《Must I Go Out to Survive This?》Chapter 20 - New Member


The room is bright in some areas. That night, someone is in great fear.

She is Yuki. The girl who was in a period of cooling off from a fever was now holding her cell phone. The phone that became Yuki's flashlight.

Her face was covered with a blanket. However, from under the blanket she could see things around the room very faintly.

Shadows pass. Yuki lit up the area. There's nothing there.

The girl was being terrorized by something unknown. She is so scared right now.

The sound of crickets and the wind outside made the night atmosphere even more pronounced. The fact that no one else was around made Yuki unable to calm down at all.

"Neee, Tanaka... please come back now!"

Yuki complained. She continued to lighten the room around her in turn.

Hoping that the mysterious shadow doesn't approach her.


"Hey Taki, do you have any acquaintances around?"

Tanaka asked. Which question did Tanaka need before making an offer to Taki who was beside her.

"Nothing. Everyone I know is dead,"

replied Taki who again remembered the unpleasant incident. She now felt sad and thought about it.

Tanaka already got the answer. He now decides to take Taki to his camp. For Tanaka, the camp with such a large boarding area had too few inhabitants. Besides, Taki also most likely had nowhere to go.

"Then do you mind joining my camp?"

"I'm very grateful for that, Tanaka-sama!"

Taki replied in agreement. She smiled at Tanaka.

Tanaka as the head of the camp managed to recruit one new member. However, he couldn't contact Yuki at this time because their cellphones weren't connected to the same line.

"Well then, welcome to the Fire-Nebula Camp, Taki!"

Tanaka welcomes Taki to his camp. The camp which only contained three people at this time.

"Hey, are you sure Yuki-chan won't be mad about this?"

Taki asked. She felt a little panicked for some reason.

"Ehmmm... I'm not sure,"

Tanaka answered with an unsatisfactory answer. Taki now feels even more guilty.

"Hahhh, if only I knew that you already have a partner. I'm sorry for forcing you to do it with me, Tanaka-sama!"

Taki, who previously asked Tanaka to have sexual intercourse, apologized. However, Tanaka who was the one who agreed without telling her was also not free from guilt.

"Come on Taki. I was wrong too and when Yuki asks, I'll explain in detail!"

Tanaka tries to come up with a solution to this problem. Taki chuckled at that.

"Tanaka, you don't understand women's feelings at all, do you!"

Taki continued laughing. Tanaka, who heard that, couldn't help it at all. After all, his experiences with women from the past had never gone well.

"To be honest... Taki, I think it's about time!"

Tanaka stood up from his chair. He looked outside and decided to leave the place.


Very evening atmosphere. Moonlight sometimes shines around. However, thick clouds were passing in the sky of the city. Clouds covering the moon.

The rope is tightened. Something was pressing against Tanaka's shoulder even more.

'Dwemn beeg!'

Tanaka's mind responded to something pressing on him. It's big, but not hard.

Quite the contrary, it felt soft.

"Are you comfortable, Taki?"

Tanaka asked. The person he had questioned is now behind him.


Taki answered. She is now being carried by Tanaka.

They were preparing to go to base. Base which is in a building called a boarding house.

The flashlight in the form of Tanaka's cellphone was placed in his bag pocket. The bag that is usually carried on the back is now in front of the torso. Thanks to this, the light from the flashlight shone in the direction of Tanaka's front.


The tips of the toes are tapped. The part is protected by shoes. Tanaka prepares to leave.

"Then get ready, Taki!"

Tanaka, who was ready to return home, confirmed the woman's condition. Taki, behind him showed the thumb on her left hand. A very gentle upward movement of the thumb due to a hand wound that is still not fully healed.

Tanaka jumped onto the two meter high wall.


Taki was taken aback by the sensation she had just felt. She felt a little shaken for a moment. The woman who was being carried realized that she was at a height.


Taki calls out to Tanaka. The woman was a bit panicked and surprised to know that Tanaka's jump would be very high.

"Well, if we want to avoid zombies, it's better to go through the roof, right?"

Tanaka replied in response to Taki.

The woman who received the answer didn't feel clear, but rather confused.

Tanaka is now running up the side of the rather narrow wall. After reaching near the corner of the wall, the monster slayer leaped high, aiming his movement towards one of the roofs of the house.


Taki screamed in fear while closing her eyes.

The zombies who could tell the difference between human voices and fellow zombies began to react. They went to the sound that sounded like it was bending.

Taki's excited voice.

Tanaka who forgot about his injuries after fighting the mutant monsters kept running on the roof while jumping here and there. What Tanaka wanted was for Taki to be happier and realize that she is with a strong person.

He didn't want her to be worried.

After some time, Taki opened her eyes and saw the dark night sky. The panic is now turning into a feeling of amazement.


Tanaka jumped, Taki now turned into a frenzy. She isn't afraid anymore.

"How does it feel, Taki?"

Tanaka asked. The blowing wind made Tanaka's voice not very clear when Taki heard it. However, she managed to catch what Tanaka meant.

"This is really great!"

Taki shouted. She who initially looked sad for some reason is now slightly distracted from her feelings.

Tanaka succeeds in his plan. He felt more relieved to hear this.

Roof after roof Tanaka passed. The ups and downs felt by Taki made her feel a sensation like riding a ride at a playground. This seemed to make her feel like a child again.

In no more than ten minutes, Tanaka had arrived in front of the base's large gate. It is the front of the boarding house with walls as high as two and a half meters. The wall built by Tanaka and Yuki.

"We have arrived!"

Tanaka told. The woman behind him nodded.

"This is a good looking base!"

Taki commented before she even saw the inside.

The time the phone shows it is 21:20 PM. The moonlight that shone on the place now slowly dimmed and disappeared because of the clouds. Darkness came back.

However, the flashlight from Tanaka's cellphone made the front of the gate still clearly visible. The sound of crickets was heard.

The gate was unlocked, Tanaka and Taki entered what was probably the safest area of ​​the city. Base of the Fire-Nebula Camp.

Taki was silent in amazement as well as fear because she is in the dark. She could feel the cold wind hitting her back.

Tanaka opened one of the rooms on the second floor.

"Taki, from now on, this room is yours!"

Tanaka told. He handed room number seven on the second floor to Taki.


"Tanaka-sama, thank you... By the way, where is Yuki-san now?"

Taki asked Tanaka. She had been informed about another member of the camp, Yuki Fujiwara.

"She's in room number five. Two rooms away from yours."

Tanaka answered. He then put Taki down.

"Hey, isn't she in a pitch-dark room right now?"

Taki asked who suddenly awakened Tanaka. Immediately the man ran outside to check on Yuki's condition.

Taki who was already on the bed is now in the dark.


Taki immediately closed her eyes and tried to lie on her stomach so she wouldn't see anything in the darkness.


Tanaka's voice was heard up to one boarding house. Even so, only two people heard the voice. Or three if you count Tanaka as a listener too. Or maybe four if you count Pushi who is in Yuki's room.


Yuki from within answered. Immediately Tanaka unlocked Yuki's door.

The door opened, Tanaka now saw Yuki who flash a light right in front of his face.

"Oh, thank goodness you-"

Tanaka's words were cut short because something suddenly hit the body. It was Yuki.

"T-Tanaka, there was a shadow walking around here and there!"

Yuki spoke loudly and stuttered at the same time. She is clearly in a panic right now.

"Shhh, sorry sorry. I didn't think that the electricity in the boarding house would go out,"

Tanaka tried to reason. He didn't remember at all that the electricity in the boarding house went out because of Tanaka himself.

'That's right, that electric pole just now is...'

he thought. Tanaka just realized that the power line he broke while fighting the Tank Mutant was most likely the one leading to the boarding house.

"I'm scared!"

Yuki hugged Tanaka tightly. The girl's body still felt hot.

"Sorry sorry. I'm already here, so it's fine..."

Tanaka tried to calm Yuki down by stroking her head. Cold air began to enter the room through the wide open door.

"Yuki, let's go back to bed. You're still sick,"

Tanaka directed Yuki. The girl then went back to sleep. She iss accompanied by Tanaka until she fell asleep.

About twenty minutes passed. Tanaka suddenly realized something.

'Ah, that's right. Taki!'

Tanaka now remembers that Taki is now the one he left alone in a dark room and an open door. He quietly returned to room number seven and saw Taki who had also fallen asleep on her stomach.

Tanaka breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the woman would be frightened in the dark.

"Then I'll just go downstairs!"

Tanaka now decided to go downstairs to the electronics storage room. There is an electric generator that runs on diesel or gasoline.

The man who knew a few things about electricity tried to get the generator plugged into the inlet. Luckily the boarding house already has the equipment needed for situations like this. All Tanaka needed was an automatic system for the generator if no outside power source came.

An hour and a half passed. Tanaka turned on the generator.

The noise of the engine sounded quite loud. The radius of the sound was probably up to a hundred meters in the stillness of the night.

"Damn, this will attract zombies!"

Tanaka guessed.

The electricity is back on. Tanaka returned to Yuki's room.

"Tanaka, what is it?"

Yuki who was awakened by the noise of the generator asked.

"It's a generator. Sorry if it's so loud..."

Yuki who was half awake is now back asleep. She didn't really mind the noise that came. However, Yuki is worried that the zombies will flock to the boarding house.

"Humu, take care of the boarding house!"

Yuki went back to sleep. She who was honestly a bit disturbed by the sound forced herself to sleep. After all, she is still sick.

Tanaka then closed the two doors of the room that had people in it. He also locked the door for safety.

"Ah~ah, it's going to be a long night!"

Tanaka who hasn't slept since yesterday is now walking outside the room. He do smoking while watching around in case a zombie managed to get in.



Thirty-one zombies fell. It was the total accumulated zombies killed by Tanaka.


At 05:30 AM, Tanaka turned off the noisy generator. A sound that invites zombies.

After turning it off, Tanaka went outside to get some coffee. He also had time to check into the area where the mutant corpses were placed.


Tanaka sighed out in a lazy tone. He is now drinking coffee which turns out to be stale while carrying one of the parts of the big mutant's body. The hand of the mutant.

Arriving at the boarding house, Tanaka found Yuki waiting for him behind the gate. The girl seemed to be puffing her cheeks.

"Yo, Yuki!"

Tanaka says hello. Yuki who saw Tanaka looked away.

'What is this?'

Tanaka wonders in his mind. He had never seen Yuki like that.

Tanaka continued to go inside and put down the mutant body pieces. Part of the hand which being cut with a saw by Tanaka.

Tanaka drew closer to Yuki. He tried to create a normal atmosphere with Yuki as usual.

"What's the matter, Yuki?"

Tanaka started asking. He had actually predicted what Yuki would say.

Tanaka thought that this was about Taki or maybe because of what happened last night.

"Who's the girl in the next room!"

Tanaka's guess was correct. It's about Taki.

"Anu Yuki, calm down okay. I'll explain so let's go in first!"

Tanaka tries to calm Yuki down. The girl who is now sullenly obeyed and entered her room. Tanaka followed.

The two of them went to Yuki's room leaving the boarding house dirty. Dirty because it is surrounded by corpses of zombies scattered about.

Tanaka tries to explain to Yuki what really happened between Taki and the Tanaka. The man who looked like he was caught having an affair explained in as much detail as possible including the part where Tanaka saw Taki naked.

"So that's how it is... Poor Taki-chan,"

Yuki, who heard Tanaka's explanation, felt sorry for the woman who suddenly appeared in the boarding house.

"In that case, I'll go downstairs first to get my stuff and-"

Tanaka's words were cut off by Yuki who pulled his body back. The man was now back facing the smiling girl.

Or perhaps more accurately, a smirk.

Tanaka is punished by Yuki to sit cross-legged. Yuki came out of the room and it was her turn to lock the door.

"Is this revenge?"

Previously, Tanaka was the one who locked Yuki's room for safety while he was out. However, this time, it was Yuki who locked Tanaka in the room as punishment.

"Well, I guess so,"

Tanaka who didn't understand what Yuki wanted did that happily. At the same time, he wanted to rest for some time.

The man who was being punished actually fell asleep in a perfect sitting position. Which position should be uncomfortable to sleep in.

Yuki is now outside. She goes inside Taki's room. The two women's eyes met.


Yuki greeted. Taki who didn't know anything becauses he just woke up smiled. A confused smile.

"Yeah, hello too!"

Taki answered. She felt a little panicked at seeing the face of the stranger beside her.

"I'm Yuki. Can we talk a little bit?"

Yuki asked Taki's permission. However, Taki who didn't know what Yuki meant is a bit scared.


Taki agreed. They then entered into the conversation. What Taki thought was heavy talk turned out to be just a normal conversation between women.

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