《A Vampire's Complications》Chapter Twenty-Three


My head felt like it was splitting open to the point I couldn't open my eyes. But I could still tell that I was tied to a chair. The pain in my head made things a little difficult to move, but I could still make out the voices being spoken around me.

"What the hell, Emily?!" I heard Derik's voice before the sound of someone hitting something, followed by a groan.

"Tie him up and gag him. I don't need his bullshit right now," came a woman's voice. I could only assume that it was Emily.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor filled the room as they moved closer to me. A hand ran through my hair before puling and forcing my head back. Making the pain I was already feeling get worse. To make thing even worse, someone slapped their hand across my face.

"Wake up princess. We have a show to put on," said the woman.

My eyes slowly opened up and I looked into deep red eyes. They were surrounded by a thick layer of black eyeliner. The smile she was giving me also caught my attention. Not only was she enjoying causing me pain, but the lipstick on her lips were as read as fresh blood.

*** To Be continued in book 3***

"There she is. Sorry for the nasty headache, but you wouldn't go with us willingly if you saw what we did with your little guard," she said as she let go of my hair and walked to a table by the wall, "It makes me sick to know how he is going to act when he realizes that you are gone."

I watched her as she picked up a knife and turned towards me, testing out the sharpness. Her read eyes stared at me with hate. Just seeing her standing there made me want to make a comment asking if she was going to sacrifice me to her leader, but I held back.


But the more I looked at her the more I couldn't see the girl she once was. If I had to be honest, the way she was dressed reminded me of a hooker or a groupie of a band. She wore a lose tank top that showed off her black lace bra on the sides. She wore black ripped shorts that were short enough to show off her butt. Fishnet leggings covered her legs and black high heeled boots finished the look.

"You aren't what I expected," I finally told her, "The way that David mentioned you, I expected someone a little closer to what Ashley looks like. I'm a little disappointed, Emily."

"I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves after all," she said, putting the knife down a little bit.

"Where did you put Derik?" I asked her, "Aren't you supposed to be nice to him since he is your soulmate?"

"You should mind your own damn business," she snapped, "You and I both know that he isn't the one I want."

"Then why lie about your death?" I asked her, making her hesitate, "You had all of this time to appear. Why choose now when he obviously has moved on from the pain you had caused?"

She picked up the knife and stabbed the table with it, "It's because he fucking moved on! That bastard said that I would be the only one for him, no matter what. But then you came along."

"And the truth comes out," I say, "You really expected him to just suffer a broken heart for the rest of his life. That is cold and cruel."

"Shut up," she snapped.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you," I told her, "Focus on the one who is willing to make things work with you because he is destined to be with you."


"I said shut up!" she yelled before grabbing the knife and throwing it. The wind of it passing my head made me shut my mouth instantly. She grabbed another one before walking up to me and holding it at my throat, "You ruined everything."

"Did I really?" I questioned her. Only angering her more.

I watched as she raised the knife in the air and readied it. But before she could bring it down into my chest, someone grabbed her wrist. Making her look.

The look of shock on her face was clear to see when she made eye contact with David, "David?"

"So this is why I wasn't allowed to see the envelope," he said before pushing her away from me. Emily was too shocked to act as David kneeled down in front of me, "You okay?"

I nodded as a response, but he couldn't free me as the click of a gun filled the room. David froze as he raised his hands in the air. Making me realize that there was a gun pointed at the back of his head. The holder looking at him with determination.

"Is that how you treat someone you once loved?" Erik asked him with venom dripping in his words. David stood up slowly and turned to look at Erik. "Pretty brave of you to come here alone."

"Who says I'm alone?" David asked him before Derik snuck up behind and knocked him out. Making the gun fly across the room.

David smile a thanks before grabbing something from his pocket and tying up Erik's hands together. Derik can by me and started to untie the ropes holding me to the chair. But he didn't get far as Emily lunged at him with the knife she threw earlier.

Somehow he had gotten the knife away from her, but he wasn't unscathed. Blood trickled down his side, staining his shirt. His hand pressed against the wound as he fell against the wall. Breathing heavily. David had managed to grab a knife and cut the ropes around my wrists and feet.

Helping me up he made sure I was unharmed. But the sound of a gun going off filled the room. Making all of us freeze until a sharp pain filled my chest. Making me collapse.

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