

I get to see her again tomorrow. She isn’t coming all this way for me. She is coming to be with her friends, that doesn’t change how it makes me feel knowing that when the morning comes she will be near. Maybe this time I will be able to tell her how I feel. More likely I will sit back knowing that I made myself clear once and that reminding her will do me no good. My heat is still skips when I think about it. While it may still be quite the number of hours away all I have to do is sleep and when I wake so much of that will have passed. Even that sleep evades me, choosing the instead give way to dreaming. Of her touch, her lips, her voice. These while having not faded from recent memory are still my constant imaginations as I go about my day. I know it somewhere inside myself that if I could only show her that she is worthy, she would then accept my affections. But now once again I must attempt sleep. To pass away the hours before I can see her once again.

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