《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 5: training


Chapter 5: Training

At the moment Rein has completed the contract and connect his soul with James', it also meant that Rein is transferring his own power to James slowly but surely. Therefore, when Yuuji will train James, there is no such thing as ritual, process or anything necessary.

The only things required by James is the strengthening of his soul itself to have a bigger plate for using Rein's power freely.

few months have already after Yuuji had been summoned by Rein. In order to complete the training menu created by Yuuji personally, Rein modified the space itself according to Yuuji's needs.

For one time, it can be in the wilderness to train Rein's mentality and adaptability.

For one time, it can be in an advanced room with types of equipment prepared for sparring between Yuuji and James to train James' fighting skills

Either way, James' training had been progressing smoothly.

As for the person itself?

(Shit! I'm seriously gonna die at this rate!)

Right now, in the middle of the concrete jungle, James is hiding between the cracks of remains on the floor. Before he reacts, there is shooting coming to him in the middle of nowhere.

(damn it!)

responding to that, James avoid it quickly. However, he didn't stop his footsteps. Rather, he moved his legs faster with a prayer to be quick as possible.


*boom* * whiing* *whing* (Sound of gunshots)

A barrage of gunshots coming toward James just like heavy rain. Moreover, the path of gunshots is accurately narrowing the path where James can move safely to avoid it. The precision and tactics of the users are very spectacular.

"What's wrong you maggot!!! Your legs are stopping again, idiot!! do you even have half a brain of a monkey!! your actions are too idiotic to even to look at!! if you want to act as a clown, go do it in a circus!!"


Shouts, rather yelling that can be said as cursing itself is pointing to James right now. Of course, that person is the teacher and enemy of James, which is Kazami Yuuji himself.

*haah* *haaah* (Goddamn it! no matter how many times I do this, it just feels like a suicide mission to fight with the strongest people at the same time while alone!)

The current situation is a battlefield between James and 'many' Yuuji. Yes, it's not only "one" Yuuji, but "multiples" Yuuji with the same skills and experience. To make it worse, they can connect their senses and thoughts to cooperate more efficiently.

In other words,

(This is a fuc*ing nightmare!!)

....which is so. Although James has accepted and understood that Yuuji will give hellish training, he never really expect that the level of the training can be THIS damn difficult.

*shoong* *splurt*

while cursing his teacher many times in the middle of his mind, James woke up from his muddled thoughts and realized the situation he was in. Just now, his left thighs were shotten directly by an anti-tank rifle. A normal human body would have his legs be blown away due to impact. Fortunately, due to repeated gruesome training and unlimited potential given by Rein, his leg is still intact. Although, it didn't change the fact that James wanted to scream loudly for the pain.


Even so, James didn't curse, complain nor stop his running. Because he realized that if he stops even for a millisecond, his head will be flown away easily.


*shoong* *splurt*

Even during the middle of high speed sprinting, James still has the leisure to identify, locate and shoot one of the Yuujis' hidden . While reloading his guns in his hand swiftly, James is able to identify another Yuuji and shot in the middle of his head accurately.



(....At least they can die with a gun. In any case, I need to find a resting place hidden by them for 30 seconds to cure this goddamn wounds.After that, I can retaliate prope-)

".....is what you are thinking right?"

"!!!... *shoong* *splurt* .... agh!?"

Before the end of his thoughts, a voice that is like the death god himself whisper to the ear of James. At the same time, the owner shot his gun into James' middle chest repeatedly. due to that, James' strength immediately left his body and fall down to floor powerlessly. he can't even move his fingers anymore.


In the middle of his rough breathing, James is unable to see the guy clearly who makes him into this half-dead state. Although, he can imagine the face is still blank just like the first time he met him.

".....Hmm, 15 minutes surviving and 78 kills huh? Well, I can give a barely passing grade.Congrats"

While spouting out condemning words, but approving James' effort, a wry smile formed on James' lips

(haha.. my instructor is so harsh on his disciple. It makes me wonder how Irisu Makina can survive from this demon. .....Wait, maybe it's because he is only nice limited to the girls he cares. Moreover, he's frustated enough forcing to do this kind of job.)

while thinking very rude thoughts toward his very own teacher, James barely moves his lips, "..... *cough* *cough*, as usual, you are very harsh on your student, teacher." (James)

"Of course, that's my policy. You know me that Asako didn't teach me how to be gentle with a man." (Yuuji)

".....doesn't that mean that you are a feminist, teacher?"

"Shut up."(Yuuji) *bang*

"...uack!?" (James)

instead of comforting or encouraging his depressed student, Yuuji only responds to his "sweet" words by shooting a gun in the middle of James' chest. Moreover, it was only 1mm away from James' heart. It was plainly obvious that Yuuji plans to torture James for training(?) his mental.

"In any case, looks like you begun to slowly adapt even in this formation.The next training scheduled for you is going to be close combat for 1 VS 100 me so be prepared for it."

(..... Why do i feel like death is even more of a bliss?) (James)

".... haha, can't you give me a break teacher? ...*cough* *cough* haah.. haah.. I understand. then, goodbye again teacher." (James)

"yeah, see you later."

ending with nonsesical words, Yuuji shot to James' heart, ending his frail and suffering period immediately. If a third person of view see this, it can only be interpreted as Yuuji is going to fllow James to the afterlife in short time.

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