《A Vampire's Complications》Chapter Eight


The ride back to the tower was a quiet one. Ashley didn't ask any questions about the conversation I had with Nana. Which was kind of nice, since I needed time to sort through my thoughts. She even made sure that no one talked to me while I went to my room. But before I closed the door behind me, I asked her to bring Derik because I needed to have a serious talk with him.

After closing the door, I knew it would be a while before he arrived. I decided that in all that was going on, I hadn't taken a shower. Deciding that was a good idea, I headed for the bathroom. I turned on the water and laid out a towel for when I was done.

As I slowly stripped down, I finally took in the small baby bump forming. I couldn't remember how far along I was and it was probably a good thing. If I was barely showing halfway through my pregnancy, I would have probably panicked. Thinking I was too small to be that far along. Especially when I was having twins.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I entered the shower and gave myself a good scrub down. I felt dirty from the many days I probably didn't shower. My thoughts reeling in my head. My brain tried to make sense of enough things so that way I could function properly. It felt like my shower wasn't long enough when I decided to get out and wrap myself with a towel.

Exiting the bathroom, I didn't expect to find Derik sitting on the couch. It took me by surprise because he was sitting in the dark.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?" I hear myself ask him. He just looked at me for a quick second.

"You plan on getting dressed?" he said as he looked at the floor under his feet.

Quickly I ran into the closet and threw on some sweatpants and a tight fitting tank top. I didn't even bother putting on underwear because I didn't want Derik to wait longer than he already has.


Returning to the living area of my room, I turned on some lights. I didn't realize how dark it had gotten as I glanced outside. "How long was I in the shower?" I said to no one in particular.

"You wanted to talk?" Derik said, catching my attention. I looked at him but he wasn't really looking at me. Instead he was staring at my midsection, "I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear you confessing about that."

My hand instinctively landed on the bump. Only giving me confirmation that I shouldn't have done what I did earlier, "They aren't David's, Derik." He looked at me a little shocked, "They are your's. I haven't been with anyone other than you."

The look on his face told me that he didn't believe me. I wouldn't either if I were him, but I had to at least fix something from our relationship. Even if there was no chance of us ever getting together. Only because that draw I had towards him was gone. It was as if he didn't want to try himself to fix whatever happened between us.

"I was going to lie saying that they were David's because I was still a little hurt from how things ended between us. I felt like you were looking for reasons to not trust me, but if I lied then I was only proving to you that you were alone in this world," I told him honestly.

He stood up with a sigh. I expected him to hug me or even caress my cheek, but he didn't do any of that. He just gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Leah. For telling me."

After that he then went to leave my room. But I had one more question that could answer the feeling I was getting between us. The reason why he was cold to me and only acting like a good friend, "You found her, didn't you? Your soulmate."

Derik didn't turn to look at me, instead he just answered as he exited the door, "Thanks for leading me to her."


"Derik found his soulmate?" Ashley said as she sat with me on my couch. I had called her to come over as soon as it sank in that Derik was no longer interested in me. She looked just as surprised as me, "That is surprising. I was sure he was going to continue to chase after you until the day he died."

"Who do you think it is?" I asked her. She only gave me a shrug of her shoulders as a response, "Do you think he will still take responsibility of the twins?"

Ashley let out a sigh as she gave me a serious look, "What are you going to do if he doesn't?"

"I don't know," I responded, feeling defeated.

Ashley rolled her eyes as she spoke what was on her mind, "I know I'm no Jake when it comes to this, but I will try my best. No one knows what Derik is thinking half of the time. I think that is why they are mostly scared of him. But I feel like he will take responsibility because he sure as hell won't let David do it for him."

That last sentence made me laugh because of how true it was. Even if he had found his soulmate, Derik wouldn't let anyone else raise his kids. Then I had a sobering thought. I still had to tell David about what I decided to do and he wasn't going to like it.

"How am I going to tell David?" I suddenly asked.

Ashley rolled her eyes and stood up from her spot on the couch, "You don't. He isn't your husband or anything, so you don't need to tell him if you don't want to."

Just hearing that made me feel better. I was sure she would be like Amanda and tell me that I needed to talk to David about these things. But luckily Ashley was the complete opposite. It probably had to do with the way she grew up and how she was still adjusting being part of the family.

"Which reminds me, I have a surprise for you," as soon as she said that there was a knock on the door leading to the main hallway, "And there is your surprise."

I stayed where I was as she went to answer the door. Leaning forward, I tried to see who was at the door. And, the moment I saw who it was, I nearly screamed out of excitement as I jumped off the couch.

"Jake!" I yelled as I ran into his welcoming arms and hugged him like my life depended on it.

Ashley stood behind him with a proud look on her face, "Every girl needs her gay best friend."

She couldn't have been more right. I didn't realize how much I missed Jake until I saw him walk through that door. He was going to have to live with me hanging off his side from now on because I wasn't letting him leave my sight. Jordan was going to have to learn to share now.

Jake managed to peel me off of him so he could hold me at arms length away from him. He scanned me as if he was making sure I was doing okay and if I was being treated with the respect I deserved.

"Still the same, Leah," he said and then poked the baby bump, "Except for that part." he looked at me with a questioning look, "Why was I not told about this?"

Guilt flooded me as I realized that I kept something pretty big from him. Being my best friend he should have been one of the first people I told. Instead I kept it from him.

Placing a hand on my stomach I responded, "I'm a bad friend. I should have told your about being pregnant when I first found out."

"You think?" he said acting as if he was hurt and angry at the same time. Making me pout back at him. He ended up laughing and hugged me again, "I just missed you. Home just isn't the same without you."

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