《A Vampire's Complications》Chapter Seventeen


"You're much bigger then I remember," Jake stated as he poked the growing baby bump. I let out a small giggle because it tickled a little bit, "I guess they weren't kidding when they say that you really start to grow in the last trimester."

Eventually I got sick of his constant poking and slapped his hand away. That was when I noticed that Jared and Jordan were no longer in the room. Making me wonder where they went. But I didn't wonder for long because Jake suddenly held an envelope in my face.

"Figured you were homesick and miss your old man," he explained. Making me grab the letter. I couldn't remember the last time I heard anything about my father other than the little scare I had. During that time I was hoping that I would see my father, even if it was for a little bit.

I didn't waste time to open the letter and read what my father had wrote. The letter was a comfort and Jake had no idea how much I really needed it at a time like this.

"My dear Leah," the letter wrote, "Jake told me that you might be having a hard time adjusting to the new life you have. All I can say is that I am sorry that I didn't talk to you about it first, but I wanted you to live happily longer. Also I want to say that I don't regret making the decision. If I had to make it again, I would still have chosen it.

"I may not be able to see you anymore, but I am happy to know that you are alive and well. I can't lose both of my daughters. I trust this family as much as your mother does. They will protect you and help you understand all that is going on. I'll continue to send letters through Jake and you can do the same since it is too dangerous to send it directly to you. It will put your new identity in danger, but I'm always here if you need me, even if we can't be face to face.


"So live well and take good care of your children. Even though I wasn't happy to learn about the pregnancy when you were dying and wished you had told me sooner, I'm still proud of you. I know you will be a great mother."

I couldn't finish reading the letter as the tears began to build up in my eyes making my vision blurry. Jake took the letter from my hands and placed it on a near by table. Just seeing the words my father wrote made me miss him so much more. The whole thing made me wish that I could see him once again. But just like he said, it would be too dangerous due to the fact that everyone back home thinks that I had died.

Jake placed his hands gently on me and guided me to my bed to sit down. Through my tears I watched as he grabbed a box of tissue from the bedside table and held it out to me. Making me take on to wipe the tear from my eyes.

"Thank god I don't wear make up, " I told him as I tried to stop crying, "I would look like a completely mess if I had make up running down my face."

He let out a chuckle as he layed back on my bed. He stared up at the ceiling as a sigh escaped his lips. Suddenly serious, he spoke, "Can you believe that I lost my two best friends to this family? I lost my brother because he was used to hurt you and then I lose you to an accident. Then the only way to save you was to have your join this family. I find it completely unfair."

"But you are here now," I pointed out to him.

"That's because it was Jordan's idea," Jake whined. Then he looked at me, "I don't deserve him."


Letting out a laugh, I rolled my eyes at him. I'm sure Jake felt so much more at ease to finally be open to me about his dating preferences. There really wasn't a reason for me to treat him any differently, but it was probably still really hard for him. I'm sure Jordan helped a lot and I'm glad that my best friend had finally found someone to make him a better person. If only I could do the same for myself.

"Jake, I'm confused," I suddenly said. Making him look at me, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing with this new life."

Jake let out a sigh as he sat up on the bed. He then faced me and made me turn to face him. We now sat face to face as he grabbed hold of my hands with his. A serious sympathetic look on his face.

"I can understand what you are going through, Leah. That is why I refuse to leave your side. You need me right now because all of this is just so confusing to you," Jake stated, "I will never have to go through this, but I know Jackson is going through the same thing. Maybe you can rely on him when things get really tough."

I went to say something but Jake placed his hand over my mouth making me shut it. His look of disapproval told me that he didn't want me to interrupt him. So I just rolled my eyes and let him continue.

"I know you don't like to rely on anyone ever since your sister died, but you can at least talk to my brother when you need some help sorting through some things. You can also come to me to talk some sense into you if you need it," Jake continued. He even poked the baby bump that was quickly forming, "Just focus on what is important right now. Your children are going to need you since their dad has found his soulmate and probably won't help much with them. They'll be just as confused because of the blood bonding thing that saved their lives. They need you, Leah. Not this family. Not David. Just your children need you."

Letting his words sink in, it made sense in a way. It also put my mind at ease a little bit. The message Jake wasn't saying is that I should just focus on myself and find my own place in the family. I shouldn't be relying on being told what to do, where to go, or who to be with. Those are all things I needed to do on my one.

"Thanks, Jake. I'm glad you are here for me," I told him with a smile. Making him smile in return.

"So what are you going to do about the whole Derik thing anyways?" Jake suddenly asked.

Shrugging my shoulders I responded, "I have no idea. I don't see him much to know what he plans on doing with his share of responsibilities. He's probably out with whoever he connected with."

Jake nodded his head in agreement. Then pulled out his phone and texted someone before looking back at me, "Let's find out. It's best to have a plan before the responsibilities are born."

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