《Chronicles of Rathia - The Era of Blood》Chapter Thirteen - Dungeon Subjugation


When I got to the point on the map where I needed to venture into the forest, it all looked like it was engulfed in an orange glow as the sun was setting behind me. I didn’t want night to fall before I made it to the dungeon entrance so I started to make haste while following the map.

By the time I could see a cave entrance, darkness was already filling the surroundings. Once I was closer, I saw that there was a post with a skull upon it with black fabric hanging off of it. Seeing it reminded me of the run in I had with a goblin shaman before making it out of that forest except the fabric was blue and there were more posts littered everywhere. After confirming this was the dungeon, I started to make my way into the passageway.

I walked along the dark tunnel until the entrance behind me was no longer in vision, for a while longer it was dark until I saw flickering light creeping around the corner ahead. When I turned the corner, it opened into a large room that had metal carts filled with rocks and pickaxes scattered across the ground. My eyes made their way to a green creature that had a tattered piece of leather on it in the far back and it looked like it just noticed me. I quickly grab at my sword when I see the goblin flailing around and screeching. It stopped screeching when it’s hands landed on the ground and grabbed at what looks to be half of a pickaxe as the others laying around were.

Before it could make a move, I pressed forward. As I took a step, it quickly reached for something on the ground and threw it at me. Unsure of what it was, I quickly raised my sword to block the incoming projectile. After a quick moment of nothing followed by something hitting the ground in front of me, I then drop my guard to see a rock roll towards me. By the time I looked up towards the goblin again, I saw another rock flying towards me as the goblin was reaching for another.

I had a moment of uncertainty on what to do before deciding on putting my blade up and running forwards. By the time I cleared half of the distance towards the goblin, I heard a lot of rumbling coming from behind it. I quickly stopped to see what's coming and noticed that the goblin stopped throwing rocks and was repeatedly slamming it’s weapon into the ground. The rumbling became louder and shortly after the source came pouring into the room.


The source belonged to tons of goblins which started to fill the room ahead of me. They all looked to be wearing either tattered cloth or leather and majority of them had pickaxes or clubs while one had a dagger and another had a short sword and small wooden shield.

After confirming all eight goblins were in front of me, I then darted towards them before they had a moment to come at me. Most were startled by me charging in, but a few were not and several of them quickly walked forwards to challenge me. Once I was close enough to the three that challenged me, I swung towards them. Since their height was about half of my own, it was quite easy to swing at their heads. Before the three could react, my blade was already carving its way through the first goblin. When my blade connected with the second, I started to feel more resistance as I broke through the seconds skull. By the time the second goblin's head was carved through, the third one realised what was happening but all it could do was turn its head towards the blade. Unfortunately I didn’t put enough force to break through all three skulls and it got stuck half way through the thirds.

I held my blade at an angle to let the goblin slide off of it. As the body collided with the ground, the goblins around me started to screech. I looked around me to confirm the five remaining were all in front of me. After doing so, I focused towards the one directly in front of me which was the one with a sword and shield who was wearing unlike the other except for the one beside it a necklace decorated with fangs, claws, black jewels and what looked to be a monster essence but the the mana was thin enough you couldn’t see any color from the distance between him and I.

Since I took a while studying the one in front of me, the two on the sides both came in for an attack. With little time to either swing or block, I jump back to make distance. Clang! The two goblins pickaxes collide into the ground of where I was. They looked a bit shocked at first but quickly ran back towards the rest of the goblins. The one in front that looked like it’s leader, pointed out it’s blade towards me and started growling before screeching out.


“ScrEEE!” a loud screech was then followed by all the goblins charging at me. Quickly accessing which ones will reach me first, I then get ready to counter attack their charge. The first to be in swords length were the ones on both sides. Deciding to deal with the one on the left first, I swing straight down to cut right through it. Unfortunately as soon my blade was free again, the one on the right was close enough to attack. I feel a sharp pain as the pickaxe pierces my shoulder. Before the goblin could pull it out, I instinctively grabbed at the head of the pickaxe and ripped it out of my shoulder and it’s hands and threw it behind me.

I shove my elbow into the goblins gut to force it off me. With little time before the next goblin to attack, I quickly jump towards the one I killed to the left. After creating distance, I look at the three that were running at me, the one that looked like the leader and one that was now barehanded and another with a club.

The one with the club reached me first and was swinging at me, instead of blocking, I swung my blade and it cut through it’s club with ease before it could make it close to me. The goblins dropped to the ground grabbing at it’s wound that I caused while cutting it’s club and was screeching out. Distracted for a moment, I felt a fist fly into my right cheek . Caught off guard by it, my head jolts to the left and I get a glimpse of another goblin with the dagger behind me, closing in for a kill.

Once it’s fist slid off my face, I quickly swung and beheaded the one that punched me. BeforeI could turn to deal with the one behind me, the leader already closed in and I saw it’s blade coming down towards me. With no time to dodge, I block the incoming strike. As soon as our swords clashed with a clang, a piercing pain spread across my body from a blade entering in my other shoulder.

I push my blade forward to create some distance from the one in front of me. I started to feel the pain in my shoulder being pulled down by lots of weight as the goblin hung off the dagger that was deep in my shoulder. I grab at the goblins hands which were on the dagger and rip it out of me. With the goblin unable to escape from me while I was crushing it’s hands, I then threw the goblin to the wall beside me. Before it’s body hits the ground, I pierce my blade into its chest.

As I pulled my blade out, I heard footsteps to my right and quickly turned my attention to it. I see the goblin within swords length and decide to end it quickly, slicing down. What was met was no resistance but me being jolted to the side from my blade being thrown off course. After realising that the goblin hit my blade to the side with it’s shield, it was already swinging down it’s blade at me. Before it could connect, I threw a fist into the goblins gut. The blade was brought back as the goblin grabbed at it’s gut, stumbling backwards.

Before giving it time to recover, my blade met with its neck and started carving it’s way through. After its body hits the ground, I confirm all the bodys around me. Once all eight were accounted for, I reached for the pouch of clanging glass and pulled out a piece of dried meat. I take a bite of the meat and compose myself before checking deeper into the cave, just in case.

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