《Demonhunter Zecruix》A Useful Stranger Part 10


Vaneri had told them that they should go back together for safety measure. Well, Zecruix had that in mind. There was no reason not to since all of them were heading in the same direction.

Walking in between Varius on the right and Roschev on the left, he felt much more secured.

Roschev stopped and looked at ground below them.

“You were attacked here?”

“Huh, so it was true.”

“… Why would I lie?”

Roschev spotted the disturbed fauna trail on the ground, while Varius muttered to himself but Zecruix caught on his words.

“Two trails, if this were… an hour ago… they’ll probably have… been gone for long.”

“This was planned. Someone’s out to get me.”

Roschev, muttered a particularly long sentences, got up and looked at Zecruix who had made a conclusion.

“Let’s move.”

They both nodded to each other while Varius stared at them both.

It was after a few minutes they were out of the woods and entered the town.

“Both of them are outsiders are they? I mean Vaneri and Hervan.”

Zecruix said it absentmindedly.

Roschev nodded.

“Yeah, they actually came around one two weeks ago, visited Farvath several times but then it got real messy just as they came or so I heard.”

“You don’t sound like you’re fond of them, so why help them?”

“… I have my reason as to why I’m helping; I don’t really need to tell you right?”

Varius offhandedly replied to Zecruix question with a sort of arrogant tone. It bothered Zecruix in a way but it was nothing that concerning. Although he was struggling back in the cabin and till now, he was trying to remember whether he had offended this young man when he had arrived here.


“We’ve arrived.”

Roschev spoke and they stopped at a certain building. Upon inspecting it further, he realized, it was an inn or perhaps a bar. Not like the one he stayed as it was quiet and peaceful.

“Varius’s place.”

Roschev gave a really short explanation to Zecruix. Varius coolly walked towards the inn.

Roschev looked at Zecruix and flashed a rare smile.

“Wanna go in?”

“Are you sure?”



It was a short exchange between the two that had ended in three second. Varius seeing them approaching towards him (actually towards the door), with a panic, tried to cover the entrance with a dismayed expression.

“W-what are you two doing?”

“Having a few drinks.”

“It’s open right?”

The lights coming out from the establishment were visible through the windows and muffled sound of conversations and laughing could be heard inside.

“W-well this not the place you guys can drink, go somewhere else!”

“Too much hassle, will settle here.”

Roschev and Zecruix, passed him by and opened the door.

They stopped in front of the entrance after they opened. Inside, Zecruix realized why it wasn’t as lively as the inn he stayed. This was not an inn or bar but it was a diner and more than that, it was a family-oriented one. Kids enjoying their meal and some of them were running around haphazardly while their parents look on.

This was definitely not a place where two grown men should hang out but Roschev shrugged and ignore it with a stride.

Zecruix gasped slightly but he followed along anyway while Varius had a pronounced astonishment on his face.

After a few seconds, Varius sighed and went inside.


They were seated at an empty table between two rowdy families. Standing and waiting for their order were a sulking Varius.


“We’ll just have grape juices and chicken pies… That’s closest thing we found that’s adult-like.”


Zecruix after perusing the menu decided to order for both him and Roschev after said he wouldn’t mind anything. Varius confirmed his order with a dubious face and went to the kitchen.

There was an awkward silence between the two after Varius had left. Zecruix was trying to speak first but it was Roschev who did.

“You like it?”

“Like what?”

“Your job or calling.”

“You mean Demonhunter? I had a choice but to refuse it made me feel irresponsible if I did. On the other hand, at least I had a path that was set for me.”

“The lucky few.”

Zecruix cringed a little but he understood what he meant. In this world, most people have no certainty in their life and they have to struggle every day. Demonhunters are highly respectable in this part of Xylesia and those who became one are likely to have bright future awaiting them. Whether in terms of fame and fortune, they would have both of them considerably without a doubt.

“Do you hate me for that?”

“Nope, no reason to.”

Roschev without hesitating, answered him. Seeing how they had broken the ice, he decided to ask him a question.

“You know, I wonder how you got yourself into this job.”

“Was meeting a relative here, just happened to meet those two, job sound simple enough.”

In a usual short way of saying things, Roschev briefly explained. After that, they casually had small talks to each other.

After a few minutes, Varius came with their orders.

“Varius, join us?”

“Huh, why should I?”

Roschev invited him but Varius indirectly declined.

“Haa, just seat, this is a second meeting between those who accepted this job.”

Zecruix, fed up with his bad manner, abrasively told him so.

“… Fine but be quick, I promised my dad I would work late.”

He sat down near Roschev, who was enjoying his meal.

“First, why do I get the feeling of hostility coming from you even though we just met and I hardly recalled that I did anything to you in the short moment that we met?”

“Yeah, hard not to notice…”

Varius was gawking with bewilderment at his straightforward question while Roschev cut in with his comment.

“Come on, I’m actually bothered by it. If we’re gonna work together, let’s resolve this issue.”

Varius pouted and then…

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