《Must I Go Out to Survive This?》Chapter 9 - Box Truck


Blood dripped from the tip of the knife.

Blood from the same source adorns around the boarding house. The blood of the zombies.


Tanaka was relieved after he managed to finish off the eleven zombies without any problems. Tanaka walked back to the boarding house.

Tanaka saw Yuki who was in front of the stairs brandishing something. Yuki looked like she was closing her eyes.

"Yuki, you're okay, right?"

Tanaka asked without knowing what Yuki was pointing at for a moment. He only realized when the distance between Yuki and him was only a few meters.

Tanaka looked down at his body. She's completely naked.

Tanaka looked back at the towel that Yuki was holding up. It was already filled with blood and other disgusting fluids from zombies.

At least that's what can be seen from Tanaka's side. It was different from what Yuki saw.

"Ugh, just to tell you a little that I can't use the towel anymore!"

Tanaka spoke, telling the high school girl who was trying not to look at Tanaka's sword. Such a sight isn't healthy for a girl in her age.

Or so the girl thought.

"...Ah, sorry!"

Yuki turned the towel over and saw a towel covered in blood. He then put the towel on the railing of the stairs.

Tanaka who was completely naked in front of a high school girl was confused. He had never encountered a situation like this before. The atmosphere became awkward.

Since the hikikomori guy doesn't like awkward situations, he tries to break it up.

However, the way he knew it was just by joking.

"Hey Yuki, you don't have to be so shy... Just pretend you're looking at an elephant trunk that- ughhh!"

Yuki who thought Tanaka had covered his cock opened his eyes. The girl who then saw the 'mini elephant trunk' then blushed.

Towels are taken and thrown. The towel landed right in front of Tanaka's face.

Luckily the bloody part didn't hit Tanaka's face.

"Stupid Tanaka, that's not good!"

Yuki said. The virgin girl then went back to her room. However, before she entered her room, Yuki took Pushi first in Tanaka's room.

Tanaka was silent. He didn't understand what was happening to him.

"Well, I guess jokes like that only apply to children,"

said Tanaka who remembered that he used to joke around with other children at the orphanage. He'd seen jokes like that so many times and still thought they were relevant to this day.

But now his view has changed.

Tanaka resumed his bath. He now felt even more awkward towards Yuki.

"Should I apologize?"

thought Tanaka. He wanted to solve this problem.

"Yeah, I guess I should!"

Tanaka reassured himself as he slapped the soap against the wall. He felt he had to solve this problem.



Several minutes passed. Tanaka had to repeat his bath because he was covered in blood again. He spent an extra thirty minutes cleaning himself up and stuffing things in.

It's noon now. Tanaka who was still hearing Pushi's meow thought of something.

"Maybe he's hungry."

thought Tanaka.

Previously he had seen some kind of formula for kittens in the mini market. He wanted to go back there all at once to get more food.

Tanaka was in front of the door of her neighbor's room, Yuki's room.

The hikikomori is nervous.

"Ugh, I'll be going again, Yuki. By the way I'm sorry about earlier, hehe!"

Tanaka who was confused about how to properly apologize could only chuckle. He waited for an answer, but Yuki didn't answer at all.


Yuki at that time was worried about something.

Tanaka who feels Yuki will not answer now continues to go to the convenience store. Left feeling somewhat disappointed in himself.

Yuki, who didn't know that Tanaka had left, just said.

"Ugh, Tanaka-san. I'm sorry about earlier. Did you get any blood on your eyes or mouth?"

Yuki asked to make sure. However, after a while of waiting, there was no answer.

The high school girl wearing casual clothes checked through the peephole in the door. Tanaka doesn't exist.

"Oh, he's gone, huh?"

Yuki sighed in disappointment. He was worried that Tanaka might get blood from the zombies. If that was indeed the case, then Tanaka would most likely change.

"If he comes back, I will apologize properly!"

Exclaimed Yuki, steadying her resolve.

[Then what if he doesn't come back?]

Asked something else from inside Yuki.

"...You know that we can't live alone! I might choose to hang to death instead of starving like yesterday!"

Yuki said answering the other's question.

[That's if you have the guts!]

Yuki fell silent. He is now in a dimly lit room with a little cat named Pushi.

The cat that was still meowing from earlier. Yuki tried to calm him down.



Previously, in the minimarket there were four beverage coolers. Now in that place there are only two beverage coolers.

"The tires are still going strong, right?"

Tanaka asked and confirmed directly. He was worried that the wagon tires would not be able to withstand the weight Tanaka was carrying at the moment.

It was two drink refrigeration machines along with other logistical supplies including food for Pushi. There are also supplies of sanitation needs such as shampoo and soap.

The total weight Tanaka was carrying this time exceeded the previous weight. However, right now he was distributing the weight more evenly. That way, the cart won't take too much damage.

"I'll just cut this hair later!"

Tanaka said while positioning his body to pull the cart. He found the front hair sticking out his eyes.

This clearly disturbed Tanaka who wanted to pull the cart.

He used to really want to try the feel of long hair. However, now he prefers to have medium hair because it is easier for him to manage.

Tanaka pulled his wagon, he avoided the approaching zombies as much as possible.



At 12:40 pm, Tanaka arrived at the boarding house and moved things in a room downstairs. He had also installed his fridge in that room as well.

Tanaka decided to use all of the lower rooms for the warehouse.

"Ah, so what should I do after this?"

Tanaka asked himself. He recalls that he has to give the formula to Pushi. However, Pushi was currently in Yuki's room which couldn't just be opened.

Tanaka went upstairs. He knocked on Yuki's door.

"Ugh, Yuki. I brought supplies of food and milk for Pushi! It's in room number three downstairs. I'll try to get out again, so if possible please give it some food!"

Tanaka asked. He didn't wait for an answer like before and left right away.

Yuki who heard Tanaka's voice now fell happy. She thought that Tanaka had turned into a zombie because of her mistake.

"Okay, be careful on the road, Tanaka-san!"

However, Yuki answered Tanaka. He heard it and it made him feel a little more relieved.

Tanaka's destination this time was a truck in the western area of ​​the boarding house. Tanaka wanted to take the vehicle to transport more goods.

He didn't bring the cart this time.


On the way to where the truck was, Tanaka stopped by an automechanic shop where there are lots of parts for vehicles. He took the battery for the truck as well as some tools used for the maintance of the vehicle.

Tanaka now arrived at the place where the truck was. It is a type of box truck that is usually found to distribute goods from minimarkets to minimarkets.

Tanaka tries to repair the truck. All he needed was to change the battery and refuel.

For fuel, Tanaka took it from the tanks of other cars.

"This truck user must be the lazy type to refuel!"

Guess Tanaka. He felt that this truck did not stop because of a collision or some other anomaly. To him, the truck stopped because it ran out of fuel and the driver had to run on his feet.

Tanaka's guess was actually correct.

The fuel and battery have been updated. Now Tanaka is trying to start the truck.

After several starts, Tanaka was finally able to start the box truck. Now he proceeded to the place where he planned to pick up the goods.

Building materials store.

"I wish there were no traffic police on a day like this,"

said Tanaka remembering that he had never taken a driving test. Even so, Tanaka somewhat knows how to do it because when he was at the orphanage, he often helped the old driver as a substitute driver.

He drove pretty well avoiding the many cars strewn on the road.

"Ugh, I'll get rid of all these cars later!"

Tanaka said annoyed because for him, their existence really slowed the journey. He also felt that he couldn't drive comfortably like this.

Tanaka arrived at the building materials store. It was a large store with three storage areas.

"Time to work!"

Tanaka moved a lot of building materials into the box-truck. Sand, cement, brick and iron frame are put in there.

The reason why Tanaka took a lot of building materials was because the defense in the boarding house was still very weak. With the front fence only one meter high, the zombies could easily enter.

Therefore, Tanaka wanted to build a wall that was higher than before so that the zombies could not easily penetrate the boarding area.

Tanaka worked until the afternoon. He was about to go back, but paused to make a plan for something.

It was the sound of a truck.

"This truck is too loud!"

Tanaka wanted to go back to the boarding house immediately, but he couldn't be rash like that. He was afraid that the zombies would come to the boarding house because of the sound of the truck. Obviously such an incident put Yuki and Pushi in danger.

Tanaka got an idea. It was the idea to create a stop post.

Tanaka will put the truck somewhere a bit closer to the boarding house. After that, Tanaka will put all the things there and later Tanaka will use the cart to take them to the boarding house.



"It's finally over!"

Tanaka wiped his face which was actually not sweating at all.

"Damn those zombies, it turns out they can damage the truck!"

Tanaka said annoyed. Previously, Tanaka had left the truck at the stop when he was transporting materials. Initially the truck was not attacked by zombies. However, for some unknown reason, there was one zombie who damaged the headlights of the truck.

Tanaka didn't have time to stop him.

At this time, Tanaka returned to his truck. He was about to take other things from the shopping area.

There was quite a lot of stuff that Tanaka took.

"I think it's better to put the truck in the boarding house,"

Tanaka muttered while driving. He had just learned that there were zombies who also liked to break things around.

Tanaka arrives at the boarding house. He saw Yuki who was on the stairs walking down.

"Welcome back, Tanaka!"

Yuki said welcoming the perverted hikikomori. Yuki wanted to try to explain what she was doing. She also felt very sorry for throwing a dirty towel in Tanaka's face.

Tanaka came down and confronted Yuki.


In the first phrase, the two of them spoke simultaneously. They then pointed to each other politely, indicating that they were inviting the others to speak first.

After a while, Yuki relented and started to say what was on her mind.

"In advance, I'm very grateful... And honestly, I want to apologize for throwing a towel at you... I was too confused about what to do so I acted in a sloppy manner... Please forgive me!"

Yuki apologized with a bowed head and body. Tanaka was a bit nervous about responding since he also knew that he had contributed to the matter.

"No, no, it's also my fault for going out in such a hurry and not seeing my appearance!"

Said Tanaka in reply. He somewhat rejected Yuki's apology and acted more or less the same as her. Bend head and body.

"No, no, I was the one in a hurry to enter your room without remembering that you were taking a shower. You protected me and I responded very rudely. Let me apologize, Tanaka-san!"

Yuki said refusing Tanaka's apology and made herself the source of the problem here.

"No, no, it was my fault for rushing out of the room. I should have changed first before going out. It's not your fault and let the older one accept the blame. Let me apologize, Yuki-chan!"

Tanaka replied, rejecting Yuki's apology. In the end they both did this for some time.

It was late at night and the two were fighting over who was at fault and who should apologize.

Tanaka's box truck has entered the boarding house's yard. Inside the boxes there were lots of items from various shops.

One by one, the street lights started to flash. It's an automatic feature of the surrounding monument.

The two members of the Fire-Nebula Camp were arguing over who was at fault. At first they were serious about apologizing, but over time the atmosphere became like a debate atmosphere.

"All right, all right, stop!"

Tanaka said stopping Yuki who was talking.

"The point now is that I'm going to apologize to you for my mistake and you're apologizing to me for yours. It's already nighttime and the zombies are likely to become even more dangerous... By the way I accept your apology!"

Tanaka said as he was about to return to the truck to put the vehicle deeper into the boarding area. Yuki nodded and added.

"...You're right Tanaka-san. I also accept your apologies. However, I'm the one who remains the source of trouble here!"

Yuki ended with his version of the conclusion.

"Okay, stop that. By the way have you given Pushi any food?"

Tanaka asked.

"Yes, he drank it voraciously. However, he is currently hiding in the corner under the bed. By the way, do you want to drink something Tanaka-san? Let me get it!"

Yuki offered a drink. She thought that Tanaka had worked really hard today as evidenced by the new truck and lots of new stuff around the boarding house.

"Hmmmm… Then I'd like a lemon drink that's not too sour and not too sweet. It would be great if it could be mixed with tea!"

Said Tanaka who described the order.

Yuki nodded and returned to the warehouse to prepare a drink. Tanaka sat beside the stairs after moving the truck.

That night, Tanaka and Yuki have a small party outside. Luckily no zombies came to that place.

Well, most of those around the boarding house have also been finished off by Tanaka.

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