《Ultimate Economic System》An Office Party


After Ge Liang's late night stint, he was all tired out. However, he did now have a good plan. If he needed to raise his employee satisfaction score with him, he would host an office party! That for sure would make the employees like him... that would be great! He quickly gathered up his materials like confetti, drinks, dodgeballs and air-soft guns! All his party supplies were shaking and rolling about in his hands, though, so he had to buy a shopping cart just to haul the items around! Damn, was he going to be broke after this. In total, he had pretty much spent all his savings on the party supplies, and now he really hoped his plan was right and it was worth it... He still thought about his family back home. The funds with which Ge Liang was hosting the party with could feed his family for months. However, Ge Liang steeled himself and went through with it. When he was successful, he told himself, his family could live in a mansion with the lifestyle of a billionaire tycoon. He started heading to the office in the supermarket, where the employees whispered: "There goes Cool Liang again, I wonder what he's doing with all those supplies!" "Hey! It's Cool Liang! There he goes again... I hope we'll get to play with those air-soft guns! They look really cool..." One employee was standing in the corner of the office. He was the old assistant manager. He had been kicked out to make room for Ge Liang, a newcomer.... He had already been working here for years, and the company just shunted him aside for a teenager who was barely 20. Of course he had party supplies.... he was probably planning something else to catch all the employees' admiration and praise. Deep inside, he had always wanted something like that to happen to him. Ge Liang just seemed so powerful and smart and popular that he couldn't even compare. This was his life. The job that he had taken was one that he thought he'd have for life. Ge Liang had instantly ruined his chances for higher promotion and seniority within the company, and now he knew he had to ruin things for Ge Liang. Many an employee had crossed him on his path to being the assistant manager of the shop, and he wasn't going to let Ge Liang let all the effort go to waste! Ge Liang paid no attention to the person standing in the corner. All he needed was 70% happiness! He didn't care if one or two people were jealous of him, it was their own fault for being incompetent! He started up the party and began setting things up in the office. He had already called his manager last night about his plan, and the manager agreed as they needed to raise office morale after a series of layoffs from the company after this store branch did not reach their expected earnings quota from the company. As he was setting up, the competent employee with less loyalty that Ge Liang had seen in his Employee Management tool tab walked up to Ge Liang. "What is happening? Why are you setting up party supplies in the office?" "Because we are having a party. The manager agreed that we would have a party to have fun today!" That employee walked away with his mind confused. At first, he wanted to be loyal to the old assistant manager, they had been friends for a long time, and he was always fair. However, this new assistant manager didn't seem so bad and he wanted to give him a chance. Therefore, he was torn and sad as he didn't want to offend and ruin his relationship with Ge Liang, but he also wanted to stay loyal to his old friend! He went off confused and sad about his choices, leaving the office. "What's his problem?" Ge Liang thought. Maybe he's just tired. I guess it's time to start the party now! As he went through the activities, dodgeball, air-soft, and other party games, he constantly checked his Employee Management tool. He also asked for a way to see everyone in the shop's average opinion of him, but he was notified that "that particular benefit is not available to you yet". Wow... he really needed to start upgrading things! However, everyone's opinion of him rose and rose, except for one, the surly old assistant manager. Ge Liang was having the time of his life watching satisfaction numbers rise while also playing fun party games! As far as he was concerned, this was a great day. 26% of people now had a *High* satisfaction level with him.


*Satisfaction Levels work like so.*

*Low: Below 50% Loyalty/Happiness*

*Medium: 50-70% Loyalty/Happiness*

*High: 70-90% Loyalty/Happiness*

*Pinnacle: 90-100% Loyalty/Happiness*

Great! That meant that over a quarter of the shop at least respected and liked him. After the party, he approached all the employees and gave gifts and talked about work and life, and eventually everyone at least formed basic respect for him. That was considered a success in Ge Liang's book, as he could always continue raising that satisfaction level. He still had the rest of the afternoon to train out his skills, so he decided to take on everyone's non-voluntary overtime, further increasing everyone's happiness with him and also increasing his business management skills!

*You have made a friend! Check Relationships tab to see!*

An Employee: Relationship Level, Acquaintances

Damn! The system wouldn't even tell him who this person was... but for the system to make a special announcement, there must be something special about this person! Maybe even a correlated quest. For now, Ge Liang again headed to bed.

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