《Must I Go Out to Survive This?》First Vol - Reintroduce
Main Plot
Must I Go Out to Survive This tells the story of survivors of the zombie apocalypse with the main focus being the character of Tanaka Hijimori. The world in this universe (earth position) was suddenly invaded by zombies without any warning or symptoms. It happened all over the world at the same time. This attack puts humans at a critical point of extinction. Even so, there are also survivors who received blessings, scattered all over the world. They are lucky survivors who have acquired various mysterious abilities. Tanaka, a hikikomori gains an ability that is arguably very suitable for the apocalypse. It was the ability to be undetectable by zombies. Early on when he knew that his life was in a different age, motivation filled him. However, it is not for long. As a writer, I'd really like to give a mutant-zombie raid to Tanaka's base for making him more active, but, let's see.
Fire Nebula members
Tanaka Hijimori (Leader of Fire nebula Camp)
Tanaka Hijimori, he is a hikikomori who has the ability not to be detected by zombies. In short, he gets a very overpowered ability in some contexts but the most important is in a survival context. He can leave his base freely without any worries, except for meeting with criminals or mutants. In addition to his ability that cannot be detected by zombies, Tanaka also gets a power that can be said to be very strong (for normal people). In short, he is a one-man-army. He is one of the founders of the Fire Nebula Camp, a small camp in the city of Tonmachi. Even though he is both a founder and a leader, his duties in the camp are very easy, only needing to go out to loot items and other necessities, a task that is made easier by his abilities. He used to be a hikikomori, but before he became a hikikomori, he used to be an office worker at a company. He's pretty smart in some ways, but it's a shame that the ability wears off, thanks to his year and a half of hikikomori. He awakens from a two-week hibernation and finds himself in a new world, the apocalyptic world. You could say, he has the most shallow backstory among the other members of the Fire Nebula Camp.
Yuki Fujiwara (Logistic Manager of Fire Nebula Camp)
Yuki Fujiwara, she is an ordinary high school girl who happens to be neighbors with Tanaka Hijimori. Yuki is an ordinary girl with above average body assets compared to other girls of her age. Yuki is one of the founders of the Fire Nebula Camp. She has good skills in cooking, managing hydroponics and fields, playing games and shooting. The latter two abilities she only realized in this apocalypse and the ability to shoot, or rather accuracy, was very helpful for her when she had to deal with zombies. However, that is if she doesn't have an over fear of zombies. So, she was only allowed to stay inside the base area due to Tanaka's decision to worry about her safety in case she ran into danger. In this regard, Yuki's job is to be part of the logistics manager, especially for the camp's food needs, as well as serving as a food maker, taking turns with Taki and Makise. Yuki also works as a food producer in hydroponics and works closely with Okata in the fields. Previously, before the apocalypse happened, she was a high school girl who ran away from school. She intended to live an independent and free life as a streamer on the internet, but her efforts failed and unfortunately, she ended up stuck in her room when the apocalypse happened. Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks, a long time Yuki spent in a state of hunger and suffering until she managed to awaken her other personality in that time. She was saved by Tanaka while in critical condition. From then on she became someone who tried to curry favor with Tanaka to survive, but gradually realized that Tanaka was not like other people in the apocalypse.
Taki Shirokami (Medic and Trainer of Fire Nebula Camp)
Taki Shirokami, a policewoman who has many abilities and on the scale of those around her, she is an intelligent person. She is competent and proficient in electronics and medical fields. In the past, she was a person who was good at shooting and had high precision. However, for some reason, she is now under Yuki who was just a rookie. As a person who is intelligent and proficient in medical science, Taki becomes a medic as well as a trainer at Fire Nebula Camp. Prior to entering the Fire Nebula Camp, she was a member of the police force whose job was to help local residents enter the safe area created by the security forces. She had tried hard at that time even with all the personal problems around. Unfortunately, she ends up being someone who is baited and her loved one disappears from her life. Taki ends up being captured by the rest of the criminals and made into a toy, in various meanings, and eventually left in a place where people rarely pop-up. However, just then there was one person who came, it was Tanaka. Taki's purpose in life now is to follow Tanaka, yes, the way of life of someone who has given up on life.
Haruka Fujisaki (Fighter and Troop of Fire Nebula Camp)
Haruka Fujisaki, a high school girl who is good at fighting and martial arts (karate). She is the fourth member of the Fire Nebula Camp. Her main abilities are in her physical strength and martial arts techniques that allow her not to be hit by attacks from zombies. Because of that ability, Haruka is assigned as a fighter and troops of the Fire Nebula Camp. Her main job is just to keep watch around the base and sometimes Haruka is invited by Tanaka to help with various things outside. Before the apocalypse, she was an ordinary high school student and at that time she was in school. Haruka runs away from school with her four classmates. For some reason, Haruka was bitten by a zombie and luckily managed to be helped by Yamada. Haruka then chooses to join the Fire Nebula Camp instead of the Northern Camp where her classmates go. She was infected and there was only one person in the Fire Nebula Camp who knew about it, he was Tanaka.
Makise Yurika (Organizer of Fire Nebula Camp)
Makise Yurika, a cheerful high school girl who loves to sew. Her main ability is sewing and arranging rooms. She is a neat person. Since she didn't have the potential to be part of the troops who could leave the camp, she served as the organizer and janitor of the base. During the early days of the apocalypse, she was trapped in the school's tool shed. She was with Okata, Rai, Kanji and others trapped there until finally Tanaka and Haruka came to the rescue.
Okata Takaru (The Farmer)
Okata Takaru, an ordinary high school guy, only he is an expert in agriculture. His main abilities are knowledge of agriculture and hunting. He is a closed-type pervert, if one might say. Even though he belongs to the Fire Nebula Camp troops, his main job is to become a farmer aka food production supervisor together with Yuki. She has the same pre-apocalypse backstory as Makise Yurika. For your information, Makise and Okata are dating.
Rai Yumine (The Troop of Fire Nebula Camp)
Rai Yumine, an ordinary high school guy. His most outstanding abilities are in terms of mechanics and electronics, although it is still below Taki Shirokami. He at Fire Nebula Camp served as a troop guarding the perimeter of the base. He also sometimes helps Taki in terms of electrical or mechanical tasks. He has the same backstory as Makise.
Kanji Sakurai (The Troop of Fire Nebula Camp)
Kanji Yumine, an ordinary high school guy. His most prominent abilities are programming and design. Kanji never told or told the others about this, only Rai had known since a long time. At Fire Nebula Camp, Kanji served as a troop, the same as Rai and Haruka. He has the same backstory as Makise.
Pushi (Pet)
Pushi is a small black cat that was taken by Tanaka. For some reason, Pushi didn't want to come out from under Yuki's bed. That is, since being brought to the base, Pushi rarely comes out of Yuki's room. He is cared for by Yuki every day and for some reason he is growing fast.
Chickens (Animals)
Pets owned by Fire Nebula Camp. It is expected to be a source of egg production because this type of commodity can be said to be very rare.
Places and Others
Fire Nebula Camp
Fire Nebula Camp is a camp pioneered by Tanaka and Yuki. This camp is neither famous nor too big. For the time being, this camp still consists of eight humans, namely Tanaka, Yuki, Taki, Haruka, Makise, Okata, Rai and Kanji. The purpose of this camp is to provide a safe haven for members and other survivors who wish to join. The leader of the camp is Tanaka Hijimori with his deputy Taki Shirokami. This camp is located in the city of Tonmachi. Other camps close to Fire Nebula Camp are Northern Camp, Hills Camp and East Mansion Camp.
Northern Camp
Northern Camp is a camp that was spearheaded and led by Kitaru Yakuna. This is the third largest camp in terms of size and number of members in the city of Tonmachi. The camp with about 300 members is still experiencing a food crisis. It is one of three camps recognized by the Japanese Survivors League as an official camp on Tonmachi city. The aim of this camp is to take control of the surrounding area and establish a new government in the city of Tonmachi. This camp has relationships with other camps, including the Fire Nebula Camp although not directly, which is not a very useful relationship because of the lack of trust between the camps in the city.
Hills Camp
Hills Camp is a camp formed by a group ofHigh School students Tonmachi who managed to escape. The base of this camp is in the hills behind the school. There are about 70 members of this camp and their leader has yet to be officially determined. In short, this is the camp with the worst configuration in the city of Tonmachi. This camp has no purpose, just a naturally formed camp where the members come from the same affiliation and form a community in the same place.
Mutant League
Mutant League is the nickname for a superior mutant association that plans to rule the world. Each member of this mutant cannot be equated with a blessed who can even be called the strongest blessed. Analogously to the fantasy world in general, they were like demon generals with opponents who were just magic knights or ordinary royal soldiers.
Survivor League
Survivor League is the name of a large group of survivors whether consisting of camps or indeed directly from individual survivors whose aim is to prevent the world from falling into the hands of a mutant league. Their bigger goal is to rebuild the world. The big difference between the survivor league and the survivor camp is the territory of power where the survivor camp only contains a small area and includes itself while the survivor league contains a large area and includes camp or other areas. There are various survivor leagues formed with different locations.
Zombies are humans who are infected by the Abara virus. The Abara virus itself is a virus that infects several types of mammals, thus turning them into different individuals. The name of the virus is taken from the name of the researcher, namely Abarai Keichi who succeeded in revealing the basic nature of this virus. Physically, they are humans with a paler body and sometimes bleed in some places. What distinguishes them from humans is their cannibal nature and has the main goal of infecting other creatures. So, zombies are infected humans who have invaded the world.
Mutant is a zombie that has successfully mutated. They have somewhat different physiques than zombies or their origin creatures. There are different types of mutations that may occur to zombies, so there are different types of mutants that exist. In essence, mutants are the same creatures as zombies, only they have more natural intelligence or better physical strength or even different. Mutants are divided into four tiers for now, ordinary mutants, intelligent mutants, high-level mutants and superior mutants.
Tonmachi City
City which is the main point of this story happened in this first volume. This place contains the Fire Nebula Camp, Northern Camp, Hills Camp and other camps that will not be revealed now. This city is classified as a city that is not too crowded because it does not have tourist attractions. Even so, the number of zombies around is not small.
Map [Simple/Pixelart]
[Top is North and so on. Like the description of the map in general!]
[This map is not accurate in size and accuracy!]
-Block A
The place where the Fire Nebula Camp base is located. This place contains fields, large fields, housing, water reservoirs, water treatment plants, machine shops, mechanic shops and convenience stores. The incident that ever happened was the incident where Rai fainted when he saw zombies, he was with Kanji. In short, this was the block where Tanaka put up a layered barricade for extra security.
-Block B
A place where there is a lot of housing and apartments and buildings. This place contains adult shops, apartments, housing, a major power station for blocks {A, B, C, D}, convenience stores, other shops and boarding houses. The events that have happened are the incident where Tanaka met the mutant Tank and the incident where Tanaka found Taki. In short, these are large, densely populated blocks like blocks C and D.
-Block C
The place where there are a lot of shops on the South side (bottom if in picture). This place contains housing and various types of shops. The incident that happened here was the discovery of an iron mutant by Tanaka. In short, this is the largest and most densely populated block compared to the surrounding blocks.
-Block D
A place where there are many buildings and apartments. This place contains many types of shops, restaurants, a gym, many buildings, houses and apartments. Nothing happened to Tanaka or the others here. In short, it's a sprawling block full of caged zombies. Most of the zombies here are still in the building and haven't been exterminated by Tanaka. Blocks within the Fire Nebula Camp's barricade area with the most zombies.
-Block E
A place where the contents are a shop or a suburban house. This place contains a variety of shops, school grounds, a small part of the market, cheap houses, fields and a few plots of rice fields. The incident that happened was Haruka and other friends staying at one of the houses. In short, it's a block that borders the city's rice fields and you could say the houses there aren't that great (some are good, but most aren't).
-Block F
A place where there are many private houses as well as vacant land. This place contains various types of houses, large plots of land, markets, buildings, fields, an apartment and several shops. Nothing happened to Tanaka or the others here. In short, this is a large area and most of it can be used for land or other development needs.
-Block G
Actually belongs to block B, but consider it different for this truncated map. This place contains a botanical shop, a convenience store (large), housing, a mini market and a building. Quite a lot of things happened in this place because Tanaka often passed by and it became a place where he picked up a lot of things. In short, this place is close to a minimarket where Tanaka usually buys goods (or just picks them up during the apocalypse).
-Block H
Actually belongs to block D, but consider it different for this truncated map. This place only contains housing, a few shops and a few buildings. The incident that ever happened was Tanaka who was pelted by a grenade by SilverGirl while he was on the roof of one of the houses. In short, this place is part of block D and the zombie population is quite small because it was exterminated by Tanaka while jogging or other activities.
-Block I
A place where there are a lot of houses huddled together. This place contains housing, shops in the center, several hillsides, playing fields and parks. Nothing happened to Tanaka or the others here. In short, this place was a natural stronghold for the Fire Nebula Camp as it helped them barricade important flanks.
-Block J
In short, it's not a block, it's new territory. It is the center of Tonmachi city with many government buildings and public facilities as well as other important buildings. That's also where the Northern Camp is (more on the right side in the illustration).
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