《Conquer Your Own Fate》Prologue: Goodbye, My life.
In the bustling street of Tokyo, there are many types of people walking. A salaryman who has just gone back from work, a group of students who are spending their youth. It’s like a mix of variety jumbled up together.
Walking here, A man who was in late 10’s is walking with a light smile on his face while hearing a pop song coming up recently.
Wearing a blue colored sweater, black-colored jeans and fashionable watch, he is like a typical young man who wanted to enjoy his life freely.
Although his face can’t be described as heaven defying, it was handsome enough to be called as charmer or chick’s magnet.
In fact, some girls who passed by subconsciously look back twice to burn his look on their retina.
Not noticing their look, he, James was reminiscing on his decision on coming here to study
(To think it’s already been 2 years….. )
To chase his dream of becoming a writer, he came all the way from his hometown to this country to build his dream here.
The start was quite similar like any other creator.
James was a fan of light novel, manga and anime.
In short, a bona fide otaku.
Every time he read or look a story such as F*te/stay Ni*ght, Naru*o, Blea*h, his eyes never leave from the paper or the screen. By the time he have no more to watch/read, he was bored like hell and standing blankly in his room like an idiot.
His parents constantly scold and berate him to stop doing it anymore as they don’t their child to be a chuunibyou (eight-grade syndrome) or a garbage to society.
Even so, he can’t help to be fascinated and attracted by it. He was excited by the story itself.
“I want to share this feeling to the others. I want them to enjoy my creation”
This is the starting point of his goal.
In order to chase his dream, he vigorously convince and persuade his parents to support his dream of becoming an amazing writer instead of just continuing their family business, which is bitter and boring to him.
Although he was thoroughly denied and scolded by them. He didn’t want to give up this wish.
Therefore, he who ignore his parents’ wish came to Japan for studying abroad to widen his experience.
In a sense, he was like a kid who is throwing a tantrum for not getting what he wants.
Unconciously, a bitter smile formed on his lips
(fuu… , the guilt can crush me literally)
Shaking his head to remove his negative thought, he renewed his determination again.
(No matter what, I have already come this far. After becoming a best-selling author, I will let my parents accept me.)
After organizing his thoughts, he walked to the train station, planning to come back his haven.
“Hmm…, shall I continue writing it today?” muttered himself.
Planning to continue writing his first creation novel, his thoughts wondered while walking.
At that moment.
[Do you want to control your own fate?]
Shocked by the voice, James immediately stop from his track and look to the people around him.
((… They are not speaking to me. Then, what was that just now? Am I hallucinating?))
[No, you are not.]
(Who are you!?)
He subconsciously realized. There’s a voice coming through his head communicating himself!
Although he wanted to deny unscientific thing like telepathy, the voice is too clear for him to be hallucinating.
[Oh, looks like you are calmer than I thought. It is a good thing.]
Confirming the fact he was not dreaming, he took a deep breath.
“Fuuu…. OK.”
(May I ask who you are?)
[pft, you don’t need to be that polite. It’s not like I’m a bigshot or even your boss.]
Judging from the low tone of the voice, James deduced he was talking(?) to a man. However, it was very pleasant to hear as his voice is very serene and calming.
Reorganizing his jumbled head, he repeated his question again.
(May I have your name?)
[…. Haha, looks like that habit of being polite and cautious to strangers never cured. Well, it is a necessary ability to live on hectic society though]
True, although James was a rebellious brat, he has learned the bitterness and hardness of society after working on his father’s company.
Meeting with arrogant customer, Being cheated from his buyer, facing with his fawning employees to win him over, he can already be called as experienced man who knows the rules of society.
Ironically, it’s because of this experience that makes him mature resulted to rejecting his parents’ wish fervidly.
[You can even say it as another form of battlefield. Instead of shining armor and sword, they fight each other with shooting words and acting for desire of climbing higher position.]
(…. You can read my mind?)
[Am I not speaking in your mind though?]
((true.)) realizing it, James feel weird. It’s just like meeting a mind reader who invite you to the stage by becoming a demonstration to the audience.
[Well, I’m not a magician though. Although all of this feels unreal, I can assure this is neither a prank, hallucination, or a dream]
(…Yes, I know.)
A person who can read mind does exist, but a person who can transmit his/her thought is too abnormal for calling it as magic trick.
…. In fact, they are chatting without no delay nor static noise like machine.
(so, what do you want with me? No before that, can you first answer my previous question please? In fact, from your tone it looks like you know me for a certain extent.)
[How about you try to guess?] said the voice with a bit of playful sound.
(… a God?)
[Sorry, I’m not a kind of omnipotent and arrogant existence like those guys. In fact, I don’t really have a good feeling to most god.] although the voice said it calmly, James realize there was a feeling of hatred in it.
(fuu… okay. I apologize if I hurt you by any chance. However, if you are not a God, what are you? An otherworld person?)
[wow, that’s an almost accurate description. I can give 90 points for that.]
(…. okay, this is getting more fantastical now.)
Although he said that, James has doubt on it. It’s not like he’s the main character of a hero like any other story, right?
[Well, although you are not that kind of hero, you’ll experience something similar to it]
[Do you remember what my first question is?]
(if I want to control my fate or not, yes?)
[Right. First of all, I’m going to give you a super horrible piece of news.5 minutes from now, this world is going to be dest-,no it’s going to be extinguished without leaving a piece of dust]
(!!! …. How can I trust you?)
For the first time, James feel dread and fear. It was too surreal.
A voice coming to you and say to you, ”Hey, this world Is going to explode man!!” … no matter how anyone see it, he/she should go to mental hospital.
((However, he’s not lying.)) his experience from the business world know when people lie or not. From that, he knows the voice is neither lying nor joking to him. … He did wish it was just some boring joke though.
(What should I do?)
[Amazing… you can still regain composure even knowing this. In fact, you know my purpose for talking to you?]
(Roughly. I am sure there’s no way you’ll talk to average guy like me without motive. There’s not even a shred of benefit to you.)
[Hahahaha!! I like that kind of thinking. Looks like you are a realistic guy. That’s right. I want you to kill the one who is going to destroy your world in a few minutes.]
Although the topic itself is ridiculous, James can feel that the voice can give a solution for it.
[Of course, I’m not telling you to kill it with the current you. I want to have a deal with you.]
(…What is it?)
[At this moment, I can assure you with 99.99% that Earth is going to be extinguished by that shitty piece of guy. In fact, you are going to die with no time just like crushing a bug. What I want with you is after you die.]
A bitter smile formed on his face. It looks like he’s can’t avoid being killed anyway.
[Don’t worry, I can revive your soul later. there’s still one-minute left before that bastard come. Before that, I want you to answer me. Do you want to control your own fate?]
The first question.
What choice does he have anyway? If he has even an astronomical percentage to live, he will still stake it all. After all, there’s no other choice.
Taking a deep breath, he answered, (I do.)
[Good answer. With this, the contract has been made. After that bastard comes and destroy your world, I will answer all the questions you have. I promise.]
“…Thank you.”
[Why would you thank me? … tch, looks like time’s up. Please brace yourself. See you later.]
Just like a television being turned off, the voice has disappeared.
At the same time.
The sky has brightened.
In the middle of the sky, there’s a ray of light piercing through the city.
“What, what the hell!!”
“My God, what the hell is that!?”
“is, is this some kind of a hidden camera !?”
The surrounding become chaotic in an instant. The bustling street becomes a mess with a scream of doubt and fear.
“…it’s coming” muttered James.
He instantly realized it. Whatever the thing comes from that hole, it will destroy Earth.
When the crowd was still in a panic,
‘it’ has descended.
[Ahhhh…. I have finally arrived]
The voice coming from ‘it’ sounded powerful. At the same time, there’s a feeling of holiness in it. The existence who appeared from the sky is a giant with a color of dark purple in his skin. His eyes are dark red with no white in it. He have two horn growing both on his sides of the head. There was a white cloth just like Romanian citizens wear in distant past floating around its body. Moreover, there’s a pair of huge bat wing growing on its back too.
It was like a God, no an Evil God embodiment itself.
James: ”So this guy is the one… who will obliterate us”
After doing a powerful entrance, ‘it’ spoke his words
[kukukuk, kuhahahahahaha!!! Ahhhh, I finally found another thing to destroy!!! Moreover, this feeling of fear, this feeling of dread, I can’t get enough of it!!]
Just like a madman, the existence is spouting horrific words without giving a damn about other people’s reaction.
“oh Lord, what is that!? What is this situation!!”
“God… God has descended to this world!”
In an instant, all people become more afraid and panic-stricken. Some people event knelt no the floor to worship the so-called ‘God’
(tch!?... I can’t breathe properly. In fact, my body is becoming weak? Is it because of that thing?)
All people, including James can’t even stand properly due to pressure exuded by the existence above. In fact, James himself is better as he can barely stand for his mind prepared for it.
[Kukuk, looks like just any other world, there’s always insects roaming around it huh? That’s fine. I’ll just destroy you all as a bonus]
That horrifying sentence. All people have heard it without missing a single world. That existence, who looks and feel holy and evil at the same time declare he’s going to destroy the world.
As for the reaction?
“Don’t, don’t be ridiculous!!”
“Who the hell do you think you are!?”
“Oh Lord above!! Please forgive us puny mortal!”
“What rights do you have!!”
“Please.. at least spare me!!”
Panic, Fear, Anger. It is spreading just like a pandemic in a lightning speed without stopping. In fact, not only Tokyo, America, Russia, Europe, all people around the world are seeing this scene too since the cloud has clear up and that existence is so big until everybody can see it. In fact, that existence also spread his might with his power to all corners of the world to taste the fear of humans as much as possible.
That is his hobby.
[Hmph, puny and weakling mortals. You have no rights to tell what I’m going to do. Blame yourselves for being too weak. All you can do is just scream, nag and complain of how powerless you are. This is just your fate. Accept it, with death]
Ending its word, it raises its right hand and create a ball of dark light.
That was the sign of the end.
[kuku, kuhahaha!! Now, the judgement has come! From this moment, all existence in this universe will know my existence. I, Satan is freed from last!! As for this world, it will be the start of my saga again!]
After finishing its word, it- no Satan lower down its hand powerfully and the ball descended to the Earth slowly.
(…. Looks like this is the end.)
Not just James, all people have also realized, no matter they want it or not.
They, without any explanation or warning, are going to die no matter what.
Bitterness and unwillingness are gushing out from James’ heart
(*sigh* I still haven’t realize my dream, haven’t got a girlfriend, …. And never make my parents proud. Crap, my life is really pathetic to end just like this.)
One second, two second, three second, the ball is just near the tips touching the floor
“ah.. ahh… ahhh…!!!”
“I don’t, I don’t want to die!!”
“You Fucking bastard!!”
“no,no,no!!! this has to be dream.. This has got to be a dream!!!”
Hysteric shouts are coming from everywhere. No matter where they are, They only have 2 feelings.
Fear and Despair.
Seeing this scene, James closed his eyes
(Goodbye Mom, Dad, Everybody. I’m sorry for being an unfilial son. … If there is a thing called reincarnation, I hope you have a better life than now.)
Muddled in his thought, the ball of light is exploding slowly but surely.
It begun to spread its might around in a fast pace. The people engulfed in it are all disappearing without leaving a trace behind.
[Hahahaha!!! What a beautiful sight it is!! It is a pity there’s no delicacy to enjoy this sight at the same time. Well, I can just have it later. I shall be satisfied with this first]
With a smirk, Satan finished its word while looking down with arrogance and condescension. To him, all of things experienced below is just some recreation or warm up to vent his frustration.
[For millenniums, for millenniums I have waited to be freed from the seal. Now…, it is time to have my revenge on those bastards who stole my freedom!!]
The ball, no the extermination of the light is also spreading as Satan is planning his future. It is nearing to James place too. In a matter of seconds,
He’s going to die.
“Run… Run!!”
“Get the hell away, I don’t want to die yet!!”
Before arriving to him, James raised his head up to burn that thi--- no, that son of a bit*h to his eyes who cause all of this.
With a cold smile, he declare with quiet but strong voice.
“I will come back to kill you, no matter what you are. You piece of sh*t.”
Ending his thought, he is engulfed by the light. Moreover, the world is quickly being destroyed by the light.
Earth, has become a history.
It become the first step of Evil God’s saga
[Earth has been obliterated by Genesis of Evil, Satan]
[As there is no more matter of Earth left, it has been erased from Akashic Record]
[The contract requirement has been fulfilled]
[The Supreme will link his life to James]
To be continued…
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