《Conquer Your Own Fate》Epilogue: This is my Beginning.



"...Now, there's only one thing to do."

"Please come out Miss. I know you are here. No, should I say...."

"The Goddess of War, Athena?"



"It's simple really. Your gorgeous silver hair, golden serpent eyes and dress like an Olympians. Out of all those features, only one person have these features."


"Ah, maybe there's one more thing."


While winking, Rein said embarrassing lines without any sense of embarrassment.

"Your beautiful appearance. It really makes men like me be entranced by it."


"haha, I'm sorry about that. I don't want to lie about it."

...Truly, Athena feels weird that this man who have the same personality as the past Rein can be this much different.

(Moreover, he can be a womanizer worse than father.)

Depending on the perspective, Athena's mind can be an insult or compliment. .....However, most of the times, it is not good hearing oneself to be a guy who loves playing with women no matter what.

" *cough* Sorry with the jokes. I just wanted to enlighten the mood."

[It....was...joke..? (slumping shoulder]

"AH, No no!! I don't mean that! I meant!!"


" (Pouting).....Miss Athena, I never know you are playful."


(His pouting is so cute.)

....What romantic comedy between abnormal human and beautiful virgin War God. The sugar is too much until it makes the blood level too high for people seeing this.

(Author's comment: Go die, you popular people!! Don't make us loners die of jealousy!!)

"Well, let's stop here. Miss Athena."


"I don't know how to handle this in a good way so I will just ask directly. Do you remember that i have something to ask you?"


".....Do you....resent me for killing him?"


"No matter what form it is, I did kill my predecessor for my own desires. I also understand that you are his companion and cares about him."


"....if you are angered with me, I will accept it fully. You have the entire right to do so. However, please bear with me until I kill that asshole. After that, you can do anything with even if my life is messed up. In fact, you can kill me."


"....Umm, miss Athena?"


While pointing her finger toward Rein's mouth, Athena changes her tone into a strong ones to show no disruption for her speech.

[....You.....have.....no...choice. .....He...is...too.....late.]


*Shakes head*


With the brightest smile she can muster, Athena express her emotions.



"!!!.... Haha, to think, someone like me can be cared this much. I really don't know what to say."


".....Miss Athena, I'm sorry to say this, but you haven't know me fully yet. You know, my past life is really messed up until I wish to die hundreds of times."


"Cheating, Lying, Coercing. I have done countless of acts just to obtain my freedom. Too many for a single man. It is never something to be forgiven even if I repent for my entire life. Moreover, many people have suffered for their entire life and died due to me. ....For my dreams. ...The price is too heavy for a small ,single man."

Rein is speaking the truth in every sense.

In order to escape from his parents' humongous control, he turns many people's life upside down due to his actions. Of course, all of them are fucking corrupted to the core. Even so, what he did to them is no better.

Some fell to huge debt until it can't be paid even with their entire life.

Some have their families separated for eternity.

...And some, have chose to suicide to run from the hard reality.

That number is just not one or two, but tens of thousands.

It is absurd for only a child who is 10 years old at that time did it either in practicality...and in his decision.

10 Years.

That's how long he need to earn his parents' trust and grabbing his freedom.

True, maybe Rein himself didn't smear his hand personally with blood. But his past actions can't never be forgiven nor justified with it.

"Compared to you, I am just a sneaky bastard who destroy lots of other people's lives,....including my parents' wish just for my dream you know? i'm....too different from you. You raised your sword to protect your citizen, Raises dozens of heroes and be adored and loved by thousands of believers, even more. Your existence itself is also a symbol of heroic encouragement to many people until now. I'm not.... qualified to receive your friendship. No...., I'm not even allowed to stand beside you-- *smack*

OWW!?.. What the heck-"


Before Rein finishes his sentence and comprehend the sudden situation, Athena drag his collar and bring his face near to her. Only a few centimeters apart for their faces to stick together.

"Mi-miss Athena, what--"




"What do you--"




A breaking voice for the beginning until the end. However, Rein personally feels that her voice is stronger than any other person he met. It simply expresses, 'I don't accept any form of rejection.'


However, maybe that's the charm of her.

Athena, the War God of 12 Olympians.

That is simply who she is.

"Can I, stay by your side?"


"Am I....worthy to be your...friend?"


"(Trembling voice)....Am I, allowed to



[Even if.....every....people...reject...you.]



"Mi-miss Ath--"





Three words. just those three words.

It hit him to the deepest spot.



"Tch!!... AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

For a very long time, He.

Who was brutally rejected from his parents.

Who was betrayed many times.

Used by closed people for their desires.

....Who accomplish the impossible without falling.


He had overwork himself too much without himself noticing.

Those 10 years he had done is not something he can done easily without anybody support.

But, he did it.

And that's what make a part of him break.

He begun to trust no one.

He reject everybody who nears him unless useful to him.

He begun to forget what it means to be honest on the face.

Which is why,

Athena's words cures him.

Her words are the ones he needed the most during the time he was suffering. He was accepted by her not because of his identity nor because of his usefulness.

Athena accepts him for what he really are.

Which is why,

It was the biggest blessing he have received on his entire life.


-A Few Moments Later.-

"I'm sorry for disturbing you."


"Haah..... it become my dark history now."


"....You really are mean in times like this."


"..Stop laughing."

After his embarrassing(?) moments, Rein begun to calm down, wishing to dig down a hole and hid inside.

(To think, a grown man like me cries like a baby....)

It is like a dark spot on his life that wants to be forgotten on his entire life.




With red face like apple, Rein says the word while grabbing his neck with one of his hands and twisted his eyeline a bit due to embarrasment.

"Thank you."


(How cute.)

Right now, Athena feels like a sister who encourage his little brother. Although, the feelings she did it are nothing like kinship love, but more than that.

(...he didn't notice it.)

...It even makes her slightly disappointed. What Rein feels for Athena is just pure friendship and nothing more than that. Therefore, he didn't feel much even if he gets hugged by Athena.

Some people may say that he's very dense for unable to notice obvious expression of feelings like Athena.

But, his past love life doesn't allow him to think that way.

(Author's Comment: It will be said on later chapters.)

It acts as his stopper.


"Athena, is there something wrong?"

*Shakes head*


Right now, Athena feels very strange. It's the first time she feels like this, be disappointed and pouts easily.

(...I guess this is you want to mean when you like someone.)

It looks like there's also a problem that can't be solved even for the Smart, War God.

" ?? Alright. Then, what are you going to do right now Athena? Stay here so you can recuperate your injuries from the fight?"

[ *nods* Yes.... It's slowly....happening...]

"that's good. During my travel, I will try to find medicine that can help your state. Please expect it greatly."


With that, he already finishes all of his preparation for his travel.

"Fuuuhh.... Then, Open."

[The gate of the another world has been open.]

[The location will be appropriate for the user' condition and level.]


"Then, I'm leaving Athena. Once again, thank you for everything."


A very small encouragement.

However, even that makes Rein feels happy for it. He never receive this kind of words even from his strict parents.

It makes him smile brightly with no restrain.

"Yeah, I will."


"Hmm? What is--"




Before ending his words, Rein got kissed on the forehead by one of the most beautiful woman existed.

It was an event for men to burn him with fires of jealousy.

".....Uhmm, I'm not your hero, you know?"


"...haha, then it is the best charm I have received. .....Goodbye."


[The user has been transported.]

(....Good luck.) (Athena)

Right now, Athena has done the best thing she could for her. All she could do is focuses on healing her body.


(I pray for your safety.)


-In the middle of transportation-

Right now, Rein is in unconscious state in order to not be shocked nor feel sick as the transportation takes a toll on one's body.

[Analyzing on the user' body....]


[Redirecting the path.....]


[The world has been chosen for the user.]

He didn't know where Akashic Record will sent him.

He may go to unknown place that can be full of dangers.

His life can be also in risks at all times.

However, one thing is certain.

His journey has finally begun.

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