《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 13: Preparation for The Journey.



[Congratulations on becoming the new supreme, sir Rein.]

In the middle of the space made by Rein, a blue orb that shines brightly appear in front of James. This blue orb is the source of the mechanical voice heard frequently and the main core of the one who supervise everything.

"Akashic Record, this is the first time we meet directly, correct?"

[That is correct, Sir Rein.]



[Is there a problem?]


He have his own name called James and this thing in front of him called himself with the same name of his predecessor?

"....You know my name right? Why do you say his name?"

[Yes, I do know your original name. However, the moment you have inherited his existence itself, you become the new Rein. In other words you have been reborn. Your past name is no more existed anymore.]

"....Wait a sec, so... so I become the new Rein!?"

[Yes and no.]

".....Why in roundabout way? So, what am I really ?"

[In physical sense, your body is truly the supreme Rein itself. However, your soul is still yourself. Therefore, it is a yes and no]

"Ph-- Physical sense? ...No way!? Can I borrow a mirror!?"

[Here is a full body mirror.]


As soon as Akashic Record finish its word, A full body mirror truly appeared in mirror made by the data gathered from his database in front of James. However, what reflected James is not 'James' anymore.

Glowing silver hair mixed with little bit of white in a free hair style.

A golden iris eyes that shines brighter than any another jewels in the world.

A porcelain sharped face with no blemish on it.

Lastly, a body that is fit but not burly that at all, which is very attractive in anyone's eyes.

Adding the last touch, his outfit is all black with long black coat and long pants contrasting his feature very much until it makes himself shine.

Some people may even see it as a person who cosplays with a very high detail.

"...My God...."

[According to my database, compared to your past body feature, your current features is outstanding in any angle on general.]

".....Can you even insult people like this?"

[I apologize . I only meant that your current appearance is better.]


Disregarding Akashic' honest (?) opinion, James is truly shocked that he become the new Rein surprisingly. Heck, even his voice is exactly the same as his predecessor. However, slowly thinking on his mind, it is logical it become this way.

Before coming to this place, Rein's body is disintegrated leaving with no peace of dust at all. Moreover, the body he made in this space is only imaginary so it's only temporary at best. Therefore, by fusing Rein's power to his soul, his feature and power become the anchor for him to become the new supreme.

(It really makes me feel complicated.)

Unconsciously, a wry smile appear on his beautiful face.

Although James didn't hate this new appearance, he NEVER even thought that he himself become the ideal character of his created novel in every aspect.

(Well, nothing I can do about it. ....But throwing old name for having a new one, huh?)

In one part of his mind, he can't accept it easily for having a new identity and name suddenly. However, what happens already happens.

(Yeah,.... now I am Rein.)

[Have you calmed down?]

"Yes, i'm sorry for panicking."


[No, it is fine. It is natural for someone to be surprise on unexpected situation.]

Both of 2 sides are really irregular in every sense. One side can accept his new existence easily while the other feels indifferent about it just like feeling, 'it is natural'. To put it in bluntly, they have a screw loose.

"Fuuuhh.... In any case, let's go back to my original question."

[Which means, the main purpose of calling me directly? What do you want to ask Sir Rein?]

"Few, to be exact. Is that fine?"

[There is no problem at all]

Nodding at the expected response, Rein begun to ask by throwing a bomb.

"First of all, you set all of this up, right? By planning me to be the new supreme in the very start."

Truthfully, when James has founded out Rein's true intention, he feels out of place.

That prideful supreme who always solve problem by himself use a significant human by lying to him?


Although the option left by Rein is limited, that doesn't mean he doesn't have another way that make his pride feel better.

The prime example would be natural healing.

If Rein could seal himself for certain period in order to erase the curse and improve on one's mistake, it's a valid plan.

No, maybe it can be the best solution for him.

So what influences him to choose this kind of roundabout solution?

[Your hypothesis is correct.]

A third party lead him to that way of thinking.

"...Ignoring the fact you accept it so easily, why do you do that? No, in the first place, aren't you just a observer? Why do you involve yourselves even by exposing yourself in front of me?"

Rein's suspicions is correct in every sense.

The identity of Akashic Record is just a data bank who store information all around the universe with no solid sense of self. Moreover, there is no pure observer who will willingly involve oneself to the physical world.

So why?

[It is simple Sir Rein. Because I want to maintain my existence.]

"Man...tain? Ah, you mean that Satan will destroy everything so it will ultimately erase you too?"

[Yes. Even if I am just a database. I also have a sense of entity wishing to maintain my own existence.]

That answers the first suspicions Rein's have.

Satan is just an asshole who rampages all around the universe just like a raging bull uncaring of the consequences.

Worse, the raging bull will never stop so he will erase everything until nothing exist.

"....Second question. .... Me and that asshole, are they born due to me?"

[By meaning born, are you trying to say that because of your novel, they exist in the first place?]


In the beginning, Rein try to understand all of this whole situation by accepting that his novel become the base for all the source. If it is true, then even he will feel guilty as everything occurred is because of him.


[That is incorrect. Your created fiction is just a crystallization of your imagination, nothing more than that. Moreover, haven't you realize? If it really is the same as your story, it won't be sidetracked this much.]

"...Ah, right. ...That means my predecessor also lie about it being a parallel world."

[Yes. At best, it is only a coincidence for his logic to be made sense of this situation. He made a contract with you just because your wavelength and soul is close to identical between each other.]


This time, the bomb is dropped to Rein. Although it may be hard to accept all of this a coincidence, it may happen no matter how small the probability is. If not, there won't be a word called miracle in the first place.

"..Alright. I can still accept. Next question."

[Regarding this solution recommended by me?]

"Yes, how do you even persuade him in the first place? The one that I know isn't one that resort to sneaky tactic like this."

[Of course, the original him may not be doing this in the first place. However, the curse implanted from Satan's corrode his mind greatly until he loses his original purpose. The desire of revenge toward his source of misfortune is amplified humongous which makes him unable to see his surrounding.]

"...I see. By any chance, was his original purpose... is to be happy?"

[Yes, he have strong attachment toward the last words left by his companions. By your logic, he wants to live a second life with a clean start.]

Listening to Akashic, James' mind feel really heavy. Rein who wants to be free of his fate instead be entangled by it due to a scumbag.


"....You really are cold huh?"

[If you mean by leading him to his death by choosing you, then yes. Your chances of success is significantly higher than the past sir Rein.]

"....Haah.. ignoring your ways, why did you choose me in the first place? Won't it be higher chances if you choose him who fully mature rather than me who have nothing.]

[By answering your question, I can only give an analogy. I choose an egg compared to a dragon who have grown to be fully using his power selfishly.]

"...Hmm, looking at him in the first place, I can understand that."

This is a simple logic but, Satan and Rein is the same between each other. Both of them will only prioritizes on one desire greatly without caring the aftermath.

Even if Akashic Record succeeds in supporting Rein. There is no guarantee that Rein will not rampage like Satan too to relieve his boredom. If the conclusion is dark either way, there is no meaning. Therefore, Akashic Record decided to choose a new possibility, which is the new Rein in front of him.

"...Right. Just like what Yuuji said, it really is my turn. Then I need to begin my journey."

[Before transferring to another world, I also have several advises that needed to be listen by you sir Rein.]

"What is it?"

[As you said before, I am an observer. However, at the same time I am the administrator to everything exist. Therefore, there will be natural law for you needed to be complied.]

"Ah, so that's why you can meddle in past' Rein situation. But,.. Law? what do you mean by that?"

[During your travel, you will obtain variety of power. At the same time, some world many not be accepting nor recognizes during the time you move to another world. Therefore, there will be restrictions if it happens. The best example would be unable to use magic in a world that doesn't have magic in the first place.]

"I see, it isn't possible to recognize 'something' that doesn't exist in the beginning."

[I'm glad you understand. Next, the world you will be visiting may have the same story you recognizes in your previous world.]

"You mean, fictions made by human will become a reality and exist as a new world? But, don't you say that my fiction is unrelated to the birth of Satan and Rein?"

[No, fictions itself can be born into a new reality. The differences between your fictions and others is that you haven't publish it. Which means, it hasn't been 'recognized' yet. The more people see and accept the fiction, the higher level of that created reality is.]

"Aaaahhh... I understand. but, haha. It's kind of sad though. If my fictions can be made into reality and i enter it, there is no greatest happiness for a creator."

[I apologizes. You have been excluded and out of loop during the time you connected with myself. Therefore, it isn't possible. Originally, my existence is only be recognized as observer, but not as administrator. For you who have know it, you have been outcasted for keeping the universe stable.]

hearing that, even Rein feels disappointed. It's just like hearing his child (creator's point of view) will never be born anymore. But, it's true there will be lots of trouble if Rein can 'make' a world literally just by writing a new story.

"So, no hope huh? .....Fuuuhh. Okay, I understand. Any others I need to listen?"

[The world that you recognizes, Please be careful with it. Satan may not have endanger the world itself, he have already damages and influences it to a certain extent using his strong curses spreading. Therefore, it may not flow according to the story you know.]

"You mean, it will be not what i expect 100% like the original ones. Is that what you are trying to say?"

[Correct. Please think it as a same world but with separate entity. It already functions itself without the influences of original creator anymore. Your mission is not only to improve oneself, but also to eradicate it.]

"haha. Then it will be better for me."

[Hmmm? May I ask why? will you have any benefits? Your known future will not be useful anymore.]

In truth, it won't be beneficial toward Rein as knowing future will help a lot during his progress to gain power easily than unknown future.

Even so,

"Logically none. But, it's just.... romantic. I will make my path without others changing it. It is literally my own story and not other."

[.....I ....see. I understand your point of view.]

"that's a surprise. I thought you will reject it by saying it's idiotic."

[No, I may not be alive. However, I am also an AI trying to understand human's point of view. If not, the information that i gather around the worlds will not be comprehensible.]

"....I'm sorry, looks like I misunderstand you a lot."

Responding to Rein, Akashic Record transform oneself into a bright human silhouette but with no esteeming feature. In that form, The silhouette smile faintly while shaking his head.

[It is understandable. ...Before Satan influence the worlds, i am just a gathering of 0s and 1s. However, due to him endangering the whole universe, I gain a sense of entity to respond with it. It may not be the best solution. However, i personally feel favorable with it.]

personally feel favorable.

With those words, Rein is certain that the thi- no the existence in front of him is a living creature with sense of self that can think and feel.

"A fortune in the middle of misfortune (Japanese saying.). Congratulations for being born, Akashic Record."

[Thank you.]

A sincere blessing. Hearing that, Akashic Record feels the first emotion it will never feel originally.

What it means to be happy.

[Then, one last thing to hear.]

"Wow, I get to hear a lot of things.It's like you are my parent."

[if you want me to, I can be.]

"Pft, phahahaha!! No, it's okay. It's really nice for you being like this. What is the last thing i need to hear?"

[I will be by your side at all times to assist you.]

"How? you can't involve too much right? The worlds won't accept your actions then."

[On large scale, yes. However, if by only one person that will restoring the order, it is accepted. Moreover, it is not much. I will provide you help just by recognizing your status clearly.]

"....You mean, discerning?"

[Yes, what your strength is, how to improve it, giving suggestions. In other words, I will be your navigator.]

Usually, an experienced warrior can recognizes one body condition on certain level. However, they can't even know how exactly to improve oneself when having a bottleneck. That is why most novel regarding cultivation warriors having hard time breaking their bottleneck.

That is the advantage given to Rein for improving oneself constantly in a fast pace.

"....It's a really great gift. Are you fine with it?"


"Then, i'll accept it thankfully."



[You have received the navigator.]

[It may take several moments to integrate with it.]

[By the time you are transferred to another world, it will be applied.]

[....With this, you are fully ready for you travel. Is there still anything you want to ask?] (Akashic Record)

*shakes head*

[Then, have a safe journey sir Rein. You can depart the moment you want to. This space will exist after you have finished your mission as a resting place. ....May the time we meet will be the time everything have ended peacefully. Goodbye.]


Ending with that, Akashic Record have vanished completely.

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