life that you all know too well, (alright since all of that is over with lets head over to the training yard,) (walking to the training yard didn’t take so long while I got there in no time I saw Grandpa just finishing his stretches,)

as I got within 5 feet of Grandpa he turned around looked at me but I got a blank look from like he don’t know what’s he looking at, then the question came out of his mouth asking why I am up this early when I usually don’t wake up till like 8 am instead of now 4am^, it took me a few seconds to get over the quest and my answer is after being in the closed door training for three month my habit of waking up changed so you will see me more often up at this time every morning from now on*, ah so you found your own early bird habit eh not bad grandson about time you got into eh decent habit good to start young^, okay now that we got the morning greetings over with you said you want to see how far my training in my weapons got for me within the three months close door training right?*, yes that is what I said yesterday, so do you want to do a few stretches first to warm up since going to direct movement is bad for muscles and bones?^, yes that’s sounds like a good idea Grandpa give me a few minutes here*, no problem take your time it’s better to be well warmed up then just do all the moves you were going to do and get hurt^, okay then ah! Oh! muscles stretch the sounds of groans and grunts go on for a while but this didn’t take any time longer than 15 minutes*,

now that all the stretches are over with so which weapon do you want me to show you first there are three of them Sword, Saber, Spear, *, hmm let me think for eh sec hmm the swords sound like a good start as any it is the most basic weapon of any person for personal protection^, okay you said the Sword Right Grandpa*, yup that’s what I said let’s start with the sword basics of the basics weapon^, (the sword it is then I pull out one of my swords from my storage ring in my left hand,) (it was the shadow panther sword awesome looking sword if I don’t say so myself right,) (with the sword in my right and I take about 30 steps back from Grandpa and started to do the basic stances and forms with the sword at slow speed showing that I knew the basics very clearly without any problems,)


{hmm, his stances and forms are very solid, I don’t really see any mistakes in any of his moves this really, shouldn’t be possible for only rough training for a few months, don’t make you a genius with weapons,} alright grandson that enough it looks like you have the sword down well it’s a bit shocking on how well you can use the sword in such a short amount of time but I am happy for you over this luck^, now let’s see the Saber my favorite weapon left see if you got that down as well? Hmm, ^, so you said the saber right then okay*, (I place my shadow panther sword pack into my left storage ring, then I pulled out my Demon Wolf Saber it was also a nice weapon if I don’t say so myself well worth the purchase,) okay grandpa I have my demon Wolf Saber here do you want me to start doing the basics for you? * let me see if you know your saber as well as your sword since some people are always better in some weapons then others^,

okay since you have given me the go ahead then here I go*, (with the Saber in my hand I started flowing into each basic stance right after the other like I was walking through water with a little ripples going all round me*,) {ah he’s got the basics for the Saber down pat it’s almost like he’s a fish in water,} I see you have gotten the basics in the Saber as well down really well, now to the last weapon the Spear right?^ yup I do have the spear that was my last weapon I trained in Grandpa*, ( with that I placed my Demon Wolf Saber back into my left storage ring, then I pulled out my Spear or should I say Flame Dragon spear, from bottom of the sear shaft to the tip of the spearhead it was 10 foot long weight around 2000 jinn this weapon was if not absolutely intimidating, just the sight of the spear say get out of the wat fakers or die a dogs death,)

okay grandpa here is my spear the Flame Dragon Spear thud it touches the ground and there is a mini crater on the ground, (oh dam this thing really knows how to make an entrance,)* {the spear in my grandson hand was huge it was intimidating I am still wondering how he’s even holding it then I remembered yesterday he told me after his mortal body cultivation was done he had the strength of 100k jinn, now what a monster my grandson is at only six year of age dam!^} (I started doing the basic stances and forms that are part of the Spear’s skill the spear was heavy but in my hands without using any of my cultivation it only felt like it was a 20 jinn spear not the 2000 jinn it really was the stances and moves flowed like I was in the eye of eh tornado for every stab slash and spin to the left and right if not strikes in the 180 for or the 360 return stab like a tornado always raging iam never going to stop everything will be flattened in my way,)

{usually doing spear stances and forms are slow and subtle but my grandson was more like a raging storm of eh tornado raging ^,} alright stop now I have seen enough^, Ah! Huff! That was exhilarating but I stopped the spear in mid stance and form and placed it back into my left storage ring,) okay Grandpa I have placed the Spear back into my storage ring, so how was I? was it any good? * you were really good to the point you almost blew me away into the next providence^, so we are done with me showing you all my training do you have anything else you want me to do? * no there isn’t anything else I wanted you to show me take a rest^, then see me at midday we are going to have eh sparing match^.

Armoredfrost here thanks again all my readers for following this writter that doesn't even know how to write eh decent story, still this story a slow and steady growth story not like all the OP MC story, the MC is OP but he has decided to limit himself he will be a shadow in the world then a nuke but when he does blow up the world will be shaken to the core. So guys keep on handing me ideas also got any thought on what names on some charaters i can use for the towns people and the soldiers and knights that are under Markus De Blade MC Grandfather do keep the idea and suggestion comming it will help alot.

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