《Must I Go Out to Survive This?》Chapter 14 - Wall


Early in the morning around 03:00 AM, the sound of the night bugs can still be heard. The voice that became the background of the atmosphere at that time.

If someone was standing near the river, they would also hear the sound of the water gurgling. Water flowing downstream.


The sound of zombies could be heard. They were scattered near a convenience store where a certain human is standing there.


Cigarette smoke came out of the man's mouth. The puff of smoke that spouted like an inverted waterfall which then scattered in the dark night sky.

The zombie passed the person who is still smoking. The man who was relaxing in front of the convenience store, Tanaka.

He was in deep contemplation. Previously, he had an unexpected incident.

"Tanaka-san, let's make love!"

The voice was still ringing in the head of the man who was smoking. The sentence that started an event where it was also the one that ended Tanaka's virginity.

Last night or so a few hours earlier, Tanaka was watching an adult video that was on his disk. He's been masturbating for a while.

However, for whatever reason, Yuki suddenly came to Tanaka's room and asked the man to have sexual intercourse together. Tanaka, who at that time was in the mindset of 'the most important thing is ejaculation', of course accepted it without thinking.

"I don't know what's going on in that girl's mind anymore."

murmured the man. He flicked his cigarette, dropping ashes from the end of the stick that had passed from the embers.

"Will she be okay with me?"

Tanaka pondered. He is a twenty-six year old man. Never had a romantic story and didn't have a job.

"No, wait... What is Yuki's purpose for doing this?"

Tanaka was still curious. Thanks to his past with women who have disappointed him many times, Tanaka is still suspicious of what a woman wants from him. In this case, it was Yuki who became the woman.

However, the social order has collapsed. Things like sexual relations that are agreed upon by both parties are likely to be less of a problem.

"If only the police were still around. I would have stayed in a detention cell of course,"

Tanaka said as he took out a new cigarette.

That dawn, Tanaka finished a pack of cigarettes while trying to think of many things.

Things about the future.

Things about the past.

Things about the present.

Things about that's and that.

"No, I'm still not ready to start a family!"

Tanaka concluded. He thinks about many things that are in the same context, family.



After jogging around the city, Tanaka returned to his camp headquarters. The boarding house owned by Kurokami Fumiko.

A girl who had become a woman last night was in a certain room. It was a room filled with food boxes.

"Hmmmm... Tea or coffee?"

Yuki is currently confused about what drink to make.

"Yesterday I made him tea, so... Just some more tea, maybe!"

The seventeen year old woman chose tea. She took a packet of the best quality tea in the cellar.

Yuki went upstairs. As she climbed the stairs, a familiar figure was trying to open the door to room number six. He is Tanaka.

"Ah, Tanaka, you're back. How come you woke up so early!"

Yuki who was about to go to his room to prepare breakfast 'greeted' Tanaka. The man who heard a familiar female voice looked to the left. She is Yuki.

"Good morning, Yuki!"

Tanaka greeted back starting the conversation. Yuki who forgot to greet others now felt a bit embarrassed to see Tanaka set the right example.


"Good morning, Tanaka!"

Yuki answered the greeting. She was still looking at Tanaka out of curiosity as to how this man could wake up so early.

"Hey Tanaka, why do you always wake up so early?"

Yuki, who still really curious, said what was on her mind.

"...Hmm, if you really want to know the answer, let's go in first!"

Tanaka, who had opened the door, motioned for Yuki to enter his room.

Normally, this kind of thing is not normal. However, since the two of them already had a certain relationship, interfering between rooms is quite normal.

"Then I'm in!"

Yuki entered Tanaka's room. She remembered the first time she walked into a room she thought was haunted.

At that time, Yuki was so hungry that she couldn't think straight. She also almost stabbed Tanaka that time.

"How are you, Yuki?"

Tanaka asked while handing her a pear. The guy is worried that Yuki would not be okay after Tanaka had fondled her for hours last night.

"Of course it's fine. Or rather... Is feeling better~"

Yuki whispered. Tanaka who was whispered to feel a tingle in his ear. A small smile appeared on Tanaka's face.

"Don't tease me, Yuki. It's still morning!"


These two interacted more intimately since the previous event. The drastic development of two survivor who were once loners.

"By the way, I brought you something, Yuki!"

Tanaka told. He looked back as he reached for something in his plastic bag.

"Oh, what's that?"


Yuki asked at the same time Tanaka took his stuff. It was a package that Yuki didn't recognize.

"These are vegetable seeds!"

Tanaka told what's inside. Hearing that, Yuki felt excited.

"Wow and yay, this way I can make a hydroponic project!"

Yuki who felt happy received the container. She checked what is inside. It really contains only seeds.

"And one more... Here!"

Tanaka's words made Yuki turn her face forward. She looked at Tanaka's hand which seemed to give something in a romantic way.

Within Tanaka's grasp, something slightly leaked out. It's a chain.

"I brought you this necklace!"

Yuki saw a necklace with a gem of what kind. However, the most important thing was that the gem was dark blue in color. The same color as Yuki's eyes.


Yuki looked at Tanaka. She knew what Tanaka meant by that.

If someone gives a dark blue necklace, it means that they wants their relationship to last a long time. That was the information that usually circulated in magazines or other media places that Yuki read.

"You definitely didn't pay for this, did you!"

"Eh, isn't that obvious..."

Tanaka continued with a small laugh which was then followed by Yuki. They stopped after a moment, returning to a serious mood.

Yuki closed his eyes slowly.

Yuki with her eyes slightly closed brought her face closer to Tanaka. The man in ordinary clothes also brought his face closer.

They kissed, tongue wrestling with each other. Time seemed to slow down.

For about half a minute, they finally stopped.

"Yuki, don't forget that we still have work to do!"

Tanaka spoke, reminding Yuki not to tease him. The Yuki who was about to take off her clothes stopped her actions and smiled stupidly.

"So, what are we going to do now, Tanaka?"

Yuki asked to make sure. Last night they had talked about many things. However, since Yuki was already sleepy by then, she didn't listen clearly.

"We will exercise this morning, Yuki. We must have a healthy body in times like this!"


Tanaka replied. This was indeed the first schedule they should have if Tanaka didn't wake up very early.

Yuki who nodded remembered something. It was the food she had made in the room.

"But, Tanaka... Let's have breakfast first!"

Yuki said while tugging at the man's shirt.

They went to Yuki's room for breakfast before doing today's activities.



A loud noise was heard from a rotating object.

"T-Tanaka, are you sure this won't invite zombies?"

The frightened Yuki took cover behind Tanaka's body. The fence that usually exists at the front of the boarding house has disappeared and has been replaced by a long iron frame that will later become a place for casting.

"Hmm, I'm not sure!"


Tanaka answered and thanks to that answer Yuki became even more frightened.

Tanaka knew that the sound that the cement mixer made is quite loud. However, the zombies that were around the streets of the boarding house area had been killed by Tanaka. Unless there were zombies that Tanaka had missed in the small alleys of their territory.



"Ahahahaha... Yuki, calm down. I'm in front of you and that zombie is also walking slowly!"

A zombie appeared from the front. A frightened Yuki pulled Tanaka as a shield while Tanaka who was used to zombies couldn't help but laugh.

After getting close enough, Tanaka hit the zombie with the right momentum so that no blood was splashed on Tanaka's body.

"Neee, Tanaka! Do we really have to use this machine!"

Yuki reaffirmed. She becomes a timid girl when she is in a safe area. However, she became a person whose intentions were unknown while in the outer region. That's what Tanaka learned.

"Calm down, calm down... Think of it as your training session to get used to Yuki's zombies,"

Tanaka said, trying to calm the frightened girl.

Six zombies have been killed by Tanaka with different appearance times. After a while no more zombies appeared.

"Have you calmed down?"

Yuki asked. She is currently laying bricks on the wall dough. Its position is quite close to the front of the boarding house.

"Yup, if any zombies appear again, you just have to tell me!"

Tanaka told. He is currently pouring the batter into the wall mould.

The two of them are now working quietly. Works as a coolie who builds a protective wall.

Tanaka lifted large materials to be poured or placed. Yuki is in charge of patching small parts and making two brick barriers which will later be filled with dough by Tanaka.

These days both of them focus on the work of building walls. The zombies from a distance actually approached their boarding point or headquarters. However, because the sound it makes doesn't always sound loud, the zombies don't get to close range.





After work, in the afternoon the two member of Fire-Nebula Camp take a bath together. At that time, the new couple also started their action.

Between meals and dinner, they tell stories and share experiences and information.

That night they had full sexual intercourse until one of them fell asleep. It was Yuki.

Tanaka who had gone to bed woke up very early. In the early morning, Tanaka took the time to go out to do many activities.

Kill zombies, pick up some other items, exercise and scout out the dangers that appear around the base.

"No sign of a criminal!"

Tanaka muttered. He is always looking for traces that lead him to the dangerous survivors he thinks are still there.

With his current strength, Tanaka was confident he could take out two or three armed men at once. The existence of those who made Tanaka worried was nowhere to be seen. Even though Tanaka had been circling around the main street since yesterday.

"Are they gone?"

Tanaka was still trying to think of other possibilities.

"I'll just contact Yuki for now!"

Tanaka gave Yuki a chat via the internet. The message that Tanaka wrote was about what food or object Yuki wanted.

The man in the striped shirt was about to return to headquarters.

"Hmm... Internet access lost?"

Tanaka is surprised. Previously, he could use the internet with limited access. Exchanging messages through chat applications is Tanaka and Yuki's way of connecting with each other when they are far apart.

However, at this time, Tanaka lost internet access.

"The tower doesn't turn off, the electricity doesn't seem to be off either... It means the server or provider is dead!"

Tanaka looked for possible reasons. It's normal for the internet to shut down completely during the apocalypse. Even for Tanaka, the internet that was able to survive until a moment earlier is a miracle.

"I'd better get back soon!"

Tanaka returns to the boarding house.


Tanaka opened his neighbor's room. Inside is empty.

"What's wrong, Tanaka?"

Yuki's voice came from below. It was the room that Tanaka used as a food store.

"Thank goodness, you're okay. Hey, let me borrow your cell phone!"

Tanaka asked Yuki. The girl who is currently hugging a box of noodles is confused about what Tanaka wanted.

"If you want yesterday's video, I've got it!"

Yuki replied while taking out her cellphone from her pocket.

"That's not it. It's about the internet. I'm disconnected!"

Tanaka explained so that Yuki wouldn't be confused about what he meant by asking for it.

Yuki checked the symbol on the top screen of her cellphone. It is true that the internet connection was lost.

Can't access blog, web or other pages from browser. Chat service via the internet is also dead.

"Well, at least we can still use SMS!"

Yuki said.

"However, we still need a provider for that!"

Tanaka told. Because access to other providers and services is also cut off, there is no way for them to use their handphone as a communication device.

"Then let's just use a cell phone with radio waves!"

Yuki replied. She, who once had a cell phone with an antenna, remembered that. In the past, her father often used it to find the right broadcast or radio wave.

"You're right, we could use that. Or maybe I'll get us both a walkie-talkie together!"

Tanaka added. He thought about a communication device that could be used for a considerable distance. It was the walkie-talkie he had in mind.

The tenth of June. It was the day the internet completely shut down in Japan.

On that same date, Tanaka and Yuki finished building a wall over two meters high.

"Finally, it's over too!"

Yuki fell. She in her shabby clothes positioned herself to stretch.

"If possible, I want to build the wall even higher!"

Tanaka continued. He felt that the wall they had built was still too easy for the zombie crowd to climb. Or so this is what the person with superpowers thought.

"Ahh, stop that, Tanaka. Let me rest!"

Yuki protested. She who was just an ordinary high school girl couldn't endure any more hard labor than this. She puffed up her cheeks which were already a bit chubby from the start.

"Haha, fine, I understand. But it's still noon now. Do you want to drink something Yuki?"

Tanaka asked. Yuki blinked a few times while looking up at the sky indicating that she was thinking.

"I want to try a beer!"

Tanaka who heard the girl's words tilted his head. A hint that he is asking for a repetition of the sentence.

Yuki who saw it sighed.

"I want a beer. Tanaka, let's have a small party!"

Tanaka who is twenty-six years old person was already legal to drink that kind of thing. However, for the seventeen year old Yuki, liquor was illegal.

"Well, the rules don't matter anymore,"

Tanaka muttered, remembering that the law was no longer in effect. He then complied with Yuki's request to have such a party in the afternoon.

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